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Improper Fraction

Page 7

by V. L. Locey

  “God, Mal. God. God.” He huffed as he gyrated against me. My fingers fisted in his hair, and I tipped his head back. His throat called. I lapped at his Adam’s apple, the abrasion of his whiskers on my tongue sending jolts of desire racing through me.

  “I know,” I whispered breathlessly as I nipped, tongued, and sucked his neck. He tasted like lake water and destiny. Then he moved, shifted, and the pressure of his cock riding mine lessened. I tried to get my legs around him but he pulled back, just enough to let cold lake water slip between us. “Garrison, come back here.” I yanked on his hair. He shook his head but came back anyway.

  “I thought I heard someone,” he softly said.

  I plundered his mouth. He began returning my kiss, stroking my tongue with his, rolling his tongue around mine. His body slid back into place. Right where it belonged which was flat against mine.

  “I want to touch you everywhere.” I gasped when we broke for air. His reply was to nudge at my chin with his nose until I dropped my head back. Then he found my throat and sucked – hard. I knew I’d carry his mark tomorrow but I didn’t care. Nope. Didn’t give one shit. I held his mouth in place, whimpered for him to suck me harder, and pumped my cock back and forth over his.

  “Mal, oh fuck.” He cried out against my voice box. His body shook violently and I knew he had just come right in his swim trunks. He murmured softly as his orgasm rolled over him. I held him to me, worked my hips around wantonly. Garrison nipped at my collarbone. I pumped against him, my hands tight to the sides of his head. “Come for me, Mal. Come right on me, please.” He growled as he licked his way around my ear. My balls tightened at the words and a moment later, I was bucking against him wildly as I came. The release was incredible. I cried out, pulled on his wet hair, and humped his hip bone like a dog. He held me tight against the wooden pylon, his hot mouth moving over my damp skin, heating it, searing it, claiming it as his. He captured my soft cries with his mouth. We kissed and kissed, our bodies slowing as we clung to each other like wild grapevines.

  “My God, Mal, that was crazy good.” He nibbled on my chin as we floated in that cold lake. “I mean I’ve never…it’s never been like that, so good, with anyone.”

  “Not even Dee-Dee and her double Ds.” I teased while I pushed his wet hair back from his face.

  “Not even close.” He grabbed a kiss, and then another, then another still. I wanted more. I wanted to take him to my cabin, lay him down on my bed, and teach him how men loved men. I wanted him beside me, under me, on top of me. I wanted to be in him and then have him deep inside me.

  I wanted so much more…

  Amid all that wanting, we both heard Professor Belshaw singing some old Kansas song my father always sang as well. She was terribly off key. Garrison and I fell silent, my back still tight to the wooden pylon until the owner of the camp slammed the door on her cabin soundly.

  “Shit,” Garrison whispered beside my damp ear. “I told you I thought I heard something.”

  With the mood broken, we separated and swam as silently as we could around the dock. Garrison pulled me up after he got his feet under him. I dressed in silence. When I turned around, Garrison leaned down for a kiss. There was no way I could deny him because I wanted his lips on mine desperately.

  “We better go,” I said as his warm breath fluttered over my tender lips.

  “Yeah, I know. Are you okay with what happened down there?” he asked. I wasn’t sure if I was or not and I told him so. “Cool, I mean, it’s not cool that you’re not in a place where you can trust me yet, but it’s cool that you’re being honest about it.”

  “I think we both need to be honest from here on out, don’t you?” His fingers stroked the back of my hand. My skin began to pimple up with gooseflesh.

  “Yeah, totally I do. What about that Alex dude?”

  “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” I assured Garrison then rose to my toes to get one last taste of him.

  “Mal, I know we have a lot of shit to work out and all. Do you think we can work on us when we get back home? I mean, would that be okay?”

  “Yeah, that would be quite okay.” I stole one last kiss then slipped around him and hurried to my cabin. This time when I crawled under my covers, I dropped off instantly and slept soundly until sunrise. A cawing crow sitting above my cabin woke me up. The first thing I did when my gummy eyes opened was call up the memory of Garrison and me under the dock. It warmed me. It made me smile. It scared the parallel postulate out of me. How had I gone from hating the man to riding him like a carnival pony in less than three weeks? This is why I tended to stick with numbers. Numbers were sensible, reasonable, and blessedly logical. Lust, love, passion, jealousy, and all those other tempestuous emotions were illogical.

