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Rage's Redemption

Page 2

by Erin Osborne

  “Wow!” I say when he finally releases me.

  “And you don’t want to see where this is goin’ to go? Come on Keegan, quit runnin’ and take a chance on us.”

  “I want to more than you know. There’s just too much going on to put you and Kasey in the middle of. I’m not going to let anything happen to that precious little angel.”

  “You let me worry about Kasey. She’s goin’ to be in our lives forever and nothin’ is goin’ to happen to her,” he says. “Now, we’re gonna eat and then I’m goin’ to relax with you on the couch and we’ll talk or watch movies. Today begins you not hidin’ from me Keegan.”

  There’s nothing I can say, or do, that’s going to get Rage to back down. So, I move to the counter where he placed the bags and begin to remove the food he brought with him. I can already tell the food is from the Corner Café, so I know I’m going to love whatever he brought. Pulling out the containers, I see that it’s cheeseburgers, fries, gravy on the side for me, and milkshakes. One of the few meals that I get when I go over there.

  “Are you trying to bribe me?” I ask, knowing he pays attention to the smallest detail when I think he’s not.

  “Nope. I don’t have to bribe you. You’re goin’ to realize that we’re goin’ to be together all on your own,” Rage tells me, accepting the plate that I’m handing him.

  “If you say so,” I retaliate.

  “I know so Keegan. I’m goin’ to make it so you won’t know what to do without Kasey and I in your life.”

  “You’re already doing it,” I tell him honestly.

  The rest of the night sails by so smoothly. Rage is funny, smart, and so bossy at times I can’t stand it. But, he’s so sexy that I want nothing more than to get a piece of him. I can’t concentrate on that though. That would be taking things to a new level that I don’t know if I want with him. Well, I want it, I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to give in to him.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asks.

  “I’m just thinking about whether or not I can take this to the next level with you. I mean, I want to, but I can’t seem to bring myself to take the leap. Besides, it’s only been a short time since I met you,” I tell him.

  “I know enough already that we’re gonna take that step. It’s just a matter of when. I’ll wear you down Keegan. I’ll have you panting and wet to the point you’re beggin’ me to take you.”

  Looking at Rage, I know he’s dead serious. His plan is going to be to get me to the point that I go to him. He’s not going to make the first move, other than his amazing kisses. If anything happens between us, I am going to have to make the first move. I know that he’s leaving everything up to me in this area. He might be waiting a while, but then again, he might not.

  We’re sitting on the couch watching Sweet Home Alabama, one of my favorite movies. Rage is sitting with my head in his lap, an arm around me, and a blanket covering me. The only way I’ll watch movies is covered up. Even if it’s a hundred degrees out, I’ll be covered up in a light blanket. This is something that I’ve done from the time I was a little girl. One of my nannies started it and I just continued doing it once she was fired for getting too close to me.

  “You awake?” Rage asks, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

  “I am. I won’t fall asleep during this movie.”

  Rage continues to rub up and down my arm, gently grazing the side of my breast. I know he can feel the trembling in my body and that he’s having an affect on me. I always feel things I don’t want to whenever he’s near. He knows this, even when I don’t want him to.

  “What are you doing to me, Rage?” I ask him, turning my head up to face him.

  “The same thing that you’re doin’ to me,” he answers honestly.

  I smile up at him and let him see that I don’t mind the effect he has on me. I’m going to try to resist it as much as I can, but I don’t hate it. If he has his way though, I’ll be giving up and submitting to him very soon. It wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, I just don’t want them caught up in my drama. If Riley weren’t in a location I’d already lived in, I’d be leaving to go see her very soon.

  “I can see the thoughts whirlin’ in your head babe,” Rage says, tipping my head back further. “You’re not leavin’. If you try, I’ll find you and bring you back here quicker than you can blink.”

  Sitting up, I straddle his lap. I can feel how hard he is, and I honestly want nothing more than to release him and let him do what he wants to me. It would be the easiest thing in the world to do. And, it doesn’t hurt that it’s what we both want.

  “If I want to leave, I’m going to leave. There’s nothing anyone can do about it,” I tell him, grinding down on him. “Rage, I want you more than I can tell you or show you. But, there’s too much working against us right now.”

  “There’s nothin’ workin’ against us. It’s all in your head,” Rage tells me. “And if you don’t stop grindin’ down on me like that, you’ll be gettin’ more than you bargained for. I can promise you that.”

  “And you think you can do better than what I’ve already had?” I ask, poking the bear.

  “I know I can. You got one more chance baby. One more word like that and I’m goin’ to show you exactly what I can do,” Rage tells me, and I know he’s serious. I just can’t seem to help myself though.

  “I think you’re all talk big man,” I tell him, wanting what he has and not being able to stop myself anymore.

  “I warned you, now you’re goin’ to see,” he tells me.

  Before I can blink, Rage has me in his arms and is leading me to the bedroom I sleep in. I figured that we’d just do this on the couch, apparently, I was wrong. As soon as he slams the door shut with his foot, Rage has me on the bed and is on top of me. His hands are roaming my body and he’s kissing me breathless once again.

