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Shadow of Doubt

Page 12

by Melissa Gaye Perez

  He turned and looked her direction. “What's the matter Dolly?”

  “Will you...well, will you stay with me tonight? Just for a little while at least?”

  Jordan wasn't sure if she was scared or just wanted some company. He really didn't care what the reason. He returned to her side and lay next to her on the bed, gently propping her head on his shoulder.

  “I'm sorry again Dolly. For doing this to you I mean,” he whispered.

  “It's not your fault. It's Martin's.”

  Jordan looked up at her with mixed emotion. “Martin's? How do you figure that?”

  “Well...if he wouldn't have been telling you all those lies about me and him, you never would've been angry with me in the first place.”

  Jordan looked back down a moment then returned to meet her gaze. How he loves to look into those blue eyes of hers. “I still shouldn't have gotten so mad at you. I had no right. I don't own you.”

  “I know you don't. Nobody does. But just exactly what has he been telling you Jordan? I have to know.”

  He paused a moment. Dolly could tell he wasn't too sure he should tell her. “Well...he said that the other day in North Carolina...when you two were supposed to have been having dinner together...that you were actually at a motel room together.” His voice seemed to break as if he felt stupid for even believing the story to begin with.

  Dolly's eyes widened in anger and Jordan actually thought they grew darker as rage took over her face. “What?” she yelled out.

  Jordan smiled his lazy grin knowing now that it was indeed all a lie. She never could have purposely gained an expression like that otherwise. Nobody could.

  “It doesn't matter now,” he cut in trying to change the subject as fast as he could.

  “Doesn't matter? The hell it doesn't matter! I never slept with Martin Slater. As far as I know...I've...never slept with any man.”

  Jordan tried not too, but laughed hysterically at her now. Dolly could feel his body jerking against hers as he did this and it made her grow even madder.

  “What’s so damn funny?” she asked angrily.

  “Oh...I don't know. It’s just that…it must be hell not to remember a thing like that,” he replied still laughing thinking the situation far too funny now.

  Dolly finally smiled now too. “You better stop that. It's not funny that I can't remember anything. You shouldn't be making fun of me.”

  “I know it, but I can't help it. Sometimes I wish I couldn't remember anything about my life either.”

  They laughed together a while but Dolly just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Her lids were growing heavy and falling closed fast. She nearly fell asleep in mid sentence as she and Jordan tried to chat on. Jordan smiled when he realized she was now soundly sleeping so he reached down and grabbed the blanket from the foot of the bed and covered her before creeping back to the comfort of his own room.

  The next few days were joyous for Dolly. Every morning Jordan brought in a tray and fed her breakfast in bed. Her arm wasn't hurting anymore and Jordan seemed to be enjoying pampering her and she didn't mind either. Just sat back and let it happen, hoping it would last forever. It took nearly a week for the soreness to begin leaving both their bodies and they finally began walking on the beach together whenever possible.

  Jordan had finished the third bedroom while Dolly rested most of the time, but occasionally she would sit and watch him. For some reason it didn't seem to bother him anymore to have her looking over his shoulder while he worked. Actually he seemed to be pleased that she was there with him now to keep him company.

  “Well, I hope you’re in good enough shape to travel,” Jordan then told her as they strolled hand in hand on the beach with Myron tugging at their feet.

  “Why's that?” she asked unknowingly, feeling so serene as the warm salty air was blowing through her hair.

  “Well...” he began with her hand still gently in his and began strolling toward the house. “Tomorrow we need to leave for Georgia. It's a pretty good race and carries a nice little pot for the winner.”

  “You're actually gonna drive that car with your side all bruised up like that?”

  “Of course, I'm not that sore anymore anyway. You can barely see the bruises,” he answered as he pulled up his shirt to show her.

  Dolly shyly looked at his flesh. He was right. They were nearly healed up now but she could still see shades of blue. She couldn't believe either that he was so comfortable around her now, actually lifting up his shirt without hesitation.

