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True North

Page 9

by Nicole French




  “Where are we going?” Layla wonders when I steer her across Tenth Avenue instead of back toward the train.

  It’s dark outside now, and a few blocks away, the bars around the heart of Hell’s Kitchen echo through the streets, even though it’s a Sunday. I sling an arm around Layla’s shoulder, trying to ignore the way she tenses slightly before melting into my side. I bury my nose in her hair and inhale her flowery scent. I don’t know what goes into her shampoo, but it’s addictive.

  “I want to try something with you, baby,” I say. “Do you trust me?”

  Her blue eyes dart up at me suspiciously, but she nods. “Yes. I do.”

  I guide her toward the unlit end of the street, then up Eleventh, past some new nightclubs that have taken the place of the old, empty warehouses that used to be here when I was a kid. But the next corner is the same as it used to be. Still darkened, without the benefit of a streetlight. An old concrete building with crumbling sides. It’s the first place I ever lived without my family, other than juvie. The first place anyone ever gave me a chance to be something more.

  “Come on,” I say as I push on the scratched glass door. “I want to show you something.”

  I hold her hand tightly as we walk into the gym. Even though Frank died a few years back, Nate’s kept it pretty much the same. Still three rings, one after another. Still a row of heavy bags hanging from creaky chains on the back wall. Still a bunch of training equipment on the right side, bathrooms to the back. And beyond that, the storage room where I used to sleep. I wonder if it still has the cot, ready for some other poor kid to get his chance.

  “What the fuck. Nico motherfuckin’ Soltero. How did we get so blessed to see you twice in one weekend?”

  I turn around as Nate jogs over from the front ring. At this time of night, barely anyone is here––only the hardcore boxers, the ones who aren’t pro yet, but want to get there. Nate still competes, but it looks like he’s on his own tonight. Even his trainer is gone.

  “Hey, man,” I say after we slap hands. “This is my girl, Layla.”

  “Oh! NYU, huh? I’ve heard a lot about you.” Nate extends a quick, sweaty handshake, and Layla, still a little shy, accepts and murmurs a quiet greeting back.

  “Can we get on the back ring for a bit?” I ask. “I want to show Layla some stuff.”

  Nate nods. “All yours, man.”

  He flickers a kind smile over Layla. I do my best to ignore the way it skims over her curves, which are fully on display in a pair of leggings and her t-shirt. I know I can’t help the way men look at her. And Nate’s good people. I’ve known him for almost ten years, back when Frank was training me and let me be Nate’s sparring partner. I might as well ask him to poke out his eyes than not notice my girl. But it doesn’t mean I like it.

  I lead Layla to the back of the gym, past the last few fighters still here. We take off our shoes, and then I hold up a rope to let her in. She steps onto the padded blue surface. I jog to the storage room and return with some equipment: a spare set of wraps, gloves, and some punch mitts. I approach Layla and turn her to face me.

  “Hold your fingers out, sweetie.”

  I turn her palm up so I can weave the long strips of fabric around her knuckles, through her slim fingers, around her wrist, and back up. The repetitive movements are kind of hypnotic. When it’s done on one side, I switch to the other. She watches silently as I do the same to my own hands, then put the gloves on. She still hasn’t asked me what we’re doing here, a fact that kind of kills me. The Layla I know would be questioning every damn thing. Not in a critical way––she was curious. Naive, maybe. But never afraid to ask.

  “These are a little big,” I say quietly as I pull the Velcro tight around her wrists. “They’ll work for today, but we should get you some in your size.”

  When I’m done, I look her over. With the massive boxing gloves hanging off her thin arms and her eyes all big and wary, she looks like a cartoon bunny. A scared, beautiful cartoon bunny.

  So what does that make me? The big bad wolf?

  “All right,” I say as I grab the mitts and slide them over my hands. “First up, let’s fix your stance. You want to be on the balls of your feet, and hold your body at an angle, with one foot just ahead of the other. Good, good.”

  I adjust her a little bit, then mimic the stance back. I bounce back and forth between my feet, and she automatically starts to do the same.