  “I can’t wait to see all of you,” he tells me.

  No sooner are the words out of his mouth and Rage is stripping me out of my clothes. At the same time, I’m trying to maneuver to get his clothes off him. If he gets to see me naked, then I get to see him naked too. Finally, I have his shirt off and I stare down at his amazing body. My gaze travels from his chest down to his six pack. I can’t help licking my lips, wanting to taste him.

  I don’t even realize that he’s already got my shirt off until I feel his hand sneaking behind my back to unhook my bra. There’s nothing I want to do more right now than to hide my body from his gaze. I don’t have the scars that Whitney has told me she has, but I don’t like the way I look. I know I need to put more weight on and I have bones sticking out where they shouldn’t.

  “You’re not hidin’ from me,” he tells me, grabbing my hands in one of his and holding them above my head. “I want to see all that is you and look for as long as I want to. You’re gonna let me Keegan.”

  “But, I know that I need to gain weight and I don’t like it right now.”

  “You let me worry about that,” he says, leaning down to kiss me again.

  Rage starts to make his way down to my chest. He’s nipping, kissing, and licking to where he wants to go. When he reaches my nipple, I arch up into him, letting him know what I want without using words. He doesn’t need any words though. Rage knows exactly what I want and he’s playing my body like a finely tuned instrument. He’s not even letting me touch him. Every time I go to move my hands to put them on him, he gives me a look and I immediately still. There’s no way I want him to stop doing anything he’s doing right now.

  Rage makes his way down my body, finishing removing my clothes as he goes. By the time he gets between my legs, where I want him the most, I’m squirming as much as I can on the bed. He is absolutely driving me insane. Instead of zeroing in where I want him the most, Rage takes his time getting to my pussy and I’m about to scream before he finally does. Usually, I don’t like anyone going down on me, but Rage isn’t going to give me a choice in the matter. And he knows what he’s doing. In just a few minutes
of him using his tongue and fingers on me, I’m finding my first release. He doesn’t give me a chance to come down though.

  While I’m still coming down from the best orgasm I’ve ever had, Rage slowly enters me. I don’t get a chance to touch him, or even see how big he is. Instead, I’m going to have to feel how big he is. Not that I’m complaining. I can tell he’s not all the way in and I already feel so full.

  I’m getting tired of waiting for him as he takes his time. So, I surge up and make the rest of him go in. For a minute, neither one of us move. We just get used to one another. When I can’t stand it anymore, I start to slowly move my hips to let him know I’m ready for him to continue.

  Rage takes that as all the sign he needs to start pounding into me. There is no slow and gentle right now. He’s giving me everything he has to give, and I want more. He isn’t even on the bed with me, he’s pulled me to the end of the bed while he stands.

  I know that he doesn’t want me to touch him, but there’s no way I’m not going to touch myself. So, I run one of my hands down my body until I get to my clit. I’m so close to cumming again, I just need a little push over the edge. Since he doesn’t say anything, I continue to roll and pinch my clit. Every now and then, I move my hand a little lower and wrap my fingers around him as he slides in and out. I can hear him growl when I do this and his hips jerk in response. Yeah, he’s close and tryin to hold on to what control he has right now.

  “Give it to me,” he growls out.

  I continue to play with myself and move my hips a little bit faster, adding a little twist to them. This only makes Rage lose a little bit more of his control and his moves become erratic. Now, I know that he’s on the brink of finding his own release. He’s just holding off until I find my second one, so I pinch my clit and feel my release run rampant through my body.

  “Rage!” I yell out.

  “Storm!” is the name that comes from his lips as he finds his release.

  Instead of feeling euphoric from having another mind-blowing orgasm, I’m left feeling cold. I want nothing more than for him to get off me, but he has other ideas. Rage lands on me and rolls us to our side. He wants to hold me as we come down. I want to escape into my bathroom. Especially when I feel the first tear run down my cheek. I’m not going to cry in front of him. He won’t see the pain and dread that is now filling my body.

  As I go to move, I can feel his release sliding down my legs. I can’t even say anything about it though. I’m too stunned and upset right now. The only thing I can think of is that I hope nothing results in this. I’m not on birth control and we obviously didn’t use anything.

  Rage couldn’t understand why I didn’t want him to hold me when we were done. I made up some excuse and escaped into the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed, I locked it, and made sure that he wouldn’t be able to hear me crying. This meant that the music was blaring, and the shower was running. I just sat in the shower while listening to The Best Of Me by Brantley Gilbert.

  I don’t know who Storm is, but I’m not her. What the fuck? Apparently, this whole time, Rage has really wanted another woman. I’m not sure why she isn’t with him or what’s keeping them apart. All I know is that I’m not going to be a replacement for anyone. If Storm is who he wants, then Storm is who he can have. I guess my time here has come to an end. I’ll miss my family, but I need to worry about me.

  Chapter Two


  I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED a month and a half ago to make Keegan leave. All I know is I got to spend one amazing night with her and then she disappeared as soon as I fell asleep. Ever since then, I’ve been searching all over for her.

  “Rage, you still haven’t found your girl?” Tank asks, coming up to sit with me.

