The Battle of Peach Tree Creek
Page 40
8. Daniel, Days of Glory, 430; E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 524.
9. Pierson, “From Chattanooga to Atlanta,” 352; Kaufman, Peachtree Creek, 144–45.
10. E. Brown, Twenty-Seventh Indiana, 521.
11. Battles of Atlanta, not paginated.
12. George H. Blakeslee letter; A. B. Foster letter; D. W. Russell letter; “J. L. Lemonds,” Confederate Veteran, 11, 468; Samuel Turner letter, Confederate Veteran, 22, 479; “Restore Our Battle-Stained Banners,” Confederate Veteran, 6, 148; Howell, To Live and Die, 329.
13. Confederate Veteran, 8, 257; Atlanta Constitution, July 19, 20, 21, 1900; Garrett, Atlanta, 2:392–93.
14. Confederate Veteran, 8, 257; Confederate Veteran, 18, 273; Brant, History of the Eighty-Fifth Indiana, 69.
15. Garrett, Atlanta, 2:483, 565, 848; “One Thousand Dollars,” 138; “Plans to Mark Battlefield,” 273; Kaufman, Peachtree Creek, 6, 103, 111, 117.
16. R. Jenkins, Battle of Peach Tree Creek, 422; Kaufman, Peachtree Creek, 123, 137.
17. Allen to Walter Hill, June 24, 1938; copy of Meredith Collier to Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, Fulton County, no date but attached to letter of December 21, 1938; and Allen to Troy Chastain, February 16, 1939, Ivan Allen Sr. Papers, AHC.
18. Allen to Walter Hill, June 24, 1938; Thomas Collier to Frank Fling, May 30, 1939; and Allen to Troy Chastain, February 16, June 1, 1939, Ivan Allen Sr. Papers, AHC.
19. Garrett, Atlanta, 1:614. Capt. Adolph Metzner of the 32nd Indiana was a gifted amateur artist who painted many scenes of army life and battle at Stones River and other engagements. He began a painting of the fight at Peach Tree Creek as well, even though not a participant in the engagement—the regiment belonged to Wood’s division of the Fourth Corps. The painting remained unfinished. See Peake, Blood Shed, 111. For a good tour guide to the modern site of the battle of Peach Tree Creek, see McCarley, “‘Atlanta is Ours.’”
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