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Your Man Chose Me

Page 21

by Racquel Williams

  I called Ant’s phone. I knew the girls asked if they could stay with him, and at first I said it was cool, but I changed my mind. I didn’t want my fucking kids around him and his fake-ass family.

  “Hello,” he answered like he had an attitude.

  “Hey. I was wondering if you can drop the girls off. I wanted to surprise them by taking them to Six Flags.”

  “Man, we talked about this earlier. You said it was cool for them to spend the weekend. Plus, my mama having a cookout so we over here.”

  “What the fuck she having a cookout have to do with my kids? It ain’t like she fucks with my kids anyways. Like I said, can I get my damn kids?” I blurted out as loud as I could.

  “Listen, B, I said no, and that’s final.” He hung the phone up.

  I looked at the phone. Did this nigga just hang up like I wasn’t speaking? My blood started boiling. See, he done made me mad as fuck. I jumped off the bed and started looking for some clothes. Even though my stomach wasn’t showing, I had a little pudge. I grabbed a pair of tights and a little wife beater, which would definitely show my figure.

  I took a shower, got dressed, and stormed out of the door. I got in my car and turned the music up.

  I sang along with K. Michelle. I was definitely in a zone that scared me. I lit me a cigarette and drove fast down the street. I was on a mission. Anthony Micah Brown was gonna learn today I was not the one to be fucked with!

  I spotted his car as soon as I pulled up, but there was no parking space. I drove up the street and parked. I grabbed my purse, which had a can of Mace in it. I was mad I had to get rid of the gun. I had no idea what I was walking up on. I dialed his number. After a few rings, he picked up.

  “I’m out here; bring me my kids.”

  “Yo, A, I already told you no. And you’re not welcome at my mama house, you know that.”

  “You better bring yo’ ass out here before I come in there and let everybody know I’m having your baby.”

  “Say the fuck what?”

  “You heard me, nigga. Yes, I’m pregnant and it’s your baby. Congrats, Daddy,” I said sarcastically.

  I saw when he walked to the front of the house. I hung the phone up, and walked toward the front of the house.

  “Yo, B, why you tryin’a start some shit? Man, I ain’t sleep with you so how you pregnant by me?”

  “Boy, stop playing. I’m pregnant for you. I’m pretty sure your wife would love to hear about our little rendezvous.”

  “Bitch, you think I’m playing with you?” He took a step toward me and grabbed me.

  “Micah, don’t you hit that bitch,” his no-good-ass mama shouted out.

  He looked back at her, and shoved me away from him.

  “How dare you show your face at my motherfucking house? What is it that you want?”

  “Damn, Mother, I guess I ain’t your daughter anymore? Anyways don’t none of that matter. I’m here to get my children, but since your son want to be an ass and shit, I think I should tell his lovely wife.”



  I was so caught up in listening to these half-drunk people exchanging stories that I didn’t notice that Micah disappeared on my ass. I got up to go see where he was at, and also to make sure the kids were not out in the streets. I heard a commotion outside, more like people arguing. I walked hurriedly through the back fence. I walked upon Micah’s mother, Micah and, to my surprise, Ayana, just in time to hear her say, “Tell his wife.”

  “Tell his wife what?” I put my hand akimbo.

  “Well, look what we got here, my long-lost sister.”

  “Babe, go back in the house. She was just leaving.”

  “Nah, I wasn’t leaving. I wanted to tell you I’m carrying your husband’s love child.” She rubbed her stomach and smiled.

  It took me a minute to realize what this bitch was saying to me. I looked at Micah; his black ass was turning red. I looked at his mama; she looked like she wished she was anywhere except here.

  “Micah, what the fuck is this bitch saying to me? You been fucking her? Talk up, nigga!” I demanded.

  “T, don’t believe shit her ass saying to you. She mad ’cause she wanted to come get the girls and I told her ass no.”

  “Really, Ant? You didn’t stay at the house ’bout three weeks ago after you dropped the kids off? Here go my results. Here is my proof; do the math.” She shoved the results of her pregnancy test in my face.

