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Zodiac Awakening

Page 23

by Drew Smith

  “Surprisingly easy to defeat you Lumus. I have to say if Lears is as weak as you, then I am wasting my time here.” Kontaminate turned his back, and made his way to the cave entrance.

  “It’s not over!” Lumus yelled. Lumus flew like the speed of light out of the debris. He grabbed Kontaminate by the head while he flew by, just before Lumus hit the wall he stopped while spinning his body. He released Kontaminate in one swift movement sending him straight out the falls, and into the sky.

  “(Ah, I can’t move. How can he throw with such power? I can’t even slow myself down. What…what is that?)” Kontaminate could see a small light coming from behind the falls suddenly it got bigger, then he knew. It was Lumus flying through the falls directly at Kontaminate, but Kontaminate couldn’t move to defend himself.

  “I choose my destiny!” Lumus yelled as he flew from behind the falls, and landed a devastating punch, at lightning speed, to Kontaminate’s face sending him flying far into the sky past the clouds. Lumus looked back up to notice Kontaminate wasn’t even in sight.

  “I must have hit him harder than I though.” Lumus sighed.

  “Falling from this far is going to kill me, come on think…think.” Lumus tried to mimic Kontaminate’s attack, but aiming it at the water below.

  “Alright here goes nothing!” Lumus faced his hands toward the water below, he closed his eyes, and slowly a white light grew bigger and bigger from his hands.

  “Now!” Lumus opened his eyes, and shot the energy with everything he had. The force of the blast was enough to stop him, and even raise him into the air a bit. The water shot up in every direction around Lumus. After a short pause the force gave out, and gravity took over. Lumus fell lightly into the water just missing the stern of the boat that got caught on the rocks just below the surface. As he made his way up the rocky shore, and into the cave entrance Lumus looked down to notice a huge hole in the ground. Lumus peered down into the hole for a moment. After a quick look around he continued down the path.

  “Lumus! We heard a bunch of loud crashes. Next time I’m coming with you.” Scarlette hugged Lumus tightly.

  “I’m fine, you don’t need to worry Scarlette. Zelkem earlier you noticed a crack in the ground. During my fight with Kontaminate I think it opened. The cavern below is very massive, and it got me thinking, with enough people we can turn this place into an underground city.” Lumus explained. Orson sat down.

  “Lumus you could be on to something there, what if we dug tunnels to each of the major cities. We could then tell the councillors of the tunnels, and if Lears or anything for that matter attacks, the people can escape to this place.” Orson added. Zephry smiled.

  “Oh we get to name the city! We should call it Neutral City!” Everyone turned to Zephry. Lumus sat down beside Orson.

  “Actually Zephry that is a perfect name. We need to think hard about this, I gave a quick look down there, and there is no actual sunlight so we would need to plant outside. I was hoping to make the city self-sustaining.” Scarlette suggested. Lumus put his head down. “Lumus I’m not an expert, but this chamber is big right, big enough to plant a lot of crops? Also it is right beside a waterfall so planting, and watering would be easy in this chamber right?” Captain Nex added. Lumus looked up, and surveyed the chamber.

  “Yes Captain Nex you are a genius.” Lumus said then smiled. Captain Nex smiled too.

  “I know you have much to do with Lears out there, and all those monsters stirring up the planet, so you leave the digging to me and my mates.” Captain Nex said with a proud tone. Scarlette walked over and gently took Captain Nex’s hand.

  “Thank you Captain Nex.” Scarlette smiled.

  “You don’t have to call me captain anymore. I don’t have a boat anymore so just call me Nex.” Nex replied.

  “Alright, so we will rest here tonight, then head back to Capaz in the morning.” Lumus announced. Nex walked over, and put his hand on his shoulder.

  “While you guys rest we will start to dig you a tunnel to reach Capaz. Remember, send anyone you can to help. Not too many people just anyone that can be useful to the starting of the build.” Nex added. Lumus nodded then walked off to find a place to rest. He looked to his side, and everyone was already sitting against the rocks. Zynx stood staring out toward the waterfall. Lumus walked over to join him.

