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Every Tear You Cry (Redeeming Love Book 4)

Page 14

by J. E. Parker

  Bella was pressed against me, her face buried in my chest. Next to her was Declan, and beside him was Liam who was wrapped up in Clara’s arms. A pile of blankets covered the floor beneath us.

  Everyone but me was still asleep.

  I hadn’t slept a single damn wink all night.

  Madder than fuck at the conversation Clara and I had the night before, my mind had raced, not allowing me to relax. Seeing her panic and hearing her confess some—not all—of the things Colin had done to her… I couldn’t even think about it without wanting to fly into a rage.

  He beat her.

  He raped her.

  He fucking broke her.

  If he wasn’t dead already, I’d kill him myself.

  No woman deserved to live through the hell that Clara had, but knowing it had been her, my bella dama, that had suffered at the hands of a monster made me sick to my stomach.

  Feeling out of control, I wanted nothing more than to shove my hand through the nearest wall. But I couldn’t do that. Not matter how pissed I got, I couldn’t let my temper get the best of me in front of Clara and the kids.

  Seeing me fly into a rage would terrify them.

  That’s the last thing I wanted.

  “Brantley,” Clara whispered, pulling me from the turmoil that swirled inside me like a hurricane. “How long have you been awake?”

  I met her gaze.

  Her eyes were heavy with sleep, her hair was a tangled mess, and red indentions marred the side of her face from the throw pillow she’d slept on. Yet, I’d never seen a more beautiful woman in my life.

  “Just a few minutes,” I lied. Reaching across all three kids, I caressed her jaw with my knuckle. She closed her eyes and exhaled. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  A small smile graced her lips.

  “Put on your glasses, Pretty Boy. You need them.”

  “The hell you say. Next to Bella, I’ve never woken up next to a prettier girl.”

  Slipping her arms out from around Liam, she turned to her back and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. My hand dropped to Liam’s chest. Feeling his heartbeat bleed into my fingertips soothed some of the anger that possessed me. “Want to know a secret?”

  “Yeah, baby,” I replied, “I do.”

  Clara turned her head, giving me a clear view of her face again.

  The sight of her stole my breath away.

  “I didn’t expect you to be like this.”

  Her words made me pause. “What do you mean?”

  “I used to think you were an arrogant asshole. At least that’s what I told myself time after time. It’s how I erected walls. Every time you flirted with me when you were visiting Evan and Hope, I ignored my feelings, and convinced myself that you were just trying to get in my pants.”

  “Clara—” I started.

  “The day you got here,” she interrupted, “I repeated that mantra in my head. It’s so stupid but I thought if I could convince myself that you looked at me as just another conquest”—she glanced down at the kids—“that I could guard my heart from you.”

  “I won’t lie and say I haven’t been around, because I have. My ex-wife was my first real relationship. The women that came before her are a sea of nameless faces. But after I married Chastity, I swear I never cheated on her. I was faithful to her, bitch that she is, until the end.”

  “I believe you,” she whispered. “I just don’t know what you want from me.”

  My reply was simple. “What I want is you and the boys.”

  Her face remained impassive, her eyes distrusting. “Even after everything I told you last night?”

  I lifted my hand from Liam’s chest and cupped her jaw, forcing her gaze to stay locked with mine. “Your past does not define you. The only thing I give a shit about is who you are now. Your scars don’t bother me,” I said, reiterating what I’d told her last night. “I know you’ve got issues and triggers but I’m a patient man. I’ve already told you this, but I’ll say it again... I will not hurt you, and I will allow no one else to hurt you. You are safe with me. I realize you aren’t ready for what I want to give you, but, baby, that doesn’t fucking matter. I will not push you into anything. I will wait. Swear to God, Clara, I am not going anywhere.”

  I wasn’t.

  I’d spent nine months with my head shoved up my ass where Clara was concerned. I was officially done. Done fighting my feelings, done using my distrust for women as a reason not to chase after the very thing I wanted more than anything… Her.

  “Besides, look at me. I’m not perfect. I’ve got my own problems.”

  “Yeah?” She asked, teary-eyed. “Like what?”

