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Hunters of the Gods_Power of Their Mate

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Excuse me,” she said, and went to step forward, but both men reached for her hands.

  “Don’t go,” they said simultaneously, and she was scared. Terrified of what they wanted, what they could do. They were huge, and they were determined.

  “Get her name yet? The excitement is over,” a third man said, and oh boy, he was somehow just as attractive and big as the first two, and intense. Major freaking hardcore, warrior intense.

  She took a retreating step, felt her face flush and her body begin to shake as she bumped back into the first guy. His arm went to her hip again, and the one in front of her inhaled deeply. His nostrils flared, his shoulders appeared as if they got bigger, taller, and his chest puffed out. Her belly tingled, her heart began to pound faster and faster.

  “By the gods, it can’t be,” the blond whispered against her hair.

  She felt the hands on her shoulders, and then she freaked. As she looked for her friends, she saw that the scuffle was over, and her friends looked fine. She was relieved, but what about these three large men?

  “Name,” the one blond, who appeared last and looked intense, commanded.

  “Not interested,” she said, and went to walk away.

  The second man grabbed her hand. “Don’t go. Stay. Your friends can, too,” he said, and just then Avi, Loki, Alusia, and Luna returned.

  “Well that was fun. Who are your friends, Alex?” Alusia asked, and eyed over the three men.

  “Alex, a guy’s name?” the same one who approached her last asked.

  “Alexandra,” Avi said, and then smiled wide and they ordered more drinks.

  “You live around here, Alex?” he asked, and stroked her hip.

  Her insides fluttered, her nipples hardened, and she felt her pussy even come to life. She looked at her friends and knew they could probably smell her arousal and the fear. At first Avi snickered, but then she widened her eyes at her in warning, and Avi got serious and tried to pull the attention away from Alex. It didn’t work.

  “Do you live around here?” he asked a second time, and in a tone that was commanding. He definitely expected immediate respect and submission.

  “No,” she said, and then glanced at her friends who squinted, probably thinking she was crazy for blowing off such eye candy. But these three men looked like they could devour her and spit her out. No way.

  “Where then?” one of the others asked, and inhaled. His eyes looked as if they changed color and had different specks of blue and green in them. She stared up at him and the other two pressed closer.

  “What about you guys? Haven’t seen you around here before?” Avi asked, obviously picking up and Alex’s fears. They should all be able to pick up on them right now, they were wolves.

  “Don’t be afraid,” the blond who approached first whispered, as his large, warm hand pressed against her lower back.

  She was aroused, interested, and then her body tightened. She felt the blood moving through her veins, pulling her interest away from the three large wolves. It scared her, that sensation she got every now and then over the last four years that aided when she was fearful, hurt, uncertain, and even when she felt on guard. She didn’t know what it was, only that it started after the accident.

  Trepidation hit her belly, her gut clenched with fear, the aches from her injuries resurfaced and sent her mind back to that tragic day when she in fact escaped death. Her breathing hitched, she momentarily lost focus to where she was, the lame conversation around her amongst her friends and the three men. She stepped farther away from them, then felt it. That warm, deep sensation, as influential and healing as a hug, but more than that. Way more powerful than an embrace, it was part of her. It calmed her. Protected her. The fear dissipated. The aches soon diminish, and the fear was replaced with calmness and confidence once again. She was shocked. Overwhelmed, and unknowing of where it came from. To how it worked, but how it always happened at just the right moment. Whatever it was, she needed it to help her get past her fears, and live her life. The life given back to her by a means she could not remember, but she hoped to get the answer to one day, once and for all.

  A glance at the three men and her friends, and they looked perplexed. The older, scariest of the men stared at her strangely, and she knew she needed to leave. It was late and the best thing to do was to disappear. She whispered to Loki.

  “Excuse us a moment, we need to use the ladies room,” Loki said, and she and Loki disappeared. As soon as they were in the bathroom where no one could hear them, Loki shook her head. “You lucky little lady. Those three want you. By the gods they look hungry. What a way to lose that virginity.”

  “No, I’m leaving. I don’t feel right at all,” she replied, covering her belly with her arm.

  Loki placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I just got that feeling when I was scared.”

  “Scared of the three men?”

  “Terrified,” she whispered, and felt her insides shiver.

  “Shit, that isn’t good, although I don’t think they’re bad, but who knows because I’ve never seen them, and their scent is unfamiliar. It seems mixed, like local but not. I don’t understand it, but then again there’s so much perfume and cologne in this place it’s hard to get an accurate scent.”

  “Well I don’t have that ability to go by, just instincts, and they scare me.”

  “They’re supper fucking big, and Alphas, all three of them.”

  “No,” she replied, and started to feel even worse.

  Loki chuckled. “Figures that you finally are attracted to a man, men in this case, and they’re Alpha wolves.”

  Alex gave her arm and slap. “This isn’t funny. I’m scared.”

  “Okay, what do you want to do?”

