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H.T. Night's 8-Book Vampire Box Set

Page 79

by Night, H. T.

  “This is nice, Tommy.”

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  I smiled at her warmly, she smiled back. But then her mouth just dropped wide open. “Are you okay, Tommy?”


  “Your eyes are bright yellow.”

  Holy shit! Here it is! It must be dark outside. “I feel fine,” I said, trying not to freak her out.

  “Let’s go sit down,” she said. “You don’t look good.”

  “We don’t need to do that. I feel great.”

  Maya continued to stare at me and her face said it all. She was completely freaked out. “No, we’re going to go sit down.”

  “All right.” We skated off the ice and sat in a couple chairs by the snack bar. The snack bar was more lit than ice rink, and that didn’t make things any better.

  I sat across from Maya and she just stared at me with a puzzled look.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, you look different. You were scruffy this morning, but your beard looks like it has already filled out.”

  I just nodded my head and allowed her to try to come to grips with what she was seeing.

  “Your ears,” she said. “They appear to be pointier.”

  That’s new, I thought.

  “And your nose seems to be longer than it was just minutes ago. It’s like someone replaced you with a bad body double.”

  “A bad body double? Thanks.” I tried to make light of it, but I could tell Maya was about to lose it.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that.” Maya continued to stare at me. I could tell she was thinking she was losing her mind and I decided this was the moment to let her in on the truth.

  “Let’s leave,” I said. “I have something to tell you.”

  “Okay,” Maya said, slowly.

  We turned in our skates and headed back to my car. I began to drive back and decided to pull over at the Rim of the World High School parking lot so we could talk. I parked my car in the large empty lot and took the keys out of the ignition and stared straight ahead.

  “What’s happening, Tommy? Are you having an allergic reaction or something?”

  “It’s not an allergic reaction,” I answered.

  “Then, please tell me what the hell is going on.”

  I didn’t say anything at first. I knew I had to tell her and I was just praying this wouldn’t be a deal breaker. “It’s something a little more bizarre than that,” I said.

  “Okay, tell me. What’s happening to you?”

  I turned and faced Maya. She looked at me, petrified, and it broke my heart. She was no longer seeing me as I am. She was seeing this half-thing I had become. “Maya, there are things in this world that are unexplainable, and up to a month ago, I didn’t believe any of it myself.”

  “Okay,” she said. She had apprehension in her voice that scared me to tell her any more, but I had to.

  “Maya,” I said plainly. “I’m in the process of becoming a werewolf.”

  “What? Are you fucking with me?”

  “No, I’m not,” I assured her. “I’m not fully understanding what’s happening to me myself. All I can tell you is that I know werewolves are real.”

  “You’re being totally serious, Tommy?”


  “And you can just say that out loud and that doesn’t sound weird coming out of your mouth?”

  “Of course it sounds weird. You need to understand this is something I didn’t believe in either. But, I have seen it with my own eyes. I have seen a human turn into a full-blown werewolf.”

  Maya’s eyes started darting back and forth in a panic and she opened the car door; she started running across the parking lot. I opened my door and yelled, “Where are you going?”

  “Anywhere, but here,” she yelled, back to me.

  “Maya! Please stop! If you care about me at all, please let me talk to you!”

  Maya stopped at the end of the parking lot and refused to turn around. At least she stopped running. I walked over to her and brought her back slowly to my car.

  “I tell you what, let me tell you the entire story and maybe it might make more sense. Maya, you know me. You know I’m not crazy. You know if I think it’s true, then there’s at least the possibility it could be because I’m not crazy.”

  Maya sat in my passenger seat and she seemed horrified. I reached over and held her hand. And right there, I told her the whole story regarding Sasha and how I was bit and how now I was in some sort of limbo phase. She was having a hard time keeping it together. It didn’t help either that I mentioned dating my roommate for a short period. She had a lot to take in. But she did allow me to speak. I decided to hold off on telling her about vampires.