  “Like a psycho ex-wife who is a constant pain in my ass.”

  Clara intertwined my fingers with hers. “Tell me about her.”

  Fuck me, I thought.

  This was not a subject I wanted to broach with her.

  “You want the cliff notes version?”

  Clara shrugged. “I want whatever you’ll give me.”

  “Alright. Guess I’ll start from the beginning,” I replied, clearing my throat. “I was a senior at Vanderbilt when I met Chastity at a frat party. We hooked up a few times, but it wasn’t long before she pushed for more. It was bullshit because I told her at the beginning that sex was all there would ever be between us. I was moving out of state the following year to go to law school at Duke. The last thing I wanted, or needed, was a girlfriend.”

  My blood pressure climbed.

  “A few months after we started hooking up she showed up at my apartment crying. Said she was pregnant. At first, I thought she was full of shit because I’d used a condom each time I’d been with her. I know they aren’t foolproof, but I had a bad feeling.”

  Clara’s hand squeezed mine tight. The feel of her warm skin against mine comforted me, abating the anger and hostility that simmered in my veins.

  “Because I didn’t trust her, I made her take a pregnancy test in front of me. Three minutes and two pink lines later, my life changed forever.” I ran my fingers through my little girl’s curls. “I wanted Bella from the beginning. Chastity knew that, and she used it against me.”


  “By threatening to have an abortion each time I didn’t bend to her will.”

  A look of disgust crossed Clara’s face. “That’s sick.”

  “It was, but coming from a woman who admitted to poking holes in all the condoms I kept in my nightstand, what do you expect?”

  “She frickin’ did that?”

  I nodded. “And that was only the beginning. When she got too far along to abort Bella, she would threaten to leave. I couldn’t let her do that because I knew if she did, I’d never see my baby. That was a risk I wasn’t willing to take. So, I did whatever she demanded of me. I married her. I bought her a house. I gave her money.”

  “Wait,” Clara said, confused. “You were still in college, law school, whatever. How could you buy all that stuff? Yes,” she continued, “I’m being nosy.”

  It was my turn to be confused. “You don’t know?”

  When she shook her head, my mind spun.

  She doesn’t know I have money.

  “Clara,” I said her name softly, “my parents gifted Evan and me each a trust fund. Big ones. We gained access to them on our twenty-first birthdays. It’s how I paid for law school and how I bought my first house.” I gestured to the room and unarranged furniture surrounding us. “It’s how I bought this house.”

  Clara’s mouth formed an O. “Oh,” she said. “I knew you had money, but you’re a lawyer so I thought…” Her voice trailed off.

  I nodded in understanding. “I make a good living, a really good living, but Chastity didn’t give a shit about me becoming an attorney. She was only focused on getting her hooks into the money my parents gave me. It was a fact she never tried to hide. And with the amount of alimony I’m paying her, she damn sure succeeded.”

  “How did she know you had a trust f
und to begin with?”

  “Before her dad got into politics, he was a financial advisor. My dad, who is a real estate developer, was one of his clients.”

  “Holy shit. That’s just twisted,” Clara replied, sneering. “Did he tell Chastity about your trust fund? He wasn’t in on it with her, was he?”

  I shook my head. “Nah, I don’t think he was in on it. But I think he ran his mouth about confidential stuff he had no business talking about. There is no other way she could’ve known. Evan and I both kept our mouths shut about it. Hell, Hope didn’t even know until last year.”

  Clara sat up and pulled her hair into a bun on top of her head. “I’m sorry, Brantley.” Her frustration mirrored my own. “I’ve never hated someone I haven’t met, but I can say with one hundred percent honesty that I hate your ex-wife. If I ever meet her in person, you better be prepared to defend me in court because I may bust one of her kneecaps with Grandmama’s cane. After everything she’s done to you and Bella, I have one heck of an urge to shove my foot three feet up her rear end.”

  I chuckled. “I’ve got you covered, Firecracker. Don’t you worry. Though, it’s against ethics to represent my girlfriend in court. Could get my ass disbarred.”