  Alex raised her eyes and gave her a pleading look, knowing Loki would read her mind.

  “Are you kidding me? Sneak out on Alphas? Oh no, this isn’t good. The others will suffer the interrogation.”

  “Just tell them I’m from out of town, that I live overseas. That might work.”

  “For tonight, but if they come by here again or catch you somewhere local, then what?”

  “I’ll be better prepared.”

  Loki exhaled. “I don’t like this. It has the makings for a disaster.”


  “Fine, go, but be careful outside, those two sluts could be lingering, and since we kicked their asses they could be looking to pounce. They’re wolves.”

  “I’m going straight to my car.”

  “I’ll walk you out. You got me all on edge with your fears. I can sense it. I also think you’re crazy,” she said as they walked out of the bathroom, and then snuck out the side door.

  “Crazy, why?”

  “Well, first of all, those three are fucking hot. Secondly, you’re twenty-two almost twenty-three, and you haven’t had sex yet. Actually, thinking of that, maybe it wouldn’t be smart to make a wolf your first lay. Three forget it. They’d break you.”

  “You know you’re not helping right now to lessen my fear?”

  Loki chuckled. “It’s unreal that the human grabs the attention of Alpha wolves like those. I wonder who they are? I wish we could have gotten a better scent of them. Maybe when I go back there,” she said, and Alex unlocked the car door and looked at Loki.

  “I don’t care. Thanks for helping me out. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “You bet,” Loki said, and hugged Alex before she got into her little beat up silver sports car and headed out.

  Alex felt a combination of uneasiness and yet comfort, like leaving there, not letting those wolves closer to her was a good thing, but the thought made her feel it was all wrong. It was like there was this battle inside of her head and her body. She kept thinking back to the sexual pull, the way her pussy clenched and leaked, and how her nipples hardened and how she felt the mixed emotions. She wanted to cry she was so frustrated. Instead, she thought of her
grandmother and all the questions she would ask her tomorrow morning.

  Chapter Three

  “Elaina was there, and this wolf didn’t grab her?” Burdough asked Corpius, one of Roovio’s lead Alphas.

  “No, his eyes were focused on the child. A male, five years old or so, who had Alpha blood in him. We’ve all been searching diligently for males like this one,” Corpius replied.

  “That’s understandable then, so why wasn’t he successful?”

  “Some woman was there. She stopped him.”

  Burdough squinted as if Corpius was joking.

  “It was a crazy situation. The woman stopped him, and grabbed the attention of Elaina Saint’s guards. There was a foot chase, but our guy got away.”

  “Lucky he did. So there were kids there at the gallery with Elaina Saint? Did your guy catch a whiff of other children with Alpha blood?”

  “Several, Corpius.”

  “Interesting,” Burdough replied, and thought about how they could profit from this.

  “Was it a school?”

  “No, an orphanage. One set up by the Saint and Keuric packs to take in any young cubs who lost their parents during the raids,” Corpius replied.

  “There may be more?”

  “Orphanages or Alpha children?”

  “Both. I want you to look into this further. Find out what you can about the orphanage, its location, and further planned day trips that might give us access to grab some of these children for our cause. I’ll bring the leaders up to date. In the meantime, make sure that wolf lays low and doesn’t show his face anywhere.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll take care of it,” Corpius said, then bowed before exiting the room.

  Burdough needed to speak to Roovio. There had to be a way to keep this new method of gaining power away from the other leaders under him. If they found out that children were being taken for their bloodlines and alpha abilities, the Circle of Elders could catch wind of it and bring down the reins of hell. As conniving and intelligent as Roovio was, they wouldn’t get away with this for long. It was better to plan one or two hits with a secure army that could be in and out quickly. He would begin to formulate a plan, but first he needed to speak with his men.

  * * * *

  “What was it that you felt?” Grandma Margarete asked Alexandra.

  Alexandra looked out the window in her grandmother’s house as they sipped a special herbal tea and talked about the three wolves.

  “Many things, Grandma.”

  Her granddaughter’s face went flush, and Margarete hid her smile.

  “Such as?”

  Alexandra looked at her, then uncrossed her legs and sat forward.

  “Initially desire. My entire body heated up. My heart raced, my…well, I was aroused, okay,” she said, and then looked away.

  “Sounds like you were instantly attracted to them. Did they seem attracted to you?”

  “Yes, at first. I think they came over to protect me from the other wolf causing trouble, but then one sniffed my hair and his hold got tight. Then the second came over asking about my name, and when he sniffed my hair he looked possessed. When the third one approached he seemed shocked, but then all three tried to make me stay. They asked me questions and I stared at them. Absorbed their sizes. They were huge, Grandma. Absolutely huge.

  Her granddaughter shivered and then put down the cup of tea and hugged herself. Could it be? Could Alexandra have found her mates?

  “Who were these wolves?”