  “No. Why do you want to know?” I ask, snapping at him.

  “I might have figured out what happened. I overheard some of the girls talkin’.”

  “What did they say? Do they know where she is?” I ask, perking up for the first time since she left.

  “I don’t know where she is, but I know why she left. Apparently, when you got off you screamed out Storm’s name. Not hers,” he tells me, letting me have a minute to absorb that information.

  I sit there and think about that night. Keegan was as perfect as I knew she would be. There’s times I like it a little rough and Keegan wanted me to give her what I had in me to give. She not only wanted it, but she pushed back just as hard. When I finally lost control, I remember calling out a name. I just don’t remember… Fuck! I did call out Storm’s name.

  “I’m guessin’ by the look on your face that you remember doin’ it,” Tank says, seeing what no one wants him to see

  “I did call out her name. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? There’s only four weeks to go until Sam and her dad come lookin’ for her. If they haven’t already found her.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. The only one that is gonna know where she is will be Whitney or Sami. I’m not even sure she told them where she is.”

  “I need to find out,” I say, getting up and starting for the door.

  Whitney should be home, but they’ve been working on opening up the bakery and store. It’s the afternoon, so I know she’s not at the diner. Making my way over to her house, I hope she can give me good news. I need to know where Keegan is and explain who Storm is. I’m sure the girls have already told Whitney.

  Knocking on the door, I can hear laughter and talking coming from the back of the house. So, I make my way out there to see if it’s Whitney or Sami. Rounding the corner, I see Whitney and the rest of the old ladies. This is going to be an interesting conversation to have in front of everyone. But, if it means keeping Keegan safe and getting her back then I’ll suck it up and do it.

  “What do you want Rage?” Bailey asks me.

  “I need to talk to Whitney,” I respond.

  “About what?” Whitney asks. “Keegan?”


  “And why would I talk to you about her after you chased her away? You made her leave and she’s not coming back. Because you don’t know who you want. She’s not one to play games with.”

  “I’m not playin’ games. Storm has been on my mind because of the way I feel about Keegan. If the girls have filled you in, then you know who Storm is. If not, then Storm is someone that used to be around the club. She was killed and is no longer around. We were close, but we didn’t make it past a friendship. So, Keegan is bringin’ up things that I don’t want to feel right now. Especially with the threat of her dad and Sam.”

  “They told me who Storm is. And, I’ve already tried to tell Keegan that. As far as she’s concerned though, you still want Storm and are going to be chasing her until the day you die. She’s always going to be the one you want.”

  “That’s not true at all,” I tell them. “Keegan is the one that I want. She’s the one that’s makin’ me feel the way I do. Every day, when I’m not on club business, I’m starin’ at the picture of the two of us that Kasey took. I see myself spendin’ my life gettin’ to know her. Whitney, if you know where she is, please tell me. I’m beggin’ you,” I tell her, not bothering to hide the fact that I’m pleading with her. Hell, I’ll get down on my knees if I have to.

  “All I’m gonna say is call Slim. And if you think about fucking her over, I’ll beat the shit out of you. Well, I’ll try to anyway,” Whitney tells me. “I’m serious when I say don’t fuck with her. Rage, I want her here with us. She needs to be around her family.”

  “I give you my word. Thank you, Whitney.”

  I make my way back to the clubhouse so that I can call Slim. If he knows where she is then that means she’s in Benton Falls. There’s only one reason she would know about them and that’s because the girls knew she was leaving. It kind of pisses me off that no one said anything to me. Especially when they knew how hard I was searching for her.

  I’ve talked to Slim and Grim. I’m now packing Kasey and I up to head to Benton Falls for a
few days. We’re going to surprise Keegan and make sure that she comes home with us. She needs to hear a few things regarding Storm. Am I playing dirty by taking Kasey with me? Absolutely! Do I care at this point? Nope. I want to get Keegan back to the house and get back on track with where we were heading. If I have to grovel and beg her for forgiveness, then that’s what I’ll do. There’s not much I won’t do to make sure my girl comes home where she belongs.

  “Daddy, are we bringing Keegan home?” Kasey asks me, pulling her bag behind her.

  “Yeah sweet pea, we are,” I tell her.

  “Good. I miss her. She’s fun daddy.”

  “I miss her too,” I tell my daughter honestly. “Now, we’re gonna have a long drive, so do you want books or anythin’?”

  “I got them daddy. I’m ready to go.”

  Kasey and I make our way out to the truck. I fasten her in and see Grim and Bailey making their way towards us. I really don’t want to talk to anyone right now, but he is my President, so I need to hear what he has to say.

  “If you see anythin’, you let Slim know and then call me. Is that understood?” he asks me.

  “I will. My main priority is to protect these two with everythin’ I am.”

  “Are you sure about this, Rage?” Bailey asks me.

  “I am. I know it hasn’t been a long time, but I know it in my heart that Keegan is the one for me. The way that Irish feels about Whitney is the same way I feel about Keegan.”

  “And what about Keegan. Does she feel the same?” she asks.

  “I think she does. We’re about to find out, aren’t we?”


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