The Battle of Peach Tree Creek
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78. Baird to McClurg, September 7, 1864, and Gleason to Lowrie, August 16, 1864, OR, 38(1):743, 790; Patrick and Willey, Fighting for Liberty and Right, 231; Angle, Three Years, 239.
79. T. Brown, Murphy, and Putney, Behind the Guns, 102; John J. Mercer Diary, July 20, 1864, AHC.
80. Ramsey to Palmer, July 20, 1864, 5 P.M., OR, 38(5):202.
Chapter 9
1. Castel, Decision in the West, 379.
2. Cox, Atlanta, 160; Howard, Autobiography, 1:609.
3. Hascall to Campbell, September 10, 1864; Sherwood to Hobson, August 25, 1864; Strickland to Kerstetter, August 14, 1864; and Waller to not stated, no date, OR, 38(2):571–72, 639–40, 648, 657; journal, July 20, 1864, Tilghman Blazer Collection, UTK.
4. Sherman, Memoirs, 2, 72–73; Sherman to Thomas, July 20, 1864, 6:10 [P.M.], OR, 38(5):196–97; Gallup to wife, July 20, 1864, George W. Gallup Papers, FHS.
5. Stanley to Fullerton, no date, 1864; Taylor to Mason, September 15, 1864; and Stookey to Lawton, September 12, 1864, OR, 38(1):225, 248–49, 272; Gates, Rough Side of War, 245; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 42–43.
6. Stanley to Fullerton, no date, 1864, and Taylor to Mason, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(1):225, 249; Howard, Autobiography, 1:611; William Lewis English Diary, August 13, 1864, ALPL; Day, One Hundred and First Ohio, 244; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 44–45. The 30th Alabama lost at least nine men in the afternoon skirmish with the Federals. Stephens, Bound for Glory, 259.
7. Stanley to Fullerton, no date, 1864; Suman to [Lawton], September 10, 1864; and Hurd to Lawton, September 13, 1864, OR, 38(1):225, 276, 282; Day, One Hundred and First Ohio, 244; Simmons, 84th Reg’t Ill., 187; Howard to Mendenhall, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):198.
8. Gates, Rough Side of War, 245; Howard to Mendenhall, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):198; “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” and Hotchkiss to Bestow, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):396, 906.
9. Howard, Autobiography, 1:611; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 46–47.
10. Cox, Atlanta, 153; Castel, Decision in the West, 371, 378–79.
11. Castel, Decision in the West, 367, 371.
12. Howard to Dayton, September 17, 1864; Logan to Clark, [September 13, 1864]; and De Gress to Lofland, September 1, 1864, OR, 38(3):38–39, 102, 265; Howard, “Struggle for Atlanta,” 314.
13. McPherson to Sherman, July 20, 1864, 8:45 P.M., and Sherman to McPherson, July 21, 1864, 1 A.M., OR, 38(5):208, 218–19; Castel, Decision in the West, 380.
14. James B. David Diary, July 20, 1864, UTK; Wagner to Lee, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):338; diary, July 20, 1864, John Wesley Marshall Papers, OHS; History of the Seventy-Third, 325–26; Hynes to brother, July 29, 1864, William D. Hynes Papers, ISL.
15. Kimball to assistant adjutant general, Second Division, Fourth Corps, August 4, 1864, OR, 38(1):306–7; Baumgartner and Strayer, Yankee Tigers, 128–29.
16. Baumgartner and Strayer, Yankee Tigers, 129–30; Hinman, Story of the Sherman Brigade, 580.
17. Buckingham to Young, September 8, 1864, OR, 38(2):454; Coe, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, 179; Newton, “Battle of Peach Tree Creek,” 158–59.
18. Harrison to wife, July 21, 1864, Benjamin Harrison Collection, IHS; Harry Stanley Diary, July 21, 1864, AHC; Brant, History of the Eighty-Fifth Indiana, 69; Buckingham to Horace J. Munsey, August 6, 1864, Philo Beecher Buckingham Papers, AAS; Dutton to Mitchell, August 5, 1864, and Miller to Crawford, July 27, 1864, OR, 38(2):364, 406.
19. Coburn to Speed, July 28, 1864, OR, 38(2):390; Bohrnstedt, Soldiering with Sherman, 126; James A. Congleton Diary, July 20, 1864, LC; Fleharty, Our Regiment, 95; Hitchcock to parents, July 21, 1864, Watson C. Hitchcock Papers, CHS; Merrill, Seventieth Indiana, 144–47.