  “Hey Zynx, why don’t you get some rest with the others? We have a long walk back to Capaz tomorrow.” Zynx didn’t move, he stood still staring out the waterfall. Lumus looked out, but couldn’t see past the heavy falls.

  “I’ll leave you on guard duty then.” Lumus smiled, then stopped for a moment with his eyes open wide.

  “(Kontaminate, he is still alive. I can feel his energy from here.) Zynx can you feel Kontaminate too?” Lumus asked. Zynx finally turned to Lumus, then pointed toward Zangus region in the far north.

  “Yeah I’m guessing he would have landed by now, but I can sense his energy from here. He isn’t gone yet, it seems he is going to be a problem after all.” Lumus added. Nex walked over to join Lumus and Zynx. Zynx crossed his arms as he turned back to the falls.

  “Lumus I couldn’t help to overhear your conversation. If that chap is still kicking do you think it wise for my men and me to stick around here?” Lumus shifted to Nex, he paused for a moment and sighed.

  “Truthfully I don’t know. I think he is really only after me. I think once we leave he will know, and his reason for coming here will fade. Kontaminate is a threat yes, but only to me. You and your men can continue without worry. We should just focus on what we both need to do. I have a feeling Kontaminate isn’t one to back down, he will follow us, and I will have to face him once more.” Nex laughed.

  “Yes, but now he knows you are no pushover I’d assume. I don’t know what you did, but when those lights through the falls faded, and we heard that loud bang in the air your friend here turned, and has been standing calm in that very spot ever since. I think he can feel his energy as you can.” Nex said with a concerned look in his eyes. Zynx turned his head to Lumus. He nodded, and turned back.

  “I will count on you for that ability in the future Zynx.” Lumus said.

  Lumus walked over to Scarlette and Zephry, the two had fallen asleep. Lumus smiled, and looked over to see Zelkem, Frostear, and Orson had fallen asleep as well. Brinx was kneeling by the cave path looking out. Lumus assumed he was keeping an eye out while the others slept. Dyne wasn’t in sight Lumus noticed. Lumus looked around to double check, but he still wasn’t found.

  “Brinx, have you seen Dyne?” Lumus whispered. Brinx didn’t even turn to face Lumus. “Yes he followed down to the lower chamber with Nex’s men.” Brinx replied.

  “(He must be helping with the dig. I guess I’ll leave him to do as he wants.)” Lumus thought.

  Lumus headed close to the falls by a small rock, and laid down beside it. He moved around for a moment to get comfortable. He ended up lying on his back with his arms crossed across his chest. Scarlette snuck over, and laid beside him, she cuddled close, and threw her arm over his chest.

  “Scarlette?” Lumus looked down to see her eyes were already closed. He smiled after a moment and slowly closed his eyes.

  “Lord Lears, I seek an audience with you.” Ged announced. Lears stood over a large table looking over some maps.

  “Yes enter, what is it Ged?” Ged entered from the shadows. Coldblood, Aire, Levitz, Cinith, Hedree, Jol, and Tigra followed after him.

  “My Lord we have gathered as you asked. The others have their reports.” Lears looked up to see everyone has made a semi-circle around him. Lears crossed his arms behind his back.

  “I see. Then I will start with Tigra. What news do you have Tigra?” Tigra took a step forward, he dressed in a dark cloak with a hood. He carried no weapon, but his claws hidden in long fur.

  “My Lord I have been in Varlif region in the town of Ariond. The people there have only heard rumours of Lumus, and his followers. No sightings of Kontaminate yet in Ariond.” Tigra
said as he bowed to Lears. Lears moved on to Jol. A small girl with a dark green cloak, and a light green mask covering her face, except for her eyes.

  “I don’t know you, Ged. Why do you bring this child, and call her a Lord? Is this a joke?” Lears began to lose his temper. Ged stepped forward.

  “My Lord she is an orphan from Seaside Orphanage in south Twilight. This child is highly trained with daggers. She is quick and agile, even at her young age she is unmatchable in stealth.” Ged stepped back.

  “Hmm, step forward child.” Lears smiled. Jol stepped forward.

  “My Lord I have seen Lumus, and his friends pass through Valley cove region heading North.” Lears sighed.

  “Is that all?” Jol felt nervous in front of Lears.

