ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living
Page 15
Greenland ice is presumed, as this rise has been computed by man to be only 200 feet. Since the water flowing from
the pole is cold, and would drop and run along the deep ocean rifts, this would bring those rifts to the freezing point, cold water falling below warm. How high does that cold water rise? Human statistics measure the temperature at
various depths, so this is a known statistic. What is the volume of water in the deep rifts, vs water at more shallow depths? This is also statistically evident, as the oceans have been mapped by radar. Nevertheless, in considering that
the temperature worldwide, at all depths, might rise to the level of the surface waters at the Equator, the math does not compute.
What is missing from this equation is swelling of land masses, land surface under the water, as odd as this concept
might sound. Metal is known to expand when heated, but the concept of hot mud being larger in volume than cold
mud has not been considered, as it has never been a concern of man’s. Heat is particles in motion, and they bump
atoms about so that expansion is the result. All land surface will be heated due to the swirling of the core, the heat to the extent that it can escape into the land surface doing so. The result? This surface will expand, crevasses opening,
flaky layers of rock separating, and buckling occurring that creates spaces in the interior of rock. Under the oceans,
this equates to a higher ocean bottom, with the water needing to go someplace, and as the bottom is moving up, the sea level can only go up also. Thus, where this cannot be computed by man, being a missing dynamic in his statistics, this is the explanation for why our 675 foot rise does not compute given the known factors - water volume and increase per
degree of heat rise.
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ZetaTalk: Sea Level
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ZetaTalk: Sea Level
Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The sea level, rising to 675 feet, will gradually drop due to the following factors.
1. The core of the Earth, hot from the turmoil of the shift and friction with the crust, will have its excess heat
absorbed by the oceans and gradually dissipated. This will take 50 year to dissipate, during which time the
oceans will plateau, then cool. The cooling phase will take 250 years longer, to be complete.
2. The new poles will freeze rainfall or ocean water into ice, pulling up water. This likewise will take hundreds and
even thousands of years to reach an equilibrium where iceberg breakage and ice formation stabilize the ice
Thus, we estimate 300 years for a reduced level, to be followed by thousands of years of pole formation. During this
time, the Earth will move physically into 4th Density, with a smaller sun as not all of the sun will be moved. This will expedite the polar ice formation, such that more land will be found around the equator, more ice over larger areas over the poles. Thus, in your lifetime, plan on the 675 foot level, and worry not about your next incarnation’s experiences.
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ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Loss
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ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Loss
Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
For a time after the shift, the clouds will be lower, as the atmosphere will be ripped away. This will if anything create a sense of being on a higher elevation, less air pressure, but you will be so preoccupied that you won't notice. The
oxygen availability will also not create any more problems than the average city presents to you, due to pollution.
Soon, within years, less than a decade, the oxygen will be replenished due to ocean kelp and the like. As we have
stated, if you are not utterly out in the open, in a semi-enclosed environment, during the shift, you will not suffocate.
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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Winter
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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Winter
Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.
The nuclear winter must discussed during the Cold War in fact does not occur during heavy volcanic ash times. Has
this occurred in the past? Mankind surmises this, with the extinction of the dinosaur attributed to heavy ash. This is all speculation, and as we have stated, the dinosaur died because of a virus, not a meteor strike. Sunlight warms even if it cannot make it through he clouds. It warms the clouds, the air, etc. Thus, especially since the core is warming the Earth today with its increased swirling, you can expect that the core will continue to make the globe warmer, after the shift.
In addition, the atmosphere will be torn away, so the clouds will be lower and the atmosphere less of a block to the warmth of the sunlight than today. All reasons for the globe to stay warm, which it will. You can anticipate the same
degree of warmth, per latitude, that you experience today. Sunburn and radiation are suppressed by the ash cloud, the
one advantage.
Depending upon where one is, downwind from volcanoes, the ash will poison the water and soil. This tends to be the
immediate effect after a violent burping, not a lingering effect. However, since violent burping will occur big time during the shift, all ash afterwards will carry poisons. Thus, until the rains wash this away, some months at best, drinking water should be distilled. Ground water may carry these poisons for a longer time, depending upon how close
to the surface this is, the flow patters, etc. Water in lakes and oceans dilutes, where ground water stagnates. Fish
likewise have an ability to exclude lead, though do absorb other heavy metals such as Mercury. Likewise, water retains warmth, and algae grows in abundance in places land based plants cannot tolerate. Thus, this resource should be
explored, and explored thoroughly, prior to the shift, as a real survival technique.