  Maya got out of the car again but this time she didn’t run. She just sat on the hard asphalt parking lot, crossed her legs and closed her eyes as if she was doing yoga.

  I got out of my car and walked over to her. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “This is how I calm down,” She said.

  I nodded. “Go ahead, knock yourself out.”

  Maya sat there for a brief time and then looked up at me. “What I don’t understand is…what’s happening to you?”

  “Like I said, Maya, I was bitten horribly in the shoulder by a werewolf that was in his human form. I think nature or the Triat has put me in some kind of werewolf purgatory, where I’m neither a man nor a werewolf.”

  “This is the same Triat my grandfather used to talk about?”

  “It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it.”

  “So, you’re saying you might be partially immortal?”

  “I don’t think that’s how it works. You’re either immortal or you’re not.”

  “But as far as you know, you could be completely immortal?”

  “Possibly. I don’t plan on testing it out,” I laughed.

  We sat out there and talked until the wee hours of the morning. Maya seemed to believe me and how could she not, I just sported a new beard and my face changed into a partial werewolf. We eventually made our way back to the cabin, and to my surprise, Maya didn’t pull away once after obtaining this new bit of information about me. If anything, it drew her closer to me. The rest of the weekend we just talked and shared—we took care of each other.

  Chapter Seven

  During the next couple of weeks, Maya and I continued to get even closer. I had decided to pay for Sasha to get her Jeep out of the police impound lot. She agreed to do my laundry and wash my car until I felt that she had paid me back.

  Sasha had been pushing for herself and Patrick to meet Maya for a couple weeks now. I hadn’t brought the three of them together out of fear that Sasha would say something inappropriate to Maya. Maya was cool that Sasha lived with me, even though we had had a fling. I assured Maya that I had zero sexual feeling toward Sasha, that we were just friends, and that Patrick might be interested in Sasha. All of that explanation was good enough for her.

  I just felt it was better to just keep them isolated. Plus, Sasha had made snide remarks that insinuated Maya was going to lower the boom on me, at any moment, and show her true colors. She couldn’t believe anyone can be as perfect as I claim Maya to be. Well, she’s wrong.

  I knew I couldn’t put off, forever, the three of them meeting. Patrick and Sasha had become two of my very best friends and Maya was my girlfriend. So, after being pressured relentlessly by both Sasha and Maya, I put together a dinner for the four of us in Hollywood. I knew I wanted zero problems, so I had decided we all should go to someplace out of town. That way it would be a new experience for everyone and at least we all would have that in common. Or at least they would. I had picked a nice, little restaurant called the French Market that I had gone to a year ago on a blind date, set up by my trainer, Mo.

  We took two separate cars down to Hollywood. I had picked up Maya by myself and then we took the 10 freeway and did a straight shot to Hollywood. I thought it would be silly for Patrick and Sasha to follo
w us because it would be extremely out of their way. So, we all agreed to meet at the restaurant around 8:00 p.m. It would be dark, so Patrick wouldn’t have any sun issues to deal with.

  We got to Hollywood in about an hour. We parked in a small, rundown parking lot down the street from the restaurant and walked to get to the French Market. I had let Maya know that Patrick called me Kyro as a nickname and I made up a story to explain why. It was an awful lie that made no sense, which is one of the reasons why I don’t lie to people because I’m horrible at it.

  When we arrived, Patrick and Sasha were already seated, having a drink. Sasha was dressed to the nines, her hair done up real nice and had enough makeup on to last a girl like Maya a whole month. Patrick and Sasha definitely looked like they were on a date.

  I led Maya to the table where my two friends were sitting. They were laughing, drinking wine and engaged in a conversation. I stopped at the front of the table, and Patrick stopped whatever he was saying when he saw me, “Kyro! You guys made it.”

  I watched Maya’s face as Sasha looked up at us.

  “Hi guys!” Sasha’s eyes were beaming, her face flushed with happiness.

