Sphiel's Song

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Sphiel's Song Page 12

by Alara Branwen

  Sphiel grimaced down at the kneeling king. “I came to deliver a message. If you fuck with me or my friends again, I will come to your throne room and I’ll uh...gut you and make a scarf out of your intestines, do I make myself clear?”

  Gulpgulp nodded and all of his subjects cringed. “I promise I won’t harm you.”

  Sphiel nodded and took the sword away. Shiva looked as if she were going to say something, then stopped herself.

  Sphiel began to sing again and led the animals out of the throne room. The goblins gave her as wide a berth as possible.


  Sphiel walked back Shiva with her head held high. Shiva walked beside her, wearing the same smirk that she’d wore when they left the goblin encampment. Balanos dutifully followed behind them, keeping an eye out for any danger.

  “You were a total badass back there. Congratulations, I didn’t know you had it in you,” Shiva said.

  Sphiel smiled shyly and looked up at the trees. She listened for the birds and saw a few squirrels running among the branches. Since she left the goblin village, she’d became more aware of the wildlife in the wood.

  “I was just really upset that Gulpgulp was messing with me or Balanos. When I first started playing this game I felt really weak and the constant stream of goblin attacks didn’t help. It’s nice to know that I can fight back.”

  “It’s good that you know, because you know that’s not the last you’ll see of Gulpgulp, don’t you?”

  “You don’t think he’s going to keep his promise?”

  Shiva laughed. “Of course not. What self-respecting monarch does? Also, you should learn how to negotiate better.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Gulpgulp promised that he wouldn’t hurt you. He didn’t say anything about his subjects. My guess is that he’s going to gather what remains of his army and come after you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this when we were with the king?”

  “I was, but then I figured it would be more fun if they come after us. If that last battle was anything to go by, we’ll trounce the crap out of him and his followers.”

  The party made its way back to the clearing. Sphiel and Balanos settled in while Shiva prepared to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Sphiel said.

  “I’m gonna start preparing for the inevitable goblin invasion. I learned a skill while I was off selling those gems we got from the necromancer. I’m gonna put it to use and make a few surprises for our little green friends. Until then, keep an eye out for goblins.” Shiva waved to her friends and vanished into the woods.

  Sphiel contemplated on what she wanted to do with the remainder of her time in the game. She definitely wasn’t in the mood to go on a quest and she was too pumped to meditate. After a few minutes she decided she might as well just log off when she looked at Balanos.

  He was reclining against his tree, stretching his muscles. He looked very sexy lying there in his leaf shorts. She imagined herself running her fingers up his firm muscles or through that thick, leaf-like hair. Warmth began to fill her loins and she felt a little tingle in her nethers.

  Against her Psychiatrist’s wishes, she’d put on the pleasure synthesizer before she logged on. She didn’t really know if she’d get a chance to test it out, but seeing Balanos looking so handsome beneath his tree was bringing on the urge.

  Sphiel rose from her rock and walked over to Balanos. She joined him beneath his tree and rested a hand on his. He opened his eyes and smiled at the elf. “Hey, Sphiel.”

  “Hey there, you recovering from that big battle?”

  “Yes, I suffered a little damage but I think I should be fine in a short time.”

  Sphiel stretched and showcased her ample bosom toward the dryad. “Are you in need of a little healing?”

  “No, I should be just fine.”

  The elf ran her fingers beneath her breasts. Flaming rivulets of excitement flowed through her chest. “Are you sure? I’d be happy to deliver an application, even if you don’t need it.”

  Balanos looked at her confused. Sphiel sighed and dropped her arms to her side. “I want to screw your brains out.”

  Balanos jerked. “Oh, is that what you want? Okay, I can do that.”

  The situation had gotten very awkward. She wasn’t sure if she was in the mood for this or not. He was a robot after all and she still wasn’t sure how she felt about having sex with an NPC.

  The dryad leaned in, tilted her head up and pressed his lips to hers. His hands stroked her arms as their tongues intersected between their moving lips. Sphiel moaned and felt her reservations melting to the budding lust in her stomach.

