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The Journey Home Page 15

by K'Anne Meinel

  Stephanie couldn’t believe how beautiful Cass was making her feel, she pulled her closer to feel the weight of that fine-looking body against her own, caressing down her long back, using both her fingers, her hands, and occasionally her nails as she arched against Cass, murmuring her desire as Cass caressed and kissed her body to a fevered pitch. The first touch of Cass’s mouth on her engorged nipples had her catching her breath, arching her body and bucking against her in supplication, unknowingly telling Cass how much she wanted her touch.

  Cass was surprised to taste the milk from Stephanie’s nipples as they freely released their milk, used to a baby’s sucking lips. She tasted each of them but only licked and didn’t suck. The licking, kissing, and caressing against Stephanie’s nipples were causing her to buck and writhe beneath her as her body became heated. She caressed the smooth stomach, slightly puckered from having had three children. Her hips and thighs felt soft beneath her work roughened hands. She wondered if Stephanie realized she was turning her body towards her hands, asking for her touch unconsciously.

  Stephanie had never felt so aroused, she wanted Cass to touch her everywhere, she was disappointed that Cass wouldn’t suck on her nipples but she supposed the milk leaking was not attractive or enticing, she was thrilled when Cass returned her lips to her neck and then her own lips as she felt she couldn’t convey enough of what she wanted, she was thrilled as Cass touched and explored her body, the touch exciting her as nothing else as she caressed along her hips and thighs moving closer to the center of her body.

  At the first touch of Cass’s fingers across her bush Stephanie gasped, not from outrage but from a sense of relief that she had arrived at that spot. She didn’t know what Cass could do for her, she was a woman after all but she felt a sense of need so excruciating that she was willing to do anything for the relief she instinctively knew that only Cass could give her.

  Cass had noted that Stephanie was a true blonde when she had stripped her, she gently touched the mass of hair between her legs as she caressed back and forth from one hip to the other and lower. Stephanie’s gasp told her more than words, she wanted what Cass could do to her, what only Cass could do for her. Slowly and surely she headed unerringly for a spot between the blonde’s legs that with its arousal told her that the blonde was ready for more, her erect clit was standing up and waving, take me, take me, she desperately wanted to taste it but didn’t want to shock her lover with too much too soon. She satisfied them both with touching it, rubbing it a little, her finger sliding along both sides as she sought out the wetness she knew was there not only by feel but by scent. It’s odor distinctive and driving her mad with desire to touch, to taste, to feel. She gently began caressing all over between Stephanie’s legs which parted welcomingly for her hand. Her own arousal she tamped down as she contented herself with a slight grinding against the blonde’s hip.

  Oh gawd it felt decadent and yet more than she remembered ever feeling at her husband’s touch. Perhaps it was just that Cass was a woman, she should feel ashamed lying with a woman, but she didn’t she was relieved at finally having her thoughts, her hopes, her dreams fulfilled. This woman she had fallen in love with and desired was giving her more than she had ever dreamed or hoped. She couldn’t believe the feelings that were coursing through her, the desires, the needs, and Cass was causing more. The touch on her privates was surprising, she hadn’t known that one spot could center all the feelings and emotions she had been feeling. She was surprised and relieved to feel even more things, the wetness embarrassed her until she remembered she had gotten wet at her husband’s ministrations but he had never made her feel such a swirling of need that Cass was causing. At the first touch inside of her she started in surprise, Cass’s fingers were reaching inside, and feeling their way and causing more of the wetness if that were possible.

  God she was tight despite having had three children, she momentarily thought about the stitches she had used after Summer was born and wondered if she had used one too many but the delicious sensations of her lover’s wetness had her thinking of other things quickly and she was soon seeking out and finding a spot about three inches inside as she petted it she gleefully heard the catch in Stephanie’s breathing which was coming fast and furious and hard as she played with her body, kissed her, and caressed her. A couple of pettings and Stephanie’s body sent more moisture streaming from her as she went momentarily limp from the sensations. Cass began to thrust inside of her, avoiding the spot, her thumb playing with the erect piece of flesh that had Stephanie writhing beneath her. Her gasps and little cries had Cass so aroused she wanted to plunge inside of her, she held off her own passion as she concentrated on Stephanie’s responses, kissing and sucking on her lips to hide the cries, to keep the children from hearing their mother’s passion.