  Clara dropped her hands and swung her sparkling gaze to meet mine. “Girlfriend?”

  I held my hands up in a placating gesture. “I’m just saying.”

  “Ohmigod, Brantley. You are such a—”

  Her words were cut off when someone knocked on the front door.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  “Who is it?” I yelled, irritated as hell.

  My question was answered a second later when a familiar voice barked, “Don’t you take that tone with me young man. You may be good-looking with a rear end worthy of an art exhibit, but I will still take a paddle to your delectable behind. Now get up and open this daggum door before I pick the lock.” There was a brief pause. Then, “Do I need to get a hickory switch?”

  Laughing, Clara climbed to her feet. “I’ll get it. I’m better at handling Grandmama’s unique brand of crazy than most.”

  When she started to pass me, I grabbed her wrist, stopping her mid-stride. “Baby, wait.” I stood, slid my arms around her lower back, and pulled her against me.

  Her hands flew to my shoulders.

  “What we just talked about? I meant every word, bella dama. You are not just another conquest. You, me, us”—I paused for emphasis—“that means something to me, and I hope one day it’ll mean something to you too.”

  Standing on her tiptoes, she placed a gentle kiss to my jaw. “It already does.”

  With that, she turned and headed for the door.


  I was standing in Brantley’s kitchen, holding two steaming cups of coffee, one in each hand. Across from me sat Shelby, who looked like she hadn’t slept a wink all night. Beside her was Hope, who was nursing Ryker. The guys—Brantley, Evan, Anthony, Felix, Keith and Pop included—were out in the backyard with the kids, watching them run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

  Thanks to the chocolate chip pancakes Grandmama fed them for breakfast, they each had more energy in their pinky finger’s than I had in my whole body.

  Speaking of the crazy old biddy, I had no idea where she disappeared to.

  After feeding the kids, and pinching Brantley on the butt a time or two, she’d disappeared.

  She’s probably going through Brantley’s underwear drawer.

  “Here, Blondie,” I said, sliding Shelby a cup of coffee. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  Shelby snatched it up with both hands and pressed the cup to her lips. Her eyes slid closed when she took a sip. “Thanks, Clara,” she replied, yawning.

  “Did you not sleep much last night?” Hope asked, moving Ryker to her shoulder. Patting him on the back, she continued, “Is Ashley having nightmares again. If so, I can come—”

  Shelby shook her head. “Ashley is fine. I’m just paranoid that Hendrix will call because Maddie is in labor and I won’t hear the phone ring. I swear I didn’t sleep over five dang minutes at a time last night.”

  “Dear Lord, Blondie. You live across the street from Pop and Grandmama. If Maddie goes into labor and Hendrix can’t get you on the phone, you know they’ll come beat on the door,” I said. “You won’t miss your niece’s birth.”

  My inner bitch snickered.

  Shelby wanted a nephew so bad, but Hendrix was convinced the baby was a girl.

  Shelby narrowed her eyes. “Listen, I don’t care what my big brother says, he and Maddie are having a boy this time. I’m certain of it.”

  I chuckled. “Course you are. Hendrix has his heart set on having another girl though, doesn’t he?”

  “That he does,” she replied. “I don’t know why they decided against finding out the gender. Don’t they know this is killing me? I’m far too impatient to wait nine months to find out if I’m having a niece or nephew. I swear those two are trying to give me a heart attack.”

  Hope rolled her eyes. “You’re such a drama queen.”

  “Zip it, Itty Bitty,” Shelby snapped in a teasing tone.

  Hope stuck out her tongue in return.

  Shelby swung her gaze back to me. “Alright, Red, it’s time for the interrogation to start. I’ve waited long enough. Tell me what happened last night after Daddy and I left. I bet’cha found a desk to bend over didn’t you?”

  “Shelby, I swear to God, I will snatch a knot—”

  Footsteps sounded from the hall, and Maddie, followed by Grandmama rounded the corner. “Ooh what did I miss?” Maddie asked, wobbling toward an island chair. “What did my Blondie do that requires you to snatch a knot in her behind?”

  I ignored her question.

