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Mark Twain: A Life

Page 105

by Ron Powers

  Gerhardt, Karl


  Gettysburg, Battle of

  “Ghost Life on the Mississippi” (Twain)

  Gilbert & Sullivan

  Gil Blas (LeSage)

  Gilded Age

  Gilded Age, The (Twain and Warner)

  British edition of

  critique of

  model for “Colonel” Eschol Sellers in

  models for Hawkins family in

  pirating of

  publication of

  Reid’s advertisment for

  reviews of

  sales of

  SLC’s stage adaptation of

  steamboat explosion in

  steamboats in

  writing of

  Gilder, Richard Watson

  Gillespie, William

  Gillette, Francis

  Gillette, William

  Gillis, Angus

  Gillis, Billy

  Gillis, Jim

  Gillis, Steve

  Gleason, Rachel Brooks

  Gluck, James Frazer

  Godey’s Lady’s Book

  Godwin, Mary

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goldberg, Whoopi

  Gold Dust

  “Golden Arm, The”

  Golden Era

  Gold Hill

  Gold Hill Evening News

  Gold Hill News

  Gold Rush

  Goldsmith, Oliver

  Goodman, Joe

  Goodwin, C. C.

  Gould, Jay

  Gould & Curry

  Grant, Fred

  Grant, Jesse

  Grant, Julia

  Grant, Orville

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  administration scandals of

  Arnold on

  elections of

  in England

  Gilded Age and

  inauguration of

  memoirs of

  at reunion banquet

  Shiloh essay of

  SLC’s friendship with

  SLC’s “historical note” on

  Grass Valley, Nev., SLC’s lecture in

  Gray, John A.

  Gray, Lem

  “Great Dark, The” (DeVoto)

  Great Dark, The (Twain)

  Great Metropolis, The (Browne)


  Greeley, Horace

  Greer, Frederick H.

  Grey, Zane

  Gridley, Reuel Colt

  Griffin, George

  Grimes, Absalom

  Griswold, Anna


  Guiteau, Charles J.

  Haines, John Thomas

  Hale & Norcross

  Hall, Fred J.

  Halley, Edmund

  Halley’s Comet

  Hamersley, William

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Hannibal, Mo.

  cholera epidemic in

  fashion in

  first murder in

  Gold Rushers in

  growth of

  measles epidemic in

  music in

  newspapers in

  SLC’s returns to

  tourism in

  Union troops in

  Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad

  Hannibal City

  Hannibal Commercial Advertiser

  Hannibal Courier

  Hannibal Gazette

  Hannibal Journal

  Hannibal Journal and Native American

  Hannibal Library Institute

  Hannibal Tri-Weekly Messenger

  Hardy, Thomas

  Harley, John J.

  Harper, Philip

  Harper & Brothers


  Harper’s Bazaar

  Harper’s Monthly

  Harper’s New Monthly Magazine

  Harper’s Weekly

  Harris, Jack

  Harris, Joel Chandler

  Harris, Thomas H.

  Harrison, Katharine I.

  Harte, Anna

  Harte, Bernard

  Harte, Francis Bret

  death of

  Innocents Abroad edited by

  rapprochement with SLC

  SLC reviewed by

  SLC’s arguments with

  SLC’s competition with

  Harte, Frankie

  Harte, Wodie

  Hartford, Conn.

  American Publishing in

  Arnold in

  first phone in

  intellectuals of

  SLC landmarks in

  SLC’s house in

  SLC’s move to

  SLC’s plan to live in

  Taylor’s talk in

  Hartford Accident Insurance Company

  Hartford Courant

  Hartford Daily Times

  Hartford Evening Post

  Hartford Fire Insurance Company

  Hartford Public Library

  Hartford Times

  Harvard College

  Harvey, George B.


  Hawkins, Anna Laura

  Hawley, Joseph R.

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Hawthorne, Rose

  Hay, John

  Hay, Rosina

  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  Haymarket Square riots

  Hazard of New Fortunes, A (Howells)

  Hearst, William Randolph

  “Hearts Lament, The” (Twain)

  “Heathen Chinee, The” (Harte)

  “Hellfire Hotchkiss” (Twain)

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Hendershot, Robert Henry

  Henley, William Ernest

  Henry Chauncey

  Henry IV (Shakespeare)


  Hesse, Fanny

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

  Hill, Hamlin

  Hinton, Josiah T.


  Hirst, Robert

  “Historical Exhibition—A No. 1 Ruse” (Twain)

  History of the Hawaiian Islands

  Hitchcock, Lillie

  Hitchcock, Martha

  Holland, George

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell



  Homer, Winslow

  Hood, Tom

  Hooker, Alice, see Day, Alice Hooker

  Hooker, Eliza

  Hooker, Isabella Beecher

  Hooker, John

  Hooker, Thomas

  Hopkins, Philip

  Hoppin, Augustus


  Hotten, John Camden

  Houdini, Harry

  Houghton, Henry O.

