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Rage's Redemption

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  I can’t help but laugh. Keegan is having a good time and she’s getting to witness the hot mess that is Crash, Trojan, Darcy, and Wood. She’s been waiting to see this shit first-hand. I love that she looks like a kid in a candy store right now. This is how my girl should look every day of her life. If I have my way, she will.

  “Alright, are you gettin’ this hot as fuck outfit?” I ask, taking in the corset she’s wearing with thigh highs and matching G-string.

  “I’m thinking about it. It’s just going to sit in a drawer somewhere until I have the babies, but I love it.”

  I tell her to get the outfit and whatever else she took in the room with her. She can give me a private showing later on at the clubhouse. While she goes in to get dressed, I go and grab a few more of the corsets. If she likes them, I’m going to get them for her.

  We’ve been shopping for hours and I’m ready to go back to the clubhouse. I know Keegan is too. She’s starting to move slower and leaning on me more and more. Looking over at Grim, I motion to my girl and that’s all I need to do. He knows that it’s time to go and starts rounding everyone up. Noticing that we’re passing by a jeweler, I pass Keegan off to Bailey and the rest of the girls to go get her something to eat and drink for the ride home.

  Walking in the store, an overly made-up woman approaches me. I’m not paying any attention to her though. My only goal is picking out the perfect ring for firefly. This woman just doesn’t get the hint though. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man and make my way over to him. Getting closer, I see that it’s Craig. He’s a guy I met when I was younger, and we talk for a few minutes before he asks me what I’m looking for.

  Within a few minutes, Craig has shown me the perfect ring. It’s not too big and it fit’s Keegan’s personality completely. The ring is platinum with sapphires and diamonds surrounding the band. In the center is a diamond that’s held up by little skulls. I’ve never seen a ring with skulls on it, but I know my girl loves skulls. She’s already shown me a few things that she wants to put in the house when it’s done.

  “Where did you disappear to baby?” she asks me when I find them in the food court.

  “I saw someone I know from way back. We talked for a few minutes. I would’ve taken you with me, but our babies needed to eat.”

  “Oh. Next time then.”

  And just like that my girl proves why I fall more and more in love with her every single day. I think the only thing I could do to hurt or piss her off is cheating on her or treating her like shit. Neither thing would ever happen, but she’s just so relaxed and goes with the flow.

  “Did all the bags make it to the truck?” she asks, finishing her pretzel.

  “Yeah. The guys have been makin’ regular trips out with them all. I don’t know how Gage and Riley are goin’ to fit in the backseat with everythin’ we bought.”

  “They can ride on the roof if they have to,” she says. “Everything was for you, Kasey, and the babies.”

  “I’m not complainin’ at all firefly.”

  Pretty soon we’re all loading up in the vehicles and making our way back to the clubhouse. Pops and Alice never once contacted us, so I hope everything is okay with them and the kids. Pops can handle them, but I’m still getting to know Alice. To me, she’s still and unknown and I’m worried about my daughter with everything going on.

  “I want to take a nap when we get back,” Keegan announces to the rest of us. “I’m beat and sore.”

  “If you were gettin’ sore, why didn’t you tell me baby?” I ask.

  “Because it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I know that. But, it’s not somethin’ you have to deal with either.”

  The rest of the ride is silent. Well, except for the muted conversation coming from the backseat between Riley and Gage. If you ask me, I think Riley will end up moving to Dander Falls. Gage and her seem to be hitting it off. He needs some good in his life. Riley just might be the person to give that to him.

  Chapter Six


  TIME IS FLYING BY AND IT’S JUST a few days before Christmas. The house is almost finished, and Rage really wanted us to be moved in before Christmas day. I don’t see that happening, but who knows. He just wanted Kasey to be in our home, so she could open everything there and give us a little bit of time to be a family before meeting with everyone else in the club. Personally, I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together.