  “Hello,” Maya said. She seemed a bit surprised that Sasha was a complete knockout. But as far as I could tell, it wasn’t bothering her too much.

  “Maya,” I said. “These are my two roommates, Patrick and Sasha.”

  “Hello,” Maya said again.

  “Wow, she’s gorgeous, Tommy,” Sasha proclaimed, as if I just showed up to the dinner with a show horse.

  Maya seemed embarrassed by Sasha’s overly complimentary statement but smiled politely. I pulled out a seat for Maya to sit down and then I sat next to her.

  “So, what’s good, Tommy?” Sasha asked.

  “I actually don’t remember,” I said. “I would assume all the food is pretty good.”

  “Tommy, didn’t you say you went here before on a date?” Sasha smirked.

  “Yes,” I said, staring at Sasha with a look that said, ‘Did you really have to say that right off the bat.’

  Sasha caught my look, and it didn’t seem to matter to her because she had something to say, and it couldn’t wait. “What kind of date was it, Tommy?”

  “It was just a regular date, Sasha. It wasn’t a big deal, so can you drop it?”

  “And you had it here?” she continued to badger me with questions.

  “Yes,” I answered. “What’s the big deal?” I was getting upset now. She didn’t need to push the issue.

  “Look around and tell me what you see,” Sasha said. She stopped herself from laughing out loud.

  What was she talking about? I looked around the restaurant and quickly saw what she was referring to. Every table had couples having romantic dinners. There was something I had apparently overlooked the last time I was here. They were all same-sex couples. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Were you going through an experimental phase?” Sasha joked

  Maya looked around and figured it out, too, that this restaurant obviously catered to a gay clientele. Maya looked over me to join and joined in the joke. “Wow, she’s right, Tommy. You have some explaining to do.”

  Patrick jumped in for my defense, sort of. “Dude, it’s cool, Kyro. We all are a little gay.”

  “Very funny,” I said, to Patrick.

  “Well, it’s good to know that you’re not homophobic,” Sasha laughed.

  “I guess not,” I said. “Okay, ha-ha. Live and let live. Love and let love. Could we change the subject?”

  “Yes, we can, sweetie,” Maya said. “We don’t need to make you remember a time you’d like to forget.”

  “Really? Maya? You, too?”

  “Oh, sweetie, the only thing gay about you is your body.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Gay guys are really in shape,” Sasha said. “At my gym, all the hottest guys are gay.”

  “Yeah, you’re a real gym rat, Sasha,” Patrick laughed.

  “Hey, I used to be. If I sit around eating cookies all day and playing Monopoly, that is entirely your fault for making it so much fun.”

  I looked over at Maya and she seemed to be enjoying our friendly banter with one another, and from that point on, the four of us had a wonderful dinner with great conversation. Sasha and Maya seemed to really hit it off. I couldn’t tell if Sasha was just going along with it because that was the right way to act, or if she generally liked Maya. I knew Maya liked both Sasha and Patrick because she was far too real of a person to fake the good time she was having. The dinner felt like a double date.

  We finished dinner and all agreed to meet up at a coffee shop off of Silver Lake Street. The four of us walked back to the little parking lot where Maya and I had originally parked. Apparently, Sasha had also parked her Jeep in the same lot.

  I held Maya’s hand and we walked behind Sasha and Patrick. They weren’t holding hands but they walked closely together. We approached the parking lot and three dark-haired guys, all dressed completely in black, walked toward us. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach; I knew something wasn’t right. Surprisingly, they walked past us and didn’t say a word. Then after a brief moment, the reason for my bad feeling became apparent.

  “Hey, Gutterball!” one of them yelled at us.

  I turned around at the oddity of being called Gutterball. As I turned around, Patrick said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Do you know these guys, Patrick?” I asked.

  “Let’s just go,” Patrick repeated, earnestly.

  “Why are they calling you Gutterball?”

