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Mountain Man's Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 21)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

“And you don’t miss it?”

  “If I missed any part of that life, I’d be back there in a flash.”


  Later that night, Mount enjoyed the rare glass of scotch. He wasn’t embarrassed to have a pink quilt wrapped around him as he turned over the page of his current read. The only problem was he hadn’t read a single page of the last hundred and fifty because he’d spent way too much time admiring Meghan’s ass as she walked around his kitchen making a damn good lasagna.

  The leggings she wore, they curved to her ass and made him want to go nibble on her flesh. Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind once again, he focused instead on the story in his hand. He didn’t need to think about sex or fucking at a time like this.

  The minutes ticked by and as he flicked the page again, to stare at the words that made no sense, the lights went out.

  A little scream came from upstairs.

  He’d learned long ago that when blackouts occurred, he should always be prepared. With a flashlight in hand, he made his way upstairs to find Meghan stumbling out of her room in the dark. She was also shivering.

  “It’s so cold.”

  He opened up the quilt, which was large enough to surround the two of them.

  “I lost it,” she said.

  “Lost what?

  “The book I was writing. I started it this evening and I was doing so well.”

  “You’re not supposed to be spending your time writing.”

  “I enjoy it and I’m supposed to be gathering my thoughts.”

  “It’s work and you need to learn when to step away from work.” He shook his head. This woman was exasperating.

  “It doesn’t matter now. It’s all gone so it’s like the universe is punishing me. It was a bad book, anyway. All the lights have gone out. What about the food?”

  “I’ve got a backup generator for the food.”

  “But not the lights?”

  “It’s why they invented candles.”

  “Oh. Where are they?”

  “There’s no point in lighting them, though. It’s late. In the morning, I’ll check and see what is going on.”

  “Wait, you’re just going to go to bed?” she asked.

  “It’s late, and seeing as I can’t read now, there’s no point in me staying up.”

  “But this is … I mean, come on, you don’t mean that.”

  The torch provided him enough light for him to see her clearly. She looked terrified.

  “You’re afraid of the dark?”

  “No, I’m not. I’m afraid to be in a strange house all by myself where there could be bears or coyotes or axe-wielding monsters. It all could happen, you know. I’ve seen movies and stuff. Once, or a couple of times.”

  “Come on, you can come and be with me. I’m not an axe-wielding monster but you’re going to have to mind the dogs.”

  “I don’t mind,” she said.

  He took her hand, leading the way to his bedroom.

  The door was already open, and there were his dogs, snuggled under a few quilts. They didn’t even stir when he entered.

  After closing the door, he put the torch down and then kicked off his boots and removed his socks.

  It was rare for him to sleep in any clothing but with how cold it was getting, he had no choice. Plus, he had to keep control of his dick somehow. With Meghan close, it was going to be even harder to resist temptation, but he would do it.

  Damn William.

  The moment he caught sight of Meghan a couple of days ago, he’d called William to ask him what he was playing at.

  “What? Can’t a friend ask for help with another friend? Believe me, she needs help.”

  “Cut the bullshit. You think I don’t see your game? Less than a year ago you told me how good Meghan would be for me, and because I wouldn’t come and meet her, you’ve sent her here.”

  “And tell me you’re not the least bit … attracted to her.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Now that’s not very nice. I will take that as a very firm yes. Meghan’s a good woman, Mount. She’s strong, resilient, but she does need someone to take care of her.”

  “You think I’m that person?”

  “Yes, I do. I know what you’re like, and yes, you will take care of her. She’s been on her own for so long and I know she’s working herself to an early death. I can’t have that. I like her. Just, don’t push her away.”

  He hadn’t pushed her away, but he knew she was very much a workaholic.

  Climbing into the bed, he became very much aware of the small gap between them, as well as her shaking.

  “Are you used to this? The blackouts and cold?”


  “I don’t know if I could get used to anything like this.”

  “There was a time I didn’t think I could either. I was used to the city life. The constant noise. The comfort in knowing the world never really slept.”

  She rolled over and he turned to look at her. “Then what happened?”

  “The first couple of nights out here, I thought I’d made a mistake. Then as the days went on, and there were some problems with the electric, I found the nights still, calm. I could listen to the wind outside. Life—real life—it has a way to calm. This is all real, nothing that you put on a CD. After a time, the fear of the unknown faded away and all I was left with was this. Just try it. Close your eyes, listen to the sounds. Even the dogs snore.”

  She chuckled.

  He watched her.

  Seconds passed.


  “How do you feel?” he asked, whispering the words.

  “I don’t know. It’s so calm.”

  “It’s all I know and it’s a beautiful thing,” he said.

  “It really is.” She was still shivering.

  Even as his cock protested, he pulled her in close, feeling her against him.

  Down, boy.

  “I’m sorry to be a pain in the ass.”

  “You’re not. Just go to sleep.”

  Chapter Three

  Meghan opened her eyes and felt a large hand on her breast. Glancing down, she saw it there, not massaging or coping a feel, but held her firmly against his chest. Mount was behind her, and she froze.