  Stephanie felt very odd, she wondered where this was going to go, it wasn’t like Cass would spend herself inside her for the purpose of procreation, she tried not to think about anything but the pleasure she was feeling and it was more pleasure than she had ever imagined, Cass’s fingers felt tight inside of her and once she touched and petted a certain spot she felt absolutely helpless, she never even knew it was there, her desire was fever pitched, when Cass thrust and her thumb had hit that nub of flesh, Stephanie began to go wild, her body craved something she knew not what, her hands clutched at the broad shoulders of her lover and she began to buck and moan. She began to feel something begin in her toes and spread up her legs before the blood seemed to drain from her lips and she saw stars behind her eyelids. It all centered around where Cass was thrusting and rubbing. Her body arched unnaturally, providing Cass more access to her center. Cass suddenly covered her mouth as she screamed out, the primeval scream coming from deep inside her as she came for the first time in her life, her body bucking and writhing beneath Cass’s, being held down by her weight.

  Cass sensed rather than knew when Stephanie’s orgasm began to build. She had been a lot more prepared for it than Stephanie had been and covered her mouth at the right moment as she felt the spasm that hit her fingers, squeezing them terribly and yet ever so satisfyingly. The scream came from deep in Stephanie’s throat and out into Cass’s mouth as she captured her lover’s lips with her own. Her lips were like ice with all the blood gone from them. Her body writhed and bucked as she trembled in her orgasm, held down under Cass’s own sweat soaked body. Cass felt such intense satisfaction from bringing Stephanie to this state it was enough for her for now, someday she would need just as much herself but for now, it was enough. The look of utter contentment on Stephanie’s face made Cass want to begin again but she held herself in check, enjoying this moment.

  Stephanie felt incredibly vulnerable after her orgasm; she had never even known this was inside her. She was grateful as Cass held her close, calming her with her spare hand as she slowed her other one and let her come down from the incredible feelings she had experienced. Stephanie barely noticed when Cass took her fingers out of her and began holding her hot body against the now chilling body of Stephanie’s, capturing it close as she covered her with the blankets. The blood slowly returned to her toes, her lips, and her brain. She felt a little embarrassed but not enough to make a fool of herself. She was incredibly grateful for what Cass had done to her, it seemed an extension of the love she felt for the woman, the generosity, but this was so much more, she couldn’t describe it. She felt very vulnerable.

  Cass made sure they were both covered, she thought of reaching for their nightgowns but didn’t want to end the close moment yet, she felt so good, she wanted so much more, she had to see if this moment of passion though had ended their friendship or strengthened it. She looked carefully down into Stephanie’s still closed eyes, waiting patiently.

  As Stephanie began to open her eyes and look around she sought out Cass’s beautiful face and smiled into it gratefully.

  Cass released a quiet sigh of relief; at least she wasn’t angry at what Cass had done to her.

  Stephanie swallo
wed, she felt strangely dehydrated. She swallowed once more before trying to speak. She saw a slight worry in her friend’s face and reached up her hand to smooth back her hair from her face, “That was incredible, I’ve never felt that way before, how did you know that was inside of me?”

  Cass wanted to laugh and at the same time she felt uncomfortable, she didn’t want to tell Stephanie about her ‘friend’ or previous relationship, but she had always been honest before, she couldn’t stop now. “Someone once showed me,” she said quietly and Stephanie saw the momentary hurt flash in her eyes.