  Houghton, Mifflin

  Houghton, Oscar

  Houghton, Osgood & Co.

  House, Edward H.

  House of Representatives, U.S.

  Howe, Julia Ward

  Howells, Elinor

  Howells, John Mead

  Howells, Mildred

  Howells, W. C.

  Howells, William Dean

  advice to SLC by

  American literature and

  Anti-Imperialist League and

  Atlantic Monthly and

  at Boston luncheon

  Clara on

  Colonel Sellers as a Scientist and

  Connecticut Yankee and

  critical reviews of

  Gilded Age and

  Hayes biography of

  Huckleberry Finn proofs and

  illness of

  Library of Humor and

  on Life of Pope Leo XIII

  Lowell’s first meeting with

  “Old Times on the Mississippi” and

  Orion’s autobiography and

  physical appearance of

  Prince and the Pauper and

  Prince and the Pauper review by

  realism and

  Roughing It reviewed by

  SLC “appreciation” by

  SLC’s first meeting with

  SLC’s last visit to

  SLC’s letters to

  SLC’s Mississippi remini
scences and

  SLC’s profanity and

  on SLC’s style

  SLC’s tribute to

  and SLC’s typewriter

  as suburban novelist

  Tom Sawyer and

  Tom Sawyer drama and

  on A Tramp Abroad

  “True Story” and

  as typesetter

  in visit to Emerson

  visit to Grant by

  visit to Nook Farm by

  at Whittier’s birthday party

  Winifred’s death and

  see also specific works

  Howells, Winifred

  “How I Escaped Being Killed in a Duel” (Twain)

  Hubbard, Stephen A.

  Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among the Indians (Twain)

  Hugo, Victor

  “Humane Word from Satan, A” (Twain)

  Humboldt Times

  Hume, David

  Hundred Year’s War

  Hutton, Laurence

  Ibsen, Henrik

  Illustrated London News

  “In Defense of Harriet Shelley” (Twain)

  Independent Watch Company



  Ingersoll, Robert Green

  “In Memoriam” (Twain)

  Innocents Abroad (Twain)

  British edition of

  Coliseum in

  early title for

  England in

  as grab bag

  Harte’s review of

  illustrations of

  passengers’ reactions to

  pirated editions of

  production of

  proofs of

  publication of

  reviews of

  revisions of

  sales of

  in SLC’s lecture

  style of

  tour guides in

  writing of


  Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud)

  “Interview with Gen. Grant” (Twain)

  Iolanthe (Gilbert & Sullivan)


  Iowa City Republican

  Irving, Henry

  Irving, Washington

  Irving Hall

  Isaac Newton

  Isbell, Oliver C.


  Ives, Charles

  Ives, Frederic

  Ives, James

  Jackson, Abraham Reeves

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,”

  James, Henry

  James, Henry, Sr.

  James, William

  James R. Osgood and Company

  Jamestown Raid

  Jarves, James

  Jefferson, Joseph

  Jefferson, Thomas


  Jennie (slave)


  Jewett, Sarah Orne

  Jim Crow (minstrel show character)

  Jim Crow laws

  “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog,” see “Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The”

  J.J. Little and Company

  J. Langdon, Miner & Dealer

  J. Langdon & Company

  Joan of Arc

  John H. Dickey

  John J. Roe

  Johnny Appleseed

  Johnson, Andrew

  Johnson, J. Neely

  Johnson, Robert Underwood

  Jolliet, Louis

  Jones, John P.

  Jonson, Ben

  Jordan, Elizabeth

  Jordan, Octavius

  Josh (pseudonym)

  “Josh’s letters” (Twain)

  J. P. Morgan & Company

  Julius Caesar

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)

  Kanawha (yacht)

  Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)


  Kaplan, Justin

  Karloff, Boris

  Kate Frisbee

  Keeler, Ralph

  Keller, Hellen

  Kellgren, Heinrick

  Kemble, Edward Windsor

  Kemble, Fanny

  Kennedy, John F.

  Keokuk, Iowa

  Keokuk City Directory

  Keokuk Daily Post

  Keokuk Gate City

  Kerouac, Jack

  Kerr, Orpheus C.

  Key, Francis Scott

  Kilauea volcano

  Kilby, Thomas

  King, James M.

  King, Samuel D.

  King Lear

  King Leopold’s Soliloquy (Twain)

  Kinney, John D.

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kleinfelter, John S.

  Klimt, Gustav


  Knox, John

  Koppe, Ernst

  Krause, Sydney J.

  Kravchinsky, Sergey Mikhaylovich

  Kruger, Paul

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kurzweil, Maximilian

  Labinnah Club

  La Cossitt, Henry

  Lady of the Aroostok, The (Howells)

  La Gascogne


  Laird, James

  Lampton, Benjamin

  Lampton, James

  Langdon, Charles Jervis

  Langdon, Eunice

  Langdon, Ida

  Langdon, Jervis

  Langdon, Olivia, see Clemens, Olivia Langdon “Livy”

  Langdon, Olivia Lewis (Olivia’s mother)

  Lardner, Ring

  Larrowe, Nina

  La Salle, Antoine de

  Last Supper, The (Leonardo)

  Lawson, Thomas

  Leary, Katy

  Leary, Lewis

  Leavenworth, Zeb

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman)

  Lecher, Otto

  Lecky, William E. H.