  “Well child, you have proven more useful than the rest of these fools.” Jol stepped back. Hedree moved forward.

  “My Lord I was…” Lear raised his hand to Hedree.

  “Ged …” Ged stepped forward once more. To make this easier explain where these new people came from would you?” Ged bowed.

  “This is Hedree I personally recruited him from Geminite, the Ebony and Ivory region in the southern part of North Twilight. He was a cage fighter, the champion actually. His hand to hand combat is very impressive.” Lears looked back to Hedree. Very well continue.

  “Next is Levitz, I found him by Piscyst robbing, and murdering a traveling merchant, and his followers.” Ged announced. Levitz wore arm guards from his wrist to his elbow. He wore a black shirt with a green vest over top, and a double ended dagger was latched to the back of his belt, his pants were tight till his knees, and began to get baggy from there to his balky boots.

  “Last we have Aire. A hand to hand specialist. I found him wondering the Northern border of Zangus and Dornet regions. I have posted him in Aquoise” Aire wore a pink shirt with a black vest over it. His pants, and boots matched as well. He wore a wrist band on his left arm, and a bracer on his right hand that stretched from his hand to his elbow.

  “I don’t feel like wasting my time listening to failed reports, step forward if you actually have something to report.” Lears demanded. A few seconds went by then Ged, Aire and Coldblood stepped forward.

  “Aire was it? What do you have to report?” Lears walked back to face Aire.

  “I have seen a man fall from the sky in a purple light. I heard a loud crash, he must have landed in Zangus region just after I met with Ged. The man passed by me while I hid in the trees by Dornet boarder. I saw him head south toward Torson region.” Aire stepped back. Lears turned, and uncrossed his arms from his back.

  “My Lord, what Aire says is true. I have collected information, and it seems his name is Kontaminate. The people of Leodot talked about him stopping there, and telling them he was looking for Lumus, and you.” Ged added. Lears turned to Ged.

  “Looking for me? This fool must be insane to be looking for me.” Lears laughed.

  “My Lord as a Drayhelm I can tell you I sense this being isn’t human. I can’t say what he is, but I am certain he is not human. Nor does he emit the energy of a demon. I can’t say what he is.” Coldblood interrupted. Lears turned to the large table.

  “I see, Ged you shall keep me posted on this. On to more important topics. Some of you are new here, so know that I do not accept failure. Remember that. Second. Ged and Jol stay where you are the rest of you will follow orders I have already given to Tigra. Now leave my sight.” Lears demanded.

  Everyone left the room in a hurry. Lears went back to his maps at his table.

  “My Lord I believe it wise to add more demons to patrol the area.” Ged suggested. Lears looked up at Ged.

  “You do not need to tell me how to go about my business, if I need something of you, you will know. Jol, child I have a new task just for you. I want you to go to go to south Twilight, and deliver a message. Tell Dongaro, I have not forgotten.” Lears smiled. Jol quickly nodded to Lears, then fled out of the dark chambers.

  “Ged you have brought me many new Lords, we have finished recruiting for now. I want you to focus on keeping these fools in check. I promote you to Overlord Ged, Your title means that you are now in charge of the other Lords. You will use your shadows to travel as you have, but now I want you to keep tabs on them. Watch them, and make sure they don’t betray me. We want the people to fear us. I don’t want these new Lords killing the people I am to rule. I decide who dies, make them remember that.” Ged took a moment to soak everything in.

  “Yes Master. I will tell them immediately.” Ged said as he bowed to Lears. Lears turned back to his maps.

  “From now on Ged, You are the only one to enter my chambers. I don’t need to deal with the peons anymore, I know who they are now. Keep them in line. Now go.” Ged backed away slowly as he bowed. He vanished into the shadows in the blink of an eye.

  “Kontaminate, so that is the other energy I felt. It seems that another player has entered the game.” Lears clenched his fist, and began to draw in dark energy around his entire body. Suddenly demons emerged from portals all around the room. Over fifty demons appeared within seconds. They were a sleek black with a shine to them in the light. They were shaped like large dogs with razor sharp claws, and a massive head like a wolf without the fur.

