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Mark Twain: A Life

Page 103

by Ron Powers


  A. B. Chambers


  Academy of Music

  Academy of Sciences

  Adams, John

  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain)

  banning of

  in Century

  criticism of

  dialect in

  Huckleberry Finn in

  illustrations of

  Jim in

  Jim’s early speeches in

  manuscript of

  model for Huckleberry Finn in

  model for Jim in

  model for Miss Watson in

  publication of

  race and racism in

  raft accident in

  raft chapter of

  reviews of

  sales of

  song in

  sunrise passage in

  Tom Sawyer and

  typing of

  writing of

  Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain)

  dramatic version of

  grave-robbing scene in

  Huckleberry Finn and

  Huckleberry Finn in

  model for Becky Thatcher in

  model for Joe Harper in

  model for Judge Thatcher in

  model for Sid in

  publication of

  reviews of

  sales of

  writing of

  Agassiz, Louis

  Agee, James

  Agee, Olivia

  Age of Reason, The (Paine)

  Ah Sin: A Drama (Twain and Harte)

  “Aix, The Paradise of the Rheumatics” (Twain)


  Alabama, secession of

  Alcott, Louisa May

  Alden, Henry Mills

  Aldrich, Lilian

  Aldrich, Thomas Bailey

  Alessandro Moreschi: The Last Castrato, Complete Vatican Recordings

  Alexander II, Czar of Russia

  Alfred T. Lacy

  Alger, Horatio

  Alger, William Rounseville

  “All About the Fashions” (Twain)

  Allen, William H.

  Allen, Woody

  Allentown Chronicle

  Alonzo Child

  Alta California

  SLC’s letters to

  Ament, Joseph P.


  American Claimant, The

  American Copyright League

  American Courier

  American Literary Bureau

  American Publisher

  American Publishing Company

  American Revolution

  “American Scholar, The” (Emerson)

  Amnesty Act (1872)

  Andrews, Edward

  Andrews, William

  Anthony, Susan B.

  Antietam, Battle of

  Anti-Imperialist League

  “Appeal in Behalf of Extending the Suffrage to Boys, An” (Twain)

  Appleton, William Henry

  Appomattox campaign

  Aquarium club


  Arnold, Matthew

  Arthur, Chester A.

  “As Concerns Interpreting the Deity” (Twain)

  Ashcroft, Ralph

  Astaire, Fred

  Asylum Hill Congregational Church

  “Atalanta in Calydon” (Swinburne)



  Athens, Greece

  Atlantic Monthly

  “Carnival of Crime” in

  Howells’s departure from

  and SLC’s “skeleton novelette,”

  “Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion” in

  “At the Shrine of St. Wagner’s” (Twain)

  Aunt Hannah (slave)

  Austen, Jane

  Austin, L. F.



  “Autobiography of a Damned Fool, The” (Twain)

  model for Mrs. Bangs in

  Autobiography of Mark Twain, The (Twain)

  Autocrat of the Breakfast Table (Holmes)


  “Babes in the Wood” (Ward)

  “Babies” (Twain)

  Bachelor of Arts

  Badeau, Adam

  Baetzhold, Howard G.

  Bailey, John A.

  Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss

  Barnes, George E.

  Barnum, P. T.

  Barstow, Bill


  Bates, Edward

  “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War”

  Beach, Emma

  Beach, Moses Sperry

  Beard, Daniel


  Beebe, William

  Beecher, Henry Ward

  and Quaker City cruise

  scandal of

  Beecher, Julia Jones

  Beecher, Lyman

  Beecher, Thomas K.

  Beethoven, Ludwig van

  Belford, Alexander

  Belford Brothers

  Belknap, William W.

  Bell, Alexander Graham

  Ben (slave)

  Ben Hur (Wallace)

  Bennett, James Gordon

  Bergen, Edgar

  Berkeley, University of California at

  Bermingham, Nellie

  Berne Convention

  “Best Friend of Charleston, The” (train)

  Bethlehem Times

  Beuchotte, Claude Joseph

  Beveridge, Albert J.

  Beyond the Mississippi (Richardson)


  Bierce, Ambrose

  Big Bertha

  Big Bonanza, The (De Quille)

  Bigler, John

  Billings, Josh

  Birch, George Bright

  Bissell, Richard M.

  Bissell, Richard M., Jr.

  Bixby, Horace

  Black Crook, The

  Black Friday

  Black Warrior Gold and Silver Mining Company

  Blackwell, Elizabeth

  Blaine, James

  Blaisdel, H. G.

