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Rage's Redemption

Page 6

by Erin Osborne

Rage stares at me for a minute and then shakes his head. Before heading towards Grim, he takes off down the hallway. I’m not sure what he’s doing right now, so I take a seat on one of the couches. It’s not long before Goose is joining me.

  “I saw you talkin’ to Sami earlier,” he says.


  “Everythin’ good with her?”

  “You need to talk to her. There’s things you need to get out in the open. One of them being the club girls. Instead of sitting here with me, go find your girl and make sure she knows her place in your life.”

  Goose smiles at me before taking off in search of his girl. They are so cute together. Once they get their communication skills better, they’ll make it just fine. The two of them have a love that’s pure. She’s still innocent in many ways and he wants to protect that with everything he is. At the same time, she wants to protect him and do what she has to do to make sure he’s happy.

  Finally, I see Rage walking back towards the common room. He’s got something over his arm and I can’t wait to see what it is. I’ll have to wait though because he makes his way over to Grim first. There’s a small group of men standing there and I’m sure that they’re the ones that are going to be going with us on our outing.

  “Firefly, come here,” Rage says.

  Making my way over there, he holds out a hoodie and another coat to me. I guess he’s making sure that I’m going to be warm. I’m surprised he’s not wrapping me in blankets and everything else to make sure I’m toasty warm and don’t get cold at all. If I voice that thought aloud, I’m sure that will be his next step. So, we’ll keep that to myself.

  We all walk out to the SUV’s and pile in. Rage is driving one and I notice that Wood and Boy Scout are with us. This is probably Rage’s idea because they’ve been with me the last few weeks and he’s seen the way they protect me. I’m thankful that it’s them so if I do happen to get sick, I’m not going to have to explain it to anyone else riding with us. It’s bad enough that Whitney knows. Which, I’m guessing means that Irish also knows.

  “Where else are we going besides the pharmacy?” I ask.

  “We have to go get shovels and winter clothes for everyone. There’s not enough to go around, so Grim wants us to pick enough up for both clubs. Especially the kids. We all know it’s just a matter of time before they want to head outside and play.”

  “Sounds good. Anything else we need?”

  “Not right now. But, who knows if someone will call and give us a list of other things to get.”

  We’ve been out for hours now. Rage is getting frustrated because he doesn’t want me out here still. But, Grim called with a list of groceries that we had to pick up. That was after scouring every stored in Clifton Falls for shovels, gloves, hats, coats, scarves, and a long list of other items. Two of the SUV’s are already filled. Ours will be getting piled to the brim with groceries that we need.

  As we’re walking through the grocery store, I can’t help but feeling like someone is watching us. I’m not sure that they’re following us throughout the store, but I’m getting a little panicked. Rage can feel it, but he’s not saying anything. He’s following my cues and letting me tell him what’s going on with me. I know this is only going to last so long before he starts demanding answers.

  “Rage, I feel like we’re being watched,” I tell him finally.

  “I figured that’s what it was. I’ve been getting the feeling off and on too.”

  “Can we hurry up and head back to the clubhouse please?” I ask, wanting nothing more than to hurry up and get the hell out of here.

  Rage is already typing away on his phone. I’m guessing that he’s messaging the others to let them know that we’re going to be getting out of here as quick as possible. He speeds up as we walk up and down the aisles, grabbing what we need for the clubhouse. We only make it down two aisles before Wood and Boy Scout are meeting us. Our carts are overflowing, and I know that we’re going to need at least another cart once the groceries are put in bags. So, I go to make my way over to grab one until my man stops me. instead he sends Boy Scout over to get one.

  As soon as we’re done paying for everything, we make our way out to the SUV with four full carts. Wood realized that no one grabbed drinks and he ran back to get a cart filled with soda and drinks for the kids. He even managed to grab a few gallons of milk without any of us reminding him that we needed it. I’m not sure where all this food is going, but we’ll make it fit somewhere in the amazing kitchen at the clubhouse.

