Sphiel's Song

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Sphiel's Song Page 11

by Alara Branwen

  She talked to Dr. Braun later that day and he agreed. Dr. Thames mentioned her playing the game by herself as a confidence building exercise. A special program could be remotely placed in her VR band to kick her out of the game in case her stress levels got too high.

  Mandy asked why he couldn’t have just placed that in VR band to begin with and he told her it was safer to have someone there with her when she first started playing, as her sister would be able to calm her down more quickly. He said Mandy had progressed to the point where he could implement this measure without taking on risk.

  All parties agreed on the plan. From that day forward, Mandy would start playing the game on her own.

  Dr. Braun advised Mandy not to engage in “intimate activities” while she was in game, as it might pose a risk to her physical state. She promised him she wouldn’t, but she knew she wouldn’t keep that vow. It’d been a long time since Mandy felt that excited about anything, and while she felt bad lying through her teeth, she wasn’t going to give up this new-found pleasure just yet.


  Mandy was a bit nervous when she logged onto the game without her sister sitting by her side. She didn’t realize it, but in the back of her mind she always felt safe playing the game because her sister was there.

  She told herself it would be fine. What was the worst that could happen? Goblins would kill her and she’d have to respawn? The thought made her heart kick up, but she managed to keep a hold of herself. Mandy couldn’t help but feel proud that she was able to control her emotions this well.

  She arrived in the game as Sphiel to hear the sounds of battle going on. In the clearing, two goblins were doing their best to stab Balanos with spears. Another goblin was on the ground, grasping his head and groaning. The elf sang a few notes and after the intervention of a few birds, the remaining goblins were defeated.

  Sphiel approached Balanos as he looted the goblins’ bodies and placed the few coins he found in the sacks behind the large rock.

  “Good morning Lady Sphiel. Your arrival was fortuitous. How are things in the other realm?”

  Sphiel laughed, still enjoying how much Balanos got into character. “Things are going well. I’ve had a breakthrough in my personal quest and I’m journeying further past that dangerous portal I told you about. I’ve even managed to go to my sister’s door without feeling nervous.”

  Balanos grinned. The big smile on his handsome face made the elf melt. “I’m very happy to hear you’re doing well on your quest. I’m also happy to report that while you’ve been gone, I’ve been able to increase my skills with my staff. Three parties of goblins have attacked while you were gone, and I was able to defeat them.”

  Sphiel’s eyes went wide. “You were attacked?”

  “Yes, but don’t worry. They weren’t much of a threat and I placed all treasures gained from the encounters in your sack.”

  The elf vigorously shook her head, sending her flowing hair in all directions. “That wasn’t what I was worried about. This clearing has been getting attacked an awful lot. Do you think the goblins tracked us here?”

  “I don’t think so. Goblins are generally not too intelligent. At least, that’s what the necromancer who held me captive said.”

  “Don’t be so sure. Goblins are pretty smart,” a gravelly voice said.

  Sphiel and Balanos turned to see Shiva standing in the clearing. She carried a large sack, which was small to her in comparison, and was leaning against a tree. “Have you two been screwing around with goblins while I’ve been gone?”

  Sphiel ran up to her friend and gave her a hug. Shiva gave a half smile and returned the embrace. She didn’t look like she was too used to giving affection.

  “Where’ve you been?” Sphiel said.

  “It took me awhile to get to a place where I could sell those gems. The little village I went to wasn’t too fond of catering to a troll, but I found this city way down south that didn’t seem to mind. I managed a pretty penny from all those gems.” Shiva reached into the sack and handed the elf the long box they took from the necromancer. “Here’s your share.”

  Sphiel opened it to find a surprising number of gold and silver coins. She counted 52 gold and 74 silver pieces. She didn’t know much about the game’s economy, but she guessed it could buy a lot.

  “I decided to give you the lion’s share of the money because when I was out on my travels, I found out this mace we took from the necromancer was pretty awesome and decided to keep it,” the troll pointed to the mace on her belt.

