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Hunters of the Gods_Power of Their Mate

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  It was a sense, again, a tingling sensation that let her know she had control of so much. She could let them hear her thoughts and she could block them completely.

  “Choose wisely, pet, or they’ll be hell to pay,” Cable’t said to her, and she felt the light caress of his hand over her ass and she giggled.

  “I think it’s smart that you don’t come with us to the estate today. I get this feeling that not everyone supports the Saint pack that resides on the property.”

  “I think you should hide your capabilities and also your connection to me.”

  “Hmmm, how will that go over? I will miss you.”

  “I think your wolves need reassurance about this. About me. You’re the one who has brought this odd arrangement about.”

  “Arrangement? Still being resistant, Cab?” she asked, then got down and turned to look around her.

  She locked gazes with Preston. He looked pissed off, with his arms crossed while Heracio and Saunder kept looking around on guard, like soldiers. She could hear their thoughts.

  “By the gods, keep her safe. She is so beautiful, she is everything to me.” Preston thought and then she saw some of the battles he fought, the blood, the dead bodies, the fear of not making it out alive. Her heart raced, and tears filled her eyes. Then she heard Heracio. “Help me to protect her always. Help me to be strong, to protect my brothers, my mate, and this pack. She is so damn special. Why have the gods chosen us? How can we protect her from the evil I feel nearby?”

  She looked at Saunder and heard his thoughts, as well as more tears, filled her eyes and her heart soared with love and adoration for them. Even at this small distance she felt uneasy. Cable’t wrapped that arm around her waist and whispered to her.

  “I am always near. Nothing can keep me away from you, from protecting you. Your wolves will do the same.”

  She closed her eyes and listened to Saunder’s thoughts. “Give me the strength. Give my brothers and Cable’t the abilities, the knowledge to protect our mate and to save our pack from whatever danger may be coming. She is my everything.”

  Alexandra walked toward them. Preston was closest and she went right into his arms and she kissed him as he hugged her tight. She felt Saunder and Heracio place their hands on her too and kiss her shoulder, then she felt the hand around her waist from Cable’t. She inhaled their scents, knowing they were her mates. It was all so new. She focused on what she wanted to share with them and then realized all she needed to do was to allow them any power she felt fit. Any abilities she had, she could share with them temporarily.

  “I love you all so very much. You’ve broken the spell, and in doing so have revealed to me many things. Some I can share, some I cannot, but this, this I want us to have together.”

  “I can hear you, mate,” Preston said, and she squeezed him tight.

  “I do, too. By the gods this is incredible,” Saunder said.

  “I feel it as well as hear it. The flow of your blood, the beating of your heart, the desire, that itch that needs scratching,” Heracio said, and she felt the hand move over her ass and squeeze. She gasped and pulled back.

  “As do I, wolves. Hurry to visit your pack then get her back to me at my estate. The mating process is not complete,” Cab said to all of them.

  “It’s not complete? It feels complete,” she said to them as she stepped back and covered her heart with her hand.

  “No, it is going to take many, many, many times of making love to you, of filling you with our cocks and our seed for it to take fully, and for you to be bound to each of us, and each of us bound to you, forever,” Cable’t said, and she felt his lips against her neck and then his teeth.

  She closed her eyes and Heracio, and Saunder held her but Preston snickered. “I’m liking you more and more, Cable’t. Great minds think alike,” he said, and then kissed her lips and held her close.

  She realized they were teasing her and she quickly countered. “I think we’re going to be a little late.”

  An hour later, minus Cable’t, they arrived at the Saint compound. Again, things felt different. They were greeted with smiles, with excitement and celebration that the three Alphas, the future leaders of the pack, found their mate. She was sure to keep Cable’t’s scent from her skin, so no others would know of his connection, too. She assured her men that it was important to not disclose him quite yet. Which put them on edge, and had Heracio gripping her hand and keeping her close.

  “Heracio, it will be fine. I’m new to all the sensations and want to heed caution as precaution, that’s all.”

  He squeezed her hand and then brought it to his lips to kiss just as they entered the front door to their parent’s home.

  “Alexandra!” Elaina exclaimed, and Heracio released her hand and she went right into the open arms of her mates’ mother. They hugged tightly, and her body and mind absorbed the goodness of this woman and the positive influence she had on this pack and on this family.

  “Are you okay?” Elaina asked, stepping back.

  “The question is, are you? I understand they drugged you.”

  “I’m fine. Was just a little loopy the past few days. The doctors say it was this formula they gave me to sedate me for quite some time,” Elaina said, and then had a scowl on her face as she reached up and touched Alexandra’s chin to see the bruising on her cheekbone. Alexandra could have healed that, but again, she was being sure to not reveal her powers and abilities to anyone.

  “Have you been icing this?” she asked, and then looked at her sons.

  Preston stepped closer and pulled his mother into his arms. “There were more important things to work on, but believe me, our mate got the care she needed, and she will continue to get the care she needs,” he said, and Elaina squeezed him tight.

  “I am so proud of you. She is more than perfect. I can feel the bond you share already.”