  “Hell nah, B, you lying. I ’ont fuck with you like that. Man, get the fuck on with that bullshit before I beat your ass.”

  “Nigga, fuck you! You just don’t want T to know the truth.”

  “So why are you here telling me now? Why didn’t you hit me up when he was getting ready to fuck you? Bitch, you’re scandalous and you think by you telling me this I’m gonna say I’m done. Well, I got news for you: this is my husband, so get the fuck on, and find your baby daddy.” I walked the fuck off.

  I walked toward the back and grabbed my child. I wasn’t about to cause no drama at this lady’s house, so I needed to get away fast. I found my son sitting with his grandaunt in the living room.

  “Tiana, where you going?” his mother asked me.

  “I need to get out of here, Ma. I need to go before I end up killing your son and his bitch.”

  “I understand that you need to go, but leave the baby here. He don’t need to see his mama hurting. I can’t even speak on this shit because I’m shocked just like you. Please don’t do nothing stupid. He’s my son, but I love you as my own child. I’m telling you this from my heart. Ain’t no dick worth you losing your freedom over. Take a ride out to clear your mind and think before you act. You have a baby who needs his mama.”

  “Thanks, Ma,” I said before I kissed my baby on his forehead and stormed out the door.

  “Tiana, where you going?” Micah snatched my arm.

  “Let me get them keys up off you.” I stretched my arm out.

  “T, that bitch lying. This is exactly what she wanted. This: for us to split up.”

  I looked at him with disgust. “Give me the fucking keys. I ain’t trying to bring no drama to your mama’s house. And, for the record, please find somewhere for you and your children to stay. I don’t want you at my house.”

  “Where the fuck I’m supposed to go?”

  “Bitch nigga, I have no idea. Shit go shack up with yo’ baby mama! I don’t give a fuck,” I spat. “Give me the fucking keys.” I stepped up on him. Slap! Slap! Slap! I slapped the shit out of him.

  He grabbed my arms. “Yo, B, what tha fuck wrong with you, putting your hands on me?” He shoved me.

  “Give me the fucking keys, Micah.” I gritted my teeth at him.

  He looked at me, and mumbled some shit under his breath. He dug into his pocket, pulled out the keys, and handed them to me. He started to say something, but I didn’t want to hear that shit.

  I looked around to see if that bitch was around, but she was gone. I ran across the street and jumped into his car. I pulled the seat up, fixed the mirror, and pulled off, burning tires as I sped off! That’s when the tears flowed out onto my face. I was trying to drive, but my eyes were blurry and I couldn’t focus.

  Honk! Honk!

  I quickly wiped the tears as the horn quickly brought me back to reality. I slowed down a little, but I saw it was too late. I heard a police siren behind me. “Fuck!” I blurted out, as I pulled over on the shoulder.

  I took my license out of my purse. I reached over and pulled the registration information out of the glove compartment.

  “Hello, ma’am. Do you realize that you were going eighty-five miles per hour in a sixty-five miles-per-hour zone? License and registration please?”

  “Here you go.” I handed them to him.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I watched as he walked back to his car. I was agitated as fuck. I wished I could just get away from it all. I tried my best not to cry, but my heart wasn’t having it.



  I tell y’all about messing with these fuck niggas. See, this bitch-ass nigga goin’ to stand in front of his bitch pretending like he didn’t fuck me and it wasn’t his baby I was carrying. I didn’t really care about all that shit he was talking. The Kodak moment was when I told his bitch that I was pregnant. It was a script that I couldn’t have written better myself. I almost busted out laughing when I saw the hurt plastered across that bitch’s face. I saw she got a dose of her own medicine. See, the shit was funny when he up and left me and my kids. I imagined her ass was feeling the same intense burning I felt in my heart.

  I grabbed my kids and headed straight home; I was no longer in a festive mood. Even though I enjoyed the show earlier, I was kind of hurt in a way because I saw the hatred in Ant’s eyes for me, and the cold look he gave me when he denied sleeping with me.

  I threw my purse on the floor and walked into the kitchen. I knew I shouldn’t be drinking, but I was mad as hell. Even though I told him I was carrying his child, he still didn’t show any kind of emotion. I wish I’d had my gun. I swear, I would have killed this nigga and his bitch for sure this time. I put the bottle to my head and drank it down as if it was water.

