Mountain Man's Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 21)

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Mountain Man's Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 21) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Please,” she said.

  He teased her clit, using two fingers to stroke her, driving her wild as he worked her asshole, pushing in and pulling out. When she was more than used to his digit in her ass, he added a second finger and began to rock within her, making her take more until she was hungry for an orgasm.

  Mount wanted to fuck her, but as she came and her ass tightened around his fingers, and she screamed her release, she pulled away from him. Rather than spread her legs, she crawled to the floor and worked his pants open, sliding them down to his knees before he could stop her, not that he wanted to.

  She stared up at him. Licking her lips, she wrapped her fingers around his length and began to move up and down. Her tongue went to the tip of his cock, sliding up.

  Wrapping her long, blonde tresses around his fist, he watched her as she took his cock into her hand and then began to work the length. He hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag, but she didn’t stop there. No, she kept on working him, taking more of him, and he fucking loved it.

  He watched her take as much of him as she could, bobbing her head in time to her own beat but not stopping. She moaned around his dick, and he knew he was close.

  “Meghan, I’m going to come,” he said.

  He wanted to come down her throat, but he wasn’t going to scare her.

  She didn’t stop. Kept on working him.

  His orgasm tore through his body, and he growled, the sound echoing around the room. Dark, guttural, and full of need and promise for her lips.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  She swallowed every drop and as she sat back, she licked her lips, wiping away any excess from her mouth.

  Going to his knees, he cupped her face, kissing her, not caring that he tasted himself on her lips. It didn’t matter, at least not to him.

  “Mount?” she asked.

  “I want to keep you,” he said. It was the first time since he’d started his life here that he’d ever said the words. He didn’t think he’d ever want another person. Of course, he’d hoped to find the right person to share his life with, but he didn’t know if he should get his hopes up or not.

  Meghan wasn’t sticking around. She was only here for as long as her health and William demanded it. She kissed him on the lips, harder.

  He picked her up in his arms, carrying her back to the bed.

  “I think I could get used to this,” she said.

  He hoped she could because if she decided to pick living with him for the rest of her life, he’d treat her like a queen, no doubt about it.

  Chapter Six

  Curling up on the back porch steps, Meghan watched Mount. His dogs were close by, occasionally moving around, but he was chopping some logs. The storm wasn’t over, and even though they were waist-high in snow, more was to come. As a precaution, he’d wanted to cut more wood, to make sure they had enough.

  “Your coffee is getting cold,” she said.

  She didn’t like him being out here in the cold. He’d tried to stop her from coming to see him, but there was no way she was going to let him come out here all on his own. That wasn’t the kind of woman she was.

  Sipping at her tea, she waited as he finished the current log and stepped over toward her. He had on overalls that he’d put on over his boots so the snow wouldn’t get inside them.

  He sat down on the step beside her.

  She handed him a cup as he took off his gloves.

  “How are you today?”

  She’d woken up last night to a storm and Mount hadn’t lost his temper with her. He’d held her in his arms, helping her to feel safe, secure, and warm. This was how life was supposed to be.

  “I’m feeling much better, you?”

  “I can’t complain.”

  She’d come to notice that Mount never complained about anything.

  “I’ve got soup on,” she said.

  “I’m going to do some more logging and bring them in the house. I don’t want to risk us coming out in the cold.”

  “I can help,” she said. “I hate sitting around all day doing nothing. Use me.” In her mind, she went really dirty and imagined his hands back on her ass. No one had played with her the way Mount had.

  “You’re an open book.” He chuckled.

  “I am.”

  “You think I don’t see a dirty thought when I do? Believe me, I do.” He reached out, gripping her neck and pulling her close. His lips slammed down on hers. His kiss dominated, controlled, and it made her want him so badly. “I don’t need you to work here,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  She wanted more.

  “If you’re outside cutting wood, and not inside fucking me, then I want to help so that I can get you back in bed, fucking.”

  He groaned. “Fine.” He finished his coffee and showed her where to store the wood. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I won’t.”

  While Mount continued to do his thing, cutting logs using his big axe, she carried the logs two at a time into the house, building up the stack.

  Mount helped the moment he was finished, and they filled the stack together. It was too early for soup, and as she removed her jacket, he surprised her by picking her up and placing her ass on the dining room table.

  He was so strong. The way he could just make her do what he wanted startled and excited her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I’m going to have some fun today, and you’re going to let me.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes.” He grabbed the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down, stripping them from her body. She helped by lifting her ass up.

  He kept her shirt on, but he spread her legs wide, tearing at her panties in the process of removing them from her body. His large hand cupped between her spread thighs. His thick fingers moved inside her, then out, spreading up to her clit.

  “You know, I’ve spent all day imagining this pussy on my face and now I don’t want to wait another moment to taste you.” He sat down and she watched as he began to feast on her.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, holding her open, stopping her from pushing him away. Not that she wanted to. His face pressed against her cunt, and she cried out his name, begging for more. He worked two fingers inside her as he ate her pussy. She wasn’t silent as her orgasm washed over her. She screamed his name, gripping the back of his head as she wanted more.

