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Zodiac Awakening

Page 14

by Drew Smith

  The people still recognize her as princess, but only as a title of no meaning. People that knew her family still believe that she is meant to rule all of Twilight, not only Capaz.

  “What do I do mother… father? With limited time I can only do so much. Maybe going with Lumus is the only way I can do the most good? Princess or not, I still have a job to protect the people in your name. I will see you one day, and when I do I will tell you the story of how I helped purge Lears from this world. That is the only way I feel I can help.” Scarlette spoke to herself looking up toward the clouds.

  She snapped out of her daydream to see people down below rushing to the city’s main gates. She reached into her pouch, and pulled out an hourglass. The sand was glowing, and Scarlette looked upset to see that half of the sand had already fallen through.

  “What is this? What is going on?” Scarlette turned from the window, and ran to the door. She ran out into the hallway, and made it to the main hallway to the palace entrance where Lumus stood waiting for her. Before Lumus noticed her she hid the hourglass back in her pouch around her waist.

  “Hey good morning! I was starting to get worried you wouldn’t wake up on time to see Zephry return. The others have already gone to the gate. Let’s go.” Lumus smiled. Without a word Scarlette followed behind Lumus in a rush of excitement.

  The gargantuan doors opened to a bright light, almost blinding Scarlette, the Blue moon was bright as ever, and with all the clouds from the night before completely gone. Lumus lead the way down the main road past town square. People were still rushing out of their houses to invite the newest knight in years back to Capaz. Someone must have announced before she returned that she had undergone the pilgrimage since next to no one knew she had left other than Lumus and the others. Suddenly the answer came to mind; it must have been Orson since he was the one that set everything up for her in the first place.

  People ran by shouting and cheered for their knights, while others walked by with improvised signs saying “Welcome back knight of Twilight”. Just past the crowd of people ahead Scarlette could see Councillor Brunius and Orson standing on a small stage. Scarlette could remember from when she was little that young knights that returned to Capaz were given their Twiblade just moments after returning. Behind the stage was the blacksmith working hard to finish the weapon on time. Lumus stopped just behind a few townspeople, and the ceremony had begun. Orson stepped up to the front of the stage to give a speech. Zephry made her way up the four small steps onto the stage, but she struggled to climb them since she was exhausted.

  “People of Capaz! I stand before you to welcome home the newest member to the Knights of Twilight in about twenty years.... Zephry Velurus. She has ventured to Fargon Region in the far Northwest area to obtain the Dragon Steel for her Twiblade to commemorate has passing into the rank of third class knight. I am proud to present to you Zephry, knight third class. Furthermore we have a special guest to pass the Twiblade to our newest knight. I am sure you have all seen him around town, and have many questions about his arrival too. So here he is to present the Twiblade to Zephry, Prince Lumus.” Orson announced with a grin.

  The crowd went completely silent. Every head turned to Lumus in shock, although many have seen him around town no one really believed he truly was the Prince of Light. Lumus froze for a moment, and looked around at everyone staring back at him. Scarlette gave a quick nudge to Lumus from behind, and he realized he should make his way to the stage.

  “Hello everyone. I am Lumus. I am sure, like Orson has said, that you all have many questions. To answer them I guess I would have to say the legend that I have heard since coming back to Twilight is true. A hero of Light was born from the depths of the planet. The hero was shut away to a world of darkness as his brother the prince of darkness took over his world, and threw the balance astray. Well to that I can only tell you I have found my world once again, and with all my strength I will bring balance and justice to Twilight once again. Lears shall be thrown into the darkness.” Lumus yelled to the crowd, amidst the cheers.

  Lumus turned to Orson, who stepped forward with the Twiblade he had received from the blacksmith during Lumus’ speech, and handed it to Lumus.

  “Way to please the crowd Lumus.” Orson whispered as he stepped back. Lumus turned back to Zephry, and handed her the newly crafted Twiblade. “Congratulations Zephry Velurus, third class knight of Twilight.” Lumus announced with a smile.

