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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living

Page 19

by Nancy Lieder

  explosions, setting the cities on fire and burning many trapped citizens in a painful death. We would advise all to do

  what Nancy did, which is to turn off the natural gas lines in the house, turn off at the street, and avoid gas cans or anything that can explode. What do you gain by a few cans of gas? A few hours of heat or light? And what do you

  stand to risk in exchange? Your life? A painful death to others? Since you are going to have to adjust to life without these explosive fuels in any case, and soon, learn to get along without them!

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  ZetaTalk: New Sources

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  ZetaTalk: New Sources

  Note: written Dec, 2002

  Mankind today longs for free energy, and constantly talks about this. Consider that after the shift the tools needed for discovery of any new energy form will be hopelessly reduced. Mankind’s new energy will arrive in his lifetime if he is solidly Service-to-Other and is in a group controlled by those in this orientation. Then he will find he has high tech

  neighbors, or gifts, and life becomes very full of alternative energy sources. If he is not solidly Service-to-Other or in this environment, then he will live out his life in gloom, happily if he has learned to adapt without resentment, or

  sullenly. This is nothing new for mankind, who lives on all parts of the globe, including the gloomy Arctic, happily,

  having learned to adapt. And those sullen at having a comfort or toy removed are not new to mankind, or to life on this Earth.

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  ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

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  ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  For centuries man has chased the elusive goal of a clean, portable, never-ending power pack. In some eras this was

  termed the perpetual motion machine, as energy in those days was mechanical - windmills, water wheels, or various

  springs wound up by cranking devices. In the era of the atomic bomb the elusive goal became cold fusion, and during

  the current era of increasingly more efficient and long-lasting batteries it became the perpetual power pack. It is not simply wishful thinking that drives this search, it is in the collective conscious that such things exist, as exist they do.

  Over the eons humans have been in contact with alien visitors surrounded with devices that don't need to be plugged

  in, cranked up, or replaced. What makes them run? The search has been on ever since, but during a 3rd Density

  existence technology and intelligence are limited to what is appropriate for a spiritual nursery. Will man be introduced to a perpetual power pack during the Transformation? During the Aftertime, those groups operating firmly in the

  Service-to-Others orientation will find that in addition to encountering aliens walking openly among them and

  discovering hybrid communities as their neighbors, that they will also be handed portable perpetual power packs. In

  view of the circumstances, they will scarcely take note.

  Industrialized countries, used to many electrical appliances and vehicles to take them anywhere they desire, will be

  distressed after the shift due to what they will term a setback. This is to say, they will feel they have lost over a

  century of progress, no longer having their labor saving devices, their conveniences, or their toys. This does not affect their ability to live, except in those cases where life is being maintained with artificial supports, such as breathing machines or kidney dialysis. A century ago, industrialized countries were much as Third World countries today, most

  of the population busy growing or gathering food, with a few in the trades or professions. Energy was secured from

  burning wood, coal, and oils from animals or vegetation, or falling water or the blowing wind. Expectations were low, so life was not unbearable due to acute frustration. After the shift, acute frustration among those who have lived a soft life while merrily polluting the globe, will be short lived. They will either learn to live with the situation, or blow a fuse, or be put out of their misery by others around them tired of hearing the whining.

  We have stated that Service-to-Other groups, where isolated from the possibility of takeover by Service-to-Self

  groups, will receive technology assistance from ourselves and other visitors participating in the Transformation. How

  can a surviving group, intent on being Service-to-Other and perhaps functioning in the main in that orientation, link up with this?

  1. If a group has as their mission to assist the general population, saving whom they can from the devastated cities,

  or working in camps that the rich may put up to garner slaves, this technology will not be provided. Where this

  might seem cruel or insensitive, this does not assist the Transformation, but becomes a slow death for the

  turnover of the planet to those in the Service-to-Others. Ultimately, more pain and suffering result, as those in the Service-to-Self would use any technology to the worse ends.

  2. If a group is living in an area which in general is Service-to-Other, or isolated by natural barrier such as water

  or mountains or deserts such that travel to the local is limited or virtually impossible by migrating survivors, they are highly likely to be guided to where and when they can receive assistance. They should listen to their

  inner voice, their subconscious, and follow this, when unlikely suggestions are received. Be open to change, as moving the group may be required.