  “Thank you, Mr. Spock. Nothing like cool Vulcan logic.” I grumbled as I rolled out of bed. “Where the hell were you last night under the dock?” Feeling angry with myself for being so spineless and so horny, I kicked a pair of wet underwear lying on the floor into a corner then pulled on another clean pair of shorts. I found a clean tank top and my sneakers and hit the hiking trail with gusto. My walk was rigorous. I sweat and I thought, my feet hitting the trails with speedy rhythm. I was about three miles from the campgrounds and deep into the woods. The air was thick with summer moisture and my clothes were soaked with perspiration.

  I stopped beside a clump of white birch trees, panting madly, and stared up the thick canopy overhead. A small band of tiny black gnats descended on me as I tried to catch my breath. They were hungry little bastards. I was waving my hands in front of my face to clear the cloud of bugs when I heard her coming up fast. I ignored the gnats when Professor Belshaw, singing the same old song she had been singing last night, jogged up to me.

  “O’Malley Ramsey, imagine running into you out here,” she said with a smile. I mumbled something about needing to stay in shape to keep up with the campers. The old woman in the hot pink running shorts and yellow sports bra jogged in place as I rambled on. “I thought you’d be sleeping in after you’d been out in the lake sucking face with Garrison until after one-thirty in the morning.”

  “We…lake…he…I got stung by a bee.” I stammered then closed my eyes and exhaled so deeply I should have passed out. “I’ll pack my bags, Professor.”

  “Why? Is it the end of July?” She enquired as she ran in place. I blinked at her through my sweat-dotted glasses.

  “No, but I assumed—”

  “You do that quite often.” She scolded gently. “It’s not a good habit at all. Did you think I would boot you out of camp for swimming in the lake?”

  “Well, no, I thought—”

  “Did you think I’d make you leave because you were kissing another man?”

  “Yes, Professor, that is exactly what I thought.” I admitted while envisioning that glowing recommendation from Professor Belshaw igniting into flames, along with my teaching career.

  “You do tend to overthink things, O’Malley.

  “Yes, Professor, I know.” Everyone tells me that all the time.” So you’re okay with the fact that two of your counselors aren’t straight?” I wasn’t going to out Alex of course.

  “O’Malley, do you remember meeting my roommate Rhonda O’Dell Dowdy?” Professor Belshaw asked as she jogged.

  “Yes, Professor,” I replied. Rhonda O’Dell Dowdy was around the same age as our beloved camp owner. She was a strong-jawed southern black woman with fire red hair and a laugh so sharp it could cut down trees in lieu of a chainsaw. Miss Rhonda O’Dell Dowdy was a renowned researcher in the field of cancer research before she had retired.

  “Do you know how long Miss Rhonda and I have been roommates?”

  I stared at her dully. “No, Professor.”

  “Twenty-three years, O’Malley. That’s one year longer than you’ve been alive. Think about that with that numerically inclined brain of yours for a moment.” She ran in place and waited for me to catch on. When I did, my eyes went round.

  “Oh, o
h, okay, so you and Miss Rhonda O’Dell Dowdy are more than roommates,” I said as two and two made a perfect four. She smiled in reply. “Why aren’t you two married yet?”

  “Well, we plan to as soon as her mother passes over. Mrs. Dowdy is a proud Southern Baptist and in very bad health. Rhonda doesn’t want to make her mother’s last days on earth upsetting, so we wait and we pretend and we continue to fool no one aside from Mrs. Dowdy and you.” She reached out to tap my nose then she resumed her jog. I fell in beside her.

  “So you’re not mad at me for that scene in the lake. It was totally unplanned, I swear.” I told her as we rounded a soft curve in the trail. A doe and her fawn leaped off the path when they spotted us.