  The crowd roared in excitement with questions answered, and hope brought back to their hearts. Zephry threw her arm high above her head holding the Twiblade in the air. Councillor Brunius, and his personal guards exited the stage followed by Zephry, Orson and Lumus.

  The palace gates remained open until Scarlette, Zelkem, Brinx, and Frostear passed though. Councillor Brunius lead everyone to the throne room. Scarlette was surprised to see that the throne room had not changed at all since she had last been there as a child. The walls were marble stone with felt hanging down behind the throne, the symbol of Capricorn proudly displayed on it. Pillars followed from the main doors to the throne chairs. The group waited at the first pillars by the door as Lumus and Orson spoke to councillor Brunius alone.

  “I have ordered the blacksmith to make you all new armour for your quest. Orson has told me you intend to leave after Zephry’s return. I have had him make the armour similar to what your clothing is now. I have to say though, I was unsure of your green friend so he will not receive anything.” Brunius smiled. Lumus laughed.

  “Councillor, I don’t think he would suit our clothing anyway.” Lumus replied. Orson chuckled under his breathe.

  “Very well then. Orson I have to ask you though. With you leaving the council after just returning to us, do you have a successor in mind?” Orson looked over to Brunius.

  “No sir, I have not made arrangements for a successor yet.” Orson said while bowing. Brunius shrugged

  “I see. Under rules of councillor responsibility I have no choice but to make you remain Taurald Councillor until you do. I understand that Councillor Gerald has made himself available to take over until you find a replacement. I will make the arrangements with Gerald so that you may leave with Lumus. Under the circumstances we have no choice.” Brunius smiled. Orson bowed his head

  “Thank you Councillor Brunius.” Brunius smiled once again, and put his hand on Orson’s shoulder.

  “If a successor presents his or her self to me I will send word to the council at once.” Orson replied.

  “Very well then it will be done. Although this may take a while to find somebody suited for such a position.” Orson knew that the councillors would keep Orson as councillor of Taurald regardless of how long he waited to find a successor.

  A loud knock on the door echoed through the throne room, and the blacksmith entered pulling a wagon with a sheet over it.

  “Councillor Brunius, I have completed your order.” The blacksmith announced. Brunius immediately stood up, excited to see the outcome.

  “Very well. Reveal them please.” Brunius

  The blacksmith pulled the sheet from the wagon, uncovering a variety of different armours.

  “This is the blacksmith, Sir Paul Blackwood. He was once a knight of Capaz in the time of Scarlette’s father. He designs all of the knights’ clothing and uniforms. A man of many talents” Brunius announced.

  “Prince Lumus, this is yours.” Paul smiled. The armour was silver with a black trim finish around the edges accompanied by a pair of stylish silver pants to match the chest plate.

  “Sir Orson the chest plate you wanted is finished too.” Paul handed Orson the armour with a bow. Orson received a dark grey chest plate with a gold trim. Also a large set of shoulder armour and arm guards to match. They were dark with gold trim on the edges. The pants were same as Lumus’, but black in colour.

  “Lady Scarlette I made you something unique.” Paul handed Scarlette a half breastplate, the black trim followed around the top to the waist. She was also given a set of arm guar
ds reaching from the elbow to her wrist, and a small cape with black on the outside and a light pink on the inside to match her hair.

  “Sir Zelkem, I only made you pants in a dark brown. They are fitted and light weight, but I did craft these weighted arm bands. Since you are a fighter maybe they will be useful.” Paul said with a grin. Zelkem grinned as he looked them over.

  “I hate to wear a shirt, so this works for me, why not show off the goods I always say.” Zelkem boasted. Orson turned to Zelkem.

  “When have you ever said that?” Zelkem sighed.

  “Lady Zephry I took the traditional third class armour, and altered it to suit your look. It is a dark blue breast plate with matching pants, and arm guards.” Zephry stepped forward. “Thank you so much, I love dark blue it’s my favourite colour!” Zephry said with excitement.