  “Have six of you outside my door, the rest of you spread out throughout the tunnels.” With a devastating shriek, the demons ran out of Lears chambers like a pack of rabid dogs. Lears looked back to his maps of Twilight.

  “Where are you hiding Lumus?” Lears continued looking over his maps.

  Chapter Fourteen- The Infection

  The ground was cold from the night Lumus though as he woke up. The only sound was the colliding of waves on waves as the waterfall continuously came crashing down. Lumus was first to wake, as he opened his eyes he noticed Brinx was exactly as he was when Lumus drifted to sleep. Scarlette was still wrapped around Lumus. He wondered why she curled up to him before he fell asleep. Lumus tried to slowly sit up without waking Scarlette, but as he tried to rise to his feet, she woke up. Scarlette stretched with a yawn, and greeted Lumus with a smile. Lumus smiled, then looked over to see Zelkem, and Orson waking up too. Over by the falls Zynx curled up into a ball sometime after Lumus drifted off, and Dyne laid beside him with his head on Zynx, using him as a pillow. Nex and his men were nowhere in sight. Zephry was already awake. She had been cupping water from the falls in her hands, and walking it over to the flowers. Lumus rose to his feet, along with Scarlette.

  “Zephry have you seen Frostear?” Lumus asked.

  “Yes, he is speaking with Nex in the cave below.” Lumus found it odd that she didn’t look back at him, she seemed to have her attention on the flowers. Lumus turned to see Orson walking toward him.

  “Lumus we should see if Nex, and his men have made any progress. Let’s let the others follow when they are ready.” Orson quickly turned to the cave path. Lumus had seen Scarlette walk over to Zephry while Orson spoke to him. Lumus followed behind Orson toward the small cave.

  “Lumus, it’s unrealistic that they made it that far. We should think about making shelter since we may be here a while.” Orson said as he led Lumus down a dark path.

  “That all depends how far they are, although I did notice trees in the underground chamber last night. We could haul some of those up, and see if we can start some buildings.” Orson laughed.

  “Look at this, those crazy pirates built a stairway to the lower level already. Lumus went ahead while Orson began checking how sturdy the stairs were.

  “Orson, you should look at this.” Lumus’ eyes widened as he entered the lower chamber. The cavern was well lit with rows of torches all lit along the walls. The cavern went about the length of the lake itself. Lumus looked over by the Northern wall to see almost thirty unmarked graves. To the left were two of Nex’s men building a house by the looks of it. Another five men were working on a larger building. Orson walked down the steps behind Lumus with amazement.

  “Impossible, all of this
overnight. They chopped down most of the trees, built a cemetery, and even started building houses.” Orson was surprised. Lumus turned to the right to see two torches, one on each side of what seemed like a cave leading deeper down into another cavern.

  “Ah you are awake are you? So I have a bit to tell you then. Meet me in the headquarters when you’re ready.” Nex yawned before he turned away. Lumus and Orson looked at each other, Orson then looked over at Nex.

  “Nex, the headquarters? You mean that large building your men are working on?” Lumus asked quickly. Nex turned around for a moment.

  “Yes.” Nex turned around just as he did Lumus noticed a smile on his face.

  “He is proud that we are amazed by all of this.” Orson laughed.

  “Well I suppose I would be proud too, this is a lot to finish in a matter of hours.” Lumus added. Lumus and Orson made their way through the dim cave to the large building. Nex had called over his two men to join them. Scarlette, and the others were in wow at the progress. As everyone entered the half constructed building, Nex sat in the only chair in the room, and crossed his arms.

  “Well then, as you can see we have been very busy. We have not taken a break sine you all went off to sleep. I have a few things to go over with you.” Nex took out a map from a small bag, and placed it on the table.

  “Now gather around. Dyne be a good lad, and grab that torch would you. Now then, as you all have seen we have taken down the inner most trees, and have dug up the stumps. We used some of the wood to bury our mates, and form the fence around their graves. Over to the left here we are beginning the construction of housing. The building we are in now will be headquarters. This building will have nine rooms, one for each of you. We can assign homes to people as we start to recruit. First we will need farmers and harvesters, do any of you know anyone like that?” Nex sighed. Zephry raised her hand.


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