  3. If a group is open to communication with aliens, visitors from other worlds, and hybrids, and would not

  experience high anxiety, they are likewise more likely to receive interaction. It is possible to simply find a black

  box battery, unopenably, on your door step, without this open attitude. However, no technology will be given if

  anxiety and fear will be greatly increased by this, so having an open heart and mind, not being fearful, is

  likewise key.

  4. Our technology to assist power needs will likely be in the form of a battery. Thus, where a group has all but the[2/5/2012 11:19:36 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

  power input, this can be hooked up and away they go, off and running. Thus, you should concentrate most on a

  setup that could run from a strong battery bank, and worry less about the lack of input when you are off the grid.

  This is not to say that you should not be concerned about putting up a windmill or water wheel, as you may in

  fact have to operate with that setup, perhaps for the rest of your life. This is to say that the technology piece we

  would be providing would be an perpetual battery pack, so plan to plug into this, when the time comes.

  Assume each battery to be equivalent to what you use in a car or golf cart or other such portable battery. By this we

  mean that it would put out the power you assume now from your fresh car or cart or boat battery, no more no less. It simply will not run out, or need maintenance. We have adjusted our devices such that most groups can utilize them directly. Should they be like high voltage grids, few would be able to use them, and they might cause serious injury.

  Thus, to plug into your most likely survival group technology, we have structured our gifts in this way. There is

  another reason for not providing intense energy in a single box. Should the unlikely event happen, against all

  precautions, that a Service-to-Self use be made of these battery packs, the result is not as devastating. Likewise, we

  this technology will be a secret, the black box unable to be opened, and just how these batteries work is not for you
to know.

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  ZetaTalk: Civilization

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  ZetaTalk: Civilization

  Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  During every pole shift, civilization was devastated, and advances lost. The great cities of China, uncovered now and

  then under farmer's fields, are a mystery. What caused them to disappear? Illness? War? Likewise, the Myan and

  Incan ruins, like Egypt after the Jewish Exodus times, a mystery. As Egypt recovered, this is muted, but for centuries these areas had no civilization save that carried by the survivors, carried down from family to family. The extent that a civilization survives is dependent upon location, primarily, as if climate changes are devastating then simple survival supplants attending to the trappings of civilization, and thus the loss. Where one is concerned with eating, a written

  language or mathematics are the lesser, and are not passed on. Primitive cultures pass forward information in stories,

  myths, often highly truthful, and these can be told in the evening, by the fire, to sleepy children by exhausted parents or oldsters, as they can scarce do otherwise with their time. But the written language, and technological skills, requires spare time, and this is what disappears during such times.

  In Egypt, during the last shift, their climate change was mild, the survivors did not have to scatter far, and thus

  their civilization recouped. In the forthcoming shift, such civilizations as in India will disappear, except as they

  are carried about by their citizens in other lands. There, they will be in the minority, and will likely attend to

  more pressing matters.

  In Europe where islands will result, and the climate improve to be more mild, the many languages and education

  level are likely to remain, be passed on to children, and perhaps even result in more languages than present due to isolation on islands!

  As we have stated, the issue of mankind returning to the technology of today is not simply the capability of man, as in the past mankind would recoup and build again. Circumstances are different this time, not simply dependent upon

  spare time, or the ability to return to manufacturing of parts, and holding schools to educate survivors. With the

  exception of knowledge, the technological society is unlike to recoup, as parts and manufacturing support are required, and simply will not take precedence over starvation. Complex technology require complex manufacturing, and

  specialized skills increase the stockholder and owner return on investment, but bode ill for recouping the process in the Aftertime. A specialist, dead, can defeat the entire process. What will doom mankind, in his ambitions to restore is

  current perch on the mountain tops, his technological tools and toys, is not the simple process by which mankind rebuilds after a pole shift, but the changes that will be effected this time. Integration with alien cultures, high tech cultures, not mankind’s technology but alien, will occur. Those individuals uncomfortable with this interaction will be removed from Earth, to setup their kingdoms in Service-to-Self worlds, or continue their orientation deliberations on a new planet, as water creatures. Those left will be the sorts who do not want to punish the others in the group, so will welcome alien help, as these Service-to-Other souls will be those reincarnating here on Earth. Thus, because

  mankind’s technology will be preempted by alien technology, mankind’s technology will be put aside as the lesser, and discarded.

