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Mrs & Mrs

Page 8

by Berri Fox

  Jess slides up my body, grazing my skin with her nipples. I take a breath, smiling as I look up at her. She leans down, very gently kissing me.

  My hands come up like claws. I grab her head and pull her even tighter against me, pushing my tongue into her mouth. She bows at my touch, body almost falling against mine as she fights for control. I run my hands down her body, pulling her down as I move to the side.

  I let Jess fall as I sit up beside her. I push her down and the way she pliantly obeys me causes fire to rise in my pussy as well as in my heart.

  Oh, to have a rope, a vibrator… Any kind of toy on me. To see her bend like that and submit while I thrash her with something big and hard…

  I lean over her, using my left hand to tease up her thigh and open her pussy. I cradle myself against her, holding her to me with my right hand while my left fingers her, pushing deeper and deeper.

  She grabs me hard, shuddering and crying out under my grip. I pump my fingers even harder, feeling her hot lips pulsing against me. I need to taste her again and I just sit up and throw my leg over her to dive on her clit.

  I hadn’t done it intentionally, but as my lips touch her clit, I realize I’ve slipped us into the sixty-nine position. I wonder if she’s going to be bold enough to participate but only for a second. As I let myself slide into her with my tongue, I feel her hands caress my thighs and her tongue on my pussy.

  I lean down, wrapping my arms around her thighs. From behind me, she does the same. A delicious to and fro begins between us. At first, both of us squirm, deadlocked as we fight for control. I hear myself growling as I try to take possession of her pussy and I’m pulled away by her arms on my thighs.

  I hear Jess giggle as she tugs me back towards her and her lips and tongue spoil me from the ass all the way to my clit. For a few seconds my attention is completely take and I raise my head to howl as she clamps me against her and draws out another earth-shaking orgasm.

  When I can breathe again, I rock forward against her arms, giving her the same attention. A rhythm starts up, a flowing tide. Even though we’re still fighting for control, it slips into a gentle motion and the pleasure builds slowly between us.

  I let her draw another orgasm out of me before I change positions. The feel of her lips in my cunt while I’m buried in hers at the same time is literally mind blowing, but my dominance is rising.

  She’s such a sweet, little treat. Its gorgeous that she’s got a bit of spirit and can tease me up—and bring me to climax so swiftly.

  Not many people can do that. My orgasms have always been my own affair, even when I’m with someone else. I come when I say so, not because I’m a quivering mess under someone else’s attention.

  Its been a lovely surprise that Jess can take control of my body and give me such release. Both of us coming together is an experience that blows all others out of the water. But something in me has risen. Something hungry, towering and dark.

  I crawl forward, flipping off her to land between her legs. Jess looks up at me lazily, face blank from pleasure and exhaustion. I reach out and touch her legs gently, then grip them firmly as I flip her over.

  She moves with such complete submission its like having my clit pinched by hot, hard fingers. I sit on my knees, running my hand over her ass cheeks and admiring the view.

  She moans gently, a little happy sound, almost muffled by the sheets. I grip her ass cheeks hard, squeezing them, then slapping her ass as hard as I can. She giggles under me and it just turns me on even more.

  I grab her thighs and tug her towards me. I run my tongue along her ass and pussy, punishing her. She wriggles under me, gasping as her pussy starts to throb and pulse all over again.

  My clit is burning, desperate for release. I position myself against the mattress and start to grind my clit against it while I told Jess tight against me. My tongue darts into her ass, slicking across the hole then plunging deep into her pussy, licking as deep as I can.

  She rocks against me, all the will and resistance bled from her. She’s a doll, she’s loose and lusty, running through my hands like wet, slick clay.

  I can hear my moans slipping out around each mouthful as I eat her, feeling her clit hot and hard under my tongue. I keep grinding myself into the mattress, pulling her tighter against me as I run my tongue between her clit and her asshole.

  Her muffled moans match my own, a rising crescendo that is completely in sync. I can tell by her breathy sounds that she’s beyond talking, beyond even thinking. I’m in almost the same state except for my fierce, burning dominance.

  The way she slumps against me, weak and trusting, is driving me mad. The limp response of her limbs and the lazy rocking from her knees—its exactly what I need to push me into a state of hyper arousal.

  I could do anything to her. She wouldn’t just take it, she’d embrace it.

  I stick my tongue into her as far as I can and the sobbing moan that leaps from her turns me into a rabid animal. I grind my clit hard against the mattress, feeling my inner and outer lips coming together in a massive spasm. I bring my lips to her ass and lick at the hole gently while I bring up two fingers and shove them into her pussy.

  She jumps, her whole body jerking against me. I push back against her, using my tongue on her ass and my fingers in her pussy to push her down, back into submission. She trembles, she crumbles under me. I start thrusting myself against the mattress in haphazard, short strokes, my tongue and fingers working crazily as I push towards my own orgasm.

  Just before I come, I grab her hips as hard as I can and eat into her pussy with my lips and tongue. She screams and shudders and I slam my clit hard against the mattress, feeling my pussy clench with more force than ever before. The orgasm seems to come from somewhere outside of me, its so powerful.