  “As long as none of the campers saw it, I could care less who you get freaky with.” I had to wince at the term. “That being said, I don’t expect to come back from trying to paint owls and find you two making out in the lake every night.”

  “I promise it will never happen again.” I opted not to question her on trying to paint owls in the dark. It was better to let some things go unanswered.

  “Then carry on my wayward counselor,” she said and ran off, her unpleasant singing voice scaring all the animals and several birds. Feeling much lighter, I resumed walking with a bounce in my step. I took a short path that climbed steeply for a short bit then dropped off and led quickly back to camp. I wanted to shower and find Garrison. He’d be relieved to know that we didn’t have to worry about being tossed out on our gay little backsides. Well, gay, bi, or whatever he planned to identify as when he figured it out. The lake sat calmly as I strutted past. A slight heat climbed up my neck to my face when I got a glimpse of the dock. I had to hurry. The girls were to be fed and out of the mess hall by eight sharp. I hustled into my cabin, stripped, and rushed into the small shower stall in the corner of an equally small bathroom. At least we didn’t have communal showers. I had always hated them in school.

  My shower was quick. I skipped shaving. My legs were still wet when I stepped into a clean pair of briefs and tugged them up over my ass. I dug through what remained of my clean clothes and found a khaki green pair of cargo shorts and one lone G.R.A.M.S. purple t-shirt. Nothing spells “put together young man” like green and purple. I pushed my fingers through the longer hair on top of my head, grabbed my phone from the bed, slid my feet into my leather sandals and yanked open the door. There stood Alex.

  “Oh, hi,” I said as the shock of seeing him standing there lessened. “I’m just on my way to get the girls to breakfast. Would you like to walk with me? We need to talk.” I pulled my door shut and turned to face him.

  His brown eyes were warm and that made me feel even worse about the upcoming conversation. He smiled softly then his eyes darted from my face to my neck. All the warmth disappeared. I reached up to tug the collar of my t-shirt up to cover Garrison’s marks.

  “Guess I can save the apology I worked on.”

  I felt terrible. “Alex, this thing with Garrison is amazingly convoluted. I never meant to pull you into the whirlpool that he and I seem to be. I truly do like you.”

  “You can barely stand talking to him but you don’t seem to mind fucking around with him. You are such a miserable liar.”

  He backed away wearing a look of pure disgust, turned, and left me standing in the first rays of the morning sun feeling like a big nasty slug. I felt like I should try to say something but I had no idea as to what. I blew out a long breath and headed off to round up my campers.


  Waving goodbye to my girls at the end of camp is always tough. This year was no exception, although I did have the knowledge that I’d see Emily as soon as I returned home. We counselors are expected to close up the cabins before we can leave so that’s where Garrison – our honorary athletic counselor – found me as dusk settled on Lake Amalie.

  “Who knew girls could be so messy?” he said as he strolled into the cabin I’d been working on for three hours. “This place looks like my college team stayed here after an all-night binge.”

  “It’s something else, isn’t it?” I fished under a bunk bed and pulled out a pair of panties, a hairbrush, an open tube of pink lip gloss, and one striped sock. The lip gloss had hair and dirt dried on it. I threw everything into a trash bag. Garrison sat down on the bunk behind me, the bed creaking ominously under his weight.

  “I thought girls were supposed to be tidy.” He commented as I got to my feet and began dusting off my knees.

  “They’re not all your sister.” I sighed then picked at a gummy bear embedded in my left kneecap. When I finally got the blue glob off, I tossed it into the garbage bag as well then turned to find Garrison’s dark eyes flicking upward. “Were you staring at my backside?” I asked in a sassy way. He had to avert his gaze. The rosy blush on his clean cheeks made me chuckle softly. “It’s okay to look. Did you like what you saw?”

  “Yeah, you have this tiny tight ass that makes me want to…” He slowed then stopped. I dropped into a crouch in front of him and placed my hands on his knees.

  “You can say what you’re feeling in front of me, Garrison.” I gently told him. He pulled his gaze from the floor and looked right at me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

  He wet his lips then coughed lightly. “I guess I’m not used to being able to say what I’m thinking. I’ve spent the last four years keeping those kinds of thoughts locked down tight, you know?”