  “She taught you well,” she smiled and then was delighted to see Cass blush slightly. She leaned up to kiss Cass because she could and said, “Thank you, I didn’t know that existed…” she subsided embarrassed at her words, not sure a thank you was adequate or proper.

  Cass smiled down at her, relieved she wasn’t angry. She had such high hopes for this and didn’t want to overwhelm her with her love. She leaned down and returned the kiss. “You’re very welcome,” she whispered before snuggling up against her, the heat of their bodies keeping it very warm under the covers as they lay there quietly for a while.

  Cass was nearly asleep before Stephanie asked, “What about you, don’t you want that…” She felt horribly embarrassed but she had begun to wonder, she had never felt so wonderful, she pondered if Cass should feel the same.

  “Next time,” Cass murmured, she forced her eyes open and leaned down for their hastily thrown nightgowns and donned hers. “Just in case the boys come in,” she answered the unspoken question in Stephanie’s eyes.

  “Next time?” Stephanie asked stupidly as Cass handed her the nightgown.

  Cass suddenly looked worried, perhaps she had assumed too much too soon? She quickly amended, “Unless you don’t want to…”

  Stephanie realized her mistake immediately. “Of course I do,” she answered with a smile, trying not to seem too eager in case Cass had found her too unknowing, too much of a novice. The look she got told her more than words though.

  Cass shot her a brilliant smile and helped her on with her nightgown. Once she had her hands through the sleeves she helped her button it up and kissed her again because she could. “I love you Stephanie,” she told her tenderly.

  Stephanie’s grin at the help from putting on her nightgown turned into a full blown smile. “I love you too Cass, I have for a long time.”

  Cass snuggled under the covers with her, the heat of their bodies had dissipated and it was a cold winter’s night. “How long?”

  “I think from the very beginning,” Stephanie answered as she pulled Cass close, thrilled that she could touch her now without feeling dirty or wrong. “It started as gratitude from saving us and then I began to have feelings I didn’t understand, I think I’ve been drawn to you for a long time and didn’t realize we could have this,” she indicated not only their embrace but implied a whole lot more.

  Cass sighed contentedly, she had worried that Stephanie would have regrets, there was still tomorrow but for now they both loved each other and she would worry more tomorrow.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Stephanie woke first, minutes before their alarm went off, at least from what she could see from the illuminated hands. The room was still dark but then 4:30 was always fairly dark. She lay there and all of the previous night came back to her in that instant. She had never realized that someone could make her feel the way Cass had. She had realized with her husband that something was missing, it seemed that he enjoyed sexual copulation a whole lot more than she ever had. She didn’t understand at the time the purpose other than procreation and now she realized what she had been missing. She hadn’t realized that women were supposed to feel something too. She wished she knew more because she was certain that Cass hadn’t enjoyed herself as much as she had. She didn’t know enough yet to realize that some people derived as much pleasure if not more from giving that pleasure that she had obtained. Her body felt a little different or maybe it was in her own mind. She was smiling as the alarm went off and she heard Cass snuffle in her sleep prior to awakening to turn it off.

  “Are you awake?” Cass asked sleepily in the darkness once she had turned off the alarm clock.

  “Yes,” Stephanie answered not realizing her voice was clear and lacked the muffled sleepiness of someone newly awoken.

  “Is everything all right?” Cass asked hesitantly, instantly worrying as the previous night came back to her.

  “Yes, of course,” Stephanie answered, a little too quickly.

  Cass sat up and reached for the lamp next to the bed. In its light she looked over at Stephanie. “Are you sure? No regrets?”

  Stephanie smiled and stretched, Cass watched her intently, the stretched body not lost on her. “I feel wonderful,” she answered.

  Cass smiled in return and leaned down to give Stephanie a kiss because she could. “Good Morning.”

  Stephanie wrapped her arms around Cass holding her close for a moment before releasing her. “I guess we have to get up,” she said with genuine regret. She suddenly felt shy though as they both got up on their sides of the bed and began to dress, something they had done a hundred times but for some reason it felt different now. Each kept their eyes averted as they pulled on their clothes. Stephanie heard Summer gurgling in her room, it was a little early for her but she must be hungry, her breasts began to leak as her body recognized the need to produce milk and she hurried from the room to get her daughter and feed her.