  Balanos leaned her back and she was laid gently on the grass. He removed her clothes and took off his shorts. Sphiel was entranced by his massive member growing in erection. She reached out and touched it. It was warm and strong, yet soft. She gently gripped it and massaged it for a few moments before the dryad leaned in and placed his lips on her puffy nipple.

  Sphiel gasped and reached down for her nethers. They were moist and warm to the touch. She brushed her fingers across her clit and felt an explosion of tingles scattering through her body. It was clear that whatever it was doing, the pleasure synthesizer was certainly doing its job.

  The elf felt other digits joining her own. She pulled her hand away as the dryad manipulated his fingers around her quivering pussy lips before thrusting inside. Sphiel angled her legs widely as the dryad’s strong and spry digits manipulated the inner folds of her womanhood. This thumb slid around to the top of her sex and burrowed beneath her clitoral hood and wiggled against the pink nub beneath.

  A long and low moan escaped the elf’s lips. Balanos took the hand that she touched herself with and placed the tips of her fingers, covered in her juices, into his mouth. He licked them clean and began to thrust his digits into her moistening cunt.

  Sphiel massaged her breasts as the dryad’s fingers teased her below. His ministrations built the fires that flowered in her. The lightness that coursed through her blood was amazing. Nothing that she’d ever felt before matched this kind of excitement.

  The elf continued to enjoy the feeling for a few minutes before she noticed the dryad’s massive cock wobbling while he continued to tease her. An urge came over her.

  “Balanos. Have you ever done sixty-nine?” Sphiel said.

  “No, but we can try it,” Balanos said.

  Sphiel laid back and the dryad positioned himself over her. She saw his bobbing member just above her lips as he took his position over her. She craned her head up and pressed her lips to the mushroom head. It was warm and downy against her plush lips. The elf took more of it into her mouth and tasted a salty sweetness that covered the skin.

  The elf bobbed her head on it, leaving small wet trails in her wake. There was a small vibration in the back of her mind. Moving her mouth over his member wasn’t exciting, but something urged her on. She increased her momentum and heard the dryad moan and shiver above her.

  The edges of her mouth curved upward. She enjoyed the feeling of making her partner feel good. Another moan made her close her eyes and fully devote herself to the dryad’s pleasure. She brushed her tongue over the tip and ran small circles around the top of the head. Balanos gripped her thighs and wetness flowed from her snatch onto the ground below. She pressed her hips upward toward where she thought his face was.

  She felt a tongue gently prod her sex. It turned into a long and languid lick that ignited flaming streamers just beneath her skin. He drug his tongue along the length of her cunt several times before plunging it into her depths.

  Balanos’s tongue was much more agile than his fingers and touched the intimate spots on the outer reaches of her pussy more deftly. The tip drilled into the spongy flesh. The elf’s entire body shook as the tongue wiggled into her nethers, pressing down firmly on the sensitive area inside her. She wrapped her legs carefully around his neck and pressed his lips firmly against her labia.

os’s tongue quested deeper into the elf’s pussy while she feverishly ran her lips over the barrel of his cock. His member was so large, she couldn’t take in very much of it. She reached up and gripped the base and roughly exercised the skin. She tilted her head from side to side and sucked in her cheeks, creating a hard suction on his member.

  They stayed entwined for several minutes, eagerly applying their lust. Tumultuous exhilaration barreled through Sphiel. She barely felt the ground beneath her and more acutely felt the wind caressing her body. Experience told her that she was about to reach her apex. She pulled her mouth off the dryad’s member and her partner stopped.

  “Are you okay lady Sphiel?” Balanos said.

  “I’m great, but I’d really like you to take me now,” Sphiel said, her breath heavy.

  Balanos spun his body around and situated himself between his lover’s hips. He grabbed his cock and brushed it against the elf’s winking pussy lips. Sphiel shuddered as the head tenderly teased her wanton cunt. She just wanted him to shove it in her and make the powerful ache she felt inside to be sated. As if hearing her thoughts the dryad thrust his large cock head into her.