  “Okay, so, rule number one is: protect your face. Frank––that was my old trainer––used to tape my left hand to my neck so I wouldn’t let it down––that’s how important it is. Here’s where you want to put your hands.”

  I hold the mitts up around my face, and Layla mimics me awkwardly, clenching her lower lip with her teeth as she practices. She’s so damn adorable, I almost bat the gloves out of the way so I can kiss her, but hold off. There will be time for that, and maybe more if this works the way I hope.

  “All right, baby. Let’s start with a jab. Turn your wrist like this. Then, real fast, just tap the mitt with your knuckles, and pull them back to your original position. Try it.”

  I hold up the mitts, ready to take her punch. Looking uncertain, Layla looks at the pieces of foam. Then, she offers a weak punch with her right glove. It’s…pathetic.

  “NYU, come on now. I know you can give better than that.”

  Layla’s not a boxer, but she’s no slouch after playing soccer for as long as she did. I’ve had her legs wrapped around me enough times to know exactly what kind of muscle she’s got going on down there. It’s firm, but just soft enough so that when you get a really good handful…

  I shake my head. Stop it, you asshole. This is not the time to be thinking about that.

  She frowns. “I don’t like it when you call me that, you know.”

  “What? NYU?”

  She nods. “It makes me sound like a spoiled princess.”

  I cock my head. “Well, then, maybe you should stop acting like you’re afraid to break a nail.”

  She scowls harder. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I stifle a laugh and drop the mitts. “Baby, you’re not going to hurt me. You wouldn’t be able to do it even if I didn’t have these things on, I promise.”

  She still looks doubtful. I sigh, then take a chance. Maybe another strategy will work.

  “Yo, Nate!” I call out. “You got a second, man?”

  From one of the heavy bags, Nate lopes over to the ring. “What’s up?”

  “You mind showing my girl a quick combo? I want her to see what it looks like when it’s done right.”

  Nate shrugs, then steps into the ring. He’s already covered with sweat, and I try not to notice the way Layla’s eyes bug out a little while he starts throwing punches at the mitts. We run through a few basic combinations, ones we’ve been doing to warm up with each other for years. He’s a lot better than me now, of course, but until I left for LA, we’d still get in the ring here and there.

  Layla watches, transfixed, and she mimics the movements slightly with her gloves. It’s adorable, even though I don’t love the way her eyes catch on Nate’s muscles. It’s distracting enough that at one point, he pushes past the mitt and lands a soft cross on my chin, waking me from my daze.

  “You’re getting soft, Soltero.” He chuckles with a wink at Layla. “You getting love handles too?”

  Without another thought, I tear off my shirt and toss it in the corner. Nate’s cut, sure, but I’m not exactly a doughboy over here. That’s what a summer at the academy, heaving fuckin’ tractor tires and running incessant laps around Randall’s Island, will do for you.

  “My turn,” I say, tugging off the mitts and hurling them at him.

  Nate laughs while he puts them on––he knows exactly how to push my damn buttons. I turn to Layla for her gloves, and enjoy the way her tongue slips out of the side of her mouth a little while she watches me put them on. That’s right
, baby. Now who’s got drool-worthy abs, huh? I remind myself to keep my sit-up regimen going no matter what. If it’ll make her look like that, I’ll do planks until I’m eighty.

  “No wraps?” Nate asks when I turn around. “You’re looking to break a knuckle.”

  “Fuck you,” I shoot back. “Okay, baby, this is what you want to do. Ignore this joker’s shitty form. That’s why he got knocked out in his last fight.”

  “Oh, you just had to go there, didn’t you?” Nate shakes his head. “All right, pretty boy. This ain’t the heavy bag like yesterday. Let’s see if you remember how to do this for real, huh?”

  I whip through a bunch of punches and combination moves, much more complex than the ones Nate was doing. He blocks them like the pro he is, but I can see his muscles straining with the effort to keep up.

  It feels good. I’m out of practice, having done barely anything in the gym since starting the academy. My muscles strain, even though they’ve been working hard in others ways all summer, and after just a few minutes, I’m drenched in sweat and breathing hard.