  I’m almost four months along and my stomach is getting bigger every day. Kasey now gives the babies kisses and lovin’ every day. She says that her babies are going to know their big sister. This little girl weaves her way into my heart a little more each and every day. Especially when she sees me getting tired and gives me an excuse to lay down. Kasey now tells me that it’s her nap time and she wants to lay down with me. We both fall asleep and she makes sure that her little hands are on my belly, so she can hold the babies while we all nap.

  Rage has been acting weird and I’m not sure what’s going on. As far as I know there haven’t been any more notes or flowers delivered. He wouldn’t tell me these days if there had been though. His main concern is keeping me relaxed and stress free as much as possible. I love him for it, but it’s really bothering me that he won’t talk to me about whatever is bothering him. I’ve tried talking to him about it and he just tells me everything is fine. I know it’s not based on his actions and the look I see in his eyes sometimes.

  Honestly, I’m beginning to get worried that he’s changed his mind and doesn’t want me around anymore. I’m tired of the uncertainty so I’m going to get to the bottom of this right now. Hefting my ass out of bed, I check on Kasey to make sure she’s still sleeping and go in search of my man. After looking all over, I finally find him in the main room. The sight before me takes my breath away.

  In the middle of the main room is a chair, in front of the empty chair stands Rage. He’s dressed like he’s ready to go out and he’s nervous. I can tell by the shifting back and forth from foot to foot. His head is facing the floor when I enter and everyone in the room doesn’t make a sound as I make my way over to him. I place my hand on his cheek and he raises his head to look me in the eyes. After a minute, he helps me sit in the chair and drops to one knee in front of me. Tears are already falling from my eyes as he kisses me softly and takes my hand.

  “I know you’ve been tryin’ to figure out what’s goin’ on with me and all sorts of crazy ass thoughts have been goin’ through your head. I’m sorry for that firefly. I love you more than I’ll ever be able to tell you. Kasey, you, and our babies are the most important people in the world to me. Without you by my side, I can’t do what has to be done. Firefly, you’ve become the air I breathe and the light to my dark. You calm me down with just a look and I know you were sent here for me. For our daughter and me. Would you do me the honor of bein’ my old lady and makin’ it legal in the eyes of the outside world?” Rage asks, holding his breath as he waits for my answer.

  “Yes,” comes out a whisper with all the emotion I’m feeling right now.

  “Yes?” he asks.

  I nod my head as he slides the ring on my finger. Everyone around us starts hollering and moving closer to offer their congratulations. I can see that Rage wants to get me alone, so I make my way closer to him and grab his hand. As I go to lead him up to our room in the clubhouse, he changes direction and moves us towards the back door. I let him lead me where he wants to go.

  As soon as we make the short walk to our house, Rage picks me up and carries me through the door. He doesn’t give me a chance to look at anything as we move towards the back of the house. Opening the door to the master bedroom, he carries me over to a bed and places me in the middle. For a minute he does nothing but look down at me.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world,” he tells me.

  Rage begins kissing me and placing kisses all over my exposed skin. While he’s doing this, I feel him beginning to strip me. In a matter of minutes, I
’m naked and reaching up to undress my man, the love of my life. Once he’s naked, he climbs into bed with me. I see him holding himself above me, not putting any pressure on my stomach.

  We’re gazing in one another’s eyes as he slowly enters me. I arch up to meet him and pull him down, so I can kiss him. There is no rushing or trying to find our release quick this time. Rage is showing me how much he loves me as he slowly slides in and out of me. I wrap my legs around him and don’t try to go any faster than what he wants. I’ve never been with him like this, and it’s nice.

  “I love you firefly.”

  “I love you!” I tell him, feeling my release begin to build.

  Sensing that I’m getting close, Rage leans his head down and takes one nipple in his mouth. Sucking and biting to get me there even faster. I arch up into his mouth and bring my entire body closer to his. Without warning, my release breaks, and crashes over me. I yell out his name and feel him follow close behind me.