  Cass had been surprised at the impromptu hug and hid her blush by getting dressed. Stephanie hurrying from the room worried her for a second until she heard Summer cooing in her room. She rarely screamed for her meals and her name was very apt, she had a summery personality, mostly pleasant. Stephanie came back in to their room to feed the baby she had just changed. Cass looked down at the baby as she snuggled up to her mother’s breast and looked at her with wide cornflower blue eyes. “Good morning little one.” She shared a smile with Stephanie. “I guess I’d better start my day, those animals aren’t going to wait,” Cass said and pulled her suspenders up. She felt a spring in her step and didn’t feel the need to let go of the smile plastered on her face.

  Stephanie liked this time while she fed her daughter, it was quiet, the boys weren’t up yet, and it gave her an opportunity to plan her day. Today she thought a lot about Cass and what last night meant to their relationship. It only took half the day of feeling wonderful until it all came crashing down around her, she realized with what she had been taught that according to God what they had done was a sin, a major one. It horrified her to realize that she hadn’t thought about it before but then she hadn’t expected what had happened to happen. She hadn’t known it was possible but she realized now that something that pleasurable had to be a sin. She realized the passages in the bible that pertained to man lying with man could be applied to her lying with Cass, she realized she was going to hell and she had no one to confide in, no one to help her overcome her sinful ways. Since she had moved to the farm they hadn’t even met a pastor and she realized she had been remiss in the teaching her boys the bible and the Ten Commandments and here she was now living in sin. The feelings of mortification almost overwhelmed her.

  Cass went about her day with that spring still in her step. Chores got done in record time and work didn’t seem overwhelming or too much, it was just a way to pass the time until she could see Stephanie again. She wondered what Stephanie was feeling. Every action over breakfast had indicated she was happy. Nothing in Cass’s thoughts prepared her for the devastation she saw on Stephanie’s face when she entered the kitchen that evening with the milk bucket.

  “What’s wrong?” she hissed over the boy’s heads. Their exuberance over seeing her she ignored as she faced their mother.

  Stephanie shook her head and tried to turn away but Cass’s hand shot out and held her in place asking again, “What’s wrong?” She looked around the kitchen to see if something had happened while she was out in the
woodlot but saw nothing but the impeccably clean kitchen as usual. She glanced at the boys clamoring for her attention and saw nothing wrong.

  “Later,” Stephanie breathed as she broke away to prepare dinner for Cass.

  Dinner wasn’t as delicious as usual as Cass worried over what was bothering Stephanie. Something was obviously very wrong from the way she was acting. She hid it well from the boys but Cass knew her too well, was too attuned to her to let her hide it from her. Her looks were ignored and in fact Stephanie avoided looking at her at all. Cass ate methodically but only to provide sustenance for her body, she tasted nothing as she worried over Stephanie. She wanted to take her in her arms and demand to know what was bothering her, if she could help her, what was wrong?

  Stephanie felt terrible, she needed to talk to someone and Cass had always been easy to talk to but how could she tell her she had to leave, that she couldn’t continue to sin? She took care of the children, encouraging Tommy to eat more than he wanted since he also wanted to talk to Cass and tell her of his day, however trivial. Both boys wanted to go out by their ponies but Cass had said no because of the intense cold that she assured the boys might pass by the next day or two and then they could go out to see them once again, maybe even ride them in the barn yard. This had them so excited over the idea that they talked and speculated over it the rest of the meal.

  Dinner was finally over and Stephanie washing up when Cass cornered her again. The boys were playing in the living room, playing with their cutouts making neighing sounds as the baby played in the cradle she was slowly outgrowing. “Tell me what’s wrong,” Cass said almost desperately in her worry.


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