  “What does it do?”

  One of the goblins Balanos fought earlier groaned and picked up his spear. He roared and charged toward Sphiel. In a swift motion Shiva drew her mace and stood in front of the charging creature. When he was in range she brought her weapon down on his head.

  There was a crack and a very dark shade of green spread out from the wound, down the creature’s body. The goblin backed away and pulled at his skin as the new hue of green coursed through him. After a few seconds he went rigid and fell to the ground.

  “Apparently this thing poisons anyone struck by it,” Shiva looked at the mace as one would a lover. “It’s a beautifully sinister weapon.”

  “It suits you well,” Balanos said. Sphiel was worried her friend would be offended by being referred to as sinister, but the troll swelled with pride, as if receiving an accolade.

  Sphiel told Shiva about what happened in game while she was gone. The elf demonstrated her power and asked to troll to take some of the gold.

  Shiva waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t care much for treasure and besides, we have bigger problems.”

  “What is it?” Sphiel said.

  “I turned in that bounty for the other goblins and their king was really pissed. He said something about an elf and a dryad were killing his goblins and offered to pay me to kill them. Seeing that you and Balanos are the only elf and dryad in the area. I thought I’d warn you, and congratulate you. I’m happy to see you’re able to venture out by yourself without being frightened.”

  “I’m not venturing out by myself. Balanos was with me.”

  Shiva looked at the dryad, who only smiled and nodded.

  Shiva cleared her throat. “About him. I talked to this Larkin guy in the beta test forum and he said the devs were starting to give players NPC companions as rewards for completing quests. There just like regular players, except they don’t respawn when they die. Given how we found Balanos, I think he’s an NPC.”

  Balanos’s face screwed up and he shook his head. “I’m not an NPC, I’m a dryad.”

  Shiva rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you are. Let me try out something. Hey, Balanos, do you think I’m sexy? Can you just see yourself ravaging this hot body of mine?” The troll posed in a way that would look fetching on any other female, but on her it looked silly.

  Balanos continued to smile. “Yes you are, and I’d be very happy to.”

  Shiva was overcome with rumbling laughter. She doubled over for a few minutes before she was finally able to speak. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely and NPC.”

  “No I’m not, I’m a dryad.”

  “Whatever, dude,” Shiva’s mirth subsided before she took on a more serious expression. “Anyway, the goblin king sounded really pissed. We should probably do something about it before he sicks all of his lackeys on us.”

  Sphiel was a bit preoccupied about what Shiva had said about Balanos. Was he an NPC? It would certainly explain why he was acting so strange. She wasn’t sure exactly how she felt about sharing carnal relations with a robot. He looked good, and their one encounter was certainly fun, but her interest in trying it again waned.

  Sphiel sighed. “If we’re going to be attacked by more goblins then we probably shouldn’t stay here. If you’d be willing to help me, we could move to a safer location.”

  “Or we could go after them. I’ll be damned if a bunch of snooty little goblins will push me or you around.”

  “I don’t want you
to come to any harm.”

  Shiva blew a raspberry. “Those shrimps aren’t going to hurt me, and with your new power, I doubt they’ll be able to do anything to you.”

  “You didn’t see my last encounters with them. They stabbed me full of holes.”

  “That’s because you only had tree boy over there,” Shiva jerked warty a thumb toward Balanos. “If I’m with you, those little creeps won’t stand a chance.”

  Sphiel realized she’d gotten much more powerful since she started playing the game. With Shiva’s braun and Balanos’s various methods of healing, she figured they probably had a better chance.

  Sphiel nodded. “Okay, we’ll take them out.”

  “Atta girl. We’ll pound those goblins into little green puddles.

  The elf reached into her inventory and pulled out a silver necklace she looted from one of the goblins. “This is what one of the goblins who attacked us was wearing. Do you recognize it?”

  Shiva glanced at it and nodded. “It’s the same symbol that was on a banner behind the goblin king’s throne. I can lead us to his ‘castle,’ and by that I mean huge dirt hut he lives in.”