  He stepped back, and his brothers hugged her next.

  “Welcome to the family, Alexandra,” Comton said to her, and she bowed her head and he gave a soft smile before pulling her into his arms for a hug. Lytes and Frame followed, and she sensed their concerns and fears. Something was going on.

  “Your fathers are concerned over something.”

  “Over what?” Preston asked, and placed his hand on her shoulder and looked at her. She gave him a wink.

  “Can you try to be less obvious that we are talking through our mind link?” He glared at her and then pulled her close and kissed her deeply. She held onto his arms and when he released her, he gave her ass a tap.

  “Let my mother show you the garden. You can grab a drink and we all will meet you out there,” he said.

  She nodded, and she and Elaina walked out to the gardens. There were a few guards nearby and Alexandra could see the sad expression on Elaina’s face. She touched her arm.

  “It won’t be forever. The Alphas are taking precautions and rightfully so. The other night was scary, and your protection is priority.”

  Elaina squinted at her then stared at her hand. Alexandra felt something. A tingling sensation as she oozed calmness to Elaina. Elaina inhaled and then closed her eyes. A smile formed on her lips. “A healer, of Fae,” she whispered, and Alexandra watched her open her eyes and she smiled.

  “I think there’s much for us to discuss, but first, my abilities, my ancestry should not be publicized.”

  Elaina squinted as Alexandra pulled her hand away and they walked through the gardens. “Did this come from the mating?” Elaina asked.

  “This conversation is to remain between us, and no one else, as I’m sure your Alphas are being made aware of my abilities and ancestry right now by your sons.”

  “Of course. This is a blessing to the pack, to my sons and the family. It may also be a concern though.”

  “Exactly, Elaina. If the gods have connected us like this, then I’m afraid danger could be approaching.”

  “To our pack?” she asked, and covered her heart with her hand.

not certain. I think I’ll leave the investigation to my mates and to yours for now. So much has happened, and this danger could be minor, or could be part of a much larger picture.”

  “I fear it could be much larger, Alex. Things are changing so much. I’ve overheard the discussion with my men and the elders as well as enforcers. There seems to be chaos everywhere. Packs being destroyed from within, forced matings of various species forming rogue warriors, and women being captured and forced to bear children from these rogues in hopes of crossing the bloodlines and gaining power. Your men will need to protect you at all times,” she said to her, and Alexandra felt the fear, and the concern, but forced a small smile. “Being aware is key. The gods have a plan and together we will work it all out accordingly.”

  “You seem confident, and I like that. I fear for the other packs. For the cousins and my Alphas’ sister, Selania, and her pack.”

  “Does she live around here, too?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, they are the Keuric Pack, and then there are so many cousins to both packs. The family had been hit with so much over the years. A few years back one of Selania’s nephews went missing and the other brothers all separated in search of him. They’ve been battling overseas, and haven’t come home in quite some time.”

  Alexandra recognized the name, but then she felt some sort of block in her mind and wondered if it were Cable’t. She squinted.

  “So what exactly are you then, human and Fae?” Elaina asked.

  “I don’t know fully. I believe in order to protect me and my powers of healing and other things, that it will come in time and as the mating process continues and our bond grows stronger, more will be revealed.”

  “I am here for you and for my sons. So tell me, do you have any family?” she asked, and Alexandra felt the mix of emotions. She didn’t tell anyone about her sister except for her Alphas, and sensed it would be okay to tell Elaina about her grandmother. She smiled. “I have a grandmother who raised me since I was a baby.”

  “Well, we must make plans to meet her. Perhaps we can do lunch together, or she could come for dinner the next time you and my sons join us.”

  “That is so kind of you, Elaina. Thank you.”

  Elaina smiled as they walked back toward one of the outside tables under an umbrella and waited for the men to return.

  * * * *

  “A vampire? Cable’t Goustou?” Comton raised his voice. Lytes and Frame, their fathers were seriously shocked.

  “That information is to remain between only us and our mate,” Preston said and Heracio and Saunder stared at their fathers.

  “And you accepted this?” Lytes asked.

  “The gods have spoken. The bond is taking and mating has begun. There is much more at stake here than just finding our mate and growing the pack. Alexandra is special,” Preston said to them.

  “Apparently so, for the gods to place her with three superior Alphas and a powerful and feared vampire. If he is also her mate, then why is he not here, as well?” Comton asked.

  “As I said, we feel his connection to us and Alexandra should be kept hidden. As you spoke to us about the conflict, the abduction of women across the US and abroad, as well as numerous sightings of rogue species, we must believe that this mating has been deployed because of those dangers and our roles in securing the packs.”

  “Preston, we don’t even know who is involved with this. Every mission and investigation issued by the elders has come up with small cells of rogue wolves, brainwashed as soldiers. We get nothing from them,” Lytes informed him.

  “Well, now that we’re back on pack land, and have found our mate and will continue the process, we can ask the Circle of Elders permission to help investigate these violent crimes as Hunters of the gods. Before meeting our mate, we considered interviewing for the new positions they were gathering to track down the ones responsible for the rogue behavior and violence. Now we can assist right here at home on pack land.”