  “Lastly, I have something for you sir Frostear.” Paul struggled to carry off the large chest plate for Frostear. Frostear stepped forward to grab it for himself.

  “A black and purple chest plate. I appreciate your craftsmanship, blacksmith.” Frostear took off his armour, and threw it into the wagon.

  “Perhaps you can melt it down for another use. These shoulder guards with the spikes are just my style.” Frostear continued.

  “Yes and these are yours as well.” The blacksmith handed two arm guards that were purple at the wrist with black centre pieces finished with a purple Fargon emblem.

  “Oh, and don’t forget your pants. I made all of the pants to match in style, although they vary in colour to suit your looks. Oh, and one last thing: Lady Concy requested this to be made for you, lady Scarlette. It is a new bow printed with your family crest. Lady Concy heard of how you lost your bow near Varlif forest.” The bow was silver from top to bottom with a silver quiver to match. Scarlette reached out and took the bow. Her hands shook as she gazed at its beauty.

  “Sir Blackwood, It is an honor, and I never got a chance to thank you…” Scarlette smiled.

  “Lady Scarlette. The honor is mine to serve a child of such grace. I’m happy I was able to serve such a family.” Paul bowed to Scarlette.

  “You may receive your payment from my guards at the door Sir Blackwood, and again. Thank you sir.” Brunius said as he sat down. Paul wished the group luck as he bowed his head. Quickly he turned, and left.

  “I will see you off from here. I have much work to do. Feel free to change in your rooms. You are welcome back anytime. Good luck to you all.” Councillor Brunius stood up once more, and made his way out of the throne room.

  “Lumus we should get ready to go soon. We won’t finish anything if we don’t get moving.” Orson said as he walked by Lumus, carrying his new armour with him.

  “Orson, wait a moment! “ Lumus called out at the last second. When everyone is ready we should meet at the main gates at the entrance of town.” Lumus whispered.

  Everyone walked off toward the throne room doors feeling slightly sad to have to leave the palace. Scarlette waited for everyone to leave. Lumus was last to go and he looked back to Scarlette, as she looked back to him and then turned around. Lumus knew she might need some time before leaving her hometown. He shut the door behind him, and headed to his room.

  “Mother, Father I have chosen this path on my own, and I intend to see it to the end. I hope I have your blessing from above.” Scarlette closed her eyes for a moment while putting her head down. She paused for a moment thinking of her parents. After a moment she made her way to the door as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Then she opened the door to the main hall.

  “Scarlette, are you okay?” Lumus stood in his new armour outside the throne room. Scarlette gasped.

  “I’m sorry to startle you, but I thought I would wait for you here once I changed. The others have already left for the North Gate.” Lumus informed her. Scarlette looked over his shoulder to see the palace doors wide open.

  “Lumus I need to tell you a secret that I have been keeping since before I met you in Dystopia.” Scarlette worried. Lumus paused for a moment.

  “Is everything okay?” He asked.

  “When I died in Aster Mountains I went to a place called the realm of the dead. It is where the souls of the west go when they die. As you know I met Ged there and I was granted life instead of him even though it was his time and not mine. The secret is… I didn’t get my life back entirely. How can I explain this? I was given an energy that I can use to enhance my fighting. I became stronger, faster, and can endure more. The only problem is the more I exhaust my body the more my life force drains from me. There is no way of telling when I will disappear from this world back to the realm of the dead.” Scarlette pulled the hourglass from her pouch.

  “This was given to me by the West Zin. She said it contains the star energy that gives me life.” She handed it to Lumus. Lumus notice the sand moving slowly to the bottom. He tried flipping it upside down. It didn’t make a difference.

  “Well it was worth a try.” Lumus said with a smile. Lumus felt his stomach drop.

  “I have what the West Zin calls star life. She has given me the enhanced power to live, so there is no way to reverse it. I am sorry I held this from you.” Scarlette declared. Lumus finally blinked.