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  ZetaTalk: Short Wave

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  ZetaTalk: Short Wave

  Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Short Wave will be the communication mode of survivors, but this is not a high technology issue. CB and Ham radios are in many hands, highly popular and much used, world wide. Radios can be cranked up for power, devices that can

  be purchased today, and used by the military in the field. No power requirements. PC use in short wave packet relay is more complicated, but home computers are prevalent, and hackers can adjust to the requirements if they have access to

  written instructions ahead of time, and many will! The community does not need all computer functioning, just one. It does not need major electrical support, just fast peddling on the bike gen rack for the hour. It does not need booster towers on every hill, as good hearted communities will find they are being boosted beyond their hopes, by helping hands behind the scenes.

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  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Pulse

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  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Pulse

  Note: added during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Mankind's electrical equipment is sensitive to surges, brown-outs, and the many magnets used in their technology are

  affected by strong pulse. Will the pole shift, described as magnetic in nature, utterly destroy mankind’s technology,

  carefully packed? What should be remembered is that the pole shift does not change the force of the field in the Earth, does not change whatsoever the Sun which is oblivious to the passage. Solar Flares are exaggerated nowadays, as the Sun has been setup to be used as an excuse for the effects the Earth is currently experiencing from the approach of Planet X. We stated as early as 1995, when ZetaTalk began, that this was the case, the Sun setup for this role, and right on cue NASA et all issues statements that the solar cycle which was to end in 2000 was going to be a 14 year cycle, ending in 2003. How did they know this? No one ever challenges NASA, so this was never determined, but let us say

  that they made it up.

  Go back into history, during all the solar cycles, and see what horrific effects were experienced. Did mankind lose his compasses? Hardly. There will be spotty Electro Magnetic Pulse, due to the core swirling, but this will be spotty, not universal. During discussions within Troubled Times on these matters, it was brought forth that there are shields, of

  copper wire or whatnot, that can protect against EMP. We would as general advice guard technology against

  shattering, being thrown or dropped. EMP is so unlikely, that if it does occur is likely not to have affected the technology over the hill, down the road, etc. After the shift, mankind will be picking up the pieces, working with what they have, and bartering with neighbors. This is just another bartering issue to consider.

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  ZetaTalk: Safe Water

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  ZetaTalk: Safe Water

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  The Earth, in its abundance, currently provides man with what appears to be limitless fresh water. Except where man

  has defiantly chosen to set up housekeeping in the middle of a desert or ocean, fresh, pure water is not expected to be a problem. It rushes by in streams and rivers, pools in lakes, and if not found on the surface can almost always be found in the underground rivers and lakes. Should one be concerned about the purity of the water on the surface, one could

  always catch the rain which falls, unsullied, from the sky. Up until recently man's only worry about water was how to

  transport it and how to avoid it during times of flooding. Since the Industrial Age man has merrily poured poisons into his drinking water, both on the surface and through seepage into the ground water. Bottled water has become more

  than a fad.

  After the cataclysms mankind's problems with his water supply will take a quantum leap. Water, from all sources, may

  be poisoned, wi
th the old standby, rainwater, failing to provide potable water. During the pole shift volcanoes, old and new, will violently explode. The resulting ash will sift down from the upper atmosphere for decades, poisoning ground

  water. Humans driven to drink this gritty water will find more than grit between their teeth, they will find their nervous system beginning to fail them, their eye sight fading, and their digestive system intolerant of any food they may find.

  We are speaking here primarily of lead poisoning, which is not a problem man expects from the water nature provides.

  Lead settles and over eons settles down out of the way, but after a cataclysm the lead heavy mantle has been spewed

  out over the landscape, most of this vomit in the form of fine billowing dust.

  Will the ground water not be safe? Depends. During the cataclysms the ground is heaved and jerked, and any wells or

  piping will be shattered. In that the ground water is as likely to carry poisons as the surface, having filtered down from the surface, what looks like pure water from underground may be, again, a slow death. Ground water also is subject to

  contact with the lead heavy mantle, which most often does not make it all the way to the surface during eruptions. If

  one cannot trust the usual water supply, what to do? Distillation processes or recycling water known to be pure are two approaches likely to provide a steady supply of water. This may seem tedious to those so used to taking fresh, pure

  water for granted, but those who prepare for the times ahead will not find themselves suddenly without one of life's


  Man dies without air in minutes, without water in days, and without food over weeks. Bread may be the staff of life,

  but water is life itself!

  Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Our advise on distilling water to remove heavy metals such as lead presumes that volcanic ash will be falling, be


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