20. Williams to Perkins, September 12, 1864; Selfridge to Palmer, September 8, 1864 Fesler to Fay, September 6, 1864; Salomon to Boughton, September 15, 1864; Candy to Forbes, August 1, 1864; and Chatfield to Wheelock, September 16, 1864, OR, 38(2):34, 56, 64, 100, 159, 291; diary, July 20, 1864, Max Schlund Papers, NL; E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 527.
21. William Merrell, “Personal Memoirs of the Civil War,” LMU.
22. Morhous, Reminiscences, 112–13.
23. Edie to Smith, September 19, 1864; McManus to Fetterman, September 19, 1864; Hall to Fetterman, September 17, 1864; and Vernon to Wilson, September 5, 1864, OR, 38(1):562, 572, 582, 689; James Biddle Diary, July 20, 1864, DPL; Kinnear, History of the Eighty-Sixth, 63.
24. Thomas to Sherman, July 20, 1864, 6:15 P.M., and Ramsey to Stoneman, July 20, 1864, OR, 38(5):197, 207.
25. “Journal of the Atlanta Campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant General,” OR, 38(1):906; Sherman to Thomas, [July 20], 1864, 3:25 [P.M.], OR, 38(5):196; Castel, Decision in the West, 380.
26. Sherman to Thomas, July 20, 1864, 6:10 [P.M.], OR, 38(5):196–97.
27. Sherman to Thomas, July 20, 1864, 8 P.M., OR, 38(5):198.
28. Sherman to Halleck, July 20, 1864, 9 P.M., and Van Duzer to Eckert, July 20, 1864, 10 P.M., OR, 38(5):195, 210.
29. Hood to Cooper, February 15, 1865, OR, 38(3):631; William McLeod Civil War Pocket Diary, July 20, 1864, SAF; George Anderson Mercer Diary, July 20, 1864, UNC; Joslyn, Charlotte’s Boys, 269; Durham, Blues in Gray, 223; Franklin, Civil War Diaries, 188–89; autobiography, 29, Edwin Hansford Rennolds Sr. Papers, UTK.
30. Durham, Blues in Gray, 223; Thomas B. Mackall Journal (McMurry transcript), July 20–21, 1864, Joseph E. Johnston Papers, CWM; Hawes, “Memoirs of Charles H. Olmstead,” pt. 10, 44.
31. Stewart to Mason, January 12, 1865; Loring to West, September 15, 1864; Featherston to Robinson, July 23, 1863, and Jackson to Neilson, July 23, 1864, OR, 38(3):871, 877, 882–83, 889; Featherston to Loring, November 20, 1867, Winfield Scott Featherston Collection, UM; Howell, To Live and Die, 334; Sykes to wife, July 26, 1864, William E. Sykes Papers, MSU.
32. Featherston to Robinson, July 23, 1864; Stigler to Neilson, September 15, 1864; Jackson to Neilson, July 23, 1864; Scott to Robinson, July 23, 1864; and Nelson to Graham, July 24, 1864, OR, 38(3):882, 885, 889, 895, 898; record of events, Company L, 12th Louisiana, SOR, pt. 2, 24:273.
33. Walthall to Gale, January 14, 1865; Quarles to Barksdale, July 25, 1864; and Reynolds to Barksdale, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(3):926, 930–31, 938; Kendall, “Recollections of a Confederate Officer,” 1192.
34. West to French, July 20, 1864, 7 P.M., OR, 38(5):896; French to Jack, July 25, 1864, and Cockrell to Sanders, September 20, 1864, OR, 38(3):902, 917.
35. Tower, A Carolinian Goes to War, 223.
36. Ibid.; Cuttino, Saddle Bag, 268; Ross to Mary, July 22, 1864, Emmett Ross Papers, MSU; diary, July 20, 1864, James Conquest Cross Black Papers, UNC.
37. Wheeler to Mason, October 9, 1864, OR, 38(3):951.
38. Cheatham to Wheeler, July 20, 1864, 5:30 P.M. and 6:45 P.M., and Mackall to Wheeler, July 20, 1864, 6:30 P.M., OR, 38(5):896–97.
39. Lowrey to Benham, September 20, 1864; Flynt to Sneed, July 29, 1864; and Taylor to Sneed, July 29, 1864, OR, 38(3):733, 748, 752.