  “I don’t know. I got out of there, especially when I suddenly felt so fearful and confused, and that sensation I’ve told you about over the years came on full force. It was calming, but then as I felt the attraction to the men and they tried to stay closer, sniff my hair and well, cause my body to sway toward them and even relax, the fear came on. Then a sensation like a shield went up and the men looked at me strangely. I made an excuse to leave to go use the ladies room then disappeared.”

  Margarete rubbed her chin and thought about Cable’t. She would need to talk to him and find out exactly what was going on. This could cause problems they didn’t plan on. Confusion for her granddaughter. Perhaps focusing on Alyssa and Brock, and their place when the time came wasn’t where priorities needed to be.

  “Did you hear from your friends’? From Loki about the wolves’ reaction to you disappearing?”

  “Loki said that they were angry, that the one larger one, who seemed to be the lead Alpha of the three, demanded she tell them where I live. She listened to my suggestion and said I live out of the country and was visiting, but heading home today. Then they got a phone call and headed out.”

  “Interesting. Well, you won’t be able to avoid them for long if they reside anywhere in town or nearby.”

  “What do I do then?”

  “If they’re your mates, then there isn’t anything you can do.”

  “My mates?” she asked and stood up, eyes wide, looking scared.

  “Alexandra, the gods have a way of making things happen for a reason.”

  “Well they screwed up. I can’t be the mate to three wolves.”

  “Alphas,” Margarete stated.

  She saw the tears fill Alexandra’s eyes as she shook her head, then plopped back down onto the seat and covered her face with her hands. She ran her fingers through her long platinum blonde hair and looked at Margarete with shock and fear.

  “I can’t. I’m afraid of wolves. I know what they’re capable of. I don’t even know how I’ll react if I hear one growl. What if they attack? What if they’re bad? I don’t want to be some slave to wolves, and didn’t you say something about mixing humans and were’s was dangerous? That’s is tainted blood and seen as a complete negative?” She rambled on, and Margarete walked closer and rubbed her shoulder.

  “Child, it isn’t, and well, I suppose it’s time to explain a few things.”

  “Oh God, you mean there’s more? You didn’t tell me and Alyssa everything?”

  “I’m afraid not. I needed to wait for the right time, and to be honest, it may still be premature to explain it to you now, but considering these men are Alphas, and not knowing where they are from, and what pack they are part of and how soon they locate you, it’s probably better I explain now.”

  “Oh God.”

  Margarete walked over to the large old chest and unlocked it. She reached inside and searched for the album. She then walked back toward Alexandra and took the seat next to her. Staring into her granddaughter’s gorgeous blue eyes, and the expression of concern but also confidence, and she felt that the time was right.

  “We come from a bloodline of fairies, but not the traditional kind. Ours are unique, and each of us has some sort of special ability or talent, mostly stemming from medicinal. But we can simply be therapists, healers, or some shields to the powers of evil of all kinds. I’m still trying to figure out which you are and of course Alyssa, but the spell is strong, so who knows. Fairies have many abilities and talents. Some are sent in to calm the storms, to alleviate the anxiety and fears of those the gods choose us to take care of. Then there was your mother. She was quite special when she met your father, and he had a series of bloods running through his veins including were, but not only that, he had bear, dragon, hawk, and some others.”

  “What? How can that be? You explained after the accident about not mixing the bloodlines and races of different creatures, that mostly it caused rogue shifters. Are you saying my parents were rogue?”

  “No, no, of course not,” Margarete replied as she patted Alexandra’s knee.

  “They were special, and both had the abilities to shift, to speak various languages, and to bring together species that were enemies in order to defeat evil and the true rogues of society. Which brings me back to the day they left, they had no choice. Your mother Teressa and your father Ornark, were being hunted so that they could be captured and used by a demon and wolf named Volkan.”

  “What happened to them?” she asked.

set out to kill you and Alyssa. Your parents were forced to help him, and to take away attention toward you and your sister, but when the time came for your parents to assist, and basically annihilate four key members of the Circle of Elders, they refused. I took you both away and hid you successfully with the use of my powers and those of our ancestors. Of your ancestors, too.”

  “And Volkan? What happened to him?”

  “He lives, but in hiding. No one knows where he is, but he remains on the list.”

  “What list?” Alexandra asked, and then licked her lower lip.

  “One that the gods were forced to create over time in order to protect the sacred rules and laws of this realm and all others. Laws that you know now, that I’ve taught you for a reason.”

  “What reason is that, Grandma? For me to be forced into something I’m not certain of and don’t truly understand, and can only take into account because of your stories and what you tell me?”

  “To one day become part of that order, part of the leaders, and perhaps aide to the elders themselves. I don’t know what the gods have planned for you, but it’s so much more than your photography, than your twenty-two years of human life. When the shield breaks, and I don’t know when or how, all will be known to you and what your position is in this realm.”

  Alexandra exhaled. “You said there’s this list. Who monitors that and decides on adding or eliminating people or whatever they are, from that list?”


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