Saving Treasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 9
“It was busy but good. Yours? Have you guys worked out when you’re leaving for the new job?” she asked interestedly, trying to dismiss Buddy by excluding him.
“Yeah, we want to start on Monday, but I’m going to finish some work at the site over the weekend,” he responded vaguely. He brushed his lips along the shell of her ear intimately, breathing deeply. “Who’s your new friend?” he finally asked, trying to figure out the tension between the two.
“This is Jackson’s friend, Buddy. He stepped in for something to drink and started helping me by rinsing the dishes,” she replied blandly.
“I actually know Treasure from Taos. She was datin’ one of my friends,” Buddy responded, smirking at what he was seeing. “Although, it seems she’s moved on rather quickly.” He patted Treasure on the shoulder before moving to leave the room. “I’ll see ya around before I leave tomorrow. Ya take care.”
James looked down at her. “Who were you dating?” he asked.
Treasure huffed. “It seems that he is under the impression that I was actually dating Larson. I told him that I wasn’t, but he doesn’t really seem to believe me. He is here because he’s Jackson’s friend,” she responded somewhat curtly. This was not good.
“We can go home if you want,” James offered, trying to soothe her by rubbing his large palm up and down her back. “In fact, I’ll go tell Jackson and Selena now.” He left her standing next to the counter as he stepped out of the room. He was only gone a matter of minutes when he returned, Chad in tow, and escorted her to his truck.
Treasure took this opportunity to absorb as much of him as she could. She was going to miss her guys.
She wished it would last longer when it ended too quickly. Chad kissed her quickly, a sweet brushing of lips before he stepped down and closed the truck door.
It may have been a brief kiss, but it made her squirm with ignited lust.
James grinned when she looked at him. He leaned over and kissed her, sucking her lower lip into his mouth and lightly nipping at it. “We’ll take care of you as soon as we get home.” His promise made her wet.
She kept looking in the rearview mirror to see Chad’s car right behind them.
When they finally made it home, James scooped her into his arms and walked behind Chad to the door and waited for it to be opened. They raced up the steps and into James’s room. She found herself deposited on the bed, with her clothes being yanked off fast. She watched as Chad began to tug James’s shirt off over his head while James worked Chad’s pants down his hips.
She couldn’t hold the giggle back as they stumbled but finally managed to get completely undressed.
Chad kissed her, almost desperately, sliding his tongue in to claim her mouth. He opened her legs and stroked her heated, wet cunt.
Treasure watched a silent communication between her two men as Chad’s blue-gray eyes connected with James’s darker ones. She couldn’t look away as Chad rolled a condom over James’s rigid length. She loved that they worked as one to not only please her but each other. Her heart ached with the feelings they brought forth in her.
Chad’s eyes connected with hers before they caught James’s gaze again. Another silent conversation passed between her men. Her legs were opened wide, exposing her pussy to their hungry gazes. James speared her dripping slit with one of his long, thick fingers. She moaned when pleasure darted through her. Chad tugged her nipple as James withdrew his finger. She was shaking from the way they worked her body together. James thrust as far as he could into her pussy and it sucked him deeper, pulling a groan from his chest. Chad licked and sucked her other nipple. James’s eyes held hers as Chad kissed his way up her chest, claiming her mouth.
“Please stay with us, Treasure. We need you to stay. We can keep you safe, but we can’t be without you,” Chad pleaded against her lips, taking possession of her tongue.
James claimed her body with a fervor that spoke as much as Chad’s pleadings.
Her eyes were riveted as James leaned over and took Chad’s cock into his mouth in one deep, long suck. The sight had her coming immediately, making James moan, which made Chad moan in her mouth.
