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Silverspoons Series: Another Billionaire Baby - Book II

Page 2

by Shelby Clark

  Mm, yes, that’s what I’m talking about, eating some down home country breakfast.

  She walked into the kitchen and found Tess already sitting at the table with a huge extended belly, waiting for her with an extra plate across from her.

  “Come on in. Your plate is waiting for you. Place your things in the living room, the powder room is right there to your left down the hall.”

  “Awesome! I’m going to hurry and wash up because whatever you’ve cooked sure smells good. Plus, I’m famished. What is it anyway?”

  She didn’t understand all of what Tess was saying since she continued on to the bathroom, eager to wash her hands.

  “What did you say?”

  “I was saying I didn’t cook this. We have a chef now. August wants me to eat totally healthy.”

  “Damn, he’s covering all the bases with his baby isn’t he?”

  “Girl, please! He even hired a special fitness trainer. He says it will help with delivery according to all the books he’s reading on becoming new parents. I even had to remove my belly ring.”

  Ayana responded with a giggle. “Or, maybe he’s trying to keep that girlish figure intact.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, that might be part of it too. You know how these men can be.”

  “Don’t I know it!”

  Should I talk to her now or just wait until later?

  “Hey, but don’t get me wrong. I plan to work this baby fat off. I love my shape too, and just like you, I love my pant and skirt suites. You’re pretty spiffy this morning lady.”

  “Thank you, Tess. Yes, I do love dressing up. For me, my heels and my business attire heightens my femininity. My stilettos, long hair, and firm figure make me feel sexy too. That’s how I whip it on Atticus and he loves it.”

  At least he used too, that is.

  Tess chuckled. “Girl, you’re crazy. Anyway, I hope you like burritos. We’re having Portobello and black bean breakfast burritos. They’re completely healthy without any salt and seasonings. I can’t risk developing high blood pressure.”

  Ayana stared at the plate for a second.

  Are you serious, a burrito with some leaves on the side. I’m used to the old fashioned style of breakfast.

  Ayana chuckled, “Ah ha, it’s OK if you want to call this breakfast, but hey, I’m a guest that’s very hungry so I’ll try anything right about now.”

  “I promise you, you will love it! It’s really good. This is my second time having it. So…how are you? I haven’t seen you much since I’ve been working part-time at the firm. I know you’re busy.”

  Mm, surprisingly, this is good! I have to get the recipe for this.

  “Hm mm, this is awesome!”

  “Told you, I rest my case.”

  “Yes, you did say it was good. Well, I have been busy, but not too busy to not enjoy life, you know?!”

  “Yeah, but why you say it like that?”

  Ayana almost devoured her food in two bites. She couldn’t believe her appetite. Another round wouldn’t be any problem for her. After wiping her mouth, she explained herself.

  “Well, I was really referring to Atticus. It’s been three months since we’ve been back from your wedding. The first two months we were still hot and steamy, but this last month things seemed to have slowed down.”

  “How so, in what way do you mean? Give me an example of what you’re talking about.”

  Just put it out there. She may be married to his brother, but she’s my cousin. I’m sure she has my back.

  “OK, for example, we used to make love at least once a day and sometimes two to three times a day when we would meet for breaks.”

  “Damn, Ayana, Atticus was hitting it like that?”

  “Girl, you know! Look at your belly. Those Escobar men don’t be playing around. They know exactly what they’re doing. It seems like they’re in the business of laying pipes.”

  “Ha ha, ain’t that the truth! Yeah, the evidence is definitely right here. I can’t deny it.”

  Shit, Tess, truth be told, just thinking about Atticus makes me horny.

  “But lately, we barely get together now. By the time he gets to me he’s too tired, or all he wants to talk about is work. I don’t really know where I stand with him or how he feels about me.”

  “Well that’s it right there! You know he and August recently took over their father’s company. That has to be a huge adjustment. Plus, while we were gone Atticus was also covering for August.”

