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Mountain Man's Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 21)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Fine. More than fine. You?”

  She hoped he would say he was horny because right now, all she wanted was his cock inside her so she didn’t have to think about the phone call or the implications of what it all meant.

  This was scary.

  She’d been in foster homes her entire childhood. Faced off with many a different kind of bully, and yet, staring at Mount with the knowledge he may have feelings for her was the scariest feeling in the world.

  She didn’t know what to say to him, or how to even think about speaking her feelings.

  It was scary, more than scary.

  If he said no or that he didn’t have feelings for her, she’d be crushed. Pressing her lips together, she tried not to think and only felt as he kissed her.


  Never in his life did Mount think he would have a winter or a storm he would consider the best of his life. As he stared at the now-dry land, he hated to see the snow go. Only now, it was scarier than ever before because this kind of dryness meant one thing.

  Meghan was going to leave him. They had talked last night and she had mentioned having to leave. He hadn’t stopped her. He hadn’t listened to William’s advice and told her not to go.

  Instead, he’d stayed silent, held her tightly, and fucked her harder. She hadn’t been in her own bed since that first night the power had cut out. Now, he didn’t know if he could watch her walk away.

  You’ve got to do something or risk losing her forever!

  His dogs whimpered as if they knew what was to come and he couldn’t do it. Not now, not fucking ever. He slammed the front door, locking it, and took the stairs two at a time, going to her room. Meghan stood in front of her suitcase.

  “Don’t go,” he said.


  “Look, I know this life isn’t glamorous. There is nothing really here to attract you. It’s cold winters, hot summers, and next to no visitors. I work the land and drive into town to get supplies, but for the most part, it’s lonely. I’m really not selling this to you but what I can tell you, Meghan, is that … I love you. I know I shouldn’t be telling you this and I should let you go and do the right thing, allowing you to live your life exactly how you want to, but I’ve fallen in love with you. There’s no one else out there for me, and no one I could ever want. I love you more than anything else in the world and if you give me a chance, I know I can make your life have so much meaning. You will never have to have a lonely apartment again. We’ll fill this house with our children. Make it a home. A place full of love and hope. A place to really call home.”

  He saw tears in her eyes. “I will understand if you don’t feel anything for me, and I won’t stop you if you have to leave.” Those words felt like a lie to him. He shouldn’t be giving her false hope. “Please, don’t cry.”

  “They’re not tears of sadness, Mount.” She flung open the suitcase and he saw it was empty. “I can’t pack. I don’t want to and as you came in here, I was just trying to think of the right way to tell you that I’m in love with you too. I want to stay here with you. I don’t want to go anywhere else.”

  She nibbled her lip. “I want to have lots of babies with you. I love you, Mount. I know people might think it’s crazy to feel this way and so soon, but I don’t care what they think. I love you and I want to be with you.”

  He shut her up by taking her in his arms and kissing her hard. “Then I’m not driving you to the airport or letting you go.”

  “My apartment?”

  “I’ll get William to deal with everything, and we’ll have everything shipped here. I’ll take care of you, Meghan.”

  “I don’t need you to take care of me, Mount. I just need you to love me.”

  “I can do that. I already do that.” He kissed her again, hard. He had thought love was lost to him and that he’d never find his soulmate.

  She’d found him, and now, he was going to never let her go, and love her for the rest of their lives.


  Ten years later

  “Will Santa know where to find us?” Rebecca asked.

  Mount smiled as he looked over the storybook and at his little girl. She was five years old and growing more inquisitive with every passing day. “Has he ever let you down?”

  “No, but this year it’s really cold. I’m going to leave out my special quilt so he knows to keep nice and warm.”

  Kyle, his oldest son, strummed on his guitar. “Don’t forget to warm the milk as well.”

  Meghan walked in with a tray of hot cinnamon cookies and Mount’s heart lifted.

  Ten years they’d been together, and every single day was even better than the last. They did have to make the trek into town five days a week for their children to go to school. It had taken them a couple of months to make the decision whether to homeschool or enroll them.

  They had decided enrolling them was the best decision. So far, Kyle had flourished, and so had Carla, his oldest child. Rebecca would be starting school next September. Then there was the little girl Meghan was carrying. They had gotten the confirmation of gender a couple of months ago.

  All the kids dived for the cookies as he pulled Meghan into his lap.

  She let out a little giggle and he rubbed at the base of her back. She only had a couple of months left of her pregnancy and she was finding it difficult. At Christmas, she refused to buy cakes and cookies from the store.

  “Hello, love of my life,” he said. Marrying her had been the best fucking thing he’d ever done. He couldn’t even begin to describe how much he loved her.

  She was his entire world.

  William had been there at his wedding, a ceremony they’d held in town with a few more guests. He didn’t consider himself close to anyone, but a couple of the locals had been there. He owed William so much for sending Meghan to him.