  “Well, mines almost gone too, but I'm not about to pull up my shirt and show you,” she slyly teased as they entered the living room.

  Jordan laughed. “Why not? Don' you think I might enjoy the view?”

  “I'm sure you would, but I'm not that kind of girl. At least I don't think I am,” she chuckled.

  Jordan looked at her again as if he felt badly now. “Look, Dolly about the other day. I really didn't mean to imply that you and Martin...”

  Now it was Dolly who felt bad for bringing it up again. “I know...just forget it,” she replied cheerfully. “I've gotta pack anyway. How long are we gonna be gone?”

  “About a week. I'm tired of traveling all the way there, turning around and coming right back. It's mid August now and the weather's beautiful, I thought we'd enjoy it while it lasted. Stay awhile after the race.”

  “Sounds great to me. It's getting kind of boring around here anyway.” Dolly smiled widely the whole time she packed. “He actually wants to spend extra time with me. I can't believe it.”

  Then Dolly thought about facing Martin Slater again after they reached Georgia. He'd surely be there and after the lies he told Jordan about her she wasn't sure she could face him again. “Of course I can,” she then thought bravely. “He's the one who outta be ashamed, not me.”

  Then she wasn't sure how he and Jordan would get along now. Jordan knew the truth. She hadn't slept with Martin. Jordan didn't seem concerned about it when they discussed it last, but surely he was furious at his best friend’s deceit. How could he not be? Now Dolly was afraid the two would argue over it, or worse, but didn't know if she should be concerned or not. Martin deserved to be confronted and hopefully he hadn't told anyone else his dreadful stories.

  That night Dolly showered and dressed for bed in her oversized t-shirt as usual. Jordan came in to talk to her before she retired for the night.

  “Excited?” he asked from her bedroom doorway.

  “Yes. I can't wait. I love to see you drive that car,” she answered excitedly as she sat up on the bed indian style pulling her shirt down between her legs to cover herself and looked back at him with admiration.

  Jordan walked in and sat next to her. “Maybe if we get a chance after the race...maybe...I can take you for another spin around the track.”

  Dolly's eyes widened and her face lit up now. “Oh would you? Please?” she asked enthusiastically.

  “Did you really like it that much?” he asked a bit surprised.

  “Oh yes. It was awesome. I can't wait to do it again.”

  Jordan stared admiringly. He found himself leaning over and kissing her softly on the lips then staring into her shining blue eyes. He couldn’t stop. Before he knew it he wrapped his arm tenderly around her neck and laid her back on the bed, his mouth still caressing hers. He was now lying next to her on the bed, kissing her hard without a second thought. She wrapped her arms cozily around his sturdy neck and didn't resist.

  “Jordan, stay with me tonight,” she softly invited. He drew his head back and smiled into her eyes.

  Without an answer they inched their way under the blanket and he quickly perched himself on top of her. Dolly felt her breathing speed as they kissed like never before. His tongue parted her lips gently and a rush took over her body that felt like flames burning throughout her. She felt his warm tender hands scanning every inch of her flesh through her night shirt as his mouth slid down her neck and back to meet hers.

she heard him whispering to her. “Dolly...I don't know if I can do this. What if...”

  “I don't care about anything else Jordan...I love you,” she proclaimed at last.

  Jordan stared into her eyes when he heard this. She wasn't sorry she had finally said it. Relieved at last, she meant it and didn't care if he loved her back or not. She had wanted this man since the day they had met and nothing was going to stop her from having him now.

  He kissed her softly on the lips. “I love you too Dolly...but...”

  “Then show me,” she demanded in a whisper. “Show me how much you love me Jordan.” Her left hand was on his cheek, her eyes pleading for him.

  Before she finished speaking she felt her clothes being carefully peeled from her body. She seemed in a trance of love realizing now that both their bodies were bare beneath the cover as he stroked every inch of her tanned silky flesh and trailed his hands with his lips across every inch of her. Dolly could hardly move. She had waited so long for seemed like forever.

