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Zodiac Awakening

Page 10

by Drew Smith

  “Orson it has been some time, I am glad to see you unharmed,” started the counsellor Gerald, “You know the council has had its hard times during this whole ordeal, and we have limited resources at hand but to see you is a sight for sore eyes.”

  Orson was facing Gerald as the counsellor poured himself a glass of wine. He smiled, and stared at Orson. He was a bald man, with decorative silver armour. His goatee was trimmed perfectly, and his mere presence felt intimidating. Orson knew to watch his manners since this man was known as the leader of the council of Twilight.

  “So what has happened to the regiments? I need to know what happened to the Zodiac Knights, sir.” Orson began.

  “Yes of course, well you have been gone a long time, and with demons at every door step in the land we have not been able to offer help to everyone. The Zodiac Knights are working around Twilight to keep the demons at bay, but as time passes reports come in of more and more losses. I wouldn’t worry though. As you know, the Zodiac Knights are twelve warriors that led Twilight to victory during the Dragon Wars. You are one of them after all.”

  “You said the knights are stationed at every town, I was just at Taurald and I saw no soldiers there.” Orson seemed confused.

  “Taurald is your Regiment am I right? Taurald, Leodot, Ariond, and Piscyst have all been moved, the Taurus regiment is with Gemini in Geminite, Ariond is with Cancer in Canby, and Pisces is with us here in Capaz. They are restocking supplies and heading out to Piscyst. I am currently waiting reports of the whereabouts of the other five regiments. As you noticed, my Scorpial knights are within the city. All of our units are of only third or second class, very few first classes like yourself are left. That’s why I needed you to know I’m leaving to Scorpial to aid in the fall back of a Lord.”

  “Sir where is the rest of the council? Are you the only one here?” Orson asked, worriedly. Gerald looked at Orson for a moment.

  “Yes, for now. The others should be arriving soon. Lady Concy as well. If you hadn’t come back, this meeting would have been discussing a replacement for you. I know it has been a long time to wait to vote for a replacement, but reports came in from time to time with sightings of you. I see now that you were still around, but why not come back to the council?”

  “I was searching for my brother. It’s a long story, but to make it simple, I wanted to be sure he was safe,” He explained.

  “I understand, and I won’t pry. I need you to greet Lady Concy and inform her what I have told you. I also need you to start the Council meeting in my place. After that I need you to travel to Sagnet.”

  “Sir I have to decline, I will do the meeting for you but I have Lumus coming here now, and I’m traveling with him to stop Lears. I cannot leave him and Scarlette now.”

  Gerald dropped his glass of wine, shattering it on the ground.

  “You’re saying the boy survived with you? Lumus is alive, and to have Lady Scarlette back. I would very much like to talk with her.”

  “Yes sir, but we must gather here and find out our plans, we cannot leave yet, and I cannot go to Sagnet when there is much I need to do here,” He explained.

  Gerald walked over to the end of the long table and sat down at the end of the table on a fancy looking leather chair placing his hands under his chin.

  “Orson, I need you to take action. But I see that there are more pressing matters for you. I will go to Scorpial’s aid and you will be promoted to Knight Councillor Orson,” Gerald smiled

  “Sir?” Orson answered but felt a little disoriented.

  “Look, we do not have time for formalities, but my word is law as Lead Councillor, so I will write a letter for Lady Concy to announce at our meeting. Now I must leave for my preparations. Do as I do Orson, and live by my words of advice, the days of tomorrow are the choices of today. Commit that to memory and you will not fail.” Gerald’s smile faded.

  “Sir.” Orson put his arm to his chest as he stood up straight and looked straight ahead of him.

  “Orson, you are now Councillor; your new title gives you freedom of choice. You have authority to command knights of any nation along with the choice of whom you travel with. I will take your responsibilities of Taurald. I will send half of my knights to watch over Taurald. They will watch over things for the time being. You will have to appoint a successor to act as Councillor in your absences, but the council will need time to find a suitable candidate.”

  Orson nodded. Gerald took his leave and the door shut slowly behind him leaving him alone to think.