  Sphiel gathered a few weapons and shouldered her buckler. After a few minutes of preparation, the group was ready to undertake another adventure.


  Shiva led Sphiel and Balanos through the forest, toward the goblin king’s stronghold. Sphiel caught sight of a goblin watching them as they trekked toward the goblin king’s lair. Unlike their last great battle, she knew her party wouldn’t be able to take their enemy by surprise. It would be a full on, frontal assault.

  She looked all around as they continued on, expecting to be ambushed at any moment. Shiva didn’t seem to worried. She strode on as if nothing in the world was bothering her. The elf admired her companion’s bravery. Though, if Sphiel was a fast and powerful seven foot troll, she probably wouldn’t have very much to fear either.

  The forest grew darker as they moved on. Sphiel nervously looked around and saw nothing but vegetation, but she knew they weren’t alone. She could feel goblin eyes watching them, tracking their every move, ready to strike. When the party reached the bottom of a large hill Shiva held up her hand.

  “The king’s residence is just over this hill,” Shiva said.

  Sphiel continued to keep a look out, but still saw nothing. “Where are they?”

  “Probably in the trees waiting to ambush us.” Shiva drew her weapon and Sphiel prepared herself for battle as well.

  “You think the king would be willing to talk about this?” Sphiel said.

  Shiva laughed. “The only kind of talking this king knows is with steel. We’re at a disadvantage at this point, so we should be attacked soon.”

  Sphiel drew her buckler close to her face and Balanos scooted closer to her.

  “Don’t worry lady Sphiel. Whatever happens, I’ll be here to protect you.”

  Even though they were from a robot, the words put her at ease. Sphiel lowered her shield and looked out among the trees.

  Out the corner of her eye she noticed a movement. She looked to see a goblin with a shortbow sitting in a branch and knocking an arrow. More goblins came out, at least ten, and prepared to fire on the party.

  From atop the hill a dozen goblins appeared riding atop large, black wolves. The leader of the goblin sneered and pointed at the party.

  “Goblin killers. You dare come to our land and fight us?”

  Shiva threw up a rude gesture at the head wolf rider. “Blow it out your ass, you little green turd.”

  “Lady shiva, scourge of our enemy. We have no quarrel with you. Deliver the goblin slayer to us and you will not be slaughtered.”

  “I hope you enjoy where you’re head is resting,” Shiva shouted back, “because when I’m done with you, it’ll be on the end of a pike.”

  The goblin growled and drew out a white warhorn and blew it. He drew his weapon and urged his mount forward. The others followed suit, and behind them, the goblin bowmen readied their arrows.

  Being so outnumbered, Sphiel thought her party would quickly reach their demise. Shiva took up a battle stance and leered at the wolf riders. She seemed confident, ready for action. How could she be so bold, even in the face of such overwhelming odds? It was an admirable quality, but one that would get her killed.

  The goblin wolf riders came at their group full throttle. Sphiel closed her eyes and she began singing. She envisioned the goblins being bucked off their mounts and the bowmen being attacked by birds. She soon expected to feel the bite of many arrows, but she had to keep those thoughts away. If they were going to do any kind of damage to these goblins, she needed to concentrate on her spell.

  She sang and saw the goblins getting brutally ripped apart by wolves and birds poking the eyes out of their attackers. Soon she would be embraced by the cold grip of death, but she was going to sing, and give her attackers the best fight she should. They were going to kill her. Soon. Very soon.

  She stood there singing, listening to the screams of battle and the pounding of weapons. She heard running feet and loud shrieks. Were the goblins upon them? Were they ready to deliver her a killing blow?

  Sphiel opened her eyes and saw a horrific sight before her, at least, horrific for her enemy. Several birds of various colors were attacking the bowmen. Some of them were large, probably hawks, coming down and tearing large gashes into the goblin faces. The smaller birds harassed the remaining bowmen and caused them to miss wide.

