The Battle of Peach Tree Creek
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Abernethy, John E., 135
Adams, John, 45, 47, 49–50, 127
Alabama units
17th Infantry, 150, 152
26th Infantry, 150, 152
27th Infantry, 133, 135, 137, 143
29th Infantry, 150, 152
30th Infantry, 288n6
35th Infantry, 135, 137, 143
49th Infantry, 135, 137, 143
55th Infantry, 133, 138, 145, 147
57th Infantry, 133, 138, 145, 147, 206
Selden’s Battery, 173, 176
Algoe, John, 48
Allen, Ivan, Sr., 244–45
Allen, William, 212
Anderson, Robert H., 8
Arkansas units
1st Mounted Rifles, 45, 168, 170–71
2nd Mounted Rifles, 198
4th Infantry, 45–46
9th Infantry, 45, 47, 167
25th Infantry, 45–47
Armstrong, Frank C., 19, 37
Army of Mississippi, xi, 2, 13, 34
Army of Tennessee, ix, x, xi, 13, 28–30, 34, 235, 238, 241–42
Army of the Cumberland, ix, xi, 1, 241–42
Army of the Ohio, 1, 8
Army of the Tennessee, 1, 53
Atlanta campaign, 1–2, 4–6, 9–14
Atlanta City Line, 231–32
Atwater, Frederick A., 87, 101
Austin, Judson L., 202, 214
Badgett, John H., 135
Baird, Absalom, 32, 33, 50, 70, 176
Balloch, George W., 192
Banks, Robert W., 166, 215
Barnum, Henry A., 42–43, 140–41
Barrett, Wallace W., 60
Bartlett, Edward O., 160
Bate, William B., 80, 84, 97–98, 100
Beatty, Taylor, 29, 57
Bennitt, John, 204
Black, Hugh, 29
Black, Samuel L., 75–76
Blair, Frank P., 17
Blake, John W., 59–61, 81, 95
Blakeslee, George H., 243
Blanch, Willis, 61–62, 86
Bloodgood, Edward, 104, 108, 198
Booth, Charles A., 198
Boughton, Horace, 155
Bowen, Oscar, 210–11
Boyce, Joseph, 176
Boyle, John Richards, 141
Bradley, Luther P., 11, 31, 59, 61, 81, 87–88, 91, 95, 101
Bragg, Braxton, 12–16, 235–36
Bragg, Walter L., 220
Branch, Hamilton, 29, 91–92
Brand, William A., 197
Brannock, James Madison, 205–6
Brant, Jefferson E., 128, 243
Bronson, Irving, 224
Brock, Jesse, 202
Brown, Edmund Randolph, 162–63, 234
Brown, John C., 56
Buck, Irving A., 98
Buck Head, 18, 30, 32, 51
Buckingham, Philo B, 121–22
Buckley, Dennis, 197
Bull, Rice C., 67, 156, 158–61, 201, 205
Bundy, Henry, 143–44
Bunn, Henry G., 167
Calkins, William Wirt, 169–71
Candy, Charles, 43, 46, 69, 136
Cannon, J. P., 133, 147
Cantey, James, 150
Capers, Ellison, 12, 159
Carrier, William H., 165, 202
Carter, John C., 29, 94, 273n37, 279n51
Case, Henry, 115, 117–18
Castel, Albert, 78–79, 181–82, 192–93, 234, 238, 279n51
Cate, John Marsh, 191, 213, 217
Champion, Sidney S., 12
Chapman, Henry, 161
Chattahoochee River, 6, 8, 10–13, 18–20, 38, 59
Cheatham, Benjamin F., x, 55, 57, 63, 73–75, 78, 98, 187, 235, 239
Clancy, Charles W., 44, 49
Clanharty, C. W., 165
Clarke, Henry E., 137, 143
Clayton, Henry D., 74, 98, 188, 239
Clayton, Sarah Conley, 205
Clear Creek, 36, 74, 84, 267n10
Cleburne, Patrick R., 80, 96, 98–99, 189, 220–21
Cline, William, 231
Cobb, Howell, 26–27
Cobham, George A., Jr., 141, 196
