The Battle of Peach Tree Creek
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6. Hotchkiss to Bestow, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):395.
7. Hazen, Narrative, 272; Wood to Fullerton, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):382; [McConnell], Diary of William McConnell, 86; diary, July 19, 1864, James R. Carnahan Papers, IHS.
8. Howard to Whipple, September 18, 1864; Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864; and Bryan to Opdycke, September, no date, 1864, OR, 38(1):201, 297, 305, 320–21.
9. Howard to Whipple, September 18, 1864; Stanley to Fullerton, no date, 1864; Bennett to Lawton, September 13, 1864; and “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):201–2, 225, 268, 903–4; Day, One Hundred and First Ohio, 244; Howard to Whipple, July 19, 1864, 9:30 A.M., OR, 38(5):187; Gates, Rough Side of War, 244.
10. Hooker to Whipple, July 19, 1864, 6 P.M., OR, 38(5):190; Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(2):136–37.
11. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864; Reynolds to Brannan, September 9, 1864; and Bundy to Reynolds, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(2):137, 470, 482.
12. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864; Barnum to Forbes, September 11, 1864; Chatfield to Wheelock, September 16, 1864; and Barnum to Wheelock, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(2):137, 272, 290, 302; Furman to wife, July 21, 1864, Charles Manning Furman Papers, USC.
13. Candy to Forbes, August 1, 1864; Flynn to Creigh, September 8, 1864; Pardee to Creigh, August 10, 1864; and Warner to Mindil, September 8, 1864, OR, 38(2):158, 192, 199, 252; John W. Houtz Diaries, July 19, 1864, OHS.
14. Williams to Perkins, September 12, 1864, and Ketcham to Fay, September 6, 1864, OR, 38(2):33, 80; Carrier to wife, July 21, 1864, William H. Carrier Letters, WHS.
15. H. Osborn, “Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign,” 131.
16. Ward to Perkins, September 7, 1864, and Bloodgood to Crawford, September 9, 1864, OR, 38(2):327, 426; Charles A. Booth Journal, July 20, 1864, WHS.
17. Hooker to not stated, no date, and Whipple to Hooker, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(5):190.
18. Whipple to Palmer, July 18, 1864, OR, 38(5):172; Cox, Atlanta, 151; Garrett, Atlanta, 1:343–44, 481, 2:13; Morgan to Morrison, August 23, 1864, OR, 38(1):649.
19. Davis to McClurg, September, no date, 1864, OR, 38(1):634; Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 196–97.
20. Langley to Wiseman, September 9, 1864, and Holmes to Swift, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):712, 729; Stewart, Dan McCook’s Regiment, 129–30; Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 197.
21. Holmes to Swift, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):729.
22. Walthall to Gale, January 14, 1865, and Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):924, 935.
23. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):935.
24. Ibid.; Holmes to Swift, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):729–30.
25. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):935–37.
26. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):893, 936.
27. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):936.
28. Holmes to Swift, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):730; Stewart, Dan McCook’s Regiment, 130.
29. Langley to Wiseman, September 9, 1864, and Griffith to Swift, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):712, 716, 718; Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 197–98; “De Lafayette Musselman,” 595–96.
30 “List of casualties in the Fifty-second Regiment Ohio Infantry Volunteers from May 3, 1864, to September 6, 1864,” OR, 38(1):731; Holmes to Aten, January 20, 1896, quoted in Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 199.
31. Langley to Wiseman, September 9, 1864, OR, 38(1):712, 716; Kinnear, History of the Eighty-Sixth, 61–62; Rogers, 125th Regiment Illinois, 100–101; Harrison, “Peach Tree Creek.”
32. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):893, 936; M. Jones and Martin, Gentle Rebel, 61.
33. “Itinerary of the Fourteenth Army Corps, May 6–September 8”; Mitchell to Wiseman, September 4, 1864; Vernon to Wilson, September 5, 1864; Pearce to Wilson, September 9, 1864; Jones to Wilson, September 10, 1864; and Banning to Wilson, September 9, 1864, OR, 38(1):507, 681, 688–89, 694, 698, 704; John J. Mercer Diary, July 19, 1864, Antebellum and Civil War Collection, box 2, folder 13, AHC.
34. Davis to McClurg, September, no date, 1864, and Langley to Wiseman, September 9, 1864, OR, 38(1):635, 716; Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 204; extract of report of Surg. Charles W. Jones, no date, SOR, pt. 1, 7.