  Jess thrashes against me, small, helpless sounds bursting out of her. I’m gasping against her hot pussy as my lower body descends into chaos. I can barely move as pleasure rocks up my spine and my pussy pours juice through every spasm of my lips.

  For a few seconds, all I can do is breathe. I let her go and she falls on the mattress. After a second, she rolls over and beckons me with her hands.

  I manage to crawl towards her, collapsing on her chest. Our arms go around each other. Hot, wet skin, slick against each other. No words, no thoughts. Rippling, receding waves of unimaginable pleasure sway between us.

  Then there is nothing but our breath, easing back and forth between us like the sigh of the waves just outside the window.



  I was expecting that Ashley Carmichael would be the kind of woman who would want to move on quickly after sex. I figured once we were done that she’d be up and dressed and heading out for a drink or something. I was okay with that, after all it’s not like our relationship is the real thing.

  I really wasn’t expecting her to pull me against her bare chest and wrap her arms around me with a deep satisfied sigh. We wiggle a little until we’re both comfortable and the weight of her arms around me is a deep kind of soothing that I haven’t felt in a long time.

  It’s like being cared for.

  She runs her hands through my hair and when I glance up at her face I don’t see any hint of pity or discomfort in her face. She’s smiling blissfully, her eyes half closed as though she’s as relaxed as she seems. It’s not what I expected but I can’t say that I mind.

  I don’t remember the last time I let someone hold me close like this and treat me as though I’m precious. It’s enough to open a deep well of feeling in my chest and I burrow a little closer to her to try to hide that my eyes are welling.

  “You okay?” she asks, proving I am about as subtle as a tonne of bricks.

  I laugh a little to try to distract her from my sudden emotional state. “You’re not at all like what I expected,” I say softly.

  She chuckles in reply, the sound deep and soothing from her rib cage. Her long fingers tug a knot loose in my hair with surprising gentleness and she
smoothes her other hand down my back, helping me relax fully into the embrace. “Not quite the spoiled little bitch girl?”

  “You do have quite the reputation,” I agree, and I feel her shift to tuck my chin in to her chest.

  “I spent a lot of time forming that reputation,” she says, and it’s not her usual light-hearted tone. “Of course that’s a lot to do with my parents because what rich white kid’s drama isn’t about their parents in some way? Mama and Papa were hoping for a spare when they had me, just in case something should have happened to Robin. Instead they got a girl and from the way they acted you would have thought that they’d have been happier to have given birth to a puppy.”

  I make a noise of encouragement, barely daring to breathe. It feels like this is an important moment between us and I’m scared that if I move too suddenly she might realise what she’s doing and stop talking altogether.

  “I think my father spoke to me 3 times when I was growing up and my mother floated by on her way to work and patted me on the head while I was passed from nanny to nanny. Of course I figured out that the only thing that got their attention was when I misbehaved so I did that a lot.”

  Ashley stops for a moment and twists so she can look at me. “I made my nannies so mad that I ended up in boarding school and then I got expelled from five of them. By that point I was a really mad teen so I went to college even though my mother thought I should learn how to debutant properly instead. And I really leaned into the fuckboy thing, you know? My parents kept acting like I was this big disappointment to them so I was gonna play into it.”

  She sighs a little and I find her hand and give her palm a little kiss which gets me a quick sad smile. “Robin’s the best friend I’ve got and I love the dork, but he’s so perfect that I kind of hate him too. If he could have been a fuck up in one area that would have been okay but he’s smart and handsome and nice and a great student and it makes me want to rile him up. He’s always looked after me in the end, though.”

  “Siblings are pretty great,” I say, a little surprised that those words are coming out of my mouth. Ashley hums in agreement.

  “You’ve got a sister, don’t you?”

  “Penny, yes.”

  “What’s happened with her, why’s Alex with you?” Ashley must realise from my expression that it’s not the most polite of questions because she immediately says, “Don’t answer that if you don’t want to, of course.”

  “She’s got an addiction problem,” I say. It’s usually where I stop. People don’t deserve to know about my sister if they’re going to be all judgey and ‘you should cut contact’ as a lot of people are.

  Ashley sits up a little so we can cuddle together and better see each other’s faces. Her face is soft and concerned and I find I love the way her eyes look in the low light, it’s like seeing stars. “Addiction is hard on everyone,” she says, without a hint of judgment in her voice. “Is she doing okay?”

  “She’s in rehab.” I take a deep breath. Ashley has told me so much about herself that I feel like sharing a bit from my life but it doesn’t come easy to me.

  She must sense my reluctance because she takes my hand and presses it gently. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. But I don’t mind listening, I just talked your ear off after all.”

  “It’s okay, I just don’t talk about it a lot. When I was 13 our mother died, we never really knew our dad. Penny was old enough to drop out of school so she ditched her classes and got a job in a diner so she could support us. It was really tough, she worked such long hours and the pay wasn’t great. We hopped from apartment to apartment, always scared people would figure out how young and alone we were and take advantage of us.”

  At the time being split up in the foster system had seemed like the worst thing that could happen but in retrospect the grungy flats, the fear and scrambling to become way older than we should have had to be was probably worse for us.