  (“Not just a Councillor? Knight Councillor? What does that even mean?”) He walked over to the window to look down at the city of Capaz. After a moment, he smiled.

  (“Boy there really is a lot of people here, they don’t even seem aware that Lears is out there, I wonder why they seem so peaceful?”)

  Zelkem walked down the main road past all of the street vendors, many people shouted at him pitching sales of their stock. Kids played and ran through the tall grass in-between houses as he walked by. A small boy sat on a stump that seemed out of place for such a city. Zelkem approached him to spark a conversation, but as he did the boy jumped up looked both ways then shot off toward town.

  (“Well at least I can sit here till the others arrive, I just don’t get it. There seems to be a lot of soldiers around here.”) Zelkem looked over to one of the soldiers by the main gate. He stood there tall and still. Zelkem scrolled down to his emblem on his sheath. It was a diamond shape emblem like all of the other’s, and there was a smaller diamond on the inside with a light blue orb in the centre but no other orbs, that’s how he knew he was third class. The colour on his chest under his neckline was emerald green. He knew he was from Piscyst regiment. The knight on the other side of the main gate had an orb on both sides of the small blue orb.

  (“Wow that guy’s second rank, even the big guys do guard duty.”) He looked a little closer and noticed his colour under his neckline was brown indicating that he was Capaz regiment.

  Zelkem crossed his arms behind his head and stretched out while letting out a yawn. He began to think of the others and where they could be. He thought about Taurald and all the people they left to die. (“I could have helped them, I could have stopped those weak Krotin. I regret just leaving them. Stupid… Orson’s weakness is rubbing off on me.”) Zelkem watched the main gate hoping the others would appear as he made himself comfortable.

  (“Knight Councilman, what does that mean, does he expect me to make the world better from a room… I can’t be a councilman. I’m not a strategist, I am a warrior. Gerald was a warrior at one point too though. Maybe he sees that a warrior like me can change things like he did. He was the one that approved the core expedition, and he defeated over seven dragons in the Dragon Wars. Now he’s going to aid Scorpial. Maybe I should go to Sagnet, I could help the Sagnet regiment, but on the other hand I cannot leave Scarlette or Lumus. Damn I wish someone would tell me what to do.”)

  Trumpets played loudly as the Blue moon shined down on Capaz beautifully. Knights poured in with three Zufore’s dressed in golden armour following behind them. Orson stopped abruptly, turned his head towards the music and walked to the closest window.

  (“Lady Concy has arrived with the Virphire regiment.”) Orson turned away and headed to the meeting room.

  “You there,” Orson said, stopping a woman wearing a servant uniform, “I need you to give a message to Lady Concy. Tell her that Knight Councillor Orson will be waiting for her in the Council meeting room.”

  “Of course sir, I will tell her immediately.” The woman took off with haste. Orson turned back to the meeting room once again.

  (“Hmm, what’s this noise? A parade?”) Zelkem jumped off his stump to notice a beautiful woman dressed like royalty. She sat to one side of the Zufore so her full dress could sit properly, her bright golden hair ran down to her shoulders, and a tiara that blinded Zelkem at first. He noticed a small diamond with a circular blue gem in the centre.

  “Wow she
really makes an entrance,” Zelkem said, mesmerized.

  “You there! Don’t get any ideas you understand?” A man riding a Zufore passed by Zelkem; his lance was twice his body length and his chest plate was what looked like plain steel. He wore gauntlets that had green gems on the left arm but not the right.

  “Look pal I don’t need a lecture, so don’t test me,” Zelkem yelled back with confidence.

  “Maybe a beating would suit you, boy,” An older man dressed in dark green armour replied, as he rode up on another Zufore. He had a giant battle-axe on his back that looked like it would take five people just to swing.

  “Did you just call me boy? Look old man I don’t want to ruin your fancy parade but you’re starting to piss me off,” Zelkem snapped back.

  The man got off his Zufore and reached for his axe. Zelkem noticed it was a double bladed axe after he took it off his back.