  “Firefly, get in the truck while we unload these carts please,” Rage tells me.

  I know he’s worried as hell since we’re both getting the feeling of being watched. He doesn’t want anything to happen to me, so he’s going to make sure that I’m sheltered and protected at all costs. Just as I go to get in the SUV, a car comes careening out of nowhere and just misses hitting the carts, the guys, and the SUV. I’m shocked and jarred from my position at the front door. It’s slippery out and I almost fall to the ground. Thankfully, Rage was close by and caught me before anything happened.

  “What the fuck?” he yells out. “Where the fuck did that car come from?”

  “I don’t know man,” Wood says, coming closer to us.

  Before Rage can say another word, the rest of the guys that were with us are surrounding us. They didn’t go in the store with us so that someone was out watching the SUV we’re in. Rage told me that it was necessary in case Sam or my dad tried to do anything to it while no one was around. If they tried, they wouldn’t know that anyone else was really watching it since the rest of the guys parked away from where we did.

  “Did any of you see anythin’?” Wood asks as Rage is continuing to check me over.

  “No. Before we saw anythin’, the car was almost to you guys. The only thing that Killer said was that it looked like the person was lookin’ for a parkin’ space. I didn’t see the car before you guys came out,” Playboy tells the men.

  “Where’s Killer now?” Rage asks Playboy.

  “He went to try to catch up with whoever just tried to hit you guys. We’re gonna have packed SUV’s. Killer isn’t comin’ back here. He’s goin’ to look for them and then head back to the clubhouse. Now, let’s get this shit loaded up so that we can get on the road.”

  I climb in the passenger side door as the guys unload the carts. It doesn’t take long with everyone working together so that we can get out of here and back to the safety of the clubhouse. I can feel the tension and anger radiating off the men riding with us. It’s causing me to become even more panicked. This isn’t going to be good for anyone involved. And, it’s making me want to either run out and hide or use myself as bait to lure these assholes out in the open. The sooner this is done, the sooner everyone involved can get back to their normal lives.

  However, I know that Rage and Whitney won’t allow me to go out as bait. They’ll want me to stay put and protect the baby and myself. I want to protect the baby with everything in me. The only way to do that is to end this shit with my dad and Sam. We’ll never be safe until they’re gone.

  Walking back into the clubhouse, I see that there’s more commotion going on. More than when it started to snow out. I can’t help but wonder what’s going on, until I see Grim come out of his office and look directly at me.

  “Rage and firefly, need you to come here,” he calls out. “Now!”

  We look at one another and head towards his office. I can’t think of any reason that he’d want to talk to us in his office. If it’s regarding the situation at the store, I don’t know why I’d be involved in this conversation. I’d assume it would be between the men of the club’s. That way they could figure out if it was some random incident or something involving the asswipes after me.

  “We got a situation and I don’t know what to do about it,” Grim tells us as he opens the door.

  As soon as I walk through the door, my eyes almost pop out of my head. Sitting in front of Grim’s desk is Riley. I never t
hought I’d see her again and now that she’s here, I need to know what’s going on with her. If she’s in trouble, we need to know. Or, did my dad and Sam find her and get their hooks in her? Is she here on behalf of them? I can’t help but be suspicious of her motives and I’ve never done that before.

  “Riley!” I call, and she turns her head towards me. “What are you doing here?”

  “Keegan! You’re really here? They didn’t find you?” she asks, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “No, they don’t have me. What’s going on? Why are you here?” I ask, letting the concern and suspicion come out full force.

  “I had to find you. I got a letter in the mail from your dad. He said that they found you and were in the process of taking you from the men who kidnapped you. This man here, has been trying to tell me you’re not kidnapped. That you’re here of your own free will.”

  “I’m not kidnapped,” I tell her, not understanding what’s going on still.

  “Who the fuck sent you here?” Rage bellows out. He’s not holding his anger back.