Treasure watched, entranced as Chad’s gaze gobbled up the sight of James’s cock slipping deeper and deeper inside of her. The thrusting was primal and possessive. She felt that James was making sure that she knew she belonged to them. He was also claiming Chad in this same animalistic act. He teased her with the sight of Chad’s tasty pole so close to her mouth. Instead of offering it to her, he took it for himself. James tugged Chad over until he could lick the dribbling excitement from the dick, so close that she could almost but not quite add her tongue to the jumble of possession, lust, and love. Treasure moaned as the sight made her wetter, and she shoved her hips harder into James’s, begging for more bliss. He had wound her up more, and she needed to come again despite her body-shaking climax moments earlier.
She saw James’s teeth scrape along the veins in Chad’s cock, pulling him back to the triangle the trio had formed. He thrust into James’s mouth and attacked Treasure’s lips with his own. The tendons in James’s neck bulged as he held himself back. Both of her men looked as if they were in heaven.
The rhythm the three of them created had them sweating and moaning. Chad’s hand slid down to where James’s hard, hot heat was slamming into Treasure’s dripping pussy and found her excited clit, hard and aching.
He flicked it once, then twice. He smiled as she stiffened and screamed out her pleasure. He groaned as he spilled his seed down James’s throat. He watched James’s fingers spasm as he finally spilled himself in the condom that was the only thing separating him from Treasure’s wet heat.
Chapter 17
The house was pitch black as she slipped out of the bed, gently extracting herself from between the two sets of arms that were wrapped around her. They had made love to her sweetly and gently again after she had explained in a little more detail what had happened with Buddy. They were usually somewhat rough in a way that she relished inexplicably, but last night had brought tears to her eyes both times. James had whispered an “I love you” as he poured himself into the condom, searing his love into her very body. Chad stroked her arms and kissed the back of her neck. He murmured loving promises into her hair.
She really didn’t want to leave. She almost hoped that they would wake up and realize she was leaving, but that would still leave her problem with Buddy telling Larson about seeing her. She loved both of them too much to choose one over the other or to put them in danger, and Larson equaled danger. They couldn’t mean to share her on a long-term basis. She couldn’t handle jealousy between her men or hostility due to her decision, or rather indecision, because she flat-out refused to choose between them. She loved them too much. Choosing between them would mean breaking her heart in two.
The way Chad had been entranced as James plunged into her so strongly had made her heart clench. It was something she would never be able to forget, and it was something that she would forever keep locked in her heart.
She flung her handy, well-worn bag around her as well. She lifted the backpack and hoisted it onto her back. She just had to get down the stairs and out the door. She knew her way around the town now and could easily find the highway nearby. From there, she could find a bus station eventually. She resisted looking back into the bedroom for one last visual of her guys sleeping around her spot between them.
She had just reached the door and grasped the handle when a hand shot from the dark shadows next to her and shoved the door closed tight again. She was pushed from behind against the door. Someone grabbed her backpack and dropped it on the floor. Warm, spicy breath blew across the sensitive skin of her neck.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The hoarse growl rumbled into her hair, tickling her skin and making her wetter. Heat seeped into her body.
She couldn’t move, but she still tried to struggle against the brick-hard force behind her. She couldn’t answer yet. She saw another move
ment from her peripheral vision. A hand slammed the door closed. She stared at it in shocked bewilderment. That hand moved from the door to her hair. It buried itself into the strands of her hair, dragging through them. It kept repeating that same soothing motion. “Where were you going, darlin’?” A husky voice coaxed an answer from her. Her struggles grew as she tried to free herself unsuccessfully.
Her hips were pinned to the door by the hardened arousal behind her.
“Answer me, now,” the first voice demanded harshly. It was still guttural and rough, but arousal was starting to leak into it.
“Buddy is a good friend of Larson. He’ll tell him where I am, and I don’t want him to find me here. I don’t want him to find you two either,” she finally confessed, the fingers having abandoned her hair.
“We told you that we would take care of you, that we’d protect you,” he continued. The hardened length pressed more firmly into the crevice of her ass. “You’re not going to leave us, not like this. We need you to stay with us. We need you.”
A moan escaped her before she could have stopped it.