  I then went into my bed and cried my hurt out. I was sick of this. I swear, I was plain sick of living!

  I searched through my phone and found that bitch’s number. When Ant spent the night, I’d searched his phone and took out her number. I searched and found the pictures that I took of him being naked, and pressed send, with a message: no caption needed!

  I waited a few minutes; then I called her phone. The phone rang without her answering. I was angry that this bitch wasn’t even woman enough to pick up the phone. Ol’ scary-ass bitch talked all that shit, but she wasn’t woman enough to pick up the phone. I decided to send her a message:

  I told your ass he was mine. Now do you see who he really loves? That’s right, your man was over here sucking on this pussy. I bet you he lied to you about where he was at. Girl, wake up. Ant loves me, my daughters, and my unborn child.

  I waited for a response, but none came. I dialed Ant’s phone and his phone went straight to voicemail. I threw the bottle into the wall, shattering it. I didn’t give a fuck that the liquor left a stain on my brand new carpet. Man, I should’ve let him keep them fucking kids. I thought if I had them, he’d come to his senses and move back in. Today proved that shit wasn’t gonna happen. I stuck with this nigga through all his bullshit and he went and married the next bitch. “I hate all of you bitches,” I screamed out.

  * * *

  My damn alarm clock kept going off. I knew it was time to get my ass up. I was still angry about the shit that went down earlier, but regardless of how I was feeling, I had to get to the money. There was no way I was going back to being broke or homeless. I was a bad bitch and being broke was not on my agenda. With that thought, I got up and started sorting through my things. Tonight was a holiday night, and that meant all the big dope boys and jock boys would be coming through. Money symbols went up in my head immediately; that was motivation enough to get my ass dressed. The girls’ babysitter arrived and I was out the door.

  As soon as I entered the club, all eyes turned to me. I saw a few of my regulars and a few new faces. I was excited to get dressed and get on the stage. I stopped by the DJ booth and let him know what songs I wanted.

  “Get That Money” by Lil Durk blasted through the club speakers. I wasted no time popping that pussy and letting it do what it do. Money started flying on the stage and I continued teasing. I used my fingers and stuck them deep into my pussy, later removing them and licking them off. My set was over and I was picking up all my money. I noticed some of it flew off the stage. I walked my butt-ass naked behind off the stairs and bent down to pick them up.

  “Yo, shawty, you looking extra thick tonight,” Mari said to me as I picked my head up.

  I didn’t know what to say because this was Lori’s man and one of Ant’s sidekicks. “Mari, what’s good with you?” I said in a very seductive tone.

  “Yo, quit playing and come kick it wit’ a nigga real quick. I’m over here.” He pointed to a table in the back.

  “A’ight, lemme clean up real quick and I’ll be there.” I flashed him a smile and walked off. I put an extra strut in my steps so that nigga could see my ass bouncing.

  In no time, I was back sitting at the table with this nigga. See Mari was the kind of nigga who had good looks, and his money was long. He was Ant’s right hand, and the nigga who cleaned up all of Ant’s dirty work. Truth was, he was the muscle behind Ant’s business. “So you tryin’a give me this dance?” he asked.

  “What you paying?” I looked at him.

  “Shit, whatever your number is, but I want to fuck!”

  “Ain’t you in a relationship with my ex-friend? You know I don’t roll like that.”

  “Ayana, fuck all that. Lori my bitch, but she ain’t here and I’m tryin’a fuck.”

  “I have one more set then I’m done for the night.”

  “Bet. I be around.”

  * * *

  After my last set, I got dressed and I met up with Mari in the parking lot. I got into his car and we started making out. Before I knew it, his hand was down in my leggings and deep into my pussy. “Awee, awee,” I groaned.

  I reached over and started to unbutton his pants. But before I could take his dick out, I heard a banging on the window. “Y’all take this elsewhere,” the club security guard, Roger, said.

  “Fuck! Yo, Lori ass is doing a night shift tonight; let’s go to the house for a little while.”

