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The Chosen Sin

Page 16

by Anya Bast

  He traced her collarbone with his index finger. “You’re going to hate me in the morning.”

  “I don’t care about the morning.”

  “I do.” In one smooth, powerful move, Alejandro pulled out and flipped her. She scrambled for a moment facedown on the bedcover, surprised at the show of speed and strength that had so suddenly gotten her there. Then he grabbed her by the thighs and dragged her over the mattress to fit his cock once again to her pussy.

  Her fingers curled into the blankets in anticipation, but she never expected the touch of his finger to her anus. She jerked on the mattress in surprise.

  He clamped down on her, preventing her from moving away. “Hush, Daria, it’s all right. Have you ever been touched here before?”


  “A lover has never awoken all these sensitive nerves?” he purred as he stroked her.

  Daria shivered in pleasure as her cunt suddenly gushed with moisture. There were, indeed, many nerves there. All of them felt delicious when stimulated.

  “None of your lovers have ever penetrated both places at once, sweet Daria? Fucked your cunt and your ass at the same time? Tell me it isn’t so.”

  Again, alarm flared through her briefly, but it was no match for her arousal. “No.”

  “What sort of men have you been with that they wouldn’t do such a simple and pleasurable thing for you?” His silken voice rolled over her as he gathered slickness from her cunt and rubbed it over her anus. Slowly, carefully, he slipped a finger inside her.

  She tensed. “Alejandro!”

  “Relax, Daria. Just relax and let me do as I wish. I promise you will not be sorry.”

  He worked the digit back and forth, making a low moan rip from her throat. Then he added another, stretching those muscles that had never been stretched and stimulating her into nearly climaxing.

  “Ah, you like it. I thought you would, Daria,” he whispered in a ragged, aroused voice. “I like it, too. I like it because it is the ultimate domination.” He paused. “You like it for that reason, too, I would guess.”

  He was right. Alejandro sliding into that most private, vulnerable part of her body was the ultimate domination.

  “Now, feel what double penetration is.” He eased two fingers into her cunt and thrust back and forth out of each orifice at the same time. It was . . . indescribable to have both places filled and stimulated at the same time. Overwhelming. He possessed every intimate inch of her.

  “Oh, yes, baby, you like that, don’t you? One day I want you tied up and at my mercy, querida. I want to fill this pretty little ass of yours and fuck your cunt at the same time.”

  His language, coarse as it was, made her shudder with pleasure. The image his words brought up made her body shiver on the edge of a climax.

  “That’s it, Daria. Come for me.” He thrust into her ass and cunt over and over and she surrendered herself completely to the erotic bliss of it.

  Daria clawed at the blankets as he rocked her body back and forth on the mattress. Her orgasm exploded over her, making her writhe and cry out his name. She gushed over his hand, her cunt gripping and releasing his invading fingers. Daria didn’t think she’d ever come so hard.

  Then, before the tremors of her climax had completely faded, his cock was deep inside her cunt.

  But this time he took her slow.

  Alejandro withdrew and thrust in again so leisurely she could feel every inch of his shaft as it glided inside her. With a strong grip, he held her hips, keeping her from moving as he slowed his pace even more.

  God, he wanted to drive her crazy. That had to be it.

  Yet he knew what he was doing, knew that the slow thrust of his cock was priming her body for another powerful climax. The man could play her body like a fine instrument, it seemed. He knew just which notes to play for greatest effect.

  She clawed at the sheets in front her. “Faster,” she pleaded. She knew he was building her up for a mind-numbing orgasm, but the time it would take to get there would kill her.

  He jabbed into her in response. “No. I want you slow this time. I like the way you look in the moonlight, Daria. The arch of your back, and the curve of your hip. You’re beautiful.” He said it like he meant it, and, ridiculously, it made tears prick her eyes. “I won’t go faster, not yet. I want to savor you.”

  Her breath hissed out of her as she found herself once again impaled and at Alejandro’s mercy. She liked being at his mercy . . . at least in bed. She also liked the slide of his cock into her sex. Every inward stroke brushed the head against some sensitive point of pleasure deep inside her.

  Alejandro bent over her body, still shafting her slowly enough to make her lose her mind, and kissed the nape of her neck. She shuddered at the way his body pinned her and how his lips brushed her skin so gently, so . . . lovingly. Something within her twinged a little, longed for that kind of touch more often in her life. Maybe even longed for it from him.

  He trailed his tongue down her spine as far as he could, leaving goose bumps in his wake. Then he slipped his hand between her abdomen and the mattress, delving down to find her clit and tease it.

  His fingers slipped over the bundle of nerves, rotating and pressing until her body quickened and her breath came in little pants. She tried to push up, but he kept her prone.

  “Come for me again,” he murmured. “I want to feel you come, mi amante.”

  As if purely on his command, she shattered once more. A primal yell ripped from her throat as another, far more powerful climax poured through her body. On the heels of her release, Alejandro found his. He groaned low and whispered her name as he spilled inside her for the second time that night.

  After they’d tumbled together onto the mattress and lay for a few minutes, catching their breath, Alejandro rolled to the side, pulling her to curl against his body. Irrationally, she missed his cock when it pulled from her. Missed that intimate connection.