  “True! True, you’re right.”

  “Cut him some slack, just wait it out. I’m sure things will get better, just like you told me…remember when I was thinking the worst of August? Things may not be as bad as they seem.”

  OK, we’ll see for now, but how long am I supposed to wait?

  “I don’t know what to think. I guess all I can do is wait for now.”

  Ayana leaned back into the chair as she took a sip of her orange juice. She returned her glass to the table as she gazed at Tess’s stomach. Her thoughts started racing, remembering when Tess was in the bathroom of her house waiting for the results from her pregnancy test kits. She remembered her stating that a box was missing, even though she already had six kits before her.

  The memory gave her butterflies in her stomach and the jitters. A slight jolt shot through her.

  “Ayana, what is it? What’s on your mind?”

  “You remember when we were in the powder room of your house waiting for the results of the pregnancy test?”

  “How could I forget?! It wasn’t that long ago.”

  “Remember you thought you had seven test kits?”


  “Well, I took one out of the basket for myself.”

  Tess leaned forward. “What! You’re pregnant, Ayana?”

  “No! At least, I hope not. Well, at that time I wasn’t. I used the kit then, because we didn’t use any protection the first time we slept together. So I wanted to make sure, but like I said, I wasn’t.”

  “Girl! I was about to start screaming. I thought we were going to go through this together. It would have been nice. Hold up, wait. You just said you hope not, so which is it. You’re confusing me.”

  “No, I wasn’t pregnant six months ago. Now, I don’t know, but I hope not. Not until I know where we are going in this relationship. And no offense to you and August, but I don’t want Atticus to feel like he has to follow in you two’s footsteps just because.”

  “None taken, and I do understand. I don’t blame you for feeling like that.”

  Ayana took a deep breath and crossed her fingers.

  “For the most part I’ve been careful after that first scare, but about a month ago we were really going at it. After we were done we realized the condom was broken. So I’m currently waiting for my period to show up. In fact, I’m two weeks late, but cycles do change so I’m waiting.”

  “Get the fuck out, Ayana! What?!”

  “Oh, it gets better, girl. Why, last night it happened again. These were brand new condoms right out the box, unopened and still sealed.”

  Tess chuckled. “Maybe it’s the brand.”

  “Tess, this is not funny to me and fuck the damn brand. I’m afraid to do anything else at this point.”

  “Or, maybe it’s meant to happen, you and Atticus are probably meant to be together. You know fate has a funny way of putting things together.”

  “Fate better stop playing games with me.”

  Ayana got up and put her plate in the sink, then gave Tess a hug.

  “Thanks for letting me vent. I have to hurry. I have a meeting today with a hard-headed client that thinks he can break the law and destroy his neighbor’s property just because he’s pissed off with them.”

  Tess ran to the closet to get something.

  “Here, take this. I get freebies and giveaways from the doctor’s office from time to time. Use this e.p.t. pregnancy test kit at work and call me as soon as you get the results.”

  Ayana sat back down as she
looked at the box.

  “I can’t. I don’t want to know. I can’t do this! Shit, Tess! You just made this a reality to me. I was kind of in denial for the time being, hoping it’s not so.”

  “I’m sorry, but you need to know. Just do it when you’re ready.”

  “Damn, Cousin, now I have to go to work with knots in my stomach.”

  “Well, wouldn’t you rather know if it’s knots or a baby?”

  Ayana rolled her eyes at Tess and headed for the door. She stop and turned to face Tess before leaving.

  “See, you’re all tickled by this and I’m not. I’m scared, Tess! And please, just as I did for you, please don’t mention this to anyone, especial Julius and August. I know that’s your husband, but this is my business.”

  “You’re right. And I’m sorry. I truly can relate to what you’re going through. Call me if you need to talk afterwards.”

  “OK, I will, and thank you for understanding my wishes. See you later, Cousin.”

