Lakota spirituality and, 315;
war pipe, 57–58, 97
Sacred Calf Pipe, 315
Saline River, 50
Sand Creek Massacre, 78–79, 83
Sandoz, Mari, 49, 66, 277
Sans Arc (Lakota tribal division): grand council of 1851 and, 19–21;
refuge in Canada, 262;
resistance to white settlement, 74;
resumption of raids by, 134;
surrender of, 247, 253–54, 270, 320;
Teton division of, 7
Santee Dakotas, 95, 201. See also Minnesota
Sante Fe Trail, 53
Saone Lakotas, 7, 33
Saville, John J., 175, 181–82
Sawyers, James A., 87
Scattering Bear, 21, 31–32, 35
Schools. See Education
Scott’s Bluff, 41, 139, 407n1
Second Dragoons, 50
Self-torture: in grief and mourning, 9, 170;
in seeking spiritual power, 64;
Sun Dance ritual of, 14, 203–204, 312, 314
Seven Generations Plan, 189–92
Shadow vision, 64
Shell Blanket Woman, 173, 433n2
Shell Boy, 178, 346, 363–65
Sheridan, Philip H., 165, 175–81, 192–93, 202, 245–48, 279–80, 302, 313, 336–37, 343–44, 378–81
Sherman, William T., 122–25, 134, 137, 160, 165, 176, 181, 302, 313
Shirt Wearers: Big Road as, 127, 133, 331;
Black Fox as, 334;
Black Twin as, 194;
ceremony, 105–106, 119–21;
Crazy Horse as, 122–23, 130–31, 144, 147, 416n13;
iwastela policy and, 149, 159;
Red Cloud as, 124–25;
responsibilities of, 121–22, 128–29, 132
Shopp, Benjamin R., 320
Short Bull, 71, 129, 178, 200, 209, 221, 224, 234
Shoshones: as army scouts, 205–208, 242, 248;
grand council of 1851 and, 19–21;
impact of white settlement on, 19;
killing of Male Crow, 9–10;
Lakota attacks on, 61–62, 129–30, 149, 154–56, 179
Sibley, Frederick W., 240
Sicun as source of power: childbirth and, 6;
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair) and, 60–61, 64–67, 264, 277;
guardian spirits as, 42, 60, 64, 270;
in vision quest, 47–48;
in warfare, 50–51;
woksape and, 278. See also Charms, protective power of
Sihasapa (Blackfoot Sioux) (Lakota tribal division), 7, 19–21, 29, 44, 74
Siksicela band, 299
Simpson, James F., 361
Sitting Bull: Battle of the Little Bighorn, 213, 216, 221–24, 234;
Canadian trade with, 95;
peace treaty approval, 120;
refuge in Canada, 260, 272–73, 324, 333, 397;
resistance ideology of, 184–89, 259–60;
return from Canada, 333–34, 345;
separatism ideology of, 74, 154;
visions of, 202–204;
as war chief, 55, 153, 161–63, 420n8;
warrior societies and, 177. See also Hunkpapas
Slemmer, A. J., 122–24
Smallpox, 19
Smith, Algernon E., 226
Smoke, 12, 30, 78, 121, 316
Solomon River, 50
Sore Backs (Oglala band), 299, 327
South Platte River, 50–52, 74–80, 184. See also Platte River
Spider, 115, 129, 376, 388
Spirituality: Red Road of, 278;
sacred bundles and, 315;
sacred power in war, 50–51;
self-torture in seeking, 64;
of Shirt Wearers, 119–20;
sicun power and, 47–48;
vision quest and ritual in, 12, 276–78;
wakan powers of the pipe, 39–40;
Wakan Tanka and, 14
Spleen (Oglala band), 8, 300, 308–10, 325, 332–33, 424n3, 453n13, 466n18, 476n23
Spotted Eagle, 161–62, 169, 193, 236, 240, 260–62, 293
Spotted Tail, 288
Spotted Tail (CH uncle), 11, 32–33, 43
Spotted Tail Agency: army scouts from, 299–301, 315, 343, 388;