  “I do love you Jordan,” she whispered over and over again as he made her feel like never before.

  “I love you too,” he quickly assured her as he gently made love to her at last, finding out quickly that she had reason not to remember sleeping with any other man. She hadn't. He felt her hold tighten when he first entered her body and knew she hurt, but couldn't stop, his fantasy of her was finally fulfilled. He loved her more than any other woman he'd met and wanted to prove that to her now.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered gently into her ear.

  “ long as I'm with you, I could never be harmed.”

  Jordan didn't know her name…he didn't know where she was from. All he knew was that he loved her and didn't care anymore if she ever regained her memory. They now had new memories together and a new life and he intended to make sure she never forgets him.

  Dolly's sudden pain turned to sheer pleasure almost instantly. At last she had the man she loved so much. They were together at last and her craving for him finally fulfilled. Never again would they sleep apart.

  Dolly awoke the next morning still smiling. She wasn't sure if she had ever went to sleep or if she had laid and stared at Jordan's luscious body next to hers all night. She crept over to him and kissed him gently on the chest.

  “Good morning handsome,” she greeted when he finally opened his gleaming eyes and gazed back at her.

  “Good morning,” he answered as his mouth quickly covered hers and he pinned her to the bed with the weight of his body. “Care for an instant replay?”

  “I've dreamed about it,” she replied already breathlessly enjoying his movement. They made love quickly and played together in the shower before finally dressing for their journey to Georgia.

  “Don't you want breakfast?” Dolly asked as Jordan carried their things to the trailer.

  “We can grab something on the way,” he replied. “I'm anxious to get moving. It'll take till sundown at least to get there.”

  “Do you have plenty of food and water for Myron?” she asked, double checking that all was ready.

  “He's good. Let's hit the road.”

  Dolly cuddled snugly against him as they drove. Jordan made sure her seat belt was securely around her this time. Then she began to worry again about his friendship with Martin. She looked up at Jordan.

  “Jordan...about Martin...”

  “Don't worry about Martin,” he replied strongly as he again reached down and opened the cooler. “I'll make sure he doesn't cause trouble again.” He handed Dolly a beer and this time opened one for himself. “Now hush and drink up! You know the rules little lady. Besides, you're awful cute when you're drunk.”

  Dolly chuckled at his devilish grin. “You wouldn't take advantage of me would ya?”

  Jordan leered at her playfully. “Oh yes I would,” he assured with an impish smile. Then he reached out to change the station on the radio.

  “Don't! I like that song,” Dolly admitted as she stopped him.

  “You do huh? When have you heard it before?” he asked almost suspiciously.

  “I don't know, but it's pretty.”

  Jordan patted her shoulder and drove on as they listened to the country western music on the radio.

  As Dolly snuggled to the warmth of Jordan's body it suddenly hit her. She looked up at him, mouth open, and started to speak but decided against it. She didn't want him to know.

  “What's wrong?” he asked as she quickly closed her eyes and mouth again.

  “Nothing. I was just curious to know where we are,” she quickly covered looking around at their surroundings.

  “Just about in Georgia,” he replied as he pulled her head warmly against his shoulder.

  Dolly had remembered that the song on the radio was the same song she had heard in her dream a couple of weeks earlier. She wasn't sure why or what it meant but felt there was no need to tell Jordan until she knew for sure. He already thought the dream was weird enough.

  Now she could clearly see the faces of the people screaming and a blur of a man singing on stage. It was confusing and still made no sense to her. Maybe a concert she had attended...or someone on television. Then Jordan broke her train of thought by playfully sliding his hand up her thigh.

  “You had better quit that,” she warned and teasingly grabbed his hand just before he made his target.

  “Why should I?” he asked through his sexy grin.

  “I don't wanna be in another wreck.”