  Sphiel’s sex enveloped his member. The massive cock filled her up and unbearable heat cascaded into her body. She grabbed Balanos’s hands and placed them on her breasts. His thumbs flicked across her hardened nipples as he massaged them, squeezing the large globes together.

  The elf’s thoughts were obfuscated. The dryad thrust his cock into her and she felt the last strain of thought she had drain away and be replaced by a sparking shower. She closed her eyes and colors surged on the back of her lids. The head of the cock inside of her rammed against the back of her sex and she felt like her body was lifted from the ground, floating on the air currents.

  Sphiel cried out as the dryad hammered his member into her, but she didn’t hear it. She could feel his strong and dextrous fingers manipulating her pillowy breasts and his steely cock being squeezed by her vaginal wall, but all else around her was silent. Sphiel and her pleasure were one, existing on a level the elf couldn’t fathom in her lust addled state.

  Every little movement her body made sent her closer to the edge. The dryad’s molten cock throbbed, emitting small waves that tickled her nerves. Her synapses fired rapidly as tingles bounced and ricocheted beneath her flesh. Sphiel’s heart beat in her ears. The rhythm lulled her into a gentle delirium. She felt herself fading into the ground, becoming part of the scerene backdrop of the VR world.

  There was a twisting inside of her and her pussy tightly gripped the cock in her. She cried out as she a climax rushed through her, catapulting her consciousness back into a waking state. Balanos pushed his cock deeply in her and unleashed a torrent of his thick seed. It flowed into her womb, filling her with a soft glow that seemed to spread out and radiate from her skin.

  The two lay beneath Balanos’s tree for a few minutes, panting and smiling at each other. The elf heard Shiva’s footsteps, much heavier than usual, coming toward the clearing.

  Sphiel looked at herself, covered in sweat and at her clothes that seemed miles away. She would never be able to grab them and put them on in time. So the elf said her goodbyes to Balanos and quickly logged off.


  Two weeks passed, and each day Mandy found herself becoming bolder in her household explorations. She ventured to different parts of the house by herself, seeing rooms that she hadn’t laid eyes on in years. Her boldest endeavors included making herself a sandwich in the kitchen and sitting on the couch, greeting her father when he came home from work. The last act garnered another spine crushing hug from her father and a teary-eyed congratulations from her sister.

  Mandy was spending more time looking out of her bedroom window, watching the people walk by. No longer did she feel anxious. She watched them with a hint of jealousy, and wondered what kinds of things they were out doing.

  Dr. Braun encouraged these thoughts and heavily implied that there was only one way to find out what there was in the “outside world.” The thought brought a twinge of fear, but also fascination. She couldn’t quite see herself on the outside, but the idea was there.

  In game she, as Sphiel, developed her “spell song” as she’d taken to calling it. When animals would wander into her clearing she would call them over using her music and play with them before sending them away. She ensorcelled a wide variety of creatures, from bears, snakes, wolves, wild boar, and various species of birds.

  She went out a few times and got into fights with goblins, but those encounters all ended quickly, as she would call in an animal to take care of the combat for her.

  Sphiel spent time with Shiva, but a majority of the time she was with Balanos. It didn’t take her long to come to the conclusion he was an NPC. It explained his eagerness to do everything she told him and how he had no idea what the “real world” was.

  This didn’t bother her as much as it once did. The dryad would always listen to her talk at length about her problems or interests without hesitation. Even things her old friends or even her sister found inane, the dryad’s interests were always piqued.

  Sometimes the two would go adventuring, but their usual encounters involved a long conversation followed by riotous sex. Sometimes she would skip the conversation and skip right to the “fun.”

  Things were perfect and given her spell, and the fighting prowess of her and her friends, nothing had the power to change that.

  Sphiel was in a small shelter crafted from leaves in the corner of her clearing, lying on a small mattress made of foliage with Balanos. They had built a shelter at Shiva’s request in case she accidentally walked in on them while they were in the act.