  He didn’t stop touching her, even though they’d made love twice. His hand caressed her breasts slowly, teasing her nipples, dipped between her thighs to slick over her folds and over her sated, swollen clit. Soon lust tightened her body again and he brought her to another lusciously slow climax with his fingers—this one softer than the others.

  Once she’d stopped shuddering and sighing against him, he cupped her face between his palms and kissed her for a long time. His lips skated lovingly over hers, his teeth nipped and his tongue stole within to brush against hers. The man almost kissed well enough to bring her to climax a fourth time.

  Gentled by the residual effects of Alejandro’s veil, Daria allowed it all. He touched her so much, it was like Alejandro needed the contact and assumed tonight would be the only night he’d ever get it. The thought fought its way through the haze of satisfied lethargy that had stolen over her body and mind.

  She needed it, too.

  When he’d finished making love to her mouth and nuzzling her throat, he pulled the blankets up over both of them and curled himself protectively against her. “Sleep now, Daria. When you wake, you’ll be in control of all you faculties again.”

  Was there a note of regret in his voice? Daria had only a few moments to consider it before the heavy hands of sleep pulled her under.

  But he still knew a lie when he saw one.

  It wasn’t that the surgery that Daria Moran had undergone was ineffective. On the contrary, if he hadn’t at one time been so in love with Daria, he never would have been clued in to her true identity. She looked nothing like she had.

  And he’d never suspected from the scent of them that they weren’t actually mates. In that area, they’d done a good job. She and Alejandro were probably sleeping together.

  Still, there’d been no way for him to mistake Daria. None.

  He entered his house and closed the door behind him. The guards had left him near the entrance of his property and he’d walked up the drive in the early morning, deep in thought. Making his way upstairs, he replayed the events of the
evening in his mind.

  At one time he’d fancied himself so incredibly in love with Daria Moran that he’d memorized every inch of her body, every whisper of motion she made—from the way she tilted her head to the side when she was interested in something to the little hitch in her breathing when she was aroused.

  He’d been watching the couple from the shadows ever since they’d arrived. The surgery hadn’t changed Daria’s mannerisms—the way she tilted her head, how her lips quirked in a smile, the exact way she gestured with her hands when she was upset or excited.

  And he’d suspected.

  Then last night at the party it had been one single movement of her right foot—an inch forward—as she shifted her weight just so. That gesture had cemented his suspicions even further. The movement had brought memories rushing back, filling his mind with Daria. The motion had been so her that it had made his heart ache.

  And that was it. He’d arranged the visit to their room under the false pretense of the accusation in an effort to catch them unaware. His intention had been to study Valerie closer, to put his suspicion to rest one way or the other.

  How she’d shifted and sighed. The way her face had slackened when she’d grown aroused under Alejandro’s touch. How she’d moved and breathed—Daria. It was all Daria. It had brought the past crashing into him and even, for a fleeting moment, made him miss her, long for her.

  He’d always known that Alejandro had wanted Daria. It had always been clear in the heat of his gaze when he’d looked at her that the man had coveted her. If the display they’d shown him just now was any indication, the lust was reciprocal. The heat that had come off Alejandro and Daria could scorch an observer at twenty paces. They were clearly having sex, at the very least. Perhaps they were even in love.

  He’d seen love in Alejandro when he’d touched her.

  A ghost of jealousy raised its head, but he knew it was just habit. He still cared for Daria, but that part of his life was over now and he’d put Daria behind him with it. After the incident, he’d mourned the loss of her. He’d been depressed by the knowledge of how much she hated him. But as the years had passed, he’d relinquished her hold on his heart and moved on. These days he had a new love, the last love he would ever have in his life.

  “Christopher, come in here. I miss you.”

  She called from the bedroom, where the early morning faux-light shone in through the window and pooled on the hardwood floor. Emotion coursed through him at the mere sound of his name on her lips. He made his way into the bedroom and began to undress.

  She lay tangled in the sheets, one long leg extended on top of the bedcoverings. Her silky hair cascaded over the pillows and she wore a small smile on her perfectly curved lips.

  She was perfect, and she was his.

  When he’d met his current lover, he’d discovered what undying and eternal love truly was. Compared to what he’d felt for Daria, this was an inferno to a flame.

  It was fitting that Daria had come now to nail him—and he knew that was exactly her intention. If she’d arrived a couple of years earlier, he may well have turned himself in even though prison for a Chosen was a nightmare of eternal proportions. It was, for all intents and purposes, hell.

  He’d mired himself in a large amount of self-hatred after the killings. The guilt had been so heavy, he’d been ready for punishment. He’d created the Shining Way as a retreat, a place he could separate himself from the rest of the world. All he’d wanted back then was to be a recluse. That’s all he wanted still.

  Then, on a trip to Angel One, he’d met his lady. He’d been immediately entranced with her and, while it had taken him a while to convince her she was entranced with him, had fallen deeply in love. After that he hadn’t wanted to turn himself in anymore and the occasional urge he’d had to walk into the dawn—the real dawn—had completely faded.