  If I don’t acknowledge it, maybe they’ll drop it.

  “Where’s Hendrix and Melody?” I asked, knowing full well that Hendrix wouldn’t let Maddie out of his sight.

  Maddie scowled. “I banished him to the backyard the minute we pulled up. His constant hovering is about to drive me bananas. Did you know he won’t even let me get up and pee at night by myself? He says he’s afraid I’ll trip over something and fall in the dark. The man acts like I don’t know how to turn on a damn light.”

  Hope giggled.

  “Now,” Maddie continued, “Talk, Shelby. I need juicy details.”

  My face fell.

  This will not end well for me.

  Shelby smiled, and I knew she was about to embarrass the heck out of me.

  “Shelby, if you open your big mouth I swear before God and all that is holy that I will never make you coffee or buy you doughnuts again.”

  Grandmama quirked a brow. “I will. Now spill the beans.”

  “Happily,” Shelby agreed, clapping her hands together like a doofus. “Let’s just say that last night Brantley overheard Clara talking about bending over his desk and hiking her skirt up for him. Judging by the look on his face, he got a little excited.”

  My cheeks reddened as everyone burst into laughter.

  “Go ahead,” I huffed. “Laugh it off.”

  “Well,” Maddie asked around a fit of giggles. “Did you bend over his desk last night? If so, I’m gonna need details.”

  “Me too,” Grandmama added. “Better yet, did you take any nude-y pictures of Mr. Good Looking?”

  “Oh my God, Grandmama,” I fussed. “You are such a perv.”

  Hands on her hips, she gave me the stink eye. “How many dang times do I have to tell you hussies that although I may be older-than-dirt I ain’t dead yet. I’ve still got a few miles left in me. Speaking of”—reaching into her dress pocket, she pulled out a phone—“Keith and Charlotte got me a new cellar phone. It’s one of them fancy strawberry phones.”

  “Strawberry?” Shelby asked, nearly choking. “Grandmama it’s an Apple iPhone. There is a picture of an apple right on the front.”

  Grandmama narrowed her eyes, examining the front of the phone. “Huh, would you loo
k at that? Anyway,” she said, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. “I don’t know how to work the dang thing, but I managed to get on Google. Let me ask y’all this, have you ever been to Tumblr?”

  Oh. My. God!

  “How did you find your way to Tumblr? Did you Google dick pics?”

  “Of course not,” she snapped at Maddie. Shrugging she added, “I googled cock pics. And I ain’t talking about roosters either.”

  Shelby laughed while Maddie looked like she would die of second-hand embarrassment.

  Hope just looked… stunned.

  “I even saved some of my favorites,” Grandmama said proudly. “Want to see?” Before anyone could answer her, she tapped away on the screen and held up the phone for everyone to see. “This bad boy here is my favorite. I call it Hercules.”

  Swear to God, I choked.

  I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or run in the other direction. It didn’t matter though because a few seconds later, Hendrix walked into the kitchen.

  His gaze landed on Grandmama’s phone screen.

  His eyes widened.

  His mouth twisted in disgust.

  “What in the absolute fuck?” he hollered.

  The poor man looked mortified.

  “Oh, shuddup, Hendrix,” Grandmama said, putting her phone back into her pocket. “You act like you ain’t never seen another man in the nude. You work at a fire station. I know good and dang well y’all have them big open showers.” Her eyes flared. “Which brings me to my next question—how much do I need to pay you to snap a picture of Kyle’s derriere?”

  “For fucks sake. I’m going to pretend like this conversation never happened. Else I may lose my breakfast,” Hendrix said, turning his attention to Maddie. “The guys are about to play a game of football in the backyard. You going to let me carry you outside, Pretty Girl? I don’t want you walking across that hot ass concrete surrounding the pool in nothing but flip flops. If you fall…” His voice trailed off as he clenched his jaw tight.

  A smile crossed Maddie’s face as she extended her arms toward him. “Take me away, Handsome.” When Hendrix scooped her up into his arms bridal style I almost swooned.

  “Aww,” Shelby said. “Look at my big brother being all sweet.”


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