  “After a while she fell in with a party crown, started drinking hard and coming home drunk or high out of her mind. I’d get my homework done early when I got back from school so I could be sure to get a nap just in case I’d need to be up half the night talking her down from a bad trip or cleaning up her sick all over the bathroom so we wouldn’t get thrown out. That’s when I started writing.”

  “That sounds rough on both of you,” Ashley says in a subdued voice and I catch a glimpse of shock on her face. I guess she hasn’t heard many stories like this in her crowd.

  “It was. She did her best, and she ended up in rehab and I was sent to a foster home. After that she’s been in and out of recovery, she moved away for a while and then dropped Alex on me and walked herself back into a rehab centre a few months ago. She’s beautiful, you know? Smart and kind and good and she gave up everything for me so I’m going to take care of Alex in return.”

  “You’re a good sister,” Ashley says, squeezing me in a tighter hug. “So you kept up with the writing?”

  “Yeah, I’m working on a book about a girl with a sister going through addiction problems. There’s a lot of drama and romance in it but agents don’t like it so they keep sending it back to me.” To my horror my voice starts trembling and I have to swallow down a huge lump in my throat.

  “Hey, you’ll get there,” Ashley says, rubbing my back. “You’re smart and strong and I know you’re going to be a smash on the writing world. Everything’s going to come out okay.”

  My friends have told me this but there’s something about Ashley, her strength and confidence and the way her eyes sparkle when she gets excited that makes me almost believe her.

  “Oh my god,” she says, pulling away from me so quickly that I just about get whiplash. “Alex is going to be back soon, we need to get dressed!”

  I yelp in mirrored panic and there’s a scramble of limps and bedclothes as we rummage around and fight over pyjama pants and try to make the room look like we were definitely not having sex in here.

  Just in time.

  There’s a knock on the door and Sandy delivers Alex to my waiting arms. I scoop him up against my chest, loving the way he wraps his arms around my neck. He’s chattering about all the great things that he saw in the engine room and I feel a deep tug in my chest like I’m longing for something I’ve never had.

  Ashley is pulling out the sofa bed so we can all cuddle up and watch cartoons until bedtime and as I glance from her to Alex’s happy face I realise we look like we’re a family. It’s not something I’ve had much of and I want the feeling to continue.

  I don’t want to lose her when the cruise ends. I can’t help it, I want this to be something real and instead I’m stuck playing pretend with something I really want.



  It’s stupid o clock when I wake up and there’s a part of me that wants to roll over and go back to sleep but I feel so fucking good that it feels dumb to waste it. I don’t know if I’ve ever slept this good and I was sleeping on a sofa bed of all things.

  There’s a crack of light spilling across my face and onto the floor. Usually when I wake up after a night of eating, drinking and fucking I feel like shit and also like escaping to my apartment to hole up and pretend that I’m a turtle. Not today.

  For one thing I’m discovering that waking without a hangover is pretty good. I’d even go so far as to say it’s something I’d recommend, I can’t believe this is me saying this, I may need to shower.

  Scratch that, I definitely need to shower.

  After taking a long and luxurious visit to the really excellent bathroom, I sneak through the bedroom to where Alex is snuggled up to his Aunt’s side.

  “Hey little buddy,” I whisper. “Time to get up!”

  He wriggles a few times and makes some of the cutest, most adorable noises before he’s blinking those cute eyes up at me and making the face of a child who can’t remember who you are and are deciding whether or not you’re a danger.

  “It’s me, Ashley,” I say hel
pfully. “How about we get you up and dressed and then you can escort your aunt down to breakfast like a real gentleman?”

  It’s gender coding but mostly harmless gender coding and Alex is immediately excited by the prospect of ‘escorting’ which he pronounces ‘ethcortin’.

  He tells me what he should be doing, so we get his face and hands washed and pick out a really cool costume of pink shirt (to make up for the gender coding), black overalls, black little shoes and the captains hat that he loves so much. He gets changed in the bathroom and when he comes out he’s beaming all over his cute little face.

  “I like you, Ashley,” he says with the bluntness of very small children (and me), and I feel my face heat up.

  “I like you too, buddy. Let’s wake up your aunt, yeah?”

  He nods and pats at Jess’s nose like a little cat until she opens her eyes and scrunches up her face and says, “Oh my gosh, Alex, what time is it?”

  “Breakfast time,” he says happily. “And I get to exscute you to breakfast!”

  “Escort,” I put in before she can look too alarmed. There’s something adorable about the way these two look at each other. They obviously love each other a lot but there’s a hint of uncertainty to it and I wish they could see what I can see. They’re family.

  “Scort!” Alex repeats happily. “Scort to breakfast!”

  Jess laughs and sits up. “Okay then, I’d love to be escorted to breakfast good sir. What about you, Ashley?”

  “I’ll join you there,” I say. I don’t know why but I don’t feel I can leave the suite just yet. There’s a burst of energy in me that needs to be worked out before I could start to stomach breakfast. “Take Alex down and I’ll see you soon, yeah?”

  Jess nods, blissfully unaware of the storm raging in my chest as she gets ready for breakfast and then ushers our little captain off to try eggs benedict for the first time.


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