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Shadow of Doubt

Page 1

by Melissa Gaye Perez

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Shadow of Doubt


  Melissa Gaye Perez

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2012 by Melissa Gaye Perez

  Prepared for publication by Melissa Gaye Perez

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This work is of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to my 2 ½ year old Grandson Michael Ryan Hargrove who has given me the inspiration to once again pursue my dreams.

  Shadow of Doubt is a cute and enlightening little romance novel surely to make you smile. Racing fanatic Jordan Scott loves his single lifestyle traveling the racing circuit and has no plans of adding a love interest to his life. Then he suddenly awakens after a horrific thunderstorm to find a cute little blonde washed up on his beach front property. Unable to remember her name or where she is from Jordan goes against his gut instincts and allows her to stay with him only until she regains her memory. But can he resist the physical attraction he has for her? Hoping it's only a matter of days until he can send her home he takes the risk. But after weeks together they find themselves so in love they can't bear to be without each other then suddenly just as Jordan feared...the past comes back only to tear them apart.

  An Excerpt from inside:

  Jordan couldn't fight it any longer. He had been drawn to this mysterious little lady ever since the day he had found her. He slid his hand over her soft side, to her back pulling her against him and stared into her eyes until their mouths joined roughly. A chill filled his body as her tender arms slid tightly around his neck and her fingers trickled into the back of his thick wavy hair. He could feel her petal soft lips beneath his own as his breath grew heavy and nearly uncontrollable.

  Dolly felt as if her craving for this handsome man was at last going to be fulfilled when she felt his heavy body roll to cover hers. They kissed wildly, breathing so heavily, but her craving only seemed to increase drastically, wanting him even more now as her hands caressed down his back. She didn't want him to stop...only for him to ravish her more. Her craving increased rapidly as their tongues met and fought intensely. She took his hands in hers and slid them down to her breasts almost begging him to have her.

  Jordan didn't resist. His lips brushed their way down her neck as he massaged her firm bosom through her clothing, but he just couldn’t go on. As much as he wanted too...he just couldn't do this.

  Dolly felt a sudden chill as the warmth of his sturdy body left hers. Jordan rolled off of her and sighed deeply, covered his face for a moment with his hands. He turned to stare seriously into her confused baby blue eyes.

  “What's wrong?” she gasped as her thirst for his affection had now invaded her entire body.

  “I just can't,” he whispered as he closed his eyes in pain and caught his breath. “I know nothing about you Dolly. You might be married for all I know. You might even have kids at home waiting for you to return to them. It just wouldn't be fair to you if we did this. If only I knew, without a shadow of doubt, I'd take you now.”

  Chapter 1

  Twenty five year old Jordan Scott grabbed a wrench from his tool box then turned to make one final adjustment under the hood just before starting time. As he rolled up the sleeves of his denim shirt to just below his tanned elbows, he again bent a firm sturdy arm and glanced at his watch making sure he had enough time left to make it.

  “C'mon Jordan, let's move it!” Martin, his fiery headed racing manager called out from the pit warning him that time was quickly running far too short.

  “Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!” Jordan then yelled back as he slammed the heavy hood of his NASCAR and rounded to the driver's side getting ready to hop in.

  This sunny June afternoon was the day Jordan had to try and set his very best lap time in order to have his car ready to qualify for the big race. Jordan turned his hefty hands upside down and reached in to grab the top of the car window, flexing his tanned muscular arms as they lifted and slung his stout, slender body inside, his feet ahead of him. He carefully put on his helmet and revved the engine to a loud roar and squinted his emerald eyes in a quick unnoticed prayer, then looked to Martin with a steady, yet serious stare.

  “Sounds great! Roarin' like a lion,” Martin proudly stated with two thumbs up as Jordan prepared himself for this all too important run around the track.

  Martin Slater had been Jordan's best friend as well as his racing manager for the last seven years. Together they have traveled the racing circuit winning many titles and earning much respect in their time together. Jordan Scott is no major champion, but loves his black NASCAR with its bright red number twenty-four painted on the side and takes great pride in his racing career.

  Martin watched enviously of his friend now as the green flags waved and Jordan finally took off, tires squealing to an almost deafening tone. Looking through his binoculars Martin wanted to make sure everything was okay as Jordan now reached the final curve. The bright orange and yellow Atlanta sunset caused Martin to squint tightly as Jordan roared across the finish line just missing the track record by only three-tenths of a second.

  “Yeah buddy! We're in champ!” Martin boasted proudly as he ran to Jordan's aide and helped him climb from the car. The rest of the cheering pit crew swarmed around the steaming car to inspect for any possible damage. They all knew how serious Jordan was about maintaining his car to top notch condition.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Martin yelled out again. “Atlanta Speedway, here we come!!!”