Both of her men flipped her around and began to kiss her, covering every inch of exposed skin. The one that had pressed her into the door took her mouth first, biting her bottom lip almost as if punishing her. The other man’s kisses spoke of desperation, pulling her firmly into him. It was then that she knew for sure that James had been the one who had slammed the door shut again, and Chad had been the one pressing her into the door.
Chad’s fingers dove into her hair, and he kissed her again, savagely yanking her against his body. He wrapped her legs around him, pushing her bag off her back, and started for the stairs. She closed her eyes as it seemed they almost flew up the stairs to try to escape the possibility of her departure.
He carried her into the bedroom that all three of them had taken to using on a daily basis. It had become their room rather than James’s.
She fell to the bed as soon as Chad had released her. He began yanking off her favorite old, beaten bag, shirt, bra, pants, socks, and shoes. She was standing there in only a pair of cotton boy shorts, more exposed to him than she had ever felt even when completely naked. His eyes were burning her skin as he stared down hotly at her. He was angry, angrier than she could have believed, and hurt and betrayed. That was clearly reflected in his expression, but there was more that she could not define.
She had unconsciously started scooting farther away from him across the bed. It snapped him from his trance as he leaned over her and snatched her back to him, yanking off her panties in the process.
He grabbed her up from the bed and back into his arms as soon as she was completely naked. His lips smashed into hers, his desperation coming across brutally.
He was standing in the middle of the room, wrapping her around him.
He was wrapping himself around her just as firmly.
He spun her around in his arms, showing her James. He was standing just out of her reach, his eyes dark and unreadable. Her body gravitated toward James’s, still in Chad’s grasp, without her notice. He shifted enough that he had a firm and unyielding hold on her that she could not break no matter how hard she struggled, and she found that she didn’t even wish to try. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched when Chad shoved his arousal roughly into her from behind, filling her deeply and owning her primitively.
Her eyes connected with James’s as the thrusting hardness stole her breath, and their gaze held. This was her punishment for trying to leave. This was their plea for her to stay. This was desperation to keep her close.
The punishing force driving into her formed a hot, heavy rock in the pit of her stomach. It expanded within her, tightening her body even though Chad was controlling every one of her movements. Her eyes remained on James’s dark ones even as that rock exploded inside of her, shattering every thought she had at the moment only to be continued as white-hot essence shot deep into her.
She felt Chad jerking her back up and saw James stepping forward, pulling her into his arms.
Despite the fact that she was slick from Chad’s release as well as her own, James’s cock could only slide into her slowly, each inch stretching her again. His eyes still bore into her own before he started talking in a ragged, guttural whisper.
“You’re going to stay with us. We’re not going to let you leave. You belong to me. You belong to Chad,” he told her in a whisper, slamming himself back into her, emphasizing each sentiment as he tried to convey his love to her in this physical and primitive way.
His words should have scared her. They should have sent her running from them, determined to get away. They didn’t, though. They made her feel as though she lived up to her name. She felt like a treasure that they cherished and fought to keep. She already knew she loved them, but she felt it confirmed that it was reciprocated deeply.
Tears slipped along her lids as her lips sought his, needing the extra contact. Her hand sought out Chad’s hand and twined her fingers with his, holding him tightly. Her hips snapped upward to meet James’s rough thrusting. Everything balled up as rigidly as it could, and tightly coiled within her lower belly. Her face hid in James’s shoulder with Chad’s hand stroking along her shoulder blades. Finally, everything crashed from her like a tightly wound spring.
She kissed Chad and then James again, pulling them both close. She wanted to cry when she saw how angry Chad was. She almost did break down and bawl when her eyes connected with James, and she could see the betrayal reflected there. She had to fix it, but she didn’t really know how. The only solution she knew would be a Band-Aid at best.
“I want both of you to make love to me, together,” she requested softly, looking at them through her lashes.