  “That’s why you were up and about while I was in bed wounded at Taurald. Brinx had told me you took a beating, but you were barely scratched.” Lumus realized. Scarlette walked toward the palace entrance.

  “By the time we made it to Taurald I was back to normal. With that said I don’t want to tell the others. I need to keep this a secret. Without warning, someday I will just disappear, and when that happens you must ensure that the others do not know the truth. The West Zin told me you were the only one who could know. She said that being near you would actually give me more time because of your pure star energy. The energy you radiate keeps me here longer.” Scarlette blushed. Lumus turned Scarlette around to face him.

  “So as long as you stay by my side you won’t go back. Then I will never leave your side. Anywhere we go we go together.” Lumus Declared. Scarlette let the tears that had gathered, roll down her cheeks.

  “No, being with you will only slow the process, but not enough to keep me here. I just don’t want this to affect anything.” Lumus wrapped his arms around her as she broke down and cried.

  “Nothing will take you from us. I will use everything in my being to stop it Scarlette.” Lumus said as he wrapped his arms tighter around her. Scarlette knew he couldn’t stop the process, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  “It’s time to go. The others are waiting. I’ll change into my clothes, and meet you and the others.” She said as she wiped her tears away. Lumus let go of her, and walked outside the palace toward the North Gate.

  “Are they going to take all day? We aren’t going to get anything done just sitting around. Ah man, I haven’t punched anything in a while, and I’m getting restless…” Zelkem started pacing back and forth.

  “Calm down Zelkem, Scarlette is just having a hard time leaving her home behind again. If she needs time then the least we can do is give it to her.” Orson began checking his armour, looking for any weakness it could have but finding none.

  “Lumus is coming.” Brinx said calmly.

  “It’s about time.” Zelkem blurted out.

  “Hey Scarlette isn’t with him, is she not coming?” Zephry said sadly.

  “She is probably staying behind” Frostear said.

  “Hey Scarlette is on her way out, she’s just getting changed.” Lumus rushed past everyone to the gate, and crossed his arms.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “No Orson, everything is fine. Just give her a moment. She is saying good bye to Capaz.” Lumus didn’t turn around to respond.

  “Hey come on it’s not like she isn’t going to see Capaz again.” Zelkem exclaimed. Lumus shut his eyes.

  “There she is, she’s coming now.” Zephry’s spirit rose as Scarlette made her way to the group. She couldn’t imagine going on t
his trip without her friends. The lonely quest to Fargon region had made her eager to catch up with her friends.

  “Have you finished saying your goodbyes?” Frostear asked.

  “Yes I believe I did.” Scarlette replied with a smile.

  “Hey Frostear, farewells are for when you don’t intend to see something again.” Zephry replied with a grin. Frostear had a look of confusion about him.

  “Are we all here, and ready? Let’s get going then, we have a long way ahead of us. We need to head east past the bridge dividing Torson and Nuran regions, and after we make it past there we head south along the river to Librine. This won’t easy, but it won’t be impossible. Everyone keep your heads up, and keep your eyes open.” Orson instructed the group, and the lead them out of the gate. Slowly the others followed. Zephry and Frostear lead the rear.

  “Come on gramps keep up.” Zelkem muttered as he passed Frostear.

  “You’re not going to start that again are you?” Frostear muttered.

  “Start what?” Zephry asked.

  “Nothing…” Frostear responded. Orson led the group with Zelkem and Brinx a few steps behind him, Lumus and Scarlette took the middle as Frostear and Zephry trailed a bit behind sneaking glances at each other from time to time. Frostear was silent. It didn’t take much to make her blush he thought. She hasn’t really said a thing to him since she returned. He had thought of her each day she was gone. What could be going through her mind he thought? Zephry was oblivious to Frostear’s thinking. He was just playing the strong, and silent card. Finally she broke, and gathered enough confidence to ask.


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