  “How was it?” Jordan shrewdly asked with a bit of skepticism looking eagerly in Martin's direction, his emerald eyes glistening against his black wavy hair. He felt he had made good time but was a little uncertain as his fingertips gently inspected each and every last inch of the car while he circled around to meet with his buddy.

  “We're on top. Number one spot champ,” Martin proudly boasted as he patted Jordan's broad sweaty shoulder with much pride and admiration.

  Jordan reached in his back pocket to get a towel and wiped the sweat that was now beginning to stream from his forehead then ruffled back his drenched wavy locks with his fingers.

  “I think I need a brew. It's awful hot out here. Let's celebrate and hit the bar guy,” he then directed to Martin not seeming very concerned even though the expression in his deep green eyes gave away his true happiness.

  “No arguments from me there. It's been a long week for both of us,” Martin replied. They then finished up their business at the track leaving his car in the hands of his pit crew and hurried off to celebrate their qualifying run.

  Jordan Scott. A handsome strong willed man with the deepest emerald eyes that sometimes seemed to change shades of green with the mood he was in. He had a body that he strode with confidence and he learned early in his youth he could charm the ladies with a simple gaze and a flash of his lazy sexy grin.

  “You sure seem gloomy for a man who just qualified for such a
big race,” Martin insinuated as they hopped up on two bar stools at the club. They leaned their elbows on the counter and waited for the bartender to serve them.

  “Just a little worried. It's the biggest run I've had in a while ya know. Don't wanna screw it up, that's all.”

  “Jordan Scott...worried? Ha! You know what you need pal? A woman. A woman to settle your nerves. You spend too damn much time working on that house of yours. Get out and find some real action,” Martin chuckled out just before slurping on his ale.

  Jordan gruffly laughed back at his rust headed friend. Martin always believed in fast cars and fast women. A different one every night if he were to have his choice about it. They drank rather quickly while they chatted.

  Not Jordan. Dedicated race fanatic building his own little dream house on the Florida beach front property his dad left him when he died just three years earlier.

  “I'll never finish my house if I start living like you do,” Jordan let out with a deep chuckle. “Besides, I'm happy just the way I am. Nobody telling me shit about how to run my life or where and when I can get up and go,” he replied, then finished his beer and laughed out loud, sat the bottle down and glanced to his now near drunken friend.

  “When are you gonna finish that house anyway?” Martin asked in a slur.

  “Living in it now. Nearly done except for a few odd and in touch ups here and there. Come on out later and see for yourself if you want.”

  “Just may do,” Martin slurred back then he finished off another bottle and slid it across the counter toward the bartender.

  “Gotta run for now,” Jordan then stated as he rose from the bar stool. “Big day tomorrow remember? I need all the rest I can get.” He pulled his body from the bar stool and headed for the door.

  Jordan had a confident look to him that turned plenty of female heads but he never could imagine himself tied down to just one woman. He was a free spirit and preferred to keep it that way as long as possible.

  Martin had supplied Jordan with plenty of dates over the years that he had gladly obliged and enjoyed the nights in female companionship but he never could settle down with only one. He pictured himself as a life long bachelor living in his quaint Daytona beach house enjoying life as he saw fit too…alone.

  Jordan returned that night to his small one bedroom trailer he pulled from track to track with his Chevy pick-up truck when traveling the racing circuit. He had won a few races in his career but was far from wealthy. He spent most of his earnings on his car and house putting as much aside as he possibly could.

  He surely knows his racing career could end far quicker than it started. One blow out at the wrong moment, one bad crash and it could all be over with. But Jordan loves his wild and dangerous lifestyle and has no intentions of giving it up of his own free will.

  Before turning in for the night, Jordan did his regular work out, a few sit ups and arm weights before he showered. He knows it takes plenty of strength to handle that car and Jordan's body is definitely in perfect condition to keep up. Slender build with slight rippling muscular arms and matching tanned legs.

  This is one man who is not afraid to get a little grease and dirt under his nails either. Jordan does most of his own mechanical work on his car himself and sees to it that it too stays in top notch condition.

  Martin again stood track side looking through the binoculars as the last lap of the race began. Not a good day for Jordan though. He trails in seventh place after a string of problems plagued him and the car all day holding him back from placing a top spot in the race.

  “Next time fella, we'll get'em next time,” Martin tried to sooth semi cheerfully as a sweaty Jordan climbed from his car. But his own disappointment also showed through the fake smile he tried to possess.

  “Maybe so,” Jordan sorrowfully blurted as he squinted his deep emerald eyes toward the sun and popped out a can of brew from a cooler. “I'm just looking forward to my two weeks rest at home now.”

  “You deserve it buddy. We'll take care of your wheels, don't worry about a thing,” Martin assured.

  Jordan later climbed in his blue Chevy truck and began his journey home to Daytona. He was a good natured guy who took defeat well knowing it's all a part of the game.