  His lady had saved his life. Nothing, no one, would take her from him or destroy their future together.

  So, Daria had come back to him, dragging Alejandro along for the ride. The question was, what to do with them? He needed to know more about why they were here in order to make that determination. If they threatened him, threatened his woman or his current way of life, as much as he would regret it . . . bad things would happen to them.

  He slid into his lady’s welcoming arms.

  “Where have you been?” she murmured into the curve where his shoulder met his throat.

  He stroked her upper arm. “Just taking care of some business, my sweet.”

  Her arms tightened around him. “Don’t leave me again.”

  “I won’t.”

  As much as he still cared about Daria, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her if she threatened him. He would do anything to protect the woman in his arms.


  DARIA sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a sheet, surveying the clothing strewn on the floor and remembering the events of the night before.

  Oh, god . . . what he’d done to her. She’d never allowed a man to touch her that way, bring her to climax like that. Her cheeks burned. And she’d liked it, too.

  Alejandro walked out of the bathroom, with only a towel around his lean waist. Water droplets beaded on the muscular expanse of his chest and on his powerful arms—arms that had held her down on the bed while he’d fucked her silly the night before. Twice. Forward and backward. While she moaned and begged him for more. She glanced up at him, frowning.

  He spread his hands. “Look, Daria—”

  “Alejandro.” She frowned even more. Soon her face would crack.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry, but I had to release my whole veil over you. I couldn’t hold anything back. You were too tense, understandably so. I had to do it.”

  She looked away. “I know.”

  “It was a necess—” He paused. “You know?”

  “I don’t like it, but I understand why you did it. I don’t want anything to jeopardize this mission, Alejandro. Anything.”

  “I did what I had to do.” He took a step toward her. “But it was a risk.”

  She looked up at him, trying to meet his eyes, but failing. God, how many times had his name spilled from her lips the night before? “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “I played on my bet that you wanted me but had been holding yourself back for . . . whatever reasons you hold yourself back. I could have been wrong. That’s why I mean it was a risk. Once I broke down your walls with my veil, you could have just as easily kneed me in the balls, if that’s what you’d truly wanted to do.” A grin spread over his lips. “I think that would have given us a fail.”

  She blinked. “Does it count that I want to kick you in the balls now?”

  “Daria you can’t blame me—”

  “I don’t. I’m glad you did what you did. The rest, well, those were my desires free from my misgivings and fears right? Can’t blame you for those. Anyway, I know I pushed you . . . afterward. After Sante left.”

  “You did push me.”

  “I know. It was all my doing.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “It’s the truth.” She dropped her gaze, feeling miserable. “So now you know just how badly I’ve wanted you.”

  “Yes.” He grinned wolfishly. “Pretty damn bad.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve had you now. A couple of times.” Anger flared and she narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t be looking for more where that came from.”

  All Alejandro did was grin at her response. Clearly, he didn’t believe her. She looked away from him. Hell, she didn’t believe herself. Just looking at him, standing there with water droplets running down his body, she wanted him. Wanted to lick every one of them off his skin. Wanted to take his cock into her mouth and see if she could make him as crazy as he’d made her last night. Heat flushed her body, and she closed her eyes.

  “Daria, it’s the Choosing that’s making your libido run this hard. Damn, I’ve never seen anyone with as much control as you have. Your will is
very strong, but it’s not as strong as the aftereffects of the change.” He took a few steps toward her. “Just give it up.”

  She sank her teeth into her lower lip. After a moment, she said, “I never give up.”

  He sat on the bed beside her and traced the bare skin of her back above the line of the sheet that wrapped her. “I gave you last night and, fuck, it was sweet. Te deseo. That means I want you. I want you now, I want you always.” His voice was a low, silken rasp. It made her shiver and the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

  She wanted him, too. It seemed that having Alejandro once was not enough. Her body—if not her mind—desired him again.

  The question was, what did her heart want?

  “Maybe,” he continued, still caressing her back, “maybe you should just let this be what it is, Daria. Just for now. Let this attraction between us play out for the duration of our time here. After it’s over, we’ll go our separate ways. No problem. The advantages are that we convinced Sante and the Shining Way that we are truly a mated pair and we also get to sate our lust for each other. No strings once this is all through, just lots of sex before we part ways.”

  “The disadvantages?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

  “Disadvantages?” He laughed, and the sound of it rolled over her. “Honey, for me there are no disadvantages.”

  What if she fell in love with him? That was the disadvantage for her. It would be so easy to fall in love with this strong, good-natured, protective man. She drew a shuddering breath. “Let me think about it.” She stood. “Right now I have to take a shower and get back to making teddy bears.”

  He nodded. “You think on it, Daria. Go ahead and think all you want, but I’m going to do my best to sway you in the direction I think you should go.” He slipped a hand under the sheet. His palm was warm on her skin. “Understand?”

  She tried to back away, she really did. In the end all she could do was stand there and look up into his warm, dark eyes.

  His pupils dilated. “I had a taste of you last night and it wasn’t enough. Not enough by a long mile. So the gloves are off. When I want someone, I go after them.”


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