  “N-n-no one sent me here. I came to check on my best friend. This man has kept me in his office until you guys got back. Can I spend time with her please?”

  “Not until I know that you’re not lyin’ to us. I’m protectin’ my girl at all costs. Even from you!” he tells her, and I burrow into him further for his loving ways.

  “Why would I lie? I have nothing to gain by causing her harm. Keegan, you know I love you and I don’t want them to find you. Please, tell them that,” Riley pleads with me.

  “I really want to believe you Riley. I’m so hurt right now at my doubt. But, after today and the letters that I’ve been getting, I can’t trust anyone. I need to know that they haven’t gotten to you,” I tell her, not being able to hold back my emotions any longer.

  “I know you’re trying to protect yourself. You’ll see that I’m telling you the truth,” Riley tells me standing up.

  Before anyone can react, she’s whipping her shirt off and standing before us with nothing more than bandages covering her. I want to tell her to stop, not to show us what’s under those bandages, but I know it’s useless. Riley makes sure to keep herself covered as much as she can, but, pulling the bandages off, I begin to see three words carved into her once flawless skin. The first word is ‘Whore’, the second one is ‘Liar’, and the third word is ‘Traitor.’

  “I don’t understand why you have the word traitor carved into you,” I begin, too confused to comprehend what it means.

  “Sam got to me before I met you. He knew you’d be coming through my town. I was supposed to meet you, get to know you, and then make sure you stayed where you were. Sam was going to come get you from me,” Riley begins. “As soon as I met you though, I couldn’t go through with it. There was no way I was going to hand you over to that animal.”

  I stand there, and shock takes over. There’s no way that Riley was working for Sam. What the fuck? Everything I’ve ever thought about my friendship with her is now being brought into question. Was anything she ever said to me true? Could she really be working for them still? Is there any way that she’s going to be truthful now? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. On one hand, I want to trust in Riley and protect her. On the other hand, I don’t know if I can ever trust her again.

  “Firefly, are you okay?” Rage asks me. “I don’t know what to do here.”

  “I don’t know. Riley, I wish I could trust you still. Right now, I need to think about everything and I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.”

  “I get it,” she tells me. “Please know that I got these marks I’ll have for the rest of my life because I refused to give you up to those animals. When I first agreed, I wasn’t in a good place. You know what I’ve been through. As soon as I took one look at you, I knew that Sam was lying to me. That’s why I couldn’t turn you over to them. You became my best friend and the sister I never had. Trust in that Keegan.”

  There’s no way that I can stay in here any longer. Taking one more look at Riley, I see the tears falling down her cheeks and the agony running through her. I look up to my man and let him know without words that I want her kept here, but that I need some time and space. Heading out to the common room, I look at all the controlled chaos going on to get everything put away and keep everyone organized while the men start cleaning up the snow. It’s still falling, but at a much slower rate.

  “Are you okay?” Whitney asks me, appearing out of nowhere.

  “I don’t know right now. Everything I thought I knew about Riley was a lie. Right now, I want to believe her, but I can’t.”

  “I know you’re upset, but was everything really a lie when she got carved up like me? And, she is here now, telling you all the truth,” Whitney begins. “I’m sure the guys will get the rest of the story from her. But, she’s here now wanting to make sure that you’re okay and weren’t kidnapped like she was led to believe.”

  I nod to my cousin to make sure she knows that I’m listening to what she’s saying. Right now, I just need some alone time. It’s going to take time to process not only what Riley dropped on me, but what Whitney told me too. As usual, my cousin makes sense. I’m just so heartbroken that my friendship for the first time in my life started out as a lie. A way for Riley to get out of trouble and to possibly hand me over to the men that I was running from in the first place.

  While Rage is still in the office, I make my way to the room we’re staying in. I need to put my medicine up so that I can go help everyone get things done. There’s groceries to be put away, snow gear to organize, and Kasey wanted to play outside. She was adamant that we were going to have a snowball fight. So, I wasn’t going to disappoint her. If that’s what she wanted to do, then that’s what we were going to do. It would probably help take my mind off everything with Riley too.