  Ayana drove off to work worrying about the outcome of the test.

  Chapter Two

  Ayana sat at her desk trying to listen to her client tell his side of the story. Normally she would’ve been more attentive, instead she was bored out of her mind with his longwinded, fabricated details. She knew he was lying because his story kept changing from the original one he’d told. His case was one of ten Pro Bono cases the firm would take on every month, and she was assigned to Señor Tovar.

  Her eyes kept watching the big leafy-like designed clock she had on her office wall. She decorated her office with fine quality décor, mostly antique items. The lighting was soft and the atmosphere was very comfortable.

  Atmosphere aside, she couldn’t take it any longer. Just inside her bathroom were the results of her pregnancy test. There had to be a way to hurry her client along. The worst part was that he talked very slowly. It was a mistake for her to think this was going to be a simple procedure, listening to his concerns and advising him of his options. It was a wrong move on her part.

  “Señor Tovar, I have another scheduled appointment in about five minutes. So what I’m going to do is give you this affidavit and have you fill it out and return it to me when you can.”

  “Gracias. Gracias, Señorita Simmons. I will do that. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Ayana escorted him to the lobby and rushed back to her office, then locked the door. She knew that the reading on that test could change her life forever. After pacing back and forth to conjure up the nerve, she finally went into the bathroom. She walked very slowly and picked up the test to read it.

  POSITIVE! Damn, damn, damn! What the hell do these Escobar men have, super come or something?! They just shoot their come right into your pussy and impregnate you!

  Ayana put the toilet seat down to have a seat, then placed the test inside a plastic bag to take with her. She let her face drop into her hands in disbelief.

  “This can’t be happening. Atticus just expressed last night how he wasn’t having any babies right now. And even though I love him very much, I don’t want him to marry me out of obligation.”

  The phone in her office rung several times. She waited to see if it would go to voicemail, but it didn’t.

  Mustering up strength, she finally answered. “Señorita Simmons.”

  “Si, Señorita Simmons, I have a long distance call from the United States, South Carolina. It’s a Señora Simmons,” Carla, Ayana’s secretary stated.

  Damn! What now? I don’t need this now. Why of all times?”

  “Gracias, Carla, put her through,” Ayana replied in a monotone.

  Ayana tried to pick her mood up and sound normal. She knew the slightest off beat in her voice, and her mother would detect something wrong. The last thing she wanted was a southern, frantic, meddling woman on her hands, who happened to be her mother.


  “Hello, darling! How’s my one and only Mayflower?!”

  “As always, I’m fine, Mother. How are you?”

  “Well, dear, since you asked, I’m missing you terribly. I was just telling your father, so he suggested I give you a call or possibly come down to see you.”

  “What? No! I mean this is not a good time, Mother. We have a lot going on here at the business and I really wouldn’t have any time to spend with you.”

  “Are you alright, Ayana, you don’t quiet sound yourself. Besides, it’s been a little over a year since I’ve seen you last.”

  Ayana bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from cursing. She knew that if it slipped out, she would never hear the end of her mother going on and on about how southern women are ladies with class and must display an array of elegance with an inner toughness.

  Look, Althea Simmons, I don’t have time to entertain you right now on this here phone. Don’t make me get Emory Simmons to turn against you. You know he’ll give me whatever I want.

  “Mother! I don’t mean to be short with you, but I have clients waiting to see me. I also haven’t had lunch yet and I’m starving. So please, I will call you sometime this week.”

  “I really wanted to see you, dear. I guess visiting you is out of the question?”

  “For now, Althea, I mean, Mother. This is not a good time to visit or to talk.”

  “Excuse me?!”

  “Mother, please! You know what I meant.”

  “Alright, dear, but I must say, you do have me concerned. Even more with you being in another country.”

  “I’m a grown woman, Mother! We’ll talk later, and I promise I will call you soon.”