Coburn, John, 66, 104, 109–11, 119, 122, 127–28, 192, 276n17
Coe, Hamlin, 183, 191
Coleman, J. Walker, 9
Colgrove, Silas, 162–63
Collier, Andrew J., 144–45
Collins, E., 210
Collins, Robert M., 96–97, 211
Cone, Alanson B., 216
Conger, Edwin H., 196
Conn, James P., 208
Connecticut units
5th Infantry, 158, 166, 184
20th Infantry, 119–22
Connelly, Thomas L., 8, 26, 78
Connolly, James A., 18, 176, 218, 232
Conrad, Joseph, 60, 62, 90, 94
Cook, Albert M., 33, 206, 217, 230
Cooper, Joseph A., 51, 53
Cooper, Samuel, 23
Cox, Aaron A., 97
Cox, Charles Harding, 198, 213, 215
Cox, Jacob D., 10–11, 19, 36, 51, 53, 63, 78, 99, 127, 178, 192, 218, 234
Cram, George F., 115, 225
Crane, Alexander B., 111
Crawford, Francis C., 111
Cresson, Charles C., 139
Crist, Henry, 109, 276n17
Crosier, William, 140
Crumpton, Washington Bryan, 165
Cumming, Joseph B., 233
Dacus, Robert H., 167, 171
Daniels, Marcus, 203
Davis, C. V. H., 124
Davis, Jefferson, 12–16, 25–26, 30, 38, 70–71, 236–37
Davis, Jefferson C., 18, 31, 33, 44, 47–48, 176, 226, 231
Davis, Newton N., 259n20
De Fontaine, Felix G., 76
De Gress, Francis, 182
Dewey, Ben Park, 174
Dibrell, George G., 8
Dickerman, Ezra, 208–9
Dickinson, Lewis, 225
Dilger, Hubert, 174
Dilworth, Caleb J., 44–45, 47, 71, 300n6
Dimmit, Elias, 48
Dodge, Grenville M., 8, 19–20, 34
Dodson, W. C., 19
Donohue, Thomas, 208
Doty, John S. H., 170
Drake, Jabez L., 119, 124, 191, 193, 230
Drane, J. W., 124
Drullinger, Robert F., 180
Dunham, Charles Laforest, 191
Dunlevy, Howard, 114
Dunn, Matthew Andrew, 124
Dyer, Samuel M., 124
Ector, Matthew D., 174–76, 287n73
Elliott, Fergus, 139
Elmore, Day, 95, 234
English, William Lewis, 180
Ewing, Charles, 227
Failing, Edward P., 196, 203
Farrell, Michael, 46–47, 49
Featherston, Winfield S., 76, 106–8, 127, 219, 226, 276n7
Ferguson, Samuel W., 19, 37, 188
Fesler, John R., 163
Fielder, Alfred Tyler, 221
Fleharty, Stephen, 66, 202
Flynn, Thomas H., 117
Foos, Dewitt C., 156
Fourat, Enos, 69–70, 135
Foye, John W., 201
French, Samuel G., 28, 76, 174–76, 187, 220, 243
Fuchs, William John, 120
Fullerton, Joseph, 59
Gallaway, Morton D., 168, 171
Gallup, George W., 179
Gardner, Lyman, 193
Garrard, Kenner, 6, 17
Gates, Elijah, 174–76, 287n73
Geary, John W., 32–33, 42, 69–70, 129–31, 133, 135, 138–39, 144–45, 216–17
Georgia units
1st Confederate Infantry, 91
29th Infantry, 91
46th Infantry, 43
54th Infantry, 91
66th Infantry, 90–91
Gettysburg, battle of, 145
Gibson, Randall L., 98, 188
Gibson, William H., 40–41, 180, 223
Gillespie, F. M., 124
Gilson, Andrew J., 202
Gist, States R., 86
Githins, Harrison, 200
Godard, Abel, 139–40, 143
Goldsmith, John H., 140, 143
Goodloe, Albert T., 72
Goodman, H. Earnest, 200–201
Gourd, Samuel, 139
Govan, Daniel C., 96
Grant, Lemuel, 9, 231
Grant, Ulysses S., 1, 2
Griffin, Daniel F., 176
Grinstead, William, 201–2
Grose, William, 42, 180