Crazy Horse arrest, 367–73;
Crazy Horse at, 310–14, 324, 327–29, 334, 363–65, 455n12, 467n39;
Crazy Horse funeral, 294, 393–94, 475n19;
Crazy Horse shooting at, 388–93;
Miniconjou and Sans Arcs at, 301;
surrenders at, 174, 212, 260–66, 275, 279, 320, 344–48, 359
Standing Bear (CH cousin), 187, 232–33, 236, 366, 372, 376, 382–84
Standing Bull, 8, 90
Standing Bull IV, 161
Stands Straddle, 173, 433n2
Stanley, David S., 160, 166, 169
Steamboats: Carroll, 241;
Far West, 236, 241;
Missouri River, 13, 18, 46, 54, 76, 132–33, 165, 202;
Yellowstone River, 212
Strong Heart Society, 29, 43–46, 54–55, 74–79, 84–85, 105, 231, 276, 410n14
Struck by Crow, 61
Sumner, Edwin V., 50
Sun Dance: 1842, 8;
1849, 19;
1865, 86–88;
1866, 93;
1867, 102, 107–108;
1868, 119–22;
1870, 150, 152;
1871, 159, 162;
1875, 182, 184–87;
1876, 201–206;
1877, 301, 307, 310–15;
in Lakota society, 8;
ritual of, 310–13;
in seeking spiritual power, 64;
wakan powers and, 14
Sweat lodge purification, 39–40, 60, 67, 145, 174
Swift Bear, 53
Sword Owner, 97, 102–104, 159, 449n25
Tackett, Charley, 367, 374–75
Tackett, Susan, 310
Tall Bull, 263, 273, 449n20
Tasunke Witko (Crazy Horse), 59
Taylor, Edward B., 91
Terry, Alfred H., 202, 204, 212–14, 217, 225, 234, 240–41
Teton Lakota, 6–7, 53–56
They Are Afraid of Her (Kokipapi), 157–59, 170–72, 432n34
Three Bears, 339–43, 355, 362, 376, 465n9
Thunder Beings, 39, 42–45, 48, 64–66, 210
Thunder dreamer: Crazy Horse (father of Curly Hair) as, 12, 39, 60;
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair) as, 64, 287;
Curly Hair as, 14, 39, 56;
heyoka as, 44–45, 48;
Horn Chips as, 39;
sacred power of, 42;
vision interpretations of, 43;
Young Man Afraid of His Horse as, 50
Thunder power, 43, 62, 68, 152, 264, 363, 407n2, 407n4
Thunder Tail, 137–38, 211, 280, 299
Tibbetts, Ben, 297, 308–309
Tiyospaye (lodge group), defined, 7
Tongue River Cantonment, 242, 247–52, 255, 259, 270–72, 280, 333
Touch the Clouds, 13, 144–46, 191–92, 246, 260, 270, 292, 315, 324–28, 337–42, 366–95
Trader’s Trail, 33, 55
Trade/trade goods: ammunition as, 76–77, 95, 108, 124, 179, 259–60, 327, 340;
buffalo robe economy and, 75;
Canadian Métis and, 76, 95, 167, 260;
firearms, 167;
great council of 1857 and, 55;
horses as, 44, 108;
and interethnic relations, 80, 116;
iwastela and, 139;
off-reservation, 122, 124, 128–29;
in peace negotiations, 107, 116, 134–35;
restricted to reservations, 122–24;
treaty alliances for, 17–18;
treaty giveaways of, 21–23;
whiskey as, 27, 132
Trading posts: Black Hills, 151;
Bordeaux, James, 31;
Bozeman Trail, 108, 116;
Fort Laramie, 29, 77–78, 116, 122–23, 1
39, 150–51;
Fort Sarpy, 63;
Guerrier, 33, 151;
Missouri River, 17, 74;
Platte River, 26–27, 84, 104, 422n41;
Red Cloud Agency, 135, 151;
tribal policy toward, 55, 75
Treaties: 1825 trade treaties, 17–18;
1851 treaty, 19–23, 27, 53, 63, 89, 151;
1865 treaty, 89–90;
1866 treaty, 90–93;
1868 treaty, 120, 124, 133, 150–51, 176;
Great Sioux Reservation, 122;
intertribal rivalries from, 128. See also U.S. government; Washington, DC