  “Well maybe I can teach you some manners!” The man swung downward at Zelkem so quickly that he couldn’t respond. With a flash the axe stopped. Zelkem looked up to see Lumus holding the axe with just his index finger and his thumb clamped together.

  “In these times fighting each other will not resolve anything. I was under the impression that people of Twilight were more understanding than to just attack people on the streets,” Lumus said. The glowing layer of blue light faded from his body.

  “You, what is this? Are you Lears?” The knight asked.

  “My name is Lumus.” Lumus let go of the axe as Scarlette walked up beside him. She removed her hood.

  “Lady Scarlette. You’re alive!” The man blurted out. The crowd backed away in amazement. Lady Concy rode up beside her knight.

  “Joffree, that will be enough, report to the palace. You will be on guard duty until I say otherwise.” Lady Concy made no sign of a joke in her tune. Joffree looked back at Zelkem with a smirk. Lumus stepped in front of him to stare him down. Joffree gave a short look at Lumus then turned for the palace.

  “Lady Scarlette, I am happy to see you. It has been a long time since we last met. I’m sure you have much to say, but Councillor Gerald and I have to meet as well. I would like you to join us in the palace.”

  “I will accompany you my lady, but how did you know it was me?”

  “Your hair. The only girl in the world with pink hair. Unique to only you. That is how everyone knows. Is that not why you wore your hood?” Lady Concy explained with a smile.

  Brinx, Frostear and Zephry came though the main gate on their Zufore’s.

  “Demon!” Joffree turned to ready his axe once again. Lumus stood in front of him.

  “He is no demon, he is with us. These are our companions.”

  “Then you all shall join us at the palace.” Lady Concy interrupted. She turned around toward the palace. Joffree jumped on his Zufore, confused by the demon’s acceptance.

  “I’m glad to see you guys, things were getting dull here.” Zelkem said with a laugh. He had an odd smile on his face.

  “If you want to continue with us Zelkem you can’t stir trouble in our absence,” Scarlette said sternly. They followed after lady Concy as the trumpets started up again.

  “Lady Councillor Concy, a message for you ma’am,” The servant quickly handed her a letter before jolting back to the palace.

  “It’s a message from Knight Councillor Orson? Right, Lady Scarlette and Lumus please follow me - the rest of you please wait in the throne room.

  “Lumus I don’t think I am welcome here, the people are staring at me with fear,” Brinx said with concern.

  “Just wait in the throne room, you’re safe here Brinx. Scarlette, let’s go.” Lumus ordered, “ and Frostear, keep Zelkem out of trouble please.”

  “You have my word, he won’t be a problem.” Frostear looked back at Zelkem; Zelkem sighed and threw his arms behind his head.

  Scarlette walked off with Lumus and Lady Concy.

  “Scarlette, I am glad you’re back. Really I am. Where have you been all these years? We really thought we lost you in the Aster Mountains that day.” The three continued for the meeting room as Concy spoke.

  “Some things are just best saved for the right time. Let’s wait to see Orson before we begin catching up.” Scarlette replied. Lumus stayed silent the entire walk to the meeting hall.

  The doors to the meeting hall creaked open slowly; Orson sat in the head chair at the end of the long table where Gerald sat earlier. He faced the entrance with his hands under his chin just as Gerald did.

  “Orson!” Scarlette yelled out, she ran over as he stood up with a smile. She hugged him long and hard before lady Concy interrupted.

  “Shall we sit down, we have much to speak about,” Lady Concy said eagerly.

  Lumus sat down as she finished, and Scarlette sat across from him. Orson sat beside her and finally Concy sat beside Lumus.

  “So I suppose I will start. I have a few things I would like cleared up before you all begin. First would have to be, what happened in Aster Mountain twenty years ago?” Concy seemed excited to hear their story. Scarlette explained her story to Lady Concy. Lumus listened closely though he already heard her story, and Orson’s side of the story. Lumus noticed Lady Concy’s amazement as Scarlette told her story.

  “What about you in the mountains, Scarlette?” Concy interrupted.