40. Hood to Seddon, July 20, 1864, 11 P.M., OR, 38(5):894.
Chapter 10
1. John W. Houtz Diaries, July 21, 1864, OHS; George A. Cooley Civil War Diary, July 21, 1864, WHS; DeRosier, Through the South, 132–33; J. Cate, If I Live to Come Home, 196; E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 522–23; Alanson B. Cone Personal Narrative, July 21, 1864, NYSL; Johnson to Folks at Home, July 25, 1864, Andrew Jackson Johnson Papers, IHS; Alfred H. Trego Diary, July 21, 1864, CHM.
2. Wagner to Lee, September 10, 1864, OR, 38(1):338; Longacre and Haas, To Battle for God and the Right, 201–2; Jones to wife, July 24, 1864, Joseph Jones Letter, GLIAH; George A. Cooley Civil War Diary, July 21, 1864, WHS; diary, July 21, 1864, Albert M. Cook Papers, SU; Coe, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, 179.
3. Bode to editor,
July 21, 1864, Indianapolis Daily Journal, August 2, 1864; George Hoenig Journal, July 21, 1864,; Charles P. Wickham quote in H. Osborn, Trials and Triumphs, 162; J. Cate, If I Live to Come Home, 196.
4. Harry Stanley Diary, July 22, 1864, AHC.
5. Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(1):174; copy of Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, George L. Reis Letters, UTK; Coburn to Speed, July 28, 1864, OR, 38(2): 390.
6. Balloch to wife, July 24, 1864, George Williamson Balloch Papers, DU; Douglas Hapeman Diaries, July 21, 1864, ALPL; Angle, Three Years, 239; Blair, A Politician Goes to War, 189; Johnson to Folks at Home, July 25, 1864, Andrew Jackson Johnson Papers, IHS; George A. Cooley Civil War Diary, July 21, 1864, WHS; Daniel E. Barnard to sister, July 24, 1864, Howe-Barnard Family Papers, NL; Cox, Atlanta, 158–59.
7. Sherman, “Grand Strategy,” 253; Stone, “Atlanta Campaign,” 442, 485; dispatch to St. Louis Union, in St. Louis Daily Missouri Democrat, July 26, 1864; Van Horne, History of the Army of the Cumberland, 2, 116; Howard, Autobiography, 1:619.
8. Thomas to Sawyer, August 17, 1864, and Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(1):156, 174; Stone, “Atlanta Campaign,” 442, 485; dispatch to St. Louis Union, in St. Louis Daily Missouri Democrat, July 26, 1864; Balloch to wife, July 24, 1864, George Williamson Balloch Papers, DU; Bradley to sister, July 21, 1864, Luther P. Bradley Collection, USAMHI; Van Horne, History of the Army of the Cumberland, 2:116; Cox, Atlanta, 158; Sherman, “Grand Strategy,” 253; Douglas Hapeman Diaries, July 21, 1864, ALPL; Howard, Autobiography, 1:619; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 395; Castel, Decision in the West, 381.
9. Taylor Beatty Diary, July 21, 1864, UNC; Whitehead to Irene Cowan, July 21, 1864, Dr. P. F. Whitehead Letters, USM; dispatch to Savannah Republican, in Charleston Mercury, July 26, 1864; “Abstract from Returns of the Army of Tennessee, General Joseph E. Johnston, C.S. Army, July 10, 1864,” and “Abstract from Returns of the Army of Tennessee, General John B. Hood, C.S. Army, Commanding, July 31, 1864,” OR, 38(3):679–80; Castel, Decision in the West, 381; Daniel, Days of Glory, 414; McMurry, Atlanta 1864, 152. For another estimate of losses in Stewart’s command, see R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 397.
10. Thomas to Sawyer, August 17, 1864, OR, 38(1):156; Gardner to parents, July 23, 1864, Lyman Gardner Papers, WLC-UM; diary, July 21, 1864, John Wesley Marshall Papers, OHS.
11. Wood to Beecher, September 23, 1864, OR, 38(2):443; Hitchcock to Frank and Betsey, July 21, 1864, Watson C. Hitchcock Papers, CHS; Winkler to C. H. Young, July 28, 1864, Frederick C. Winkler Papers, WHS; Thackery, Light and Uncertain Hold, 205.
