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Mail Order Mystery: A Brides of Beckham Book (Chance City Series Book One)

Page 11

by Robin Deeter

  Hector shrugged. “Here and there. You know how it is.”

  “Yeah, I know. Are you working right now?” Cy asked.

  “No. Why? Do you need me?”

  “I do. I need you to guard the Branson mansion,” Cy said, filling him in on recent events there.

  “Eso es horrible. Me siento mal por ellos,” Hector said, his dark eyes bright with sympathy.

  Cy nodded. “I feel bad for them, too.” And for Sly. “Will you do this for me?”

  “Si, but are you sure they want a Mexican in their house? They will think I’m there to steal more stuff,” Hector said, his handsome, angular features enhanced by his grin.

  Sandy snorted. “I keep trying to get him to steal me, but he won’t.”

  Hector laughed and nimbly swung himself over the bar, landing lightly in front of Sandy. “You’re a liar, Sandra,” he said, taking her in his arms. “You are the one who keeps refusing my advances.”

  He playfully pressed a hard kiss to her cheek, making her blush.

  Cy laughed. “He called your bluff, Sandy.”

  Sandy tried to get away from Hector, but he hung on tightly, whispering something in Spanish to her. She had no idea what he was saying, but the way he said it left no doubt in her mind that it was something very raunchy. Her face turned even redder. Finally, Hector took pity on her and let her go, helping himself to a shot.

  “Get out of here,” she said, brusquely to hide her shyness. “You better not ever let Jim catch you doing that.”

  Hector swung back over the bar. “That old man? I ain’t afraid of him. I fear no one.”

  That was true. Cy had never known Hector to show the slightest trace of fear of anyone. It was one of the reasons Hector was such a good guard. Once he started on a job, he’d die before he let something happen to one of his charges.

  “How much does it pay?” Hector asked. “I got expenses.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Cy said.

  “Suzanna needs shoes, Diego outgrew his pants, and Pilar is sick again,” Hector said.

  Cy thought about little eleven-year-old Pilar. Hector’s little sister had a weak constitution and was susceptible to fevers and joint pain. The doctors had done everything they could for her, but, although she would improve for a while, her ailments eventually came back. When he’d been nineteen, Hector had lost both of his parents when they’d been killed by robbers on the way to Oklahoma City.

  As the oldest sibling, Hector had immediately begun taking care of his younger brother and sisters. It hadn’t been easy for a young Mexican immigrant, but Hector had taken any job that had come along and his next oldest sibling, fifteen-year-old Diego, now took odd jobs, too.

  Cy had met Hector shortly after coming home from Pinkerton’s and they’d become instant friends when Hector had helped Cy fight off some troublemakers one night at Benny’s. Cy had admired Hector’s lightning fast moves and courage. Ever since then, Cy hired Hector periodically for jobs like this. He was glad that Hector was free to work for him right then.

  “You’ll be on the mayor’s payroll, so I know that it’ll be good money,” Cy said. “Play your cards right and it could be a permanent thing.”

  Hector shook his head. “I doubt it, but I’ll stay for as long as they let me. How would it look if the mayor has a Mexican working there full-time?”

  “It would look like they’d hired someone who could keep them safe,” Cy said. “Come there by two. That’ll give me a chance to round up the other two men I want to help you. You’re the boss, though. I’ll make them understand that. I came looking for you first because you’re always the hardest to find.”

  “Ok. Two it is, amigo,” Hector said.

  Cy nodded. “See you then. Thanks for lunch, Sandy.”

  * * *

  It was very late when Cy got home that night and he was frustrated in many ways. Constantly fighting with Brock was frustrating as was the fact that although they’d solved one mystery surrounding the Bransons, he wasn’t any closer to finding Catherine’s murderer.

  Then he’d had to question Sly to verify his whereabouts and to see if he could shed any light on the investigation. Seeing his usually stoic cousin in so much pain was hard. And, lastly, he was frustrated because all of this was intruding with his spending time with Leigh.