  Ayana rushed her mother off the phone. Her nerves couldn’t take it anymore, especially with the issue at hand. She needed time to process and figure out how she was going to handle things. If it wasn’t for the experience she had with Tess’s condition, she felt that her state of mind would’ve been worse than it was now.

  I really need to talk to Tess about this. I don’t know what to think. I’ll give her a call.

  Before Ayana could make a call to her secretary, her phone was ringing.

  Ayana answered impatient and irritated. “Yes, Carla?”

  “Señorita Simmons, Señora Tess Escobar is here to see you.”

  “Carla! Send her in now. Carla, you never have to announce her. She signs your paycheck.”

  “Si, Señorita Simmons.”

  Within a couple of minutes, Tess was walking through the door. Ayana felt nothing but relief and gratitude.

  Damn, Cousin, you’re right on time!

  “Hey, I was in the neighborhood shopping downtown, so I thought I would come see if you did what we discussed earlier.”

  Ayana stood, but then dropped back down as she began to speak. Tess grabbed a seat in a single armed chair in front of Ayana’s desk.

  In a shaky and scratchy voice Ayana responded. “Yeah, I did. And girl, it’s positive.”

  Her lips quivered but she held back her tears.

  Tess’s face filled with excitement. She clinched her fists and did a little wiggle dance in her chair.

  “Tess! Focus, please! What should I do?”

  “Call, Atticus of course, and tell him the good news.”

  “No! I mean, I will call him, but not to tell him about my pregnancy. I have time for that, instead I need to find out what’s going on with us. I’m not a charity case and I come from a well-to-do family too.”

  “We know this, but still, Ayana, your baby may be another billionaire baby if it’s a girl. This is Atticus’s first born!”

  “Yes. I know this and the possibilities, but like I said, I don’t care about all of that. I love him and I’m not going to profess that either until he does first. And, as I stated before, I have my own money. Me and my baby will be fine without the Escobar estate.”

  I think I should have kept this to myself. Tess is a little too happy. She forgot how hysterical she was when she was in these very shoes. Now she’s tickled pink because it’s me.

  “So how far are you?”

p; “I don’t know yet, but it has to be early. I’ll make an appointment for next week. How far are you Tess? Aren’t you due soon?”

  “No, not that soon. But it won’t be long. I only have about four months to go. I’m due on the seventh of December. I’m so psyched! We picked the name Trinity for our daughter, Trinity Aria Escobar “

  “I can see your excitement!” Ayana growled through gritted teeth.

  “Ayana, I know you’re still trying to accept this, but putting it off and avoiding the truth is not going to make it go away or make things any different with you and Atticus.”

  “Please, Tess, I can’t keep talking about this now. I’m really happy for you and I love the name Trinity. It’s very pretty.”

  Please, Cousin, give it a rest! I have so much on my mind.

  Ayana went to the bathroom to retrieve a wet cloth to put over her face for a minute to calm down. She then returned to her desk.

  “Listen, Ayana! OK, believe me when I say this. I know better than anyone that this is a lot to take in and accept, but like you told me. It will work out.”

  “One more thing I need to mention, Tess.”

  “What is it?”

  “My mother called me. What, does she have that mother’s intuition thing going on? I thought that subsides once your children are grown, and I am a grown ass woman!”

  “Apparently not, according to your mother. You know she might pop up, right?”

  “She better not! Anyway, I have to go see Atticus. These days, it’s the only what I can get to see him.”

  Ayana grabbed her forehead in the palm of her hand with the other hand on her hip.

  “I hope not, for your sanity’s sake. You know your mother’s very opinionated about everything. I’m going to try to dodge that bullet by saying I am too. But, more power to you, girl, if she shows up.”

  “Tess, I still expect you to keep your mouth shut about this. I’m serious, not a word to August either!”

  Tess struggled to stand. She walked over to Ayana to give her a hug.

  “I must say, you’ve handled this far better than I did. You’re a strong woman!”


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