  We’ve been working for what seems like hours. Everything is finally put away and the men have been out working on clearing away the snow. Skylar has been in the kitchen non-stop making hot cocoa and coffee for the men as they come in to warm up. I’ve been in and out helping her. Everyone has a job to do and we all do it without complaint or too much chaos.

  During the entire time, my mind keeps drifting back to Riley. I want to go see her, but I know that now isn’t the time to do that. I’m still too confused and I want to talk to Rage before I go in there with her. The only thing I’ve heard is that they’ve put her in a room by herself and one of the prospects is standing guard. Tank’s the one that told me that. I think he wanted to make sure that I had some sort of peace of mind as I went about my day.

  “Keegan!” Kasey hollers, running up to me. “Keegan!”

  “What’s up sweet pea?” I ask, using Rage’s nickname for her.

  Kasey giggles at my use of it. I love hearing her little girl giggle and I try my hardest to hear it every day I’m with her. It reminds me of when Whitney and I were younger and carefree. We used to laugh and play with no regard for the things we would soon have to deal with because of our dad’s.

  “It’s almost time for our snowball fight. Daddy said that I need to get warmer clothes on and then we’ll be heading out. Are you coming with us?” Kasey asks, excitement making her words almost run into one another. I’m surprised she got it all out in one breath.

  “Is that right? Are you sure you want me to go out with you? I mean, I might throw like a girl,” I tell her, trying to make her giggle again.

  “It’s okay if you throw like a girl. We’ll just get really close to daddy, so we hit him,” she whispers loudly to me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rage standing there. He’s trying his hardest not to laugh at his daughter. I can tell that he doesn’t want her to know that he overheard her plan to get close to him and attack. Currently, he’s leaning against the wall, his ankles crossed, holding clothes for Kasey to bundle up in. The man always looks sexy as fuck, but when he’s with is daughter or doing something for her, he’s at his sexie
st. Kasey becomes his entire center and nothing, and no one, else matters to him.

  “Well, then I think we should go get ready to go outside then. What about you?”

  “Yay!” Kasey hollers and spins to go in search of her dad.

  I watch as Kasey squirms and continues moving while Rage tries to dress her in warm clothes. When we were shopping, I picked her out a coat, snow pants, a hat, gloves, and a scarf. They’re in pinks and purples which are her favorite colors. Her eyes popped out and the smile that graced her face was a moment that I’ll always treasure. It was like we gave her the world instead of clothes to stay warm.

  In the meantime, I put my own jacket and gloves on. I forgot to get myself a hat while we were out, so I’ll have to wear a hoodie and hope that I stay warm enough. Otherwise, I already know that Rage won’t let me stay outside for long. Hell, I’m surprised that he’s letting me out to play at all.

  “Firefly, we’re ready,” Rage tells me, coming up to me. “Are you ready to go?”


  “Where’s your hat?” he asks.

  “I forgot to get one,” I answer honestly.

  My man takes the hat off his head and places it on mine. Then he pulls the hood of his hoodie up like I was going to do. Once he makes sure that we’re all dressed warm, he leads us outside. I’m surprised at how many others are already out here. It looks like we’re getting separated into teams. Kasey and I end up on the same team while Rage ends up with most of the guys.

  We all start making snowballs before the actual fight begins. I’m helping Kasey and stockpiling as many as I can. I see Jameson is helping Zoey and sticking close to her. Even while he’s doing that, he’s still watching all the kids. Most of the little boys are doing the same thing. It’s cute to watch them go all protective like the men of the club.

  “Alright, is everyone ready?” Slim calls out.

  Everyone screams their response before Slim does a countdown. Kasey is trying to sneak up closer to Rage while the rest of us are paying attention to the countdown. All of the adults are trying to contain their laughter at her antics. Especially since Rage is acting like he doesn’t see her approaching him. I fall in love with this man more every day.


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