12. Harrison to Speed, August 12, 1864; Dutton to Mitchell, August 5, 1864; and Coburn to Speed, July 28, 1864, OR, 38(2):347, 364, 390; Bradley, Star Corps, 143; Charles A. Booth Journal, July 20, 1864, WHS; Austin to wife, July 21, 1864, Judson L. Austin Papers, BHL-UM; Brant, History of the Eighty-Fifth Indiana, 68; Byrne, Uncommon Soldiers, 173; Harrison to wife, July 21, 1864, Benjamin Harrison Collection, IHS; Merrill to J. L. Mitchell, August 1, 1864, Samuel Merrill Papers, ISL; diary, July 21, 1864, Andrew Jackson Johnson Papers, IHS; Merrill, Seventieth Indiana, 149; Bohrnstedt, Soldiering with Sherman, 126.
13. Williams to Perkins, September 12, 1864, and Geary to Perkins, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(2):34, 141; Alexander Dobbin Diary, July 21, 1864, EU; Wallace, “At Peach Tree Creek”; Hapeman to Ford, September 5, 1864, OR, 38(1):538.
14. Harrison to [Speed], September 14, 1864, OR, 38(2):348; Daniel W. Sheahan Diary, July 21, 1864, ALPL.
15. Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(1):174.
16. Holzhueter, “William Wallace’s Civil War Letters,” 102; Alanson B. Cone Personal Narrative, July 21, 1864, NYSL; Newbury, “At Peach Tree Creek”; diary, July 21, 1864, John Wesley Marshall Papers, OHS; Bauer, Soldiering, 152; Padgett, “With Sherman,” 302; Conger, “The Private,” 59.
17. Boyle, Soldiers True, 239; Mannis and Wilson, Bound to Be a Soldier, 151; E. P. Failing Diary, July 21, 1864, Failing-Knight Papers, MHS; Benjamin Harrison letter to Malcolm A. Lowes, in Merrill, Seventieth Indiana, 147; Daniel W. Sheahan Diary, July 20, 1864, ALPL.
18. Rice, “With Sherman: Another Chapter of the Peach Tree Creek Battle”; Grunert, One Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Regiment Illinois, 87; McWilliams, Recollections, 140.
19. William A. Brand letter, July 23, 1864, in Thackery, Light and Uncertain Hold, 205; E. P. Failing Diary, July 24, 1864, Failing-Knight Family Papers, MHS; William Cline Diary, July 22, 26, 1864, UND; Elmore to parents, July 26, 1864, Day Elmore Letters, CHM.
20. “Confederate colors captured by the Army of the Cumberland in the campaign against Atlanta from May 4 to September 8, 1864,” and Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(1):171, 174; “Report of trophies captured during the campaign from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga., by the troops of the Twentieth Army Corps,” OR, 38(2):22; R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 414.
21. “Report of trophies captured during the campaign from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga., by the troops of the Twentieth Army Corps,” OR, 38(2):22; Bradley, Star Corps, 143.
22. “Report of trophies captured during the campaign from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga., by the troops of the Twentieth Army Corps,” OR, 38(2):22; Sylvester, “‘Gone for a Soldier,’” 211; Charles A. Booth Journal, July 21, 1864, WHS.
23. John W. Leeper quoted in Leeper, Rebels Valiant, 239; Clemmer, Valor in Gray, xv, xix–xxi.
24. Douglas Hapeman Diaries, July 21, 1864, ALPL; Selfridge to Palmer, September 8, 1864, and Dustin to Grubbs, September 15, 1864, OR, 38(2):57, 362; diary, July 22, 1864, John Wesley Marshall Papers, OHS; Merrill to J. L. Mitchell, August 1, 1864, Samuel Merrill Papers, ISL; Wallace, “At Peach Tree Creek”; “Report of arms captured, lost, and becoming surplus in the Army of the Cumberland for the month of July, 1864,” OR, 38(1):159.
25. Thomas to Sawyer, August 17, 1864; “Report of prisoners of war and rebel deserters received and disposed of during the month of July, 1864”; and Circular, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, July 25, 1864, OR, 38(1):156, 159, 174.
26. “First Battle before Atlanta,” Washington Daily National Intelligencer, July 28, 1864; Byrne, Uncommon Soldiers, 173; Newbury, “At Peach Tree Creek”; diary, July 21, 1864, Albert M. Cook Papers, SU; Charles A. Booth Journal, July 21, 1864, WHS.