Treaty annuities: 1851 treaty, 151;
Black Hills Seven Generations Plan and, 190–91;
Cheyennes and, 184;
Crazy Horse acceptance of, 297–98, 329, 453n1;
Fort Laramie treaty council and, 116;
Fort Sully accords of 1865 and, 89–90;
government reductions of, 30, 44, 54, 107;
great council of 1857 and, 54;
guns and ammunition in, 174–75;
Harney treaty and, 46, 422n41;
Horse Creek Treaty and, 20, 89;
intertribal tension regarding, 29, 75;
nontreaty Indians and, 194;
Red Cloud acceptance of, 90–91;
Red Cloud Agency and, 150–51, 158–59;
sale of Black Hills and, 191;
warrior societies and, 73–74, 177, 408n17. See also Rationing
Tribal police, warrior societies as, 46. See also Akicita
True (Original) Oglala (Oglala band). See Oglala Proper
Tunkan wasicun (spirit rock), 67
Turning Bear, 162, 261, 376–77, 382–84, 388
Twiss, Thomas S., 33–35, 43–46, 55
Two Face, 80
Two Kettles (Lakota tribal division), 7, 19–21, 77
Two Lance, 327–28
Two Moons, 199–200, 228, 253–56, 261, 265
Unceded Indian lands: Black Hills Commission of 1875 and, 430n7;
Black Hills Seven Generations Plan, 189–92;
Great Sioux Reservation and, 122–25;
hunting grounds as, 117;
iwastela and, 132–33;
peace negotiations and, 139, 151;
sale of hunting rights in, 246;
white encroachment into, 160
Unci (Grandmother Earth), 39–40
Unci Makoce (Grandmother’s Land), 185
Union Pacific Railroad, 113, 124, 134–36, 148–49, 159, 180, 245, 343, 378
Unktehi (Underground Powers), 66, 68
Upper Platte Agency, 74
U.S. Army: control of Indian Affairs, 122–25, 192–93;
Crazy Horse arrest, 353–84;
Crazy Horse imprisonment, 384–88;
Crazy Horse killing, 389–90;
Department of the Platte, 124, 189, 193, 242, 264–66, 274, 336;
Indian executions by, 80;
Indian imprisonment by, 250, 326;
Indian raids on, 133–37;
posts at Indian agencies, 176–77;
posts in Indian Territory, 20, 91–94;
role in protecting Indians, 30, 44;
troop morale and training, 238–39. See also Army scouts; Artillery units; Battles; Cavalry units; Great Sioux War; Infantry units; Nez Perce campaign
U.S. Army military actions: Bates Battle, 179–80;
Battle of the Rosebud, 65, 207–12, 237, 438n25;
Battle of the Yellowstone, 167–69;
Blackfoot massacre, 134;
Blue Water Creek action, 33–35, 43–44;
Cheyenne, 50–54;
Grattan “Massacre,” 30–32, 407n1;
Platte Bridge hostilities, 84–86;
Sand Creek Massacre, 78–79, 83;
Sappa Creek massacre, 184;
Wagon Box Fight, 109–13, 167. See also Great Sioux War
U.S. Army military districts: Department of Columbia, 336;
Department of the Dakotas, 193, 336;
Department of the Plains, 86;
Department of the Platte, 124, 189, 193, 242, 264–66, 274, 336;
District of the Black Hills, 245–46, 306;
Fort Laramie, 80, 86;
Great Sioux Reservation as, 122
U.S. government: Black Hills seizure by, 192–93;
ceremonial gift exchanges with, 18–19;
Grant’s peace policy, 134;
Indian conciliation policy, 139–40, 149, 176, 180, 245;
Indian delegation to, 150–51;
Indian policy, 112–13, 166;
Lakota alliance with, 20–22, 30, 54, 60, 120. See also Peace policy; Treaties; Washington, D.C.