35. Langley to Wiseman, September 9, 1864, OR, 38(1):712; Stewart, Dan McCook’s Regiment, 131–32.
36. Morgan to Morrison, August 23, 1864, and Lum to Wiseman, August 8, 1864, OR, 38(1):649, 670–71; Algoe, “Capturing a Mill: A Gallant Exploit on Peach Tree Creek.”
37. Aten, History of the Eighty-Fifth, 199–200; Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):937.
38. Adams to Robinson, July 19, 1864, and Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):891–92, 894, 937.
39. Adams to Robinson, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(3):891; M. Jones and Martin, Gentle Rebel, 60.
40. Adams to Robinson, July 19, 1864; Loring’s endorsement, July 20, 1864; and Reynolds to Barksdale, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):892, 894.
41. Reynolds to Barksdale, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):936–37; Hood to Seddon, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):894; Jim Huffman, comp., “Pre-& Civil War Letters of Lt. Col. Columbus Sykes 16th [sic] Regiment Mississippi Infantry,” MDAH.
42. McClurg to Baird, July 18, 1864, 8 P.M., OR, 38(5):173; Baird to McClurg, September 7, 1864; Walker to [Lowrie], August 20, 1864; Hunter to Curtis, August 17, 1864; Carlton to Curtis, August 18, 1864; and Gleason to Lowrie, August 13, 1864, OR, 38(1):742, 761, 768–69, 783, 790.
43. Whipple to Palmer, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(5):189; Moore to Smith, September 8, 1864, OR, 38(1):601.
44. Sherman to Thomas, July 19, 1864, and Sherman to Howard, July 19, 1864, 12 P.M., OR, 38(5):183, 188.
45. Cox, Atlanta, 151; Thomas to Sherman, July 19, 1864, 4:45 P.M., OR, 38(5):184.
46. Schofield to Sherman, September 10, 1864, and Hascall to Campbell, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(2):516, 571.
47. Schofield to Sherman, September 10, 1864, and Hascall to Campbell, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(2):516, 571; reminiscences, Thomas Doak Edington Papers, UTK.
48. Cox, Atlanta, 153.
49. Sherman to Thomas, July 19, 1864, and Sherman to Howard, July 19, 1864, 12 P.M., OR, 38(5):183, 188; Bennett to Lawton, September 13, 1864, OR, 38(1):268.
50. Howard to Dayton, September 17, 1864, OR, 38(3):38.
51. Dodge to Clark, November 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):383; Sherman to Thomas, July 19, 1864; Thomas to Sherman, July 19, 1864, 4:45 P.M.; Sherman to Howard, July 19, 1864, 12 P.M.; Howard to Sherman, July 19, 1864; and Hooker to Whipple, July 19, 1864, 6 P.M., OR, 38(5):183–84, 188, 190.
52. Sherman to Thomas, July 19, 1864, and Thomas to Sherman, July 19, 1864, 3:30 P.M., and 4:45 P.M., and 8:10 P.M., OR, 38(5):182–84, 186.
53. Sherman to Thomas, July 19, 1864, 7 P.M. and 8:10 P.M.; and Thomas to Sherman, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(5):185–86.
54. Stone, “Atlanta Campaign,” 439.
55. Diary, July 19, 1864, James M. Randall Diary and Letters,; Sherman, Memoirs, 2, 72.
56. Whitehead to Irene Cowan, July 19, 1864, Dr. P. F. Whitehead Letters, USM; W. Cate, Two Soldiers, 89–90.
57. Thomas B. Mackall Journal (McMurry transcript), July 19, 1864, Joseph E. Johnston Papers, CWM; Castel, Decision in the West, 368; Hood to Seddon, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(5):892.
58. Mason to Wheeler, July 19, 1864, 11 A.M. and 7:15 P.M., and Mackall to Wheeler, July 19, 1864, 2:15 P.M., OR, 38(5):892–93; Wheeler to Mason, October 9, 1864, OR, 38(3):951.
59. J. B. Hood, Advance and Retreat, 166; Tower, A Carolinian Goes to War, 223.
60. Jesse L. Henderson Civil War Diary, July 19, 1864, UM; Mathis, In the Land of the Living, 104; E. D. Willett Diary, July 1
9, 1864, ADAH; diary, July 19, 1864, and Ross to Mary, July 19, 1864, Emmett Ross Papers, MSU; Franklin, Civil War Diaries, 188; diary, July 19, 1864, and autobiography, 29, Edwin Hansford Rennolds Sr. Papers, UTK; Joslyn, Charlotte’s Boys, 268; Circular, Headquarters, Hardee’s Corps, July 19, 1864, OR, 38(5):894.