  That's what keeps him going...striving to get to the top on his own. He never knows from track to track what obstacles await him or when lady luck will surely smile down upon him.

  Nearly three a.m., Jordan parked his truck next to his quaint three bedroom beach house that stands tall on stilts and wearily strolled up the steep front steps onto the over-wide wooden railed porch that extended all the way across the front of the house. He stopped for a brief moment to look out and savor the blue full moon and clear star filled skies reflecting off the clear, glassy waters that were now pounding his sandy beach front property.

  Letting the cool salty air blow through his wavy tresses, Jordan noticed lightening at a distance out over the water as he took one last glance over his broad shoulder, then disappeared through the sliding glass patio door into his living room.

  “Looks like it's gonna be a rough night,” he said quietly as he crouched to rub his small shaggy pooch. Myron met Jordan at the door nearly every time he heard the truck approaching. Jordan gave the mutt one last pat on the head then rose to fix himself a stiff scotch.

  “Did ya miss me fella? Huh?” Jordan grinned as the small brown and white mutt disappeared under the couch. “Guess not,” he chuckled then headed down the hall to his own cozy bedroom, showered and crawled lazily into his own bed.

  About an hour later Jordan was awakened by Myron's squealing and the loud clapping of thunder from outside. For a second he thought he was back at the race track, but then smiled as the dog's frightful little face shivered at his feet on the bed. He slowly shook his head until he realized he was at home and a huge thunderstorm was now beating against the shore.

  “What's the matter little fella? Are you actually afraid of a little thunder?” Jordan then threw back the cover and giggled at his little friend and rose to walk to the glass doors so he could peer out and see just how bad it really was.

  Jordan watched for a few minutes as the lightening lit the skies like fire, enough for him to see the rough white saltwater rolling high onto the beach out front through the thick torrential looking rains. Rain was now pounding hard on the roof. Then he decided to make sure all the windows and doors were securely closed before making his way back to the bedroom and crawling back to the warmth and comfort of his own bed. Myron curled at his feet and shivered off to sleep as well.

  Early the next morning Jordan arose, poured a hot cup of coffee and sat at his small round kitchen table that overlooked the beautiful view of the beach just outside. As he heard the squawking of seagulls he pulled back the curtain to take a closer look at the damages from the storm the night before.

  “Turned out to be a gorgeous morning after all didn't it boy,” he asked as Myron snuck into the room.

  His heavily browed deep green eyes scanned the shoreline as the sun rose, looking for an occasional bikini clad jogger. “None out this morning,” he thought as he smiled remembering Martin's suggestion that he find himself a female companion.

  Fiery headed Martin Slater with his dark auburn eyes and short body. Jordan was glad to have him around most of the time. He kept Jordan's spirits up after his father's death, even though they nearly parted enemies once before.

  Sometimes Jordan wished he had married for the companionship of it, but it just didn't set too well with him to think about having a woman tagging along everywhere he went. He liked being free to do as he pleased and didn't have room in his life for a steady mate telling him what he could and could not do.

  Then Jordan's eyes suddenly stopped and came to rest on one dark spot at a distance on the beach. He hadn't noticed it there before and couldn't quite make out just exactly what it was. His eyes now squinting as he tried to figure it out, but there were also branches and other debris washed up from the

  “Probably something from a ship wreck or from last night's storm no doubt,” he figured to himself as he stared, but then decided he had best check it out anyway. He had a sudden strange sensation in his gut that made him feel uneasy about it. He wasn't sure why he felt this way but figured he had better trust his instinct.

  Jordan loved scavenging the beach anyway and quite often found trinkets and lumber worth keeping. But this morning he didn't feel too excited about going out. He slid into his blue jean cut off shorts and a black sleeveless t-shirt then strolled barefoot down the stairs and toward the obstacle that had caught his curiosity.

  As the sun rose a little higher and Jordan grew closer, he felt a sudden hot rush through his entire body and his breathing quickened as the soft breeze blew and he saw her hair flow gently in the wind. He realized now this was no ordinary obstacle, but a human lying motionless, face down on the beach, her body nearly covered with sand.

  Jordan's powerful legs carried him faster now as he realized this was not a dream. He skidded to a stop and crouched next to her. Quickly he flipped the young lady over and felt her throat and wrists and luckily could feel a slight pulse beating, but her skin was cool and she was unconscious. Jordan used the back of his fingers to brush the sand from the sides of her cold tanned face and began to shake her gently.

  No response. She was alive he knew...but motionless. Jordan looked around the beach as his strong sturdy hands kept a firm hold of the woman. No one else was to be seen. He wasn't sure now what to do.

  His emerald eyes looked down on her with total confusion. He quickly scanned her lean, rather pleasant looking body then shook his head in disbelief.

  “Better get you inside darling,” he finally spoke softly knowing she couldn't hear him but was near panic himself now.


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