  Her tit was in his palm. The puckered nipple was hard, and she wanted to rub against him to create some friction.

  He let out a grunt and she became aware of something prodding her ass.

  His cock.

  Mount was rock-hard, next to her ass, and did he feel so good. She closed her eyes and tried to control the pulse of need rushing through her body.

  His other hand was on her hip. It was too much for her to bear.

  Get a grip, Meghan.

  He moved and his hand tightened. She couldn’t help the little moan that escaped as he touched her.

  “Meghan,” he said.

  “It’s, er, it’s fine.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” He made no move to let her go and the touch on her hip got harder.

  You can either pretend this never happened. Leave the bedroom, and spend the rest of your time wondering why you didn’t explore this. Or, you can do something you would never do and wriggle your ass against his cock and see what he does.

  What if he throws me away? What if I’m reading this all wrong?

  Leave or wriggle.

  Your choice.

  She wriggled her hips and he held her steady.

  “Meghan?” Her name sounded more like a warning as it came from his lips.

  She was crazy. Need flooded her body and rather than back down, like she probably should, she didn’t. She ignored his grip, and instead, pushed back, wanting to feel him surround her.

  He let out a curse, but she didn’t care. Within seconds, he had her locked against him. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his growl next to her ear.

  “If you don’t want me, say so.” He wouldn’t be the first man to tell her she was unwanted.

  She cried o
ut as he cupped her between her thighs, stroking her pussy over her pajama bottoms.

  “You think I don’t want this?” he asked. “You think I haven’t been watching this ass prance around my home, and not thinking about how good you’d feel on my dick?”

  She never expected him to be such a dirty talker, but she wasn’t about to complain. It felt so good to be with him. So fucking good.

  He rubbed her harder and she reached behind her, touching his cock, feeling how long, hard, and thick he was. She’d never been with a man his size, and it would hurt. Mount shoved her bottoms down and she helped to kick them off. She cried out as he plunged not one but two fingers inside her pussy.

  “Oh, fuck. You’re nice and tight, aren’t you? You’re fucking perfect.” He pumped in and out of her, his thumb stroking over her clit. He let her go, pushing the quilt out of the way. There was a rush of a chill over her body, but she ignored it as the heat building inside her was more than enough to keep her warm.

  “Open them,” he said.

  She spread her thighs and looked down, watching his large fingers as they pushed inside her. His thumb stroking her clit as he stretched her pussy.

  “You know I’m not a small man, so if I try to fuck you right now, I’m going to hurt you.”

  She gasped as he added a third finger. It was so tight. Almost on the verge of pain, but yet, not quite there.

  She moaned his name, and he pulled out of her pussy. She thought he was done with her, but he wasn’t. Mount sat up, and she watched as he pulled off his shirt. All those hard, defined muscles, easy to see in the light of day, and up close.

  He grabbed the edge of her pajama shirt and tore it. Buttons went everywhere, but she didn’t care. His hands, one of them still slick from her pussy, went to her tits. He pushed them together and she loved it when he sucked and bit down hard on each bud. She wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting him inside her.

  Mount captured her waist and broke the kiss at the same time. He lifted her hips and before she knew what was happening, his lips were between her spread thighs. He licked down the seam, flicking his tongue back and forth before taking her clit into his mouth. His teeth caused a little pain, but she loved it.

  Down his tongue went, plunging inside her as he fucked her before coming back up to play with her clit.

  She was his instrument.

  “Reach down, open your lips for me, Meghan. Offer yourself up to me.”

  At first, she hesitated. She wasn’t used to being so out of control, but she liked it. She enjoyed his commands. Touching her pussy, she spread the lips open for him, and he groaned her name before taking her again. She felt his tongue, the sharp bristle of his face as he breathed her in. Touching her, licking her, setting up a fire, building her orgasm. It wasn’t long, and when she did finally come, she went over the edge into bliss so fast, it shocked her. He growled against her pussy, and it was like he couldn’t get enough of her taste as even though she’d reached her climax, he was still teasing her, still tasting her.

  He pressed a kiss to her clit, and she still panted for breath. The last couple of minutes had been the best sex of her life, and they hadn’t even gotten to the main course yet.

  Mount moved off the bed, pushed down his pants, and wrapped his fingers around his dick. Now they were getting to the main course.


  Mount couldn’t recall a time he’d ever tasted such a ripe, juicy pussy. Feeling her come against his face was amazing, and now, he wanted it again and again. First, though, he was going to feel that slick cunt on his dick.

  Climbing back on the bed, he stared into her eyes. She spread her legs wide, opening up to him, and he pushed the tip of his dick, which was already slick with pre-cum, through her slit. He bumped her clit and watched her moan his name.

  Such a pretty sight.

  He gripped his cock, taking control, and pressed the tip to her entrance. Keeping his gaze on her, inch by inch, he sank inside her.

  So tight.

  So hot.

  So wet.