  As we’re both coming down, he places gentle kisses along my neck and pulls out of me. Instantly I feel the loss and curl myself around him. We lay there until we can both breathe normally again. Rage then leads me into the master bathroom where I stand in complete awe. This bathroom is a dream come true. There’s a huge tub we can both fit in, a shower that another six people can fit in, his and her sinks below a full mirror and medicine cabinet, and shelves for towels and whatever else I want to put in here. I’ve already been told the decorating is completely up to me.

  On the back of the door is a robe. Rage goes over and moves it out of the way showing me that my rag is hanging below it. My mouth drops open and the tears once again start forming in my eyes.

  “This is amazing!” I gush out as Rage starts filling the tub.

  “You deserve it firefly. We deserve it. We’re goin’ to take a bath so I can clean you up and then go share the news with our daughter.”

  “Sounds good babe.”

  Needless to say, Kasey was thrilled with our news. She hugged and kissed us both, not letting go for a long time. There were tears in her eyes when she finally let go of us. I sat on the bed and her dad knelt down beside her.

  “What’s the matter baby girl?” I ask her, brushing her hair out of her face.

  “I’m gonna haves a mama that loves me now,” is her simple reply. This little girl kills me and brings me back to life at the same time.

  “I will always love you Kasey,” I tell her.

  “And we’ll all love the babies when they get here,” she says, sitting on her dad’s knee.

  “We will,” he answers. “Keegan and I have enough love for everyone in our little family. No matter how many kids we have. You’ll always be our baby girl since you were the first one born though.”

  Kasey wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his neck. I can tell she’s crying and that she loves that we’re going to be a family. Her world revolves around her dad and her extended family of the club. Now, it includes me, and I’m honored that I’m included in her little circle.

  It’s the day before Christmas and the old ladies and I have been finishing up wrapping our gifts. I’m not quite sure how it happens, but we get on the topic of adult stores. Most of us have been to them at one point or another in our life. Whitney and myself have not though. There was never any time for me when I was too busy hiding from Sam and my dad.

  “You two are shitting me!” Bailey calls out. “We need to go. Now!”

  The rest of the women nod their heads ‘yes’. Bailey starts picking everything up and the rest of us follow suit. I wasn’t planning on going today, but apparently, we are. I’m not sure how this is going to turn out, but I’ll go with the flow and see what happens.

  “We need one more person,” Maddie states, pulling out her phone. “Darcy, it’s Maddie. We’re making a trip to an adult store, you in?”

  None of us can hear her response, but I’m sure she’s all in. Darcy seems like the type of person that is down for anything. And we all know that when she’s around, we’re all bound to have fun.

  “I don’t want anyone to tell the guys where we’re going,” Bailey says. “We’re just telling them that we’re going to the store. I know that Rage for sure is going to go. Wood will probably go. If Darcy comes, Crash and Trojan will be up her ass. Maybe a prospect will come too. Mums the word until we pull in. They’re just going to have to ride bitch and see where we go.”

  We all go our separate ways to get ready. Rage is asking me where we’re going, and I just tell him that we need some last-minute things so we’re heading to the store. As anticipated, he throws his coat on and waits for me to finish. I hold out my hand and Rage just looks at me.

  “I want to drive. Please baby?” I ask, pulling out the pouty lip and puppy dog eyes.

  After taking a minute to think it over, he hands over the keys. We head back to the main room and see everyone else waiting for us. Wood, Grim, and a prospect are sitting by the door so I’m guessing they’re making the trip with us. Bailey is separating everyone up, so we only have to take two vehicles. I hold up the keys to let her know that I’m driving Rage’s SUV.

  Before too long we head out and I follow Bailey. Grim sure wasn’t happy about her driving, but he’s letting her have her way. I’m sure there will be some form of payment from her because of this. Laughing to myself, I’m thinking I’ll end up in the same predicament later on. I’m all for it!

  The store we’re going to is halfway between Clifton Falls and Dander Falls. Once we finally pull in, Darcy is getting out of her car with Crash and Trojan. She doesn’t look happy at all. Especially when I see her storming over to us.