James growled, and Chad groaned. She allowed her body to become pliant as James pulled her to lie over his body, pressing her further against his hardening length. It amazed and pleased her that he could recover this quickly. Chad took that moment and stroked her bottom, kissing and nibbling the rounded cheeks as he stroked the cleft, teasing the skin.
He licked her untried entrance, testing her responses. James kissed her deeply.
“Chad is going to stretch that bottom. Let me help you. I want you to kiss me, and I want you to squeeze my hand when it gets to be too much. I won’t let you get hurt. We need you to trust us, and we need you to be honest,” James murmured, allowing his meaning to be soaked in as she digested his words.
Chad opened the bottle of lube and drizzled some on her asshole, earning a gasp from her that James swallowed, trying to distract her with his kisses. Chad continued to stroke it without entering until she relaxed again. He leaned up and nibbled on her shoulder and neck, and she moaned in delight.
Chad pushed a finger into the tight and hot bud of her ass, stretching her a little. She moaned at the lightly burning sensation he was giving her. He ground his hard cock into the cheeks of her ass.
“Come on, baby. You are going to feel so good. I want this to feel good for you, too. You are so beautiful, flushed, and seductive,” he cooed in encouragement, easing another finger into her. He continued his litany of praises, mentioning her sweet skin, as he started scissoring his fingers. He added a third with extra lube, and she gasped at the chill of slippery substance. She squeezed James’s hand in response to the burn she was experiencing intensely.
She met James’s eyes just as he was telling Chad to pull back, shaking her head. “It burns. I’ve never before, but it doesn’t really hurt. It just burns,” she tried to explain.
James devoured her lips again.
Once Chad deemed her ready with a nod from James, he put on a condom, coated it with lube, and moved behind her then thrust into her just a little. “Don’t tense, baby. We’re both going to love you. We won’t hurt you, but you’ve gotta talk to us. You can try pushing out and see if that helps a bit.” She sucked as he pressed into her another inch. She felt as her body gave and stretched taut around him. Beads of sweat tickled her hypersensitive ski
n. Her body hummed with anticipation of feeling the over-filled sensation of her men inside of her. Her muscles loosened just enough that the insistent head of his cock popped all the way inside. They all took a deep breath once that milestone was accomplished.
The tension left Treasure’s back after a moment as James rubbed it with one hand and Chad massaged her bottom cheeks. Chad continued to push into her, stretching her further as inch by inch he was engulfed in the virgin territory. His breath hissed between his clenched teeth.
James shifted enough to roll on his own condom, and he aligned himself with her dripping cunt before sliding in slowly, struggling to get inside of her. He pushed in slowly, trying not to hurt her.
She savored the erotic feel of both men inside of her, flesh stretched thin separating them. She felt more connected to them in that moment then she had ever felt with anyone else.
“Holy shit! You’re so fucking tight!” James ground out in a strangled voice. He finally seated himself fully inside of her, his filthy words of her tight, hot, wet heat pouring from his mouth. He and Chad both whispered to her that they could feel each other in her, through her.
They praised and thanked her for that.
Treasure moaned, begging for something, anything, to happen as her body adjusted to the fullness of both of her men. She was tighter and fuller than she had ever been.
Suddenly, they both pulled back just a bit before pushing impossibly deeper.
She moaned, gasped, and screamed her pleasure. “James, oh my God! Please, faster. Chad! I need…something. I don’t know. Please, faster now!” she pleaded and begged.
This rhythm developed and escalated, pulling moans, grunts, and curses from the three of them. The pressure built higher and higher until it felt as though she had jumped from the top story of a very tall building and wasn’t sure if there was anything to catch her or if she would ever stop falling. Her climax left her wrung out and dizzy and lightheaded and sated. Every muscle in her body quivered from the release as she felt warmth flood throughout her. Her nails left their mark on James’s shoulder as she had held on with everything left in her. She shifted her body and kissed those marks, soothing any hurt she might have inflicted upon him during the heights of passion.