  “I know, but you have me and Emily to talk to now. Although I’m not sure if I’d tell her my ass is tight. That might be awkward.” I gave his knees a squeeze. He laughed gruffly and then leaned in for a kiss. You could feel the tension leaving him as his lips hesitantly moved over mine. I let him explore. Sure, I could lead him but I wanted him to build up his confidence. After a sweet moment or two, he pulled back to search my face.

  “I like kissing you.” He confided with a shy smile that made more of the residual anger around my heart melt away.

  “I like kissing you too.” I told him then went to one knee so I could sit on the dusty floor. “You really haven’t kissed any other men but me?”

  He shook his head and leaned back onto the bottom bunk he was sitting on. Arms locked straight behind him he stretched out his thick legs. This time when I had the urge to touch the crisp brown hair on his calf, I did. I began rubbing the muscles that had contracted when my hand had settled on his leg.

  “Only you.” He assured me, and I believed him. I supposed I would have to rebuild the trust he had shattered one day at a time. “I did hook up with quite a few girls at college. It was expected, like after a big win all the guys would hook up with women. They were readily available and it, you know, it scratched an itch.”

  “Garrison, I am really fine with the fact that you like to sleep with women.”

  “See, that’s the thing that confuses me.” I continued to massage his firm calf muscles as much for him as for me. He seemed to be utterly relaxed and willing to discuss things that he needed to discuss. “I mean, I thought I was so into girls, but now, it’s like my tastes are changing and I dig guys. Actually, it’s been men I have fantasized about for a couple of years now. Is that normal? I mean, do all gay men fuck women first?”

  “Some do, I’m sure, as they work through who they are. I didn’t but that’s just me. Stop worrying about what’s normal.” My hands rested on his left calf. “What is normal, really? Who gets to decide? If you feel right kissing me then that’s normal for you and that’s all that matters.”

  “God, I wish I would have had you to talk to during college,” he said.

  “You could have. I was only a phone call away,” I replied then bit my tongue. “Sorry, that was just some of the old snippy O’Malley coming out. He’s a nasty little bitch at times,” I said then slapped his meaty calf playfully. Garrison didn’t laugh as I had wished. His gaze left me and went to the bottom of the bed that was above him.

  “Bitchy O’Malley has every right to come out.” His voice cracked, and I g
ot up from the floor and sat down beside him on the bed. Not knowing what to say exactly because he was right, I was entitled to be a bitch about things, I nestled in close and put my head on his shoulder. “I don’t know how to say I’m sorry well enough to make what happened go away.”

  “It won’t go away.” I told him as I breathed in lemon and Garrison. “We both have to move past it.” I wiggled up to drop a tiny kiss to the side of his neck. He groaned. His one elbow bent then the other, dropping us both to our backs. My head thumped the thick wooden frame at the same time Garrisons did. We both hissed in pain then started laughing. Garrison rolled to his side. His head braced on his hand and timidly reached out to touch my stomach, his fingers sliding up under my shirt. A tremor ran over the skin under my old yellow tank top. I folded my hands behind my head and gazed up at him. “Go ahead. Investigate.”

  His face shifted from inhibited to curious. He pushed my shirt up then bent down to touch his lips to a nipple. I bit back a moan but couldn’t stop the dark pink bit of tender flesh from pebbling. He flicked it with the tip of his tongue. This time the groan escaped. I met his gaze. He stared at me then ran his tongue over my nipple. Each time I made a sound of appreciation. Each following lap was harder. Soon he was sucking my nipple, his fingers digging into my stomach as I writhed from the pleasure he was giving me.

  “You taste great.” He murmured while blazing a wet trail from one nipple to the other with his tongue. My cock throbbed with each beat of my heart. I pinned my hands to the bed with my head. This had to be his show, his time to touch, feel, taste, smell, and discover. I felt like a display at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Instead of Garrison touching a jellyfish or a stingray, he was touching me and learning how another man’s skin felt. O’Malley Ramsey – A living exhibit in homoerotic passion. I snorted at my thought. “Does that tickle?”


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