  He realized that their marriage was supposed to just be a business arrangement, but he really wanted to get to know Leigh better. It surprised him that he was so attracted to her, but not unpleasantly so. She was attracted to him, too, which was a good thing.

  As he approached the house, he heard Queenie bark and smiled. She was already starting to be a good guard dog. He went inside, the other dogs following him. Queenie came out of the parlor to greet them all, and Cy played with her for a few minutes. Then he got a drink of water and went upstairs.

  He froze when he heard a revolver cock.

  “Hold it right there,” Leigh said quietly.

  Cy relaxed. “It’s just me.”

  Leigh pointed the gun away as she carefully un-cocked it. “After everything that’s going on around town and all, I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Good girl,” Cy said approvingly.

  He came the rest of the way up the stairs. Leigh took his hand and led the way to her room. As they went inside, the moonlight coming in the windows hit her and Cy’s stomach tightened as he took in her beautiful face. What he wouldn’t give to kiss her right then.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Leigh asked, “It’s always gonna be like this, isn’t it? The late hours, the danger, the demands on your time?”

  He put his hands on his hips and nodded. “Yeah, for as long as I have to keep this job, it will be. But once the ranch is doing better and we don’t need my income, I can quit again. Things’ll be better then. Or are you having second thoughts about marrying me?”

  That thought sent a spear of disappointment through his gut. A frown appeared between Leigh’s eyebrows.

  “No, I’m not having second thoughts,” she said.

  He hadn’t been aware that he’d been holding his breath and let it out slowly. “I’m really glad to hear that.”

  “What I’m saying is that it just seems to me like you have so much on your shoulders that you could use someone to lean on. That’s what a wife is for. Men are strong to a certain point, but they need someone they can count on no matter how bad things get. I think things are pretty bad right now, and I want to help you,” Leigh said.

  Cy said, “You are helping me. I mean, thanks to you, we’re going to have a good pasture and our steers will have better grazing. That’s a huge help right there. You’ve lit a fire under Johnny’s rear end and you’re getting things outside better organized.”

  Leigh put a hand on his arm. “That’s not what I mean. You need someone to talk to, Cy. You hold too much inside, and it’s going to get to you sooner or later.”

  Cy’s smile was naughty. “I’m pretty chatty after making love. Wanna see?”

  Leigh laughed softly. “Yes, but only after we’re married. Which I’d like to do on Saturday.”

  “This Saturday? As in only three days from now?” Cy asked.

  “Yeah. I just don’t see any reason to wait,” Leigh said.

  Cy said, “Don’t you need more time to plan or whatever?”

  “I’ve already had a big wedding, Cy. I don’t need another. Do you have a nice suit?” she asked.

  “I have a tuxedo, actually,” he said. “We’ll have to go get wedding bands tomorrow.”

  “All right. Good. I have a nice dress. As long as we have a preacher and our friends and family, that’s all we need,” Leigh said. “Daphne’s going to be my maid of honor.”

  “Daniel’s my best man,” Cy said. “Pastor Clem will marry us. I already asked him back when I knew you’d be coming.”

  “There. Then it’s all settled,” Leigh said.

  “I guess so,” he said, sliding his arms around her waist. “Am I allowed to
kiss you goodnight?”

  “I was hoping you might,” she said.

  He held her closer and lowered his head so he could brush her lips with his. He traced hers with the tip of his tongue, coaxing her to open for him. When she did and leaned into him, he completely captured her mouth, darting his tongue inside to lightly duel with hers.

  On a groan, he cupped her rear and pulled her harder against him. Leigh reached back and pulled his hands up where they’d been at her waist. They only stayed put for a few moments before sliding back down to her rear and squeezing.

  She jerked against him and pulled back.

  “Leigh, I’m not gonna to do anything more than what I’m doing right now. I swear,” Cy said. “Besides, it’s very relaxing for me.”