Wildlife struggles, as the extinction of the Mammoth shows. Wildlife is used to a struggle, and migrates almost
constantly after the shift, so survives in general. Domesticated animals survive because of the determination of their
owners, who remain attached to the hope that their prior life will return. Relying on wildlife, hunting, will prove
disappointing as wildlife will soon diminish to the point of no results. Hunters will at first eat well, then starve.
Vegetation is most affected by the lack of light, and secondarily by being drown. The lush rain forests your beautiful
Earth supports give voice to the tenacity of vegetation to survive. Many seeds sprout only when conditions are right, so decades later emerge. Those looking to crops will find this is not the way to go, in the immediate aftertime. As we repeatedly mention, fishing is a good source of protein, as are bugs, and plants should be the minimal part of your diet.
Humans are used to just the opposite. So this is a mind set adjustment. A bit of salad, something with high Vitamin C,
but use this almost as a garnish!
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ZetaTalk: Gloom
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ZetaTalk: Gloom
Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We have stated that the Earth will be under volcanic dust gloom for 25 years. Obviously, this will depend upon region,
proximity to burping volcanoes, being down or upwind of same, and elevation. Our emissary, Nancy, has developed an
animated graphic, shortly after ZetaT
alk began, which is available from the Pole Shift TOPIC in the Info section. This shows the Earth turned to its new geography, with major volcanic regions pouring gray dust into the atmosphere. After
a few turns of the globe, indicating time passing, this creates a gray cloud cover of sorts over the entire globe.
However, this is not entirely true, and we will explain the differences.
Volcanic gloom is always heavier within a thousand miles down wind from the volcano. Thus, if one if outside of the downwind corridor, one escapes this heavy fallout. Volcanic gloom is always heavier at lower elevations in such places, as the heavier particles fall back to Earth, after being air born by the force of heat rising or explosions, and high elevations some 500 miles downwind from a burping volcano might find they have less dust than a lower
elevation 1,000 miles downwind. The size of the volcano also matters, and whether it is under water of above ground.
As silly as this statement seems, this is something to consider when planning a survival location. Remember that the
sea level will rise, our estimate some 675 feet above current levels. If a volcano, such as those in Indonesia or the Philippines or Central America, goes under water during this time, the ash will be carried by water, not air. Also, some volcanoes ooze, others belch, and the amount of ash differs.
Thus, some areas will find themselves groping through the dusk for 40 years, as Moses reported where he wandered
just east of the volcanoes in the Mediterranean, and other locations will find the gloom like overcast days, the sun
rarely shinning through, but occasional sunlight beaming through like a promise. In those areas, which can be plotted by careful analysis of the new geography and factors to be considered, survivors will find vegetation struggling
through, but crops will still be pathetic to nonexistent. These areas will find after 15 years, that the gloomy days are lightening up, and think this a return to normalcy, in their joy.
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ZetaTalk: Drizzle
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ZetaTalk: Drizzle
Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Drizzle occurs most certainly during the months following the shift, and thereafter depending upon location. The
atmosphere is low, clouds low, as the atmosphere was stripped away during the shift and must rebuild. Thus, clouds
being low, is like continuous fog, and fog settles out in the form of rain, or drizzle, upon any slight temperature change. If the land is downwind from a large water source, like a lake or ocean, then certainly there will be fog, and drizzle, until the atmosphere rebuild. If the land is high, inland, away from air passing over water and then over land where there are temperature changes, then no drizzle, and perhaps even dry air. This water can be used for drinking, and harvesting the fog is a recommended way of gaining drinking water. Fog harvests are done by placing material
that causes condensation, which then drips down the material, perhaps a sheet, into buckets. The atmosphere is
expected to rebuild over a 50 year period, but the clouds lift during that time such that they are not close to the ground more than 5 years, and thus one can compute the drizzle period accordingly.
Note: added during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Continuous drizzle, has been predicted for the world for some 25 years, during the time when volcanic gloom will also
prevail and the clouds lie close to the ground. There is a nexus between volcanic gloom and the continuous drizzle we
have predicted in the Aftertime. The volcanic gloom, where wafted into the upper atmosphere, is less devastating than
when held close to the ground, but this is what will be occurring. The rains predicted during the pole shift, the deluges, are a result of the hurricane force winds that wipe over the oceans and then inland. And this process, after the existing poles melt and the land masses shrink, will continue to some degree, as ocean breezes will be close to land. Fewer
deserts, due to less isolation from water drenched breezes. Add to this that the atmosphere is low, and the volcanic dust can only rise so high. It is no secret that rain often is incited by dust, water forming around a particle, and this process will be in place worldwide. It is the rain, to some degree, which cleans the air of the fine volcanic dust that will blow about, otherwise, seemingly endlessly. Thus, there is a relationship, the 25 years we have predicted for volcanic gloom, also being in place for continuous drizzle. This is not to say that survivors must live in their raincoats, as this will be a reducing phenomena, over the 25 years.