  “Last three, two, one,” Nate calls before I smack the mitts one last time with a loud pop that tosses Nate back a few steps.

  I step away, breathing hard and wiping sweat off my forehead.

  “Fuckin’ waste,” Nate says, shaking his head as he pulls the mitts off and tosses them into the corner. “Why you never went pro, I’ll never know.” He mops his head with the towel he brought in, then steps out of the ring. “Don’t let him push you around, beautiful. Just clock him in the kidney, and you’ll bring him to his knees.”

  And before I can toss him another for calling my girl beautiful, Nate skips back to the other side of the gym to continue his regimen, laughing all the way. I turn back to Layla, unsure of what I’m going to find as I take off my gloves. I just wanted to show her the moves, show her she could do it, but I ended up showing off a little instead. I just wanted her to stop looking at me like she’s scared.

  Well, mission fuckin’ accomplished. Except now the way that Layla’s staring at me with her mouth open, a wrapped hand at her heart, does absolutely nothing to stop a whole bunch of energy straight to my dick.

  “Holy shit,” she breathes. “Nico, that was…incredible. I didn’t know you could move like that.”

  I bite back a grin as I towel off my face. “It was just a little warm-up.”

  She shakes her head, her blue eyes dark and heavy as they drift over my body. “I, um…I don’t think I could ever do that.”

  I finish mopping off my chest and arms, then toss the towel on the mat and grab the mitts. “Sure you can. I just wanted you to see that you can give it whatever you got, baby. I can take it, okay? Let it go.”

  It takes her a bit, but soon she starts hitting the mitts with a satisfying pop every time. I guide her through some of the other basic punches––cross, hook, uppercut––until she can do them on command. Layla’s a natural athlete. She picks up the moves quickly, and it’s not until Nate comes back and slaps the mat that I realize just how long we’ve been going at it.

  “Hey,” he says before leaving. “I’m done for the night. Lock up when you’re finished, all right? You still have your key?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, man.” I turn back to Layla, who’s breathing hard.

  Her t-shirt clings a little to her stomach, more than a simple white t-shirt should. She’s red in the cheeks, and tiny tendrils of hair stick to her forehead and neck. She looks crazy fuckin’ beautiful. And also tired.

  “You want to go?” I ask.

  She inhales heavily, but shakes her head. “No-no. I’m…can we keep going a little while longer?”

  I’m tired. She’s tired. We’ve been at this for over two hours, and my stomach has been growling at me for half that time, having already burned through the three servings of mofongo I had at Alba’s. But the look on Layla’s face––a look of pure determination––is worth every rumble.

  I nod and hold up the mitts. “Let’s go, baby.”



  It must be close to midnight when I finally can’t throw another punch. I don’t know why I wanted to keep going like I did. It was seriously addictive. Every time my fist hit the weird foam blocker, it was like I was punching through the haze of doubt, anxiety, worry, fear that always seems to hug me close. The heaviness of the last year starts to break down. Pop! There went last week. Pop! The week before.

  “Oh, God,” I groan as I flop backward onto the mat.

  Nico collapses next to me. Allowing me to remain still, he gently removes my gloves, then the hand wraps. My knuckles are going to be black and blue in the morning. I couldn’t care less. I haven’t felt this exhausted, this sated, in, well, years.

  No, since the last time Nico and I slept together. It was after Thanksgiving, when he’d made me feel more adored than I’d ever been in my life, and then taken me back to my apartment and demonstrated every bit of that devotion all over my body. I try and fail to ignore the lines of sweat dripping down Nico’s naked torso. His muscles ripple as he sits up to toss the wraps and gloves into the corner, and when he twists back to me, he pauses.

  “What?” he asks. “What are you looking at?”

  I sit up, and then, on a naughty impulse, I do something I’ve been wanting to do for the last fifteen minutes. I lick him. On the shoulder. Around the dip of his triceps and up to where I nip at the curve of his deltoid.

  “What the…” He looks at his shoulder, then back at me, his dark eyes dancing. “You nasty, NYU.” This time, there’s not a hint of resentment in the name. It’s a tease, a taunt. Playful.