  Lee, Gypsy Rose

  Lee, Robert E.

  Lentz, John J.

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Leo XIII, Pope

  Leschetizky, Theodor

  Letters from the Earth (Twain)

  “Letters to Satan” (Twain)

  Levering, Clint

  Lewis, Harriet

  Lewis, John


  Library of American Literature from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, A

  “Lick House Ball, The” (Twain)

  Life of Christ, The (Beecher)

  Life on the Mississippi (Twain)

  as first typed manuscript

  Henry Clemens in

  Henry Clemens’s death in

  illustrations of

  model for John Stavely in

  origin of “Twain” pseudonym in

  reviews of

  sales of

  typing of

  writing of

  Life of Pope Leo XIII

  “Lightning Express,”

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lippincott (Hannibal resident)

  Literary World

  Little Duke, The (Yonge)

  Little Women (Alcott)

  Livermore, Mary

  Livingstone, David

  Loan of a Lover, The

  Locke, David Ross, see Nasby, Petroleum V.

  Logan, Olive

  London Examiner

  London Graphic

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Longstreet, James

  Lorch, Fred W.

  Louis C. Tiffany & Co.

  Louisiana, secession of

  Love, Robertus

  “Love Concealed” (Twain)

  Lowell, Amy

  Lowell, James Russell

  “Luck of Roaring Camp, The” (Harte)

  Luck of the Roaring Camp and Other Sketches, The (Harte)

  “Lucretia Smith’s Soldier” (Twain)

  Ludlow, Fitz Hugh

  Lueger, Karl

  Luncheon of the Boating Party (Renoir)

  Lustful Turk, The

  Lyceum Magazine

  Lynn, Kenneth

  Lyon, Isabel Van Kleek

  Lystra, Karen

  McAleer, Patrickr />
  Macaulay, Thomas

  McCarthy, Denis E.

  McClellan, George B.

  McClure, S. S.


  McClure syndicate

  McComb, John

  McCormick, Wales

  McCullers, Carson

  McGuffey, William H.

  McGuffey’s Reader

  McIntyre Coal

  McKinley, William

  McLaughlin, Mara

  McLaughlin, Pat

  McMurry, T. P. “Pet”


  Maguire, Thomas

  Mahler, Gustav

  Mail and Express

  Maine, USS

  Malory, Thomas

  Mansfield, James Vincent

  “Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The” (Twain)

  “Man the Architect of Our Religion” (Orion Clemens)

  Marchioness’s Amorous Pastimes, The (Ashbee)

  Marconi, Guglielmo

  “Marienbad—a Health Factory” (Twain)

  Marin County Journal

  Mark Twain, Business Man (Webster)

  Mark Twain: A Biography (Paine)

  Mark Twain Company

  Mark Twain in Eruption (DeVoto)

  Mark Twain Project

  Mark Twain’s (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance (Twain)

  Mark Twain’s Library of Humor

  Mark Twain Speaking

  Mark Twain’s Self-Pasting Scrapbook

  Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old (Twain)

  Marseilles, France

  Martin, Joseph S.

  Martin, Steve

  Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)

  Marx, Leo

  Mary (slave)

  Marysville, Calif., SLC’s lecture in

  Masters, Edgar Lee

  Matthews, Brander

  Maupassant, Guy de

  Mazeppa (Byron)

  Medea (Euripedes)

  Melville, Herman

  Mencken, H. L.

  Menken, Adah Isaacs

  Menken, Alexander Isaac

  Meredith, Hugh

  Mergenthaler, Ottmar

  Meridian Republican

  Merry Tales (Twain)

  Metropolitan Street Railroad Car Company

  Mexican War


  Michelson, Bruce

  Mifflin, George H.

  Milan, Italy

  Millennial Harbinger

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Joaquin

  £1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories, The

  Milton, John

  Minister’s Charge, A

  Minister’s Charge, The (Howells)


  Minneapolis Journal

  minstrel shows

  Mission School

  Mississippi, secession of

  Mississippi River


  secession and

  slavery in

  whimsical town names in

  Missouri Compromise (1820)

  Missouri Courier


  Missouri Republican

  Mitchell, Josiah A.

  Mitchell, Maggie

  Mitchell, S. Weir

  Mitre Tavern

  “Model Artists, The”

  Modern Instance, A (Howells)

  Moffett, Annie, see Webster, Annie Moffett

  Moffett, Pamela Clemens (SLC’s sister)

  death of

  SLC’s letters to

  work on SLC’s notebooks by

  Moffett, Sammy

  Moffett, Stillwell and Company

  Moffett, William Anderson

  Mommsen, Theodor

  Monday Evening Club

  Monet, Claude

  Monroe, Marilyn



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