  “Nigga, you tripppin’ right? I’m not fucking with that bitch.”

  “Man, chill out! I know you ’ont give a fuck about her; plus, she my bitch. Lemme worry about her.”

  “A’ight. I’m good.”

  On the ride to the house, a rush of guilt came over me, but it soon disappeared. In my mind, I felt like that bitch didn’t fuck with me anyway, so why should I give a fuck about her? I smiled to myself as I recalled the last time I saw that bitch. She was all high and mighty, acting like her pussy was special. Well, look what we had here: her precious Mari was about to beat this pussy up.

  The car stopped and my thoughts were interrupted. I looked up and noticed we were outside of the house he shared with his bitch.

  “Come on,” he said as he parked and got out.

  I grabbed my purse and followed him into the house. That nigga walked straight upstairs and into their bedroom. He wasted no time; he started peeling off his clothes. I could tell he was a little tipsy. I started taking off my clothes and we started going at it like two high school kids having sex for the first time. Mari didn’t waste any time. He lay on his back and called me. “Come ride this dick. Lemme see what you working wit’.”

  I was always up for a challenge, so I crawled on top of him. I held his erect dick and slowly slid down it. It wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small. It was definitely a dick that I could maneuver. I squeezed my pussy muscles together, and worked that dick like I wasn’t no stranger to it.

  “Daddy, oh, this dick is so good. Oh my God,” I said as I ground faster on his dick. I thought I heard a door close. “Did you hear something?”

  “Nah, all I hear is your pussy slurping up my dick.” He laughed and grabbed my waist pulling me down on his dick. I returned my focus to pleasing him. Who knows, he might love my pussy so good, he’ll leave that bitch. I could only imagine Ant’s face when he found out his right-hand man was fucking me.

  I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn’t realize that bitch entered the room until it was too late. “Mari, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?” Lori yelled as the light turned on.

  Before I had the chance to grip what was going on, I felt a lamp shatter on top of my head. I grabbed my head, jumped off Mari, and faced this bitch.

  “What the fuck? You’re the one my nigga is fucking?” That bitch started to throw blows stra
ight to my face. I lost my balance, but then I started throwing blows back. I wasn’t going down like this, but that bitch wasn’t backing down.

  “Both of you bitches cut this shit out!” Mari yelled.

  “Nigga, fuck you! How could you do this to me?” she said while pulling my weave out. I needed to get my head out of her grip so I bit down on her hand. “Bitch, you bit me,” she said and pulled harder.

  “Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Help me, Mari. This bitch is killing me,” I screamed out.

  Somehow Mari managed to pull us apart. I immediately leapt across the bed to grab my clothing. I had scratches and half of my hair was on the ground. I grabbed my purse and pulled out my Mace. I leaped toward that bitch, and stretched over Mari, who had her pinned up against the wall.

  “Awwwwww,” that bitch screamed out as I let the can of Mace go in her face.

  “You stupid bitch! You just Maced me too,” Mari yelled out.

  I didn’t give a fuck! Fuck him and his bitch.

  “Bitch. I’m gonna kill her! Let me go, Mari, so I can beat this ho’s ass.” She was kicking and screaming.

  “Yes, Mari, let her ass go so she can get some more of this ass whupping.” I didn’t give a fuck that she ripped my weave out or my body was bruised up. I would have loved to go another round with that ho. ’Cause one thing about it: Ayana ain’t never back down from a fight before and damn sure wasn’t gonna start now!

  I quickly put on my clothes minus my drawers because I couldn’t find them and I was too mad to even look for them. I walked out of the room as he stood there apologizing to that ho. I shook my head and exited the house. Ain’t this a bitch. I remembered that I didn’t drive over there and my car was left at the club. “Fuck,” I said as I pulled out my cell to call a cab.

  I was mad because this old dumbass bitch came and interrupted my nut. To make matters worse, I didn’t even have a chance to get my money. As I stood out there waiting for my cab, I saw a big rock on the side of the house. I picked it up and busted her windshield out. “Now, bitch, let’s see if you big mad or little mad,” I said out loud as I spotted my taxi pulling up.


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