  She cupped his face, kissing him hard. “Hello,” she said. “I love you, so much.”

  “When they go to bed,” he said, whispering, “you’re all mine.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Read the story, Daddy,” Rebecca said, drinking up her milk. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Yeah, Daddy, read the story,” Meghan said.

  He let out a chuckle. The story they wanted him to read was his and Meghan’s. She’d written it for the two of them, and the kids loved to read it. She’d left out all the dirty, hot sex, but it was still a sweet story.

  Surrounded by his family and filled with love, Mount knew he was never going to give this up for anything. He would protect it with his very life.

  Holding on to his curvy woman, he began to tell the story, knowing his children would find the loves of their life as well.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Forbidden Series, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One


  Coming back home is always a challenge. Not because I hate home or had any reason to wish I was somewhere else. No, I have a great home. An amazing, supportive family. I mean, my father died when I was little and I know it took my mom a long time to get over him, but she finally did, with a nice man. Frank Gates never fails to put a smile on my mother’s face, and for that, it makes him one of the best people around. I love my mom, and Frank’s not a bad person to like either. He’s always been fair and kind to me.

  Now I can’t say
the same about his son, Myron.

  Nope, his son for whatever reason, the moment our parents got married, decided to put me in the “he didn’t care about” column. I mean, it’s fine. What is there to like about him in the first place? He just treated me like I wasn’t there. I didn’t exist.

  Sure, he’s good-looking. Tall, muscular, and even before he turned eighteen, he had a whole lot of ink already. From what I found out, he’d found a crooked artist willing to ink anyone for a quick buck, and that was where he got the ink from. I don’t know if it’s true, but Myron has always been a rebel.

  The moment the girls at my school figured out I was living with him, they all suddenly became my new best friend.

  Most of my life I’d been a loner so having friends was really new to me, but I always knew why they were “friends,” so I always kept my distance.

  Besides, he could be so distant at times, and even his silence was like I didn’t exist. I don’t know what I ever did to him, but I’m finally over him. I won’t let him bother me anymore. I’m over him in the best kind of way, and I don’t care. At least, I’m hoping so. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a long time. Now I sound like some desperate woman. I’m wrong. So wrong.

  The cab pulls up in front of the house. My mom and I had moved into Frank’s place, only because he had a four-bedroom house with en-suite bathrooms, a garden with a pool, and in a nice part of town. Again, there was not a lot to hate about becoming his stepdaughter.

  In the past seven years, they hadn’t had any more kids. I don’t think Frank can have anymore, but the moment the door opens, before I see any humans, four dogs come rushing down the path as the cab driver gets my bags for me.

  It is the holidays, and all the festive lights are up around the house. Mom and Frank are both Christmas fanatics. They love this season and would often deck the house from top to bottom and do the whole of the outside. They even have a Christmas sweater tradition. Yep, I got mine in the mail, and I am wearing it. This year it is a reindeer on the front, cute. Another year it was a Christmas tree complete with flashing lights. It did look beautiful.

  Duncan, James, Huwie, and Bernice all jump around me. One cocker spaniel, Labrador, German Shepherd, and finally a Pomeranian are dancing and yapping at my feet.

  I love dogs. They are my favorite.

  I crouch down to their level and end up on my butt in the snow, but I don’t care. All I want to do is rub, kiss, and love these little darlings. They are so incredible, loving, and I’ve missed them.

  “Good boys and girl. Did you miss me? Yeah, I missed you so much.” I kiss each of their heads as Frank comes to pay the driver and take my one single suitcase.

  I’m never one for travel, or doing the whole six hundred bags for a couple of weeks. Besides, I don’t have all that much stuff.

  “Is this it?” Frank asks.


  “I don’t know how you can pack so light.”

  I laugh. Frank often thought I wasn’t like normal girls, especially compared to my mom. For a weekend away, I know she always had to pack at least four bags. My mom had a thing about odd numbers, so if she only packed three bags, it would bug her too much to let it go, so she’d find an excuse for a fourth.

  It was sweet, really.

  “Come here,” Frank says, pulling me into a hug. Before I’ve even gotten into his arms, Mom is there, surrounding me with her love.

  I love both of these people so much.

  They are my reason for fighting so hard at school, not physically, but on an educational basis.

  I love to learn, but it’s also really difficult for me, has been for as long as I can remember. I do my best, and I know my parents think I’m gifted or what not, but it’s only because I have to try really hard.

  Tucking my red hair behind my ears, I pull away and follow them back into the warmth of the house. Snow has already fallen, and I wasn’t supposed to arrive until Christmas Eve, but the moment the forecast got so bad, I was asked to make the trip here early. I’d finished all my assignments, and caught up well in advance of my schoolwork, so there was no valid reason for me to not come.