Most plants that like strong sun, or shade, will struggle along in an adverse setting, simply giving way to other plants that flourish, being pushed out. Thus, if there are no competitors, the existing plants will struggle on, or attempt to. If there are competitors, then survivors should simply change their diet! We would suggest that those intent on surviving analyze their target climate, including likely rainfall and volcanic gloom, and plan accordingly. Store seeds and
livestock or fish for the target climate! Take a hand in establishing new fauna and domesticated animals. This would include weeds, as they are often hardy, with domesticated crops being bred for high produce, not hardiness. Weeds
may not be welcomed now, in fact excluded or prohibited, but in the Aftertime be the most likely produce. Thus, think of the target, and see how well your local food sources will do. If well, then you are fortunate, if not, then aggressively plan for the target. Take responsibility for your survival, your Aftertime living, and no apologies!
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ZetaTalk: Natural Resources
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ZetaTalk: Natural Resources
Note: written Aug 15, 1995.
Given man's rapacious nature, at the current rate of population explosion, most of the Earth's biological resources
would be exterminated within decades. Those that remained, beyond cultivated crops and animals, would be deep
within the sea or in barren cold places where pollution had not spread because man did not choose to live there. The
cataclysms, of course, will change all that, more than evening the odds between man and nature. But were it not for the cataclysms, mankind would utterly destroy the biological diversity of this world, plundering the seas until chain
reactions set in to decimate populations not even targeted by man. Penguins, who eat fish, cannot migrate to warmer
climates if the fish decline - they can only weaken and succumb to the cold. Kelp beds, the great oxygen machine of
the Earth, are already damaged by the harsh rays of the Sun which the depleted ozone layer is failing to filter. The kelp beds stand at the base of the food chain for many thousands of life forms, in one form or another. For instance, some
life forms require the kelp beds for protection, shelter. On land man's senseless greed has left so many scars we need
not retell the tragedy.
Where ecological battles are sometimes won, the line held, the steady press of teeming masses of humans would soon
turn the tide. Everything would be sacrificed, as has always been the case. Except for isolated instances of land
purchased for parks, or set aside for wild life, when has man not simply rolled over the landscape like a horde of
locusts, leaving in its wake dead waters reeking of noxious chemicals, top soil blown to the winds, forests clear cut for the convenience of greedy operators, and wildlife out in the open and without protection hunted to extinction for sport.
Will these trends continue after the Transformation? They will, but due to setbacks during the cataclysms, they will
essentially stop, and as attitudes will change during
the Transformation, raping the Earth will cease. The Earth's natural bounty will be allowed to renew, the new race of man living in harmony, not clashing, with nature.
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ZetaTalk: Rebirth
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ZetaTalk: Rebirth
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
The Earth of the future will clear up. There are several factors that affect the Earth's health. For one, the cataclysms will make changes. The Earth's population will reduce by 90%. Polluting practices, such as burning oil and chemical
additives, will essentially stop. Life, such as continues, will be primitive. Massive land changes will occur, with land rising from the ocean depths and existing land sinking below the sea. Rain fall will be almost continuous, washing the
newly raised land of its salts. Pollutants, such as chemical processing plants, will be dispersed worldwide. And the
atmosphere, with its many problems, will be reformed afresh.
The Earth recovers from a shift in relationship to its location relative to active volcanoes, in the main. The skies
clear first where this dust is in the high altitudes, not in the wind-drift from fresh ash just raised. 5 years after the shift, even 2 years after the shift, some sporadic sunlight will warm the Earth. Those areas not getting direct,
unclouded, sunlight will notice an increase in intensity, through the clouds. It is possible even under clouds to
get a sunburn, so clouds are not a death sentence to vegetation. 10 years after the shift, many parts of the globe
will consider themselves back to normal, although their memory will be failing them in this regard. So much
better than before, that it seems like heaven! Other parts of the globe, in the down-drift from volcanoes, will feel
like Moses, enduring 40 years in the Valley of Death, where nothing lives.
Edibility and availability of native weeds and grasses after the shift, as a source of food for humans and