61 J. B. Hood, Advance and Retreat, 166; McMurry, John Bell Hood, 127; McMurry, Atlanta 1864, 147.
62 J. B. Hood, Advance and Retreat, 166–68.
63. Ibid., 168.
64. McMurry, Atlanta 1864, 143.
65. Taylor Beatty Diary, July 19, 1864, UNC.
Chapter 4
1. Fleharty, Our Regiment, 89; H. Osborn, Trials and Triumphs, 160; William H. Lynch Diaries, July 20, 1864, SHSM-RCC.
2. Special Field Orders No. 39, Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, July 19, 1864, and Sherman to Thomas, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):193, 195; Hight, History of the Fifty-Eighth, 344.
3. Howard to Whipple, September 18, 1864, and “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):202, 904; Fullerton to Newton, July 20, 1864, 6 A.M., OR, 38(5):201–2.
4. Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864; Bradley to Lee, September 12, 1864; and Moore to Waterman, September 12, 1864, OR, 38(1):297, 305, 355, 372; diary, July 20, 1864, John Wesley Marshall Papers, OHS; Bradley to sister Buel, July 21, 1864, Luther P. Bradley Collection, USAMHI.
5. Thomas to Newton, July 20, 1864, 10:30 A.M.; and Newton to Whipple, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):198–99.
6. Stoneman to Sherman, July 20, 1864, 11 A.M.; and Sherman to McPherson, July 20, 1864, 8 P.M., OR, 38(5):207–8.
7. Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864; and Wagner to Lee, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):297, 305, 337.
8. Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864; Bryan to Opdycke, September, no date, 1864; and Blanch to Cox, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(1):305, 321, 348; Daniel E. Barnard to sister, July 24, 1864, Howe-Barnard Family Papers, NL.
9. Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864, OR, 38(1):305–6.
10. Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864, OR, 38(1):298; Rice, “With Sherman: Another Chapter of the Peach Tree Creek Battle”; J.W.M. to editor, July 21, 1864, Indianapolis Daily Journal, July 26, 1864. Federal officers often referred to Clear Creek as Pea Vine Creek, confusing the location of the latter stream with the former. The modern location of Newton’s position is the approximate junction of Brighton Road and Peachtree Road. See Garrett, Atlanta, 1:612.
11. Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864; and Wagner to Lee, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):297, 306, 337.
12. Newton to Fullerton, July 21, 1864, and Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864, OR, 38(1):290, 306; unidentified correspondence of Cincinnati Commercial, reprinted in Cleveland Daily Plain Dealer, July 28, 1864; George A. Cooley Civil War Diary, July 20, 1864, WHS.
13. Newton to Fullerton, July 21, 1864; Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; and Bradley to Lee, September 12, 1864, OR, 38(1):290, 297, 355; Hynes to brother, July 29, 1864, William D. Hynes Papers, ISL; Baumgartner and Strayer, Yankee Tigers, 127; George O. Pratt Diary, July 20, 1864, ALPL.
14. Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; Wagner to Lee, September 10, 1864; and Blanch to Cox, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(1):297, 337, 348.
15. Newton to Fullerton, July 21, 1864; Newton to assistant adjutant general, Army of the Cumberland, September, no date, 1864; and Conrad to Jackson, September 12, 1864, OR, 38(1):290, 297, 326; History of the Seventy-Third, 324; Marcoot, Five Years, 70.
16. “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):905; Howard, Autobiography, 1:609–10.
17. “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):905; Howard, Autobiography, 1:610.
18. Howard, Autobiography, 1:610; Wood to Fullerton, September 10, 1864, and “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):382, 905–6; Jacob Andervount Diary, July 20, 1864, AHC; Chesley D. Bailey Diary, July 20, 1864, FHS; Barnes, Carnahan, and McCain, Eighty-Sixth Regiment, 420; Hazen, Narrative, 272; diary, July 20, 1864, James R. Carnahan Papers, HIS; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 42–43.
19. Schofield to Sherman, September 10, 1864, and Cox to Campbell, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(2):516, 686–87; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 46–47.
20. Hobson to Kerstetter, August 15, 1864; Estes to Hubbell, July 31, 1864; and Cox to Campbell, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(2):616–17, 632, 686–87; reminiscences, July 20, 1864, Thomas Doak Edington Papers, UTK; diary, July 20, 1864, John Watkins Papers, UTK.
21. Neill to Campbell, [July 20, 1864], OR, 38(5):205.
22. Ramsey to Newton, July 20, 1864, 3:45 P.M.; Whipple to [Thomas], July 20, 1:30 P.M., 3 P.M.; Thomas to Hooker, July 20, 1864, 3 P.M.; and Hooker to Thomas, July 20, 1864, 3:30 P.M., OR, 38(5):199, 200, 204; Thomas to Sawyer, August 17, 1864, OR, 38(1):156.