  So I do it again, this time on his neck, then tracing my tongue around the other side of his jaw. The taste is salty, and his skin is warm. It’s divine.

  “Layla.” His voice is low as I suck a little on that right-angled corner of his jaw.

  “You taste good,” I whisper against his cheek. “I want to…” I look down his body, the way it glistens from our workout, and I linger on the two, muscled ridges that disappear under the waistband of his pants

  I bite my lip and look back up. Tiny lines have erupted over his forehead. He looks like he’s almost in pain.

  “I want to taste you,” I say as I reach out and slide my hand across the zipper of his jeans. “Here.”

  His body lurches slightly as I unzip his pants and reach under his boxers to take him firmly in my hand. My breath hitches right along with his. He’s so hard. So ready for me. And I’ve barely even touched him.

  “Are you––” He gulps. “Are you serious?”



  “Take off your damn pants so I can give you a blow job you’ll never forget, okay?”

  If he’d been eating anything, he’d have choked on it right then. But then another wide grin spreads on his handsome face.

  “Fair’s fair,” he says with a smirk. “Take yours off too, baby. Spread those beautiful legs for me.”

  I balk, even though I’m already shimmying out of my leggings. “You want to…do that…right here?”

  Nico tips his head back and laughs, a booming, joyful sound that ricochets off the high metal pipes hanging from the ceiling.

  “Baby,” he says in between wheezes. “You just offered to suck my cock in the middle of the gym. What the fuck does it matter if I’m eating your pussy at the same time? Now you wanna be coy?”

  My mouth drops. He’s been so gentle, so cautious with me. All summer. When he got back. And now he’s talking like a dirty magazine and I…love it. Should I love it? What does that say about me?

  “Hey. Mami.” His deep, curt voice pulls me out of my spiral. He raises one black brow. “I didn’t say no, did I?”

  I open my mouth, then close it. Then I grin. “No. You didn’t.”

  One side of Nico’s full mouth pulls wide in that sly half smile I love. “Then lie back down, baby. And spread your legs. Don’t make me ask again.”

owly, I do as I’m told. I lie down on my side, curled inward with my knees together. Nico reclines on his side and kisses my ankles, up my legs, tracing his soft lips over my thighs until he reaches my underwear.

  “We’re not going to need these,” he says as he tugs them off and tosses them across the ring.

  He presses a hand between my thighs, nudging them apart again. His tongue slips out and licks the sensitive skin on either side, his tongue flickering between that slight gap. I shudder.

  “I said”––Nico wrenches my legs apart––“spread ’em.”

  And before I can answer, he dives between my thighs, his warm, urgent mouth immediately finding my clit. With closed eyes, I lounge on the floor, opening more as I grind into his mouth––oh, that magical mouth. He hums a little while he licks, sucks, even bites lightly, both of his hands palming the backs of my legs and kneading every so often.

  My eyes fly open as his teeth lightly close over my clit, and I’m confronted with his own very strong desire. Thick. Perfect. Pointing right at me.

  I lick my lips. Would he be shocked if I did it? Maybe that’s what I want. I don’t want to be cautious. I want to taste him, all of him. I want to do it while he’s tasting me.

  So I don’t say anything, just take him in my mouth, relax my jaw so he can slide in nearly all the way.

  “JESUS!” Nico shouts.

  And oh, he tastes so good––a salty essence mixed with his own unnamable flavor. I close my eyes, relishing in the feel, the utter control we have over each other’s pleasure at exactly the same time. As his mouth works intensively at that most sensitive of places, and I savor every dimension of his, I forget that I’m in the middle of a freaking boxing ring, laid out on a mat, where anyone could see us if they just walked in the door. I forget about all of my worries, frustrations, anger––all of it fades away as we just feast on each other’s bodies and lose ourselves to that animalism of the moment.

  “Mmmm,” Nico groans, then slams a hand to the mat. In my mouth, he grows just a bit bigger, and the knowledge makes me shake. Oh, fuck. He’s going to come. He’s going to come in my mouth, and I’m going to take it, and I’m going to come in his, and together we’re going to––


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