  Their fathers nodded.

  “So what is she then? I sensed something different, but a barrier of some sort is still put up,” Lytes asked.

  “As far as we can tell right now, she is Fae, has healing powers, and an ability to calm fears or anxiety and help those in need. She believes that more is to come the further the mating process continues,” Preston said.

  “She is a stunning woman, angelic in many ways. We will keep the secret about Cable’t. Let’s go join the women and celebrate your mating,” Compton said and they headed out to the gardens with drinks in hands, and Preston felt happy to be here and to share this moment with his family.

  Chapter Nine

  “What is so important about this woman?” Evon Voltek asked Berlise.

  “It seems she may be the mate to Preston, Heracio, and Saunder,” Berlise replied.

  “No!” Evon slammed his hand down on the desk.

  “This is bad news. This will interfere in the plan.”

  “There’s more.”

  “What more bad news could you have? The Saint pack, Keuric, and very few others will be the last standing packs in the way to greatness for the cause.”

  “At the gallery event the other night, a vampire was keeping this woman, Alexandra’s company.”

  Evon narrowed his eyes at him. “A vampire? Who?”

  “Cable’t Goustou.”

  Evon Voltek’s eyes widened and he felt the anger in his chest. “And her mates allowed that? A vamp near their woman? You see how weak-minded they are? So set in the ways of their ancestors, and believe that they can live in peace with the humans, that vampires can be friends with wolves. Fools! This is why the takeover is crucial.”

  “Perhaps she is something special? It’s the only reason there could be for her to be allowed to associate with a vamp when she is mate to those Alpha wolves.”

  “What did our men sense of her? What is she?”

  “Not sure, but she could fight, she showed no fear, and when she entered the room all eyes went to her.”

  He thought about that. About what they were doing in aiding to capture anyone with Alpha blood to force a bond. He didn’t trust Roovio. He thought he was out for himself and he kept such a low profile no one even knew his power. He wasn’t better then Evon though, but the narcissistic wolf believed he was. Well, maybe this was the opportunity Evon was waiting for and deserved in order to put Roovio in his place. If this woman was that special, perhaps mating her himself would bring on more power. More than Roovio hoped to have by forcing matings, abducting children and women with strong bloodlines?

  “Find out her schedule. Try the gallery first, her freelance jobs or someplace accessible where her mates aren’t around to save her, then grab her and bring her to the place. Call me immediately and I will come and see for myself exactly what she has to offer a wolf like me.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Boniface, meet Alexandra.”

  Alexandra smiled and reached out to shake the large man’s hand. Her hand was lost in it as he gave her a kind expression, not a smile, until he inhaled. He looked at Cable’t, and Cable’t nodded. “And these are her Alphas, Preston, Heracio, and Saunder.”

  They shook hands and Boniface seemed very firm and knowledgeable. He led them to a formal living room in the large, older estate, and she was in awe of the paintings, all originals and classic pieces dating back centuries.

  “Oh my, no way,” she said, and walked closer to one that appeared to be a portrait of Cable’t. Her body hummed and she felt the need for his touch grow stronger.

  She turned to look at him.

  “A tour of the rest of your home?” she asked.

  He reached out his hand. “Come,” he said, and they walked from the room and began to tour the house, but she barely could concentrate. As she walked and he spoke a bit of the history of the place, then led them farther and deeper toward the back of his home, every bit of her began to ache with need. Her pussy clenched, and her breasts swelled. She swore she could feel a mouth on her nipple.
  “Oh.” She moaned and gripped the door frame.

  “Alexandra, are you okay?” Preston asked, and pressed her to the wall and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes, then felt the buttons to her dress come undone and the zipper fall. She gasped, pressed her hand to her chest, then her other hand behind her and the four men stalked toward her and into a large bedroom. She saw their eyes change, and desire grew in them.

  “Hands by your sides, mate,” Heracio ordered, and then undid his shirt as her zipper lowered on its own and then the dress fell from her body.

  “Oh Cable’t, you’re very naughty,” she whispered, and then licked her lips. He stared at her with those red eyes and her bra unclipped and fell from her breasts, and then slowly her panties came down.

  “Now that is talent,” Saunder said, and cupped her breasts then pressed his mouth to hers. It was on and she couldn’t wait for them all to make love to her.

  Alexandra absorbed the feel of Heracio’s hands cupping her ass cheeks as he lifted her up into his arms. He turned around as he suckled her neck, and he fell to the bed behind them. She climbed up his gorgeous naked body and found his cock, but instead of riding it, she eased down and took him into her mouth as he gripped her hair, gathered the locks in his fist, and thrust upward slowly.

  Smack, smack.

  She moaned as Preston spanked her ass. “You aren’t in charge, mate. In the bedroom, we are,” he said, and then eased his cock into her cunt, balls deep.

  She moaned and accepted his thrusts until he slid her hands behind her back and held them to her ass as he pumped into her. She continued to suck up and down on Heracio’s cock until he ordered her to stop so they could fuck her together.


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