  In the back of my mind there was a tiny problem: Myron.

  My feelings for him, my real feelings over the years, they haven’t changed, not one bit, but I wouldn’t let him see I was like the other girls. He didn’t need to know that the moment he walked into a room, all I could think about was him. All I wanted was him. No, he had to think I didn’t like him, and that way, I wasn’t like the other girls.

  He had many notches on his bedpost, and I’d promised myself years ago I wouldn’t be one of them.

  “I’m so pleased you came. I’ve got dinner baking in the oven. Vegetable lasagna, your favorite.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I hug her tight and feel her happiness surround me. This is one of the many reasons why I love my mom, and will never, ever say no to her. “I’m going to go and get freshened up. My room is still my room?”

  “Yep, don’t worry, no gym yet, darling. Your mother keeps me on my toes.”

  “Don’t mind him, sweetheart. It’s so good to have you home.” She hugs me again, and I smile. It’s really good to be home.

  College is great. I love it, but it is not like home. Going away was supposed to be my chance at finding independence. Becoming myself. Experimenting.

  Instead, it has only driven me crazy because I know there is one person I want that I can never, ever have.

  Taking my case from Frank, I walk upstairs, going to the end of the hall where my bedroom is. The door is open, and I frown. My door is always shut.

  You haven’t been home so of course everything is going to change.

  At least I don’t feel like the odd one out.

  The moment I enter my room, I freeze. There at my open window, which is letting in a cold, icy blast, is my stepbrother, Myron.

  He’s not even smoking, just letting the cold in.



  I watched her arrive. I saw the dogs loving her and getting petted, her affection. Then of course my dad, her mom, and she’s looking good.

  No, fuck good.

  She’s looking sexy, hot, and grownup.

  Gone is the young schoolgirl she’d been, with the beautiful red hair and sweet smile.

  Now, she is … stunning. Sexy. Even in a reindeer sweater, which I have one to match in my own room.

  I don’t live with my parents, but over the holidays my dad insisted I come around for family time. It’s not like anything was keeping me back at my apartment. It’s lonely. Sure, I own it, and I’ve become an independent, respected working man at twenty-five. My dad can’t find a reason to complain about me, but I know deep down he wants what is best for me.

  I’m simply not allowed to have this woman standing right in front of me.

  “Myron,” she says, her gaze going to the window.

  I only opened it so I could hear her voice.


  Her lips are nice and plump. I’ve wanted to kiss them for so long, but always held myself back, because my family wouldn’t allow it. I’m getting sick and tired of looking the other way.

  She’s in college now.

  I can’t remember the number of times I’ve lain awake all night wondering what guy touched her, got to feel her against him. I’ve thought about driving to her college and beating the shit out of any person with a dick who thought they could get close to her. She belongs to me, only me, and I won’t have anyone stealing her away.

  “You’re making it really cold.”

  I close the window. “Cute.” I point at her outfit.

  “Please tell me you got one? I was told all of us are getting one.”

  “I’ve got one in my room.”

  “Great. Well, I’m going to wash up.”

  I watch her.

  “It requires you to leave, Myron. I know you think you’re the gift and all that, but I do need to get changed.”

“Do you think I’m not a gift?” I step closer to her.

  “I don’t have time for this.”

  The heavy scent of vanilla fills the air. It’s the scent of her shampoo. I know because I was the one to pick up the groceries, and she always asked for the vanilla scented.

  I love the smell of vanilla. It always reminds me of her.

  It’s not a bad thing. I like being reminded of the woman I could never have.

  She tilts her head back and looks at me. “Look, I don’t know what you’ve got to say to me, or how you intend to make this time terrible, but can we call it a truce? I don’t want to be ignored over Christmas. I know you like to pretend like I don’t exist.”

  “Yes.” I don’t argue with her. The only reason I’ve ever ignored her is for her own good.

  I mean it. If she thought there was a chance between us, it would have been next to impossible to stay away from her.

  It no longer matters now. I’m done listening to my dad. He can have his happy ending, but I’m not allowed to?

  Kate Reid has been a thorn in my side for a long time. I’ve wanted her, but stayed away, because I’m a good son. Sure, I piss my dad off with being a prick, but deep down, I’ve always done as I was told.

  Now, I’m done walking away from happiness.

  “Yes?” Her brows go up in surprise. “Wow, I’m … wow.”

  “In shock?”

  She smiles, and it’s wide and beautiful. “Yes. This is going to be a good Christmas. I know it is.”

  “Then let’s seal the deal with a kiss.”

  “A kiss?”

  “Yes, pretend there’s mistletoe around. We can kiss and make it all better. Call the truce to make our family happy.” All I want is to have a reason to kiss those plump, kissable lips.


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