  She let out snort of laughter. “That’s some of the biggest bull crap I’ve ever heard.”

  “Is it working?” he asked, grinning.


  Sighing, he dropped his hands and said, “For what it’s worth, you have a very nice backside and I’m looking forward to seeing it—and the rest of you.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” Leigh said, closing her door after he left.

  She leaned against it and blew out a breath, thankful that Saturday was only a few days away.

  * * *

  Friday night, Jillian lived up to her end of the bargain and helped the sheriff’s department nab Gerard and his accomplice when they showed up.

  She stood nervously by the stable, holding her suitcase, which only contained clothing.

  Gerard and his accomplice arrived at the appointed time.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” he said.

  Jillian allowed him to kiss her cheek and forced herself to smile at him. He was such a handsome man with his dark hair and blue eyes, but she now found him repulsive.

  His gaze settled on the suitcase. “Are the jewels in there?”

  Jillian nodded as her heart thudded in her chest. “Yes. They’re all there. I’m ready to go.”

  Gerard said, “Good. Let me introduce to you to my friend, Phil Carpenter.”

  Jillian kept her wits about her and put on her party face. “Hello, Mr. Carpenter.”

  The middle-aged man with gray hair smiled at her. “Nice to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Branson.”

  Gerard reached for the suitcase. “I’ll put that in our buggy. Come. It’s around the side here.”

  Just as they were able to move, Rob and his staff jumped out of the shadows, surrounding the criminals.

  “Don’t move!” Rob said. “You’re under arrest for theft and blackmail.”

  Gerard turned to Jillian with a furious expression. “You rotten wench! You set me up!”

  “That’s right. You were going to take the jewels and do away with me. I thought you loved me, but I was so wrong,” Jillian said. “Now you’ll get what you deserve.”

  When Gerard moved towards her, Cy intercepted him. He handcuffed Gerard and took him away. Ellie followed him, pushing Carpenter ahead of her.

  While Brock went with Cy and Ellie, Rob took Jillian into the house.

  * * *

  Hector didn’t open the door until he’d made certain who was on the other side and as soon as Rob left, he locked it again, positioning himself in front of it on the inside. For the past three days, he’d been the epitome of what a guard was supposed to be: watchful, intelligent, and respectful to their employer.

  Dane and the other two guards had been furious about being fired and replaced, but Carly had remained strong as had Loren, and Eli made sure they’d left without causing any more problems. Carly had been surprised at Cy’s choices in guards, but he’d assured her that they were well-qualified.

  Loren had sneered outright at Hector, but the Mexican had barely looked at him, instead appraising the house for weaknesses and having Carly show him and the other two guards around.

  Eli hadn’t liked it that Hector seemed to think he was in charge and had said as much to Hector.

  Hector had walked right up to Eli, his dark eyes never wavering. “I am in charge, my friend. Cy put me in charge. Besides, if you and the Great Dane had done your jobs, maybe Miss Branson wouldn’t be dead. I’ve been doing this kind of work for a long time and I ain’t never lost anyone that I was guarding. They were never robbed, either. So I’d say that my record is a heck of lot better than yours. If you don’t like it, talk to the mayor about it, but I don’t think you’ll get anywhere.”

  Eli had backed down, something about Hector shouting “danger” to him. Carly had witnessed the exchange, impressed with Hector’s fearlessness and authoritative air. Truth be told, she was impressed with him in general. He was handsome in the suit he wore and he was quick to smile, teasing the other guards, whom he knew. Yet, he always remained vigilant and he’d already memorized the household routine.

  Hector had prayed hard that if he did a good job, the Bransons would decide to keep him around permanently. It was darn good money that could help him give his siblings a good life. It might also help him find a specialist who could help Pilar. With those thoughts in mind, Hector performed his job to the best of his ability, determined to make a better way of life for his family.