  Elf and dryad had gone through the throes of ecstasy a half-hour ago, after another successful adventure, and were laying there enjoying each other’s company. Sphiel ran her fingers down Balanos’s ridged abs when they heard a rustle outside. The elf figured it was her friend coming back from one of her journeys. The goblins hadn’t bothered coming into the clearing since Shiva had set up a large number of traps around the clearing.

  She walked outside to see a small goblin in tattered clothes. He held a spear, and around his neck was the symbol of Gulpgulp on a silver chain. The creature smiled, showing his yellowed teeth and bowed to her.

  “Afternoon wicked sorceress,” he said, his voice high pitched and twisting.

  Sphiel bowed as well. “Good afternoon, I see you’ve come where you’re not welcome.”

  The goblin laughed. “It’s you who’s not welcome here. I was sent forth by our army to let you know we are coming to seek retribution for embarrassing our king.”

  “So your king is sending an army of goblins to break his oath? It will be him that’s embarrassed.”

  This brought more mirth to the goblin. “The king is not an oathbreaker, you…”

  Sphiel cut him off. “I realize I wasn’t specific and that caused a bit of trouble in our negotiations. Fine. Bring your army. My friends and I will crush you and your wretched little band.”

  The goblin stood rigid. “We’ll see who’ll be going to the great land in the sky. My people will drain your blood and feast on your innards.”

  The goblin gave Sphiel a rude gesture and turned to leave. There were loud footsteps coming from the woods. Before the goblin could leave, Shiva ran through the treeline. She saw the goblin and quickly rushed over to him. The goblin raised his spear to defend himself, but Shiva swatted his spear point aside with her mace and crushed his skull.

  Ignoring the corpse, she turned to the elf. “Sphiel, while I was walking through the woods, I saw goblins, lots of them, and they were all coming this way.”

  The elf pointed to the fallen creature at the troll’s feet. “I’m aware. That goblin came to tell me before you bashed his brains in. He said a huge army was coming to kill us,” Sphiel rolled her eyes. “I told him he’s welcome to try, but we can kick their asses just the same.”

  Shiva bit her lips. “I’d n
ormally agree, but there are tons of those little green bastards coming this way. I don’t know how many, but it’s at least a hundred.”

  Sphiel blew a raspberry. “I don’t care if they come at us with a thousand. Their blood will spill all over this clearing. The only thing I’m worried about is building a big enough fire to burn them all without harming the trees.”

  Balanos came out of the small leaf structure. “What is this about harming the trees?”

  Shiva reiterated what she told Sphiel to Balanos and continued. “We have to get out of here. If we don’t, they’re going to cut us up and use our skins for coats.”

  “Huh, I never thought I’d hear you say that. Weren’t you the one who said it would be fun to fight them? What happened to the brave and mighty Shiva?” Sphiel said with gentle mockery.

  “I did, but I didn’t think they’d come at us like this. I’m strong, but I’m not a complete dipshit. I don’t get into a fight I can’t win and this one doesn’t look good. We’ll grab your most valuable treasures and vamoose toward safer territory. I know this one place we could hide.”

  Sphiel let out a defiant laugh. “I don’t care what they bring, I will face them with my spell song and wipe the floor with them.”

  Balanos nodded. “I am staying with Lady Sphiel. My tree is here and the roots it spread are firmly in the ground.”

  Shiva shook her head. “Sphiel, cut the bravado. Even with all my traps, and our strength and powers, we’re not going to beat an army of that size.”

  Sphiel threw out her chest. “Good lady, you may wish to run but I will face our attackers boldly. They will not take my home from me.”

  The troll sighed. “Well, can’t say I didn’t try. Fine, but when we respawn I don’t want to hear you give me any shit.”

  A warhorn bleated in the distance. There was a scream and the pounding of several little feet against the ground thundered toward their location. Shiva tightly gripped her weapon and Balanos magically pulled a white staff from a tree.


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