  “I died. Demons poured in from every cavern, and when I woke up I was in another realm called the realm of the dead. I know this seems strange Lady Concy, but please hear me out.”

  “Go on Scarlette.” Lady Concy didn’t seem phased by anything she said.

  “Okay, well I had lived there with a man named Ged that had been there for almost one hundred years. He showed me around and taught me a few things about the realm. Things here on Twilight began to get worse though, that’s when the West Zin approached me. She is the creator of the west side of our galaxy. Normally after death, a person has to prove themselves over a period of one hundred years to earn their chance to become alive again, but because of my knowledge of the circumstances with Lumus, I was told to go back to help. So, I was let through a portal in Ged’s place. Just as I left through the portal I saw Ged run toward me, but I had already made it through. I was teleported to Twilight, but West Zin opened another portal to Dystopia once I arrived. In Dystopia I stayed there for ten years to watch over Lumus. My body did not age in the Realm of the dead though, so I still appeared to be a nine year old girl. Lumus was ten then, I guess I felt like I was still nine and my life was just paused. After ten years Orson came back, I found the portal back to Twilight thanks to West Zin’s information, and I went in after I saw that Orson was back with Lumus. I went in and made it to Ariond. I stayed with a family that told me about a cave people used to hide from Lears. I learned that Orson stayed with the same family that I did, and they told me that he was coming and going from Varlif forest a lot in his trips to Ariond. I figured Orson would bring Lumus there - at least I was hoping he would. When I went there I ran into his brother Zelkem, and he and I waited but only Lumus and Brinx showed up.”

  “You forgot to mention how Brinx came to the group.” Concy interrupted again.

  “Well I wasn’t there for that actually,” Scarlette replied, looking over to Orson.

  “Brinx jumped us in the forest on the outskirts of Dystopia’s Aster Mountains. Long story short, he asked to come, and Lumus allowed him. At first I wasn’t sure but he seems to have good intentions. Although, I still don’t trust him entirely.” Orson added.

  “So, Lumus and Brinx came, and we waited a day before we left for Twilight Prison. We found Orson but he had been brain washed by Lears. He fought Frostear, and after Ged showed up, Orson came back to his senses and helped fight Ged off. Lumus went after Lears but we are still unsure if he finished him. That’s also where we met Zephry and Frostear. Zephry was locked away in the prison and Frostear helped to free her. Now they are our allies.”

  “Hmm, well if you didn’t leave anything out I guess we are caught up then

  “Lady Concy, when did you become a council member?” Orson asked, interested in her story.

  “The council was a collection of fourteen members before the incident at the core.” Lumus felt guilty at Concy’s comment.

  “Now it is just thirteen members. We have one for each city and Gerald oversees each councillor. I read Gerald’s letter by the way. Knight Councillor? I can see that he believes you will be more useful helping Lumus go after Lears than sitting in a room.”

  Orson stood up and walked to the window.

  “I have a favour to ask,” Orson explained.

  “Certainly, what is it?”

  He turned back to Concy.

  “Zephry, the young woman that was rescued at the Twilight prison, I’d like to put her through the trails. I promised her she would be trained.”

  “Well as that may be, she would have to travel alone to Fargon region. Do you think that is wise in these times?” Orson walked to the door and turned,

  “I’ll be a moment,” Orson said as he left the meeting hall in a hurry.

  “What is he doing?” Concy complained.

  A moment passed before he came back with Zephry.

  “Now, Zephry, representatives of the council will permit you to become a knight of Twilight, but you must realize what it is you must do in order to do this. Normally a member would travel alone to Fargon region and retrieve a piece of dragon steel, but with Lears and his Lords and the way the world is, we don’t think it is best for you to do this now,” Orson spoke quickly.

  “You’re saying you don’t think it’s a good time, so you are still letting me decide if I want to or not?” Zephry responded.

  “Well we can’t turn down a soldier, it is their choice to go. If you do go and you get the steel, then we have no choice but to accept you.” Concy didn’t seem happy about letting her decide.

  “I will leave tomorrow morning,” Zephry replied, quickly leaving the meeting room.


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