  “This better be fun since I’ve got dip shit one and two with me.”

  “You’ve never been to one either?” Bailey asks, looking over at Grim to see his reaction.


  “Bailey, you seriously had us all come out so you could go shoppin’ for new toys?” Grim asks, walking closer to us.

  “Yep. There are a few here that have never been to an adult store. We needed to rectify that immediately. Besides, you know you’re going to like it when we get back home.”

  There’s nothing Grim can say to that so he shuts his mouth and motions for us to lead the way. As soon as we’re all through the door, I stop and stare at everything before me. On one side there are movies, a lot of movies. In the middle of the store are racks and racks of every type of lingerie you could want. There’s even stripper heels and I head for them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see half the girls go to the other side of the store where toys and things like that are. I’ll get there eventually, but I want to look at these shoes first.

  One pair grabs my attention immediately. They’re clear and upon closer inspection, there’s a switch on the inside between the back of the shoe and the heel. Reading the paper in front of them, I see that they light up. My eyes about pop out of my head because I know I want these shoes now. I don’t care that they’re stripper shoes, I just may have an addiction to buying shoes. Even if I never wear them.

  “You like these, firefly?” Rage asks, coming up behind me.

  “I do. I want them so bad Rage.”

  “Then find your size and get them.”

  “I’ll probably never wear them.” I say, trying to talk myself out of buying these shoes.

  “You’ll wear them. Remember, you still owe me a private viewin’ party of what you bought before. And, I’m sure there’s goin’ to be more bought tonight.”

  I look at my man and I can already see the lust and determination in his eyes. Looking below the shoes, I find my size and hesitantly pull the box off the shelf. Rage takes them from me before I can change my mind. He then leads me to the racks of clothing. There are a few cute baby doll nighties that I pick out and add to his arms. Finally, I take a deep breath and make my way over to the section the rest of the girls are in.

  “You’re one of the ones aren’t you firefly?” Rage asks, coming up directly be
hind me.

  “Yeah. I don’t even know where to begin looking.”

  “Wherever you want to. Lead the way baby.”

  Making my way over to Darcy, I see her looking at vibrators of all different shapes and sizes. I can already feel my face turning red from embarrassment. Darcy’s face is so red it’s almost purple. I’m just not sure if it has to do with everything we’re looking at, or that Crash and Trojan are standing directly behind her. There’s only one other person in the store and he’s making sure to stay away from us.

  Darcy has a small blue vibrator in her hand and she’s looking it over. Once she sees me, I can see her relax a little bit. My face must give it away that I’ve also never been in this kind of store. She hands it over to me and I start looking at it. Rage whispers that since he’s bigger than that it would basically be a waste of time to get that one. I blush worse and hand it back to my friend.

  Without saying a word, Darcy and I make our way through the store together. If we look puzzled about anything, the guys are helpful enough to explain what we’re looking at. Who knew there was all this shit? A few times, I thought Darcy was going to pass out when one of her men got real close and started going into detail what they would do to her with one item or another. She’s got it so bad for these two it’s not funny.

  We’re finally almost relaxed when we get to the rack that has all sorts of party favors and things like that on it. Darcy immediately picks up a bag of candy that’s shaped like a dick. They’re different colors and I can see her wanting to burst out laughing. I know I’m getting some so I pick a bag up and hand it to Rage. He doesn’t even bat an eye as he adds it to the growing pile.

  The girls are trying to hide something as Darcy and I get closer to them. I’m not sure what’s going on, and I really don’t know that I want to know. Bailey and Grim walk away before we can find out what’s going on, but I’m sure we’ll find out before too long. Skylar leads us over to this other rack and there’s a ton of paddles, whips, and things like that on there. One paddle in particular catches my eye. It’s black and is covered in little skulls. I really want this. Picking it up, I hand it to Rage and he just looks at me.


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