23. Ward to Perkins, September 7, 1864; Wood to Beecher, September 23, 1864; and Buckingham to Young, September 8, 1864, OR, 38(2):327, 442, 453; H. Osborn, Trials and Triumphs, 160; Buckingham to Horace J. Munsey, August 6, 1864, Philo Beecher Buckingham Papers, AAS; Winkler to C. H. Young, July 28, 1864, Frederick C. Winkler Papers, WHS; Fleharty, Our Regiment, 89.
24. Coburn to Speed, July 28, 1864; Miller to Crawford, July 27, 1864; Bloodgood to Crawford, September 9, 1864; and Winkler to Young, September 25, 1864, OR, 38(2):389, 403–4, 426–27, 466; Newbury, “At Peach Tree Creek.”
25. Trowbridge to wife and baby, July 20, 1864, George Martin Trowbridge Papers, WLC-UM; Coburn to Speed, July 28, 1864, OR, 38(2):389; Charles A. Booth Journal, July 20, 1864, WHS; J. Cate, If I Live to Come Home, 196; James A. Congleton Diary, July 20, 1864, LC; Newton, “Battle of Peach Tree Creek,” 151; Lysander Wheeler Letter, to parents, brother and sister, July 21, 1864, GLIAH; Bohrnstedt, Soldiering with Sherman, 125.
26. Williams to Perkins, September 12, 1864; Compton to Palmer, September 9, 1864; Ruger to Pittman, September 11, 1864; Ketcham to Fay, September 6, 1864; and Boughton to Lee, July 24, 1864, OR, 38(2):33, 53, 62, 80, 106; diary, July 19 [20], 1864, Max Schlund Papers, NL; Alanson B. Cone Personal Narrative, July 20, 1864, NYSL; Carrier to wife, July 21, 1864, William H. Carrier Letters, WHS; Toombs, Reminiscences, 151; diary, July 20, 1864, Albert M. Cook Papers, SU.
27. Williams to Perkins, September 12, 1864, and Rogers to Palmer, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(2):33, 50; Quaife, From the Cannon’s Mouth, 339; E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 517–18; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 87.
28. Bauer, Soldiering, 145; Morhous, Reminiscences, 110; Irving Bronson, “Recollections of the Civil War,” 49, TC.
29. Bauer, Soldiering, 145–46; Robinson to Pittman, July 24, 1864, OR, 38(2):91.
30. Diary, July 20, 1864, Max Schlund Papers, NL; Salomon to Boughton, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(2):99; Alanson B. Cone Personal Narrative, July 20, 1864, NYSL.
31. Bauer, Soldiering, 145; William Merrell, “Personal Memoirs of the Civil War,” LMU.
32. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864; Candy to Forbes, August 1, 1864; and Wright to Creigh, September 8, 1864, OR,
38(2):137–38, 158, 184; diary, July 20, 1864, John D. Foering Diary/Papers, HSP.
33. Boyle, Soldiers True, 232; Zulich to Wheelock, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(2):314.
34. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864, and Fourat to Stockton, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(2):138, 224–25; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 169.
35. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864; Jones to Forbes, August 1, 1864; Fourat to Stockton, July 23, 1864; and O’Connor to not stated, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(2):138, 213, 224–25, 230.
36. Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864, and Jones to Forbes, August 1, 1864, OR, 38(2):138, 213; Pierson, “From Chattanooga to Atlanta,” 350.
37. Palmer to Whipple, July 20, 1864, 7:30 A.M., OR, 38(5):202; Cox, Atlanta, 154; Baird to McClurg, September 7, 1864, OR, 38(1):742–43; James Biddle Diary, July 20, 1864, DPL.
38. Johnson to McClurg, August, no date, 1864; “Journal of the First Brigade,” July 20, 1864; Briant to not stated, no date; and Minshall to Ford, September, no date, 1864, OR, 38(1):524, 532, 542, 551; Palmer to Johnson, July 20, 1864, and Johnson to McClurg, July 20, 1864, 11 A.M., OR, 38(5):203; diary, July 20, 1864, Charles Richard Pomeroy Papers, DU; entry July 20, 1864, Douglas Hapeman Diaries, ALPL.
39. Palmer to Johnson, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):203; “Journal of the First Brigade,” July 20, 1863, OR, 38(1):532.
40. Morgan to Morrison, August 23, 1864, and Lum to Wiseman, August 8, 1864, OR, 38(1):649, 671.