  A few of the goblins fell out of the trees, trying to get away from the wicked talons of the hawks attacking them. A few of these goblins ran, but many were taken down by Balanos and his staff.

  The goblin wolf riders met a worse fate. The wolves they rode stopped charging and attempted to throw off their riders. A few managed to get their goblins off and fell on them, turning their former masters into torn, bloody corpses.

  Shiva calmly walked up to a few of the goblins that were still managing to hang onto their wolves and bashed them over the head with her mace. It didn’t take long for the rest of the goblin riders to meet their fates.

  More goblins came over the hill wearing tattered hides and carrying spears. Sphiel pointed toward the goblins. The now riderless wolves turned on them and the birds, without any goblins to attack, swarmed toward the enemy.

  Shiva quickly bounded up the hill and attacked the awestruck enemy. The troll took several hits from goblin spears but she heaved away with her mace, taking out several of the creatures before her. Balanos gracefully ran up the hill, and soon he joined in the attack, helping his troll companion in the fight.

  Sphiel walked forward, sending forth more birds, squirrels, and a few mice that happened to be in the spell's effect. Her animal host rushed forward and attacked alongside her friends.

  More goblins joined the battle line but found their numbers were dwindling rapidly while the animals they had to fend off grew ever larger. After a few more minutes it became clear to the little green warriors they were no match for their attackers and were soon routed.

  Shiva, Balanos, and Sphiel crested the hill and came upon a village. There were several mud huts scattered about with a large dome shaped hut in the center. Goblins ran chaotically around the camp as wolves chased them. More wolves broke out of a large pen kept near the center of the village and joined the attack.

  Sphiel walked through the village unopposed while her friends were attacking the few belligerents that remained.

  She came to the entrance of the large earthen dome and walked inside, followed by a procession of forest creatures. A few armed goblins saw her host and immediately threw down their arms and surrendered. She imagined the forest creatures not harming these goblins, and they didn’t.

  Toward the back was a large chair made from dirt, beside which were many gold coins and treasures. From behind it, she saw two large, green feet shivering. She reached out, grabbed an ankle and yanked a goblin, a bit taller and beefier than the rest, dressed in furs with
a silver circlet on his head, out of his hiding place.

  Sphiel stopped singing. Birds calmly landed on several wooden tables laden with bowls and rudimentary wooden silverware, while the remaining animals calmly walked around the throne room.

  The large goblin that Sphiel held raised his hand and was about to call out, but she drew her sword.

  The big goblin smiled. Large tusks jutted out from his lower lips, matching the visage on the banner that hung behind his throne. “Hello good lady sorceress. What brings you to my court?”

  Sphiel scowled. “You know why I’m here. You sent your goblins out to attack me and I’m here to put an end to it.”

  The goblin held up his meaty hands. “Please, great and powerful sorceress, spare my life. My people were only acting in retaliation to your aggressive actions against us.”

  “I wasn’t the aggressor. Your goblins attacked me. I only wanted to talk to them. They were taking dirt from a clearing and I just wanted to know why they were doing it.”

  “You mean the clearing where the dryad was from? I took the dirt to start a garden. Dirt where dryad trees grow is very fertile.” The goblin got up on his knees and folded his hands in front of him. “We will stop, but please, don’t kill me. I’ll give you whatever you want and I promise my goblins won’t attack you again.”

  The goblin king shivered. A dark, wet spot was forming in his trousers. Shiva entered the throne room with Balanos. When she saw the large goblin shivering she smirked and bowed. “Oh great and mighty king Gulpgulp, son of the mighty orc Glugglug, I am honored to be in your fearless presence again.”

  The goblin sneered. “Warrior Shiva. Do you know this vile witch?”

  The troll grinned and nodded. “She’s a very close friend of mine. Also, I wouldn’t call her a witch. She gets a little offended by that.”

  Shiva nodded toward the sword in Sphiel’s hand. The elf took the cue and held it closely to the goblin’s throat. Gulpgulp gulped.


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