  Chapter 13

  Cy worked like a fiend to get the two crooks squared away at the jail and his report written that night so that his part was finished for the weekend. He was getting married the next day and he was danged if he was going to let anything interfere. It surprised him how much he was looking forward to marrying Leigh. Yes, he desired her, but it was more than that. He’d been thinking about what she’d said to him about being a confidant and a true partner in life.

  Cy had never had that before, not even with Daphne and his cousins. And certainly not with Valerie. He realized that neither of them had known all that much about each other because their profession demanded it. The more Cy thought about it, he was sure that wasn’t what true love was all about.

  Leigh was a smart woman who’d had that kind of connection with someone before. She understood what marriage entailed and, although Cy was skilled and intelligent in many areas that others weren’t, Leigh was much more knowledgeable when it came to emotional issues.

  As he went home that night—more towards morning, really—he felt as though he was standing on the precipice of something and it scared him. Laying his heart bare was a new, frightening experience and he wondered if he had the courage to face it. Then he thought about the brave woman he was marrying and figured that if she could come all the way across the country to marry a stranger, that he could do this.

  Resolve flooded through him as he walked through the door of their house and he mounted the stairs quickly as the dogs followed him. He laid down to get a couple hours of sleep, but although he closed his eyes, sleep didn’t come. He was too excited about what would take place later on that morning.

  He’d reserved the honeymoon suite at the Riverview Hotel for the weekend, and he was anticipating spending a lot of quality time with Leigh. They were going to go to Benny’s to celebrate after the wedding, and he was eager to introduce Leigh to some of his friends there. Yes, he was looking forward to getting married, something he never thought he’d do. But as he lay there in the dark, there was no denying the rush of happiness it brought him.

  * * *

  Across the hall, Leigh still sat up against the headboard. She’d heard Cy come in, but hadn’t gone to talk to him since you weren’t supposed to see the groom before the wedding. They’d arranged for him to leave for the church first so that she could get ready and come there once she was finished.

  Looking at her left hand, she played with the wedding ring she still hadn’t been able to take off. She’d been talking to Walt the whole night, explaining things and trying to talk herself into taking off the ring. When she did it would signify that her marriage to Walt was over once and for all. Her feelings over it were torn. On one hand, it made her sad, but on the other, she was looking for
ward to the future.

  As she turned it again, anger took hold of her. “You’re being asinine, Leigh. Take the dang thing off! Walt, I’ll always love you, but I have to move on now.”

  She kissed the ring and slowly removed it from her finger, putting it in her nightstand drawer. Looking at her naked finger with the indentation of where the ring had been, Leigh felt lost, as though there was nothing there to anchor her.

  Leaning her head back against the headboard, she forced herself to think about the man she was marrying and not the lack of a ring on her finger. Soon enough, there would be another one on it, and she’d have a new anchor. Smiling now, she wondered if Cy was as nervous as she was, or if he was calm and collected.

  She was going to have to learn to read his moods until she could get him to talk more. In a strange way, she was looking forward to the challenge. Thinking about unraveling Cy’s mysteries calmed her and Leigh was able to doze a little until she heard Cy come out of his room.

  She held her breath, wondering if he would knock, but she heard him speak quietly to the dogs and then go downstairs. Looking at the clock, she saw that there was plenty of time to get ready, so she let her mind drift. Then she heard a knock at the door.

  Cy said, “Coffee,” through the door and then she heard him go back downstairs.

  She smiled at his thoughtfulness and rose from the bed. Hesitantly, she cracked the door open. The hallway was empty, so she retrieved the coffee from the floor, thinking how thoughtful it was of Cy to bring it to her. Taking it over to her bed, she sat down and thought about the day ahead.

  * * *

  Cy tried to hide the fact that he was jumping out of his skin as he stood at the altar in the Chance City Methodist Church late that morning. He could face danger and death without the kind of fear he felt at the moment. Why did marrying Leigh feel so much scarier? He’d been fine with it earlier, but now he was a wreck.


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