  Mount pressed a kiss to her clit, stood up, and opened his jeans. He pulled out his already hard cock. It was stiff and ready for action. He placed the tip at her entrance and slammed in hard.

  With her orgasm still rippling through her, she couldn’t believe the added pleasure of his dick as he drove inside her, harder. She held on to the table as he cupped her hips, using her body for leverage to pound inside her. The pleasure was instant and he shoved his hands beneath her shirt to cup her tits, holding her down.

  “Lift it up. Let me see those tits.”

  She grabbed the edge of her shirt, lifting it over her head so it was bound across her shoulders.

  He bit down, flicking the tips, nibbling on them as he drove inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling him go deeper with every single thrust.

  When her tits didn’t seem to be enough, he kissed her hard and fucked her. She held on to him as he filled her. His cum triggered her release as he pulsed inside her, creating a wave of pleasure.

  Afterward, neither of them moved. Both held each other, panting for breath.

  “I don’t know if we should eat on this table.”

  “I’m going to eat every single meal here, knowing I fucked you really good on it. You have no idea how amazing it feels to have your cunt wrapped around my dick.”

  His dirty words made her blush, but she couldn’t help it, nor did she want to.

  He really was … everything.

  She hated it when he pulled away and went to grab a towel to help clean her up. Yes, it was just sex, but already she felt herself wanting more,
desperate for more, and it drove her crazy because this was only supposed to be about her getting better, not falling for a man she barely knew.


  “And how is everything?”

  “Don’t be a dick, you know how everything is,” Mount said.

  He rubbed at his temple. The storm had come and passed. He and Meghan had been alone now for over a week, and during that time, he’d spent ninety percent of it with his dick inside her.

  Not that he was complaining.

  He loved having her around, and what was more, William would have known it as well. His friend was a conniving son of a bitch.

  “I guess I found the right woman, didn’t I?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Please tell me you’ve been more civilized with Meghan than you ever are with me.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Why did you call?”

  “To check up on everything. I know the storms out there are particularly brutal, and I wanted to make sure everything was all right.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “What’s going on, Mount? All bullshit aside, I can tell something’s up.”

  He stared outside.

  Meghan was out in the snow, playing with his dogs, and watching her now, he couldn’t help but feel a pain inside his chest. He wasn’t ill or anything, but he was going to have to give her back. “You know what is wrong. I fucking hate you right now and if you were here, I’d kick your ass.” He rubbed at his eyes. “She’s special. Okay? There, you finally got me to admit it. I think she’s fucking amazing. I didn’t think there was ever going to be a woman for me and for this way of life, but you found her.”

  “Then tell me, Mount. Why do you sound like I’ve ruined your fucking life?”

  “Because she’s not mine to keep. She has a life and I can’t stop her from living her dream. Her life isn’t about being stuck here with me. It’s about being out there with you, with people like you.”

  William sighed. “You’re going to fuck this up. Meghan is killing herself because that isn’t the life for her. Sure, she’s one of my best authors, but I know a part of her is dying inside the longer she’s here. She is … different. We’ve talked. She wants a husband. The family. A place like the one you have. She wants it all but she’s too scared to go after it. This is where you’re going to have to be the one to grow some balls here. Be the man for her, otherwise, you will lose her.”

  “What if she was never mine?” he asked.

  “Mount, there’s no way that woman would have given you anything if she didn’t have feelings for you. I’ve known her for years. If there is a chance you two can be together, you’ll find it. Meghan doesn’t go around screwing random guys. She likes you.”

  “I’ve got to go.” He hung up the phone before William had any chance to say or do anything that would conflict him.

  “Is everything all right?” Meghan asked, coming through the door. She grabbed a couple of the towels and began to dry his dogs. They were all happy for her fuss and attention.

  “It was Will,” he said.

  “Is he okay?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine.”

  “Good.” She hummed as she finished the dogs. Once she had, they were already camping out in front of the hot log fire.

  “Get naked and go upstairs. Kneel on the bed.”

  Her lips formed a perfect O. He expected her to argue but she didn’t. She was gone and he heard her run upstairs toward the bedroom. His cock tightened. Out of habit, he locked all the doors and made his way upstairs.

  Meghan was on her knees on the bed, naked. Her ass and pussy in perfect view.

  He removed his clothes quickly, dumping them in a corner for him to deal with later. He moved toward a drawer, pushing aside his underwear to grab the tube of cream he’d need. He squeezed out some lubricant, smearing it all over his hard length before returning to the bed and using a generous amount on her anus.

  For the past week, he’d been working her ass until she could take three of his fingers and he’d spread her wide.

  The conversation he had with William plagued his thoughts but he pushed them aside, putting all of his focus on his woman. She was the most important part of his world now. Not the fear of what the thawing would bring.