27. Foye to Cooper, September 29, 1864, and Goodman to Foye, September 22, 1864, OR, 38(2):25, 152; E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 523; diary, July 20, 1864, Andrew Jackson Johnson Papers, IHS.
28. Gill to Foye, September 27, 1864, OR, 38(2):39; Githins to wife, July 22, 1864, William Harrison Githins Letters, Gail and Stephen Rudin Collection of Civil War Letters, CU.
29. Foye to Cooper, September 29, 1864; Gill to Foye, September 27,1864; Goodman to Foye, September 22, 1864; and Grinstead to not stated, September 29, 1864, OR, 38(2):25, 39, 152, 337.
30. Henry Perrin Mann Civil War Diaries, July 21, 1864, SHSM-RCR; Bauer, Soldiering, 152; William Clark McLean Diary, July 21, 1864, McLean Family Papers, NYSL; Padgett, “With Sherman,” 302.
31. Foye to Cooper, September 29, 1864, and Grinstead to not stated, September 29, 1864, OR, 38(2):25, 337.
32. Garrett to Lee, September 10, 1864; Goodman to Foye, September 22, 1864; and Grinstead to not stated, September 29, 1864, OR, 38(2):109, 152, 339; Hutchinson to father, July 24, 1864, Edwin Hutchinson Papers, LSU.
33. Austin to wife, July 21, 1864, Judson L. Austin Papers, BHL-UM; Merrill, Seventieth Indiana, 152; Bohrnstedt, Soldiering with Sherman, 128; Carrier to wife, July 28, 1864, William H. Carrier Letters, WHS; Foye to Cooper, September 29, 1864; Goodman to Foye, September 22, 1864; and: Grinstead to not stated, September 29, 1864, OR, 38(2):25, 152, 337; Winkler to C. H. Young, July 28, 1864, Frederick C. Winkler Papers, WHS; William Cline Diary, July 22, 1864, UND.
Austin to wife, July 21, 1864, Judson L. Austin Papers, BHL-UM; Harmon, “Battle of Peach Tree Creek.” Actually, Union women disguised as men also took part in the Civil War but not in this battle.
35. Hitchcock to parents, July 26, 1864, Watson C. Hitchcock Papers, CHS; Ewing, “Wounding a Young lady”; Fleharty, Our Regiment, 94–95; George A. Cooley Civil War Diary, July 21, 1864, WHS; Frederick N. Kollock Diary, July 21, 1864, Charles S. Harris Collection, UTC.
36. Marvin, Fifth Regiment Connecticut, 330; Thackery, Light and Uncertain Hold, 209.
37. E. P. Failing Diary, July 20–22, 1864, Failing-Knight Papers, MHS.
38. Trowbridge to wife and baby, July 21, 1864, George Martin Trowbridge Papers, WLC-UM.
39. Ibid.
40. Trowbridge to wife and baby, July 21, 22, 1864, George Martin Trowbridge Papers, WLC-UM.
41. Trowbridge to wife and baby, July 21, 22, 23, 1864, George Martin Trowbridge Papers, WLC-UM.
42. Trowbridge to wife and baby, July 22, 23, 1864, George Martin Trowbridge Papers, WLC-UM.
43. Beasecker, “I Hope to Do My Country Service,” 301.
44. Willis Perry Burt Diary, July 20, 1864, Laura Burt Brantley Collection, GHS; R. Davis, Requiem for a Lost City, 125.
45. Whitehead to Irene Cowan, July 21, 1864, Dr. P. F. Whitehead Letters, USM; Brannock to wife, July 26, 1864, James Madison Brannock Papers, VHS.
46. “List of Killed and Wounded of 12th and 47th Tenn. Regts Vaughans Brigd Cheatham’s Div. H.C.A.T.,” James Madison Brannock Papers, VHS.
47. Jones quoted in Dunkelman, Brothers One and All, 139; Bauer, Soldiering, 152; P. Jordan, “Forty Days,” 138.
48. [Murphree], “Autobiography and Civil War Letters,” 186; Brannock to wife, July 26, 1864, James Madison Brannock Papers, VHS.
49. Cook to Fred, July 25, 1864, Albert M. Cook Papers, SU; Medical and Surgical History, 7:108.
50. Clipping of the Salem Press, August 2, 1864; Welch to father, July 29, [1864]; and cards, Henry Welch service record, 123rd New York, copies in Henry Welch Papers, USAMHI.