  He’d gotten her prepared to take him. He wasn’t small, so he knew she’d be sore if he’d just fucked her, which was exactly what he’d wanted to do when he first woke up. Now, he wanted to take his time. There was no rush for anything.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he sank to the hilt within her, hearing her gasp as he did, touching a part deep inside her. He’d hit her deep and felt her pulse around his length. Taking her hands, he pressed them beside her head, keeping her locked into place as he kissed her.

  He didn’t care if she didn’t want to taste herself on his lips. She was amazing. He didn’t believe in prim or proper when it came to sex. He loved fucking, relished it. There was nothing he hadn’t explored in his life.

  There was no time in his life for turning off the lights or doing it beneath the covers. When Meghan was with him, he wanted to see it all. Watching her cunt take his fingers, it had awakened the man within him. The hunger and need pulsing together, combining as one. He’d been dormant for so long, he didn’t truly believe he needed anything more in his life, but he was proven wrong, especially by this.

  Pulling back, he looked down and saw them, pelvis to pelvis. He pulled out, watching his cock as he moved in and out of her, slick, hard, and ready. Her cum over his cock.

  He drove inside her and she cried out.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. This feels so good.” Her legs tightened around him and he smirked. He couldn’t help it. Pulling all the way out of her, he kept the tip of his dick poised at her entrance.

  She tried to force her hips up, to make him drive inside her, but he held her steady, making her wait, and then he drove into her hard.

  Keeping her in place, he didn’t hold back, fucking her harder, driving into her.

  He felt his need to release stumble upon him, and he stopped. Closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms around her, counting to ten. There was no way he was going to allow himself to come so quickly.

  Mount moved them so he was the one on the bed and she straddled him. Running his hands up her body, he cupped her large tits. Nice, big nipples. He pinched them and she arched her back.


  He couldn’t get that one word out of his head. She really was to him.

  “Now, I want you to ride me, baby,” he said, capturing her hips and guiding her, showing her what he wanted.

  When she built up a pace, he watched her. Those luscious tits bouncing with each rock on his cock.


  Before he found his own release, he wanted to feel her first. He touched her pussy, feeling her tighten around his length as he started to work her clit.

  “I don’t think I can come again,” she said.

  Her hands on his chest, she worked up and down his length. He watched his cock sliding inside her. “You will.”


  “I’m the one in charge. It’s my cock you’re riding. You’re going to do as you’re told and I’ve said you can. Now fucking come on my dick.”

  He stroked her clit, and within minutes, she came again. This time, grounding down on him as she did.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning. The sounds echoed off the walls of his bedroom.

  With her orgasm still fluttering within her, he grabbed her hips and started to pound inside her. This time, he found his own release, and when he did, he didn’t pull out like he probably should have. No, he filled her up, fucking her, thinking about his cum swimming inside her, flooding her.

  He thought about her pussy completely full of his cum. Within seconds, he couldn’t help but picture her heavy with his child. Her tits full of milk, and the visual just drove his orgasm on. He wanted her.

  Needed her.

  Cared about her.

  Finally, after an eternity, the pleasure ebbed away and they both panted for breath.

  Part of him was afraid to even look at her, for fear of what he’d see in her eyes. Would sh
e regret what they had just done?

  He knew he was on the demanding side, especially when it came to sex. The last thing he was was a coward. Looking up her body, he stared at her, and she smiled at him.

  “I … I don’t know what to say.”

  Her stomach growled as did his.

  “How about I make us some breakfast?” he asked.

  “Breakfast sounds really good.” She then gasped. “The dogs. We had sex in front of the dogs.”

  “Nah, they would have slept through it.”

  “I can’t believe we just did that.”

  She was so cute when she was embarrassed. He kissed her lips. “Come on, let’s shower and then I’ll make you something to eat.”

  He pulled out of her tight cunt but rather than look away, he watched as some of his cum spilled from the lips of her pussy, and it only made him want to fuck her again.

  Chapter Four

  “It’s fine, Meghan. You will go downstairs and eat breakfast as if nothing happened, because nothing really did. Sure, you had sex, and it was fine.” Meghan groaned, covering her face. “It was the best kind of sex a woman could ever want, and it was so good.”

  Now she couldn’t stop thinking about him. The way he’d touched her. There hadn’t been a single moment of hesitation. He’d known exactly how to touch her and what she needed. He’d been everything she’d ever imagined in a man.

  “Just calm down. It was only sex.” She ran her fingers through her hair, and then seeing no reason to prolong the inevitable, she walked downstairs to the smells of breakfast.

  Stepping into the kitchen, she caught him flipping a pancake and her mouth watered.

  “I hope you like pancakes and waffles.” He opened the oven and there was a nice pile of the most golden waffles she’d ever seen.

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble her answer as to how much she approved of his choice of food.

  He chuckled. “Coffee is ready, and I’ve even brewed you a pot of that tea you love.”


  “Take a seat. I’ll be right there.”

  At the table, she saw two place settings. One at the head and one to the side. She took the seat beside his. He brought over the coffee, tea, and two heaping plates of pancakes and waffles, followed by some syrup.


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