  He cupped her pussy and teased her clit as he brought the tip of his cock to her anus. She didn’t pull away from him, but at first, she did tense.

  He pressed past the tight ring of muscles and Meghan helped him. He pinched her clit, stroking out the pain as he sank within her. She whimpered. She was so fucking tight.

  “How are you doing? Do you want me to stop?”

  “I’m fine. No need to stop.”

  “Good.” He didn’t want to stop either but he would have for her. He’d do whatever he could for her. He ran his fingers over her back and then went back to her clit, teasing and stroking her, giving her pleasure, letting her get used to his cock in her ass. When he felt her close to orgasm, he began to rock in and out of her, taking his thrusts slow. He built them up with her gasping and moaning. He saw her grip tighten on the bed, but her ass told him a different story.

  She came hard, and her ass clamped down on him. He didn’t stop stroking her clit, feeling her come apart around his dick as he worked her pussy.

  He was so close, and he didn’t try to prolong his release. He came, filling her asshole up, but what he really wanted to do was to fill her and get her pregnant so she didn’t have a reason to ever leave him.

  Chapter Seven

  “Do you still hate me?” William asked.

  Meghan sighed. This dude was just too arrogant. Someone needed to wipe it off his face, or at least from his voice.

  “No, I don’t hate you. I never said I hated you. I don’t even know why you think I would.”

  “You were the one who told me you didn’t need to go away on this trip or to be told what to do.”

  “And I very much believe that.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” he asked.


  “Meghan, we’ve been friends too long for you to lie to me.”

  She blew out a breath and looked outside to where Mount was clearing away some of the snow so the dogs could go out to do their business.

  “I … it’s nothing.”

  “Look, I know you’re not used to sharing your feelings with anyone and you try to hide everything, I get it, but you don’t need to hide from me.”

  She closed her eyes, clenched her fist, and rested it on the wall near the phone. “I don’t know what it is you want from me, William.”

  “I want the truth.”

  “Fine, you want the truth? Here it is. I don’t know if I want to come back home. I don’t know if there’s anything for me back there in the city. I love it here. At first, I hated it. But now, I love being here. I love waking up in the morning to silence, or the birds singing. I even love that we have blackouts. I can write when I want to, and there’s no anything.” She pressed her lips together. “And I think I’ve fallen in love with Mount as well. Don’t even think to tell me how crazy that is. It is crazy, right? I’ve known him for such a short time and people have these long courtships where they date for months. No, not even months, years, and I don’t even have that. We don’t really know each other. It’s crazy. Stupid. Ignore me.” She now rested her head against the wall. “Are you still there?”

  “Listening to every single bumbling word and the only ones that make no sense is for you to think you’re crazy.”

  She lifted her head. “Come on, William, you’re the voice of reason.”

  “I know. Why do you think I sent you to Mount in the first place?”

  “You were worried about me?” She honestly didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

  “You and Mount, if you both got your heads out of your asses, would realize just how perfect you are for each other. You both want the same things. You’re both workaholics, working toward the same goal. You think I don’t hear a differenc
e in his voice?” he asked. “Mount is all gruff and withdrawn. Since you’ve been with him, I’ve been able to have a full-blown conversation with him, and I know that it’s all down to you. Not me, you.”

  “William, I don’t … we’re … it’s complicated.”

  “Bullshit. There is nothing complicated about love. Do not make me travel there and bang your two heads together. I mean, seriously. Do I have to point out the fucking obvious? You are perfect for one another. You are there because you need him just as he needs you. The sex, I’m guessing is off the charts. It’s dirty, fun, and you can’t keep your hands off one another. You both want to have a huge family, and believe me, that requires a lot of sex. He makes you laugh and feel safe. What fucking more do you want?”

  “What about my life back there?” she asked.

  “What life? You lived in front of a computer. That was your life. There are no friends here to hold you back. There’s me, but you two are my friends, and I’m going to do what is best for both of you. When the snow thaws, I don’t expect to pick you up. If you even think of leaving there, I won’t help you get home.”

  William hung up and Meghan stared down at the receiver a little … shocked.

  “Are you okay?” Mount asked as he stepped into the house.

  She put the phone back in the cradle and nodded. “Sure, I’m fine.” She had no clue how to tell Mount exactly what his friend said.

  “How is William?”


  Mount raised a brow.

  “I mean, he’s, you know, doing all of his bossy routine with everyone. It’s what he does.” Even us. “Do you ever think he’s got some kind of complex where he thinks he knows the answers to everything?”

  “Oh, he does. He always thought he knew people as well. We’d sit in restaurants or cafés and he’d play this game where he’d stare at people and try to tell me what they were doing, or what they had planned. Proposals, breakups, that kind of thing.”

  “Was he ever right?”

  Mount frowned. “Most of the time he was. That’s what makes William a good man. He reads people. Probably should have been a cop or something.” He walked up to her and pulled her into his arms. “How are you feeling?”


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