  Blankenship, Bence

  Blankenship, Mahala

  Blankenship, Tom

  Blankenship, Woodson

  Bleak House (Dickens)

  Bliss, Amelia

  Bliss, Elisha

  advance to SLC from

  Gilded Age and

  Innocents Abroad and

  Orion and

  Roughing It and

  Tom Sawyer and

  Tramp Abroad and

  Bliss, Frank

  “Bloody Massacre near Carson, A” (Twain)

  Bloom, Harold

  Boer War

  Boggs & Grant


  Booth, Edwin

  Borneo, dwarfish twins of

  Boston, Mass.

  Boston Advertiser

  Boston Daily Globe

  Boston Evening Transcript

  Bostonians, The ( James)

  Boston Lyceum Bureau

  Boston Sun

  Boston Transcript

  Bowen, Bart

  Bowen, Mattie

  Bowen, Samuel

  Bowen, William

  Bowles, Samuel

  Bowman, Jimmy

  Bowser, David Watt “Wattie,”

  Boxer rebellion

  Boyesen, H. H.

  Boynton, Paul

  Boy’s Town Described, A (Howells)

  Bradley & Rulofson

  Brady, Mathew

  Branch, Edgar Marquess


  Briggs, John

  Brittingham, L. T.


  Brooklyn Eagle

  Brooks, Fidele

  Brown, John

  Brown, Walter F.

  Brown, William

  Browne, Charles Farrar, see Ward, Artemus

  Browne, Junius Henri

  Brownell, Ed

  Brownell, Louise Sheffield

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

  Browning, Robert

  Bruckner, Anton

  Bryan, William Jennings

  Bryant, William Cullen

  Buchanan, James

  Buchanan, Joseph

  Buchanan, Robert (nephew)

  Buchanan, Robert (uncle)

  Budd, Louis


  Buell, Dwight

  Buffalo Express

  SLC’s purchase of

  Bugs Bunny

  Bulette, Julie


  Bull Run, Battle of

  Bunyan, John

  Burbank, A. P.

  Burlingame, Anson

  Burns, Robert

  Burr, James

  Burrough, Jacob

  Butler, Ben

  Byng, Carl

  Byrd, A. K.

  Byrd, C. O.

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord

  Cable, George Washington

  Cady, Edwin

  Calaveras County


  skirmish with Nevada of


  California Steam Navigation Company

  California Weekly Mercury


  Calvin, John


  Camp, Herman

  Campbell, Alexander

  Campbell, John

  Campbell, Thomas



  “Cannibalism in the Cars” (Twain)

  Cap’n Simon Wheeler; The Amateur Detective (Twain)

  “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven” (Twain)

  Carleton, George W.

  Carlyle, Thomas

  Carnegie, Andrew

  Caron, Leslie

  Carpenter, Judge


  Carroll, Lewis

  Carson, Kit

  Carson City, Nev.

  Carson Theater

  Caruso, Enrico

  Cass, Lewis

  Castro, Fidel

  Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches, The (Twain)

  “Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The” (Twain)


  Century Club

  Century Company

  Cervantes, Miguel de


  Chamberlain, Fred C.

  Chamberlin, Franklin

  Chancellorsville, Battle of

  Chandler, Zachariah

  Chang and Eng

  Charles L. Webster & Company

  Charlotte, Princess

  Chatto, Andrew

  Chatto & Windus

  Cheever, John

  Chesterton, G. K.

  Chicago, Ill.:

  Grant banquet in

  Great Fire in

  Chicago Herald

  Chicago Inter-Ocean

  Chicago Tribune

  Child’s History of England (Dickens)


  Christian Science

  “Chronicles of Young Satan, The” (Twain)

  Church, Francis P.

  Church, William Conant

  Church, William F.

  Churchill, Winston

  Cincinnati, Ohio

  Cincinnati Commercial

  City of Baton Rouge

  City of Memphis

  City of New York

  “Civilisation in the United States” (Arnold)

  Civil Rights Act (1874)

  Civil War, U.S.

  see also specific battles

  Clagett, Billy

  Clapp, Henry, Jr.

  Clare, Ada

  Clarke, Harry M.

  Clemens, Benjamin (SLC’s brother)

  Clemens, Clara, see Samossoud, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch

  Clemens, Henry (SLC’s brother)

  attacked by Brown

  death and burial of

  letter to SLC by

  as “mud-clerk”

  SLC’s dream about

  in SLC’s fiction

  SLC’s relationship with

  Clemens, James, Jr.