  “Because I first met them at a bowling alley and I wasn’t too good at bowling.” Patrick hurried to Sasha’s Jeep.

  “Gutterball! That’s you, right?” one of the guys continued to yell.

  Patrick continued to ignore them and that didn’t make matters better. In a blink of an eye, the guy yelling at us had shot his way across the parking lot and stood right in front of us. The guy had shoulder-length, long black hair.

  “Fucking Gutterball,” the guy said. “Where the hell you been?”

  Patrick looked up and nervously said, “I’ve been around.”

  “Well, you’ve been nowhere near us. As a matter of fact, one might say you have gone completely out of your way to avoid the Brotherhood.”

  Great, as if I didn’t already know these assholes were Mani— they were fucking vampires. I didn’t know what to do. I mean these guys obviously came here looking for Patrick. Someone must have given them a heads’ up that he was down here.

  “Girls, get in the car!” I said.

  “Fuck no,” Sasha said. “These guys don’t scare me.”

  “Maya get in the car,” I repeated. Maya looked at me, scared, and it broke my heart. I never wanted to see her ever give me a look like that. Maya jumped in my car and locked the door. Her eyes were riveted on us and she was suddenly pale.

  “Cute girl, Gutterball,” the guy continued. “Which of these skanks is your date?”

  “Excuse me?” I said.

  “Excuse you!” the black-haired punk repeated back to me. “You probably will want to get into the car with your girlfriend. You really don’t want to see this.”

  “See what?” I asked.

  “Well, Gutterball went AWOL, and there is only one way we deal with AWOL cowards.”

  “No one’s touching Patrick,” I warned them.

  The three Mani men all laughed at me.

  “Cute,” the Mani guy said. “Patrick got a boyfriend while he was gone. No wonder we found him in West Hollywood.”

  “You need to shut your punk-ass Mani mouth,” I said, without a hint a fear in my voice.

  “Mani? Patrick, you told this guy about us, and you let him live? We weren’t going to kill you, too,” the guy said directly to me. “But now, you leave us with no choice. Unfortunately, now that Patrick let the cat out of the bag, there’s only one thing we can do.”

  Screw that, I was ti
red of this asshole talking and prolonging the inevitable. I knew Sasha was pretty tough, and I had no idea what Patrick was about when it came to fighting. At worst, it was three on three, even if my three were questionable. Plus, no one calls my girlfriend a skank and gets away with it.

  I charged the guy that was directly in front of us making the most noise. I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him on top of an SUV. I threw an elbow across his face that absolutely obliterated his mouth. I began dropping elbows like sledgehammers down on his skull. His eyes rolled back and then he just disappeared and a fraction of a second later, a black, injured bird shot across the sky and flew off. Yep, a vampire.

  I looked over at Maya in the car and her mouth was completely dropped open. She seemed really worried, and I knew I’d better take care of business quickly, and get the hell out of here.

  I turned around and Patrick was clearly getting his ass beat by one of the bastards, while the other guy was on top of Sasha. First things first. I ran over to Sasha and wrapped my arms around the neck of the vampire that was on top of her. I dug the front of my forearm deep into his skinny, little Mani neck, so I felt nothing but Adam’s apple. I cranked up my forearm and swung the asshole in a circle while choking him out.

  “Transition!” the other vampire yelled while he was dismantling Patrick. And sure enough, the Mani I had swinging by his neck disappeared and flew off into the dark sky.

  There was one remaining and he was surely getting the best of Patrick. Sasha tried to go over there but this guy was definitely the biggest and the baddest of the three, and unfortunately, he attacked our weakest member.

  “Who the hell are you?” I asked. “Why do you even care about Patrick?”

  “Because he’s one of us. If we let him live, then there is no order.” Then the Mani guy roundhouse-kicked Patrick and dropped him to the gravel.

  Patrick yelled, “I never wanted to be part of this, Monty. You guys made me into something I never wanted to be.”


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