  “Oh but at least this one will be worth it,” he teased as his hand tried to inch again.

  Dolly grabbed it and held it tightly smiling back joyfully. It felt good to finally have him wanting her as she has wanted him for so long.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” he finally retorted.

  “Cause...its afternoon and I'm hungry,” she replied trying not to laugh.

  Jordan shook his head. “Geesh, you're gonna break me on food.” His eyes quickly scanned her slender body and he shook his head again.

  “I can't help it.”

  “I'm just teasing. We'll stop in a little while. Gotta keep my woman happy.”

  Dolly felt her body tingle. “His woman. I like that, I like that very much,” she thought proudly then snuggled to him nearly forgetting her hunger. Thinking only about the night before, hardly unable to wait for the night that is yet to come.

  Chapter 8

  Jordan was right as usual. It was nightfall when they finally arrived at their destination in Georgia. Dolly watched enviously again as he quickly hooked up the trailer. They then went into town for supper. It felt good to at last have him holding her hand in public, putting his arm around her and treating her like his lady. All she has wanted from day one was to have Jordan love her back the way she loved him, and now it was finally happening.

  That night they again shared Jordan's bed in the trailer but much more comfortably this time. They were pretty tipsy from their day long trip, but enjoyed the pleasure of each others bodies that much more.

  “You're gonna flip this thing over if you don't behave,” she joked as Jordan playfully pounced on top of her.

  “I don't care,” he answered as he buried his face deep into her neck.

  “Jordan...promise you'll never stop loving me.”

  Jordan laid still and gazed affectionately into her eyes. “I can make and keep that promise,” he whispered seriously as his lips smothered over hers.

  Dolly was afraid her memory was about to come back completely. For some reason the song from her dream kept playing back over and over through her mind and she was beginning to see a man on stage singing and the faces in the screaming crowd were no longer just blurs, but were real, too real. She was afraid of remembering more but at least she knew for sure the man on stage wasn't her husband. It was clear after last night that Jordan was her first and only true love and she intended to keep it that way no matter what the future...or the past held for her.

  The face of the ma
n on stage remained a slight blur, and she didn't understand why. She only hoped when the time came that regaining her memory wouldn't disrupt the newly found love she now shared with Jordan. She loved him far too much.

  Dolly watched again as the final lap of the race began. Not a good day again for Jordan. He had two blown out tires and his car was a little banged up. Dolly already knew he wouldn't place in the top spots as he roared across the finish line in sixth place. She was still proud of him though, and couldn't care less if he never won again as long as they were together as a couple.

  Martin kept his distance all afternoon when he saw Jordan and Dolly appear smiling arm in arm. Still Jordan hadn’t mentioned the fact the he knew the truth and Dolly only hoped it would fade and they could at least remain friends. She didn't like Martin, but didn't want to see friends of that length of time be parted because of her.

  Dolly smiled joyously when Jordan emerged from his car. His face was red and his black wavy locks nearly straight from the weight of the sweat.

  “Now that's what I call a trophy,” he stated with pride as he grabbed her up and kissed her gallantly.

  “ stink and are all sticky!” Dolly exclaimed with laughter as she teasingly pushed him away.

  “That's all right. Now you have a reason to wash my back for me,” he replied and kissed her again making sure he knew Martin was watching. Making sure he got the message to leave his lady be.

  Martin tried to keep his distance now and remained with the rest of the crew, but Jordan saw him repeatedly and nervously glancing over at the two of them.

  “Hey don't you have work to do Martin?” Jordan yelled over to him when he caught him looking their direction again.

  Dolly felt suddenly flushed knowing it was about to go down. Jordan was sure to purposely start trouble with him. They were surely going to argue...or worse, she had felt the tension brewing all day.

  “Let's go Jordan,” she cut in quickly trying to avoid what ever was about to transpire.

  Jordan threw his arm firmly around her neck. “Okay, I've no use for that bastard anyway,” he proclaimed.


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