  Clemens, James Ross

  Clemens, Jane Lampton (SLC’s mother)

  death and burial of

  and death of children

  and death of husband

  in England

  in mourning for husband

  religion and

  sale of SLC’s letters by

  SLC’s education and

  SLC’s employment and

  SLC’s Indian prejudice and

  SLC’s letters to

  in SLC’s psychology

  SLC’s relationship with

  SLC’s wedding and

  as target of SLC’s satire

  on visit to SLC

  wit of

  Clemens, Jane Lampton “Jean” (SLC’s daughter)

  animals’ rights and

  birth of

  death of

  epilepsy of

  fire in crib of

  in Germany

  pneumonia of

  scarlet fever of

  sullenness of

  Clemens, Jennie (Orion’s daughter)

  Clemens, John Marshall (SLC’s father)

  aloofness of

  burial of

  contradictions of

  death of

  and death of children

  land deals of

  lawsuits of

  money problems of

  personality of

  religion of

  in SLC’s fiction

  Clemens, Langdon (SLC’s son)

  Clemens, Margaret (SLC’s sister)

  Clemens, Mollie (Orion’s wife)

  Clemens, Olivia Langdon “Livy” (SLC’s wife)

  Ah Sin and

  anniversary of Susy’s death and

  “Autobiography of a Damned Fool” and

  background of

  birthday of

  birth of

  and birth of Langdon

  breathing trouble of

  childhood illness of

  Clara’s birth and

  Colonel Sellers debacle and

  Connecticut Yankee and

  dark moods of

  death of

  and death of mother

  department stores and

  at Dickens reading

  diphtheria of

  end of bankruptcy of

  engagement of

  in England

  father’s death and

  first house of

  in Germany

  Gilded Age and

  heart strain of

  Huckleberry Finn and

  income of

  inheritance of

  Innocents Abroad proofs and

  Jane’s birth and

  Langdon’s death and

  Langdon’s illness and

  letters of

  in move to Europe

  New York illness of

  New York trip of

  at Nook Farm

  nurse for

  in Paris

  pregnancy troubles of

  Prince and the Pauper and

  rheumatism of

  science studies of

  on SLC’s around the world tour

  SLC’s English trip and

  at SLC’s lecture

  SLC’s letters to

  SLC’s love letters to

  as SLC’s nurse

  SLC’s profanity and

  SLC’s proposal to

  in SLC’s psychology

  and SLC’s religion

  SLC’s temper and

  solitaire and

  sprained ankle of

  Susy’s birth and

  Susy’s death and

  trip west of

  typhoid fever of

  at Wave Hill

  on Webster & Co.’s collapse

  Webster loan made by

  wedding of

  women’s suffrage and

  Clemens, Olivia Susan “Susy” (SLC’s daughter)

  aphoristic skills of

  appearance of

  biography of SLC by

sp; birth of

  birth weight of

  at Bryn Mawr

  burial of

  Connecticut Yankee and

  depression of

  in Germany

  Harte’s affection for

  Huckleberry Finn and

  illness and death of

  in Italy

  on Joan of Arc

  Louise Brownell and

  Prince and the Pauper and

  scarlet fever of

  SLC’s temper and

  on trip to England

  twenty-fourth birthday of

  Clemens, Orion (SLC’s brother)

  accusations against Bliss

  American dream of

  American Publisher and

  autobiography of

  book ideas of

  burial of

  Cap’n Simon Wheeler and

  death of

  and death of daughter

  editorials of

  electric light investment and

  imagined lecture series of

  inventions of

  Journal and

  law practice attempted by

  in Lincoln campaign

  money troubles of

  as Nevada governor

  as Nevada secretary

  as Nevada secretary of state

  in New York

  poison incident of

  printing trade learned by

  Roughing It manuscript and

  Roughing It notes of

  on Rutland Globe

  in SLC’s fiction

  SLC’s letters to

  SLC’s ridicule of

  SLC’s visit to

  temperance supported by

  Clemens, Pamela, see Moffett, Pamela Clemens

  Clemens, Pleasant Hannibal

  Clemens, Samuel

  abstinence of

  alcohol and

  Aldrich as viewed by

  alleged homosexuality of

  on Americans

  anglophilia of

  Annie Moffett’s relationship with

  anti-French feelings of

  anti-imperialism of

  Aquarium Club of

  Arnold and

  at Atlantic dinner

  attack on Arnold by

  autobiography of

  as autodidact

  automated house and

  in Azores

  bandit hoax on

  bawdy jokes of

  at Beecher’s trial

  Benjamin’s death and

  Bermuda trip of

  Bible and

  biographers and

  birth of

  Bixby’s hoax on

  Bliss contract of

  at Bliss house

  boarding-house fire and

  as Bohemian

  boils of

  book sales of

  at Boston luncheon

  Boston trip of

  Bowen’s fight with

  boyhood pranks of

  Brazil trip planned by

  British reviews of

  Brown’s abuse toward

  Brown’s fight with

  Buffalo Express purchase of

  California arrest of

  Carleton’s relationship with

  on Charley Langdon

  childhood games of

  church epiphany of

  Churchill speech of

  church reading by

  Clara’s suitor and

  clothing of

  Colonel Sellers debacle and

  on communism

  conscripted into Union Army

  Cooper Union lecture of

  Corbett and

  cottage workspace of


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