Utah, Mormon migration to, 19
Utes, 70, 149
Utley, Robert M., 83
Van Vliet, Frederick, 361
Vestal, Stanley, 261
Vision quest: Black Hills importance to, 54–55;
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 60–61, 191, 267–70, 276–78;
Curly Hair, 35, 39–43, 407n1;
Lakota spirituality and, 12, 14;
sicun power in, 47–48;
wakan powers of the pipe in, 39–40
Visions: badger, 64;
bear, 12, 59;
ceremony of healing, 270;
Crazy Horse, 64–67, 191, 413n18;
day, 64;
Horn Chips, 24, 67;
role in Lakota society, 12;
shadow, 64;
Sitting Bull, 202–204;
winkte, 97
Vroom, Peter D, 210
Wacekiyapi, 170
Wagon Box Fight, 109–13, 167
Wakan Tanka (Great Holy): Curly Hair relationship with, 6, 14;
Curly Hair vision quest and, 41–43;
Horn Chips visions and, 24;
Lakota spirituality and, 14;
manifestations of, 67;
Painted Cliffs petroglyphs and, 154, 187;
sacred colors of, 119
Wakpamni Tanka (Year of the Big Giveaway), 21
Walker, Samuel, 86
Wanagi-yata (Spirit Land), 149
Warfare: Bear visions and, 12;
celebrations of victory in, 58–59;
counting coup in, 48;
Euro-American influence on, 17;
Great Sioux War tactics of, 211–12;
growing white settlement and, 46;
strategy against whites, 54, 166–67, 236–37;
Thunder visions and, 12, 14;
use of sacred power in, 50–51;
winning battle honors in, 46, 53, 70
War pipe: to avenge Male Crow death, 10;
to avenge Sand Creek, 78–79;
to avenge Scattering Bear death, 32;
as battle honors, 57–58;
for Bozeman Trail raids, 94–95;
call to fight Americans, 75–76, 96;
Crow wars, 63;
for Overland Trail raids, 33;
against Shoshones, 118. See also Pipes
Warrior societies: akicita role of, 46, 120;
great council of 1857 and, 54;
political role of, 20–21, 177, 404n7;
resistance to white settlement, 33, 151;
separatism ideology, 73–74. See also Crazy Dog Society; Crow Owners Society; Dog Soldiers; Kit Fox Society; Last Born Child Society; Miwatani Society; Omaha Society; Strong Heart Society; White Packstrap Society
Washington, D. C: Black Hills delegation, 182–83, 187–90;
Crazy Horse as delegate, 137–39, 298, 308–12, 325–27;
Oglala delegations, 20, 135–36, 147, 292, 301–37, 394;
Red Cloud delegation, 150–51, 278–79, 323–24
Wasigla, 173
Water Spirits, 66
Wazhazha Lakota, 21, 31, 34, 46, 104, 128, 310, 395, 453n13
Waziyata Oyate (Northern Nation). See Northern Nation (Waziyata Oyate)
Weapons: American superiori
ty in, 95, 100, 178, 211, 238, 244;
Crazy Horse surrender of, 298, 359;
Curly Hair training with, 14–15;
Indian access to firearms, 17, 95, 111–12, 167, 238;
Indian surrender of, 278, 283–84, 298;
issued to army scouts, 299;
symbolism of, 359;
as treaty annuities, 174–75
Wessells, Henry W., 379, 396
Whetstone Creek Agency, 129, 131–32, 134, 313
Whirlwind Bear, 132
Whirlwind Soldier, 376
White Bear, 299
White Buffalo ceremony, 62
White Bull, 163, 227–31
White Eagle, 253, 262
White Eagle Bull, 262
White Horse Creek, 475n19
White Horse Owners Society, 115, 124, 183
White Packstrap Society, 115, 177, 182, 189, 191, 418n32
White River: agency location at, 161, 174–76, 184–91, 202–203, 265–66, 274, 318, 328–36, 394–96;
Crazy Horse at, 299, 343–44;
Crazy Horse defection from, 347–50, 357–65;
Crazy Horse surrender at, 283;
Crook return to, 301–304;
political importance of, 307–308, 314;
Washington delegation from, 316–17
White settlement: in Canada, 260;
great council of 1857 and, 55–56;
growth of, 46, 53;
impact on Lakota culture, 18–19;
Indian accommodation of, 53;
Lakota declaration of war on, 76–77;
Panic of 1873 and, 169, 180;
railroads and, 132–33, 150;
resistance to, 73–74;
resumption of raids on, 133–37;
Yellowstone valley, 159–60. See also Accommodation of white settlement; Iwastela
Wicasa itancan (chief), 8
Wicasa wakan, 6, 12, 14
Winkte, 97
Winnebagos, 49, 86–87, 89, 92
Woksape, 278
Wolf Mountains, 206–208, 214, 255–61, 266
Wolf Point Agency, 241, 397
Woman Dress, 316, 326, 354–56, 363, 383–87, 463n5, 466n18
Women: army killing of, 34, 78, 184, 217, 221, 243–44, 249;
childbirth and, 5–6, 172;
courtship and marriage, 127–28;
importance in family life, 148, 152, 264;
intermarriage with traders, 18;
marriage and divorce, 143–44;
ritual sacrifice of, 45, 48–49;
self-mutilation, 9;
trade goods for, 260;
on war parties, 164, 208;
winkte as, 97
Wooden Leg, 249
Worm (formerly Crazy Horse, father of Curly Hair): anger against Americans, 83;
Crazy Horse arrest and, 375;
Crazy Horse burial, 393–96;
Crazy Horse death and, 389–92;
gift of prophecy, 63;
sacred power transfer to Curly Hair, 60. See also Crazy Horse (father of Curly Hair)
Wotawe charms, 53, 60
Wounded Knee Creek, 328, 394, 475n19