Randle's Princess
Page 6
Randle felt her constant stare but dared not to look back at her.
Neither of them brought up the subject again as they drove home but the ride was tense. It was nearing dinner time and Lia didn’t want to spoil the rest of the day with an argument. She was however trying now to figure out why it bothered her so much to think about Randle being with another woman or even women. They weren’t involved and she didn’t think it would be possible that they ever would be. But still it was bothering her. Never in her wildest imagination had she even considered the fact that Randle would be seeing other women.
Randle too was overly quiet. She figured he was afraid to speak because she would bring up Misty again and he didn’t want to discuss it with her. Finally they made there way up the driveway and into the house. The short drive home now felt like an all day trip.
“Dinner is ready when you two are,” Betsy was waiting to announce as she met them at the front door now.
“I’ll be right there. I just need to wash up,” Randle informed her as he immediately began to ascend the stairs.
Lia watched as he made his way up to his bedroom. Clearly he was disturbed and she had decided to leave the subject alone for fear of angering him further. Instead she made her way to the dining room and waited patiently for him to join her.
Thirty minutes had passed before he finally appeared again. Lia knew he must’ve been on the phone with someone. Tending to some deep dark business again she was sure.
“It’s about time,” she teased trying to ease up the tension between them. But for some reason she was finding it hard to face him now. She somehow felt betrayed, almost cheated on but knew this truly wasn’t the case. She and Randle were not romantically involved.
“I’m a busy man,” he stated with an overly serious look.
Betsy began placing the food before them and they ate silently for the most part. Finally Randle rose and excused himself from the table. Lia got up to follow him.
“Randle, do you feel like taking me out tonight? To a movie maybe or just a drive?” she then offered as if trying to make peace between them.
“Not tonight Princess,” he replied as he walked on not even turning to face her. He was purposely trying to ignore her now she knew. Then he went on. “But if you wanna go take Marc with you.”
“Marc?” she asked. “Don’t you mean Jeffery?”
Finally he stopped and swiftly turned to face her. “Jeffery is no longer here. Marc will be accompanying you from now on.”
Lia froze with confusion and fear at the same time. Her slender body began to tremble. She could tell that Randle was getting jealous of Jeffery’s behavior lately and now she feared for his fate.
“Why? Where’s Jeffery?” she was nearly afraid to ask but just had too.
“He’s been re-assigned. Don’t worry Marc is perfectly capable of taking care of you.”
“Randle please tell me Jeffery is okay?” She didn’t know how else to word it.
Randle knew what she implying and it only angered him further. “Princess please don’t even go there,” he stated with his hands out flat as if to say stop. He was becoming angrier she could tell. His face began to redden.
“I don’t know what to think about you anymore Randle,” she let out bravely. “You kill people, you sleep around with other women and now Jeffery’s gone?”
Rage really took over Randle’s face now as he neared closer and grabbed her arms tightly and he slightly shook her as he spoke.
“Don’t you ever talk to me like that Princess. I’ve taken good care of you most of your life and I don’t deserve that!” he demanded.
Lia grew frightened. He had never been so forceful with her before shaking her the way he just did.
“Well it’s true isn’t it?” she then dared to go on.
“Did you really expect me to just sit around patiently waiting forever for you to come to your senses? Of course there’s been other’s but it’s you I love Princess!” he finally admitted. “I’m a man and I’m only human.”
Lia’s eyes widened at the confession. She wasn’t sure what to think now but broke free of his grip and ran upstairs to her bedroom without another word spoken from either of them.
Randle didn’t follow her. He decided it best to let her decipher it all and hopefully by morning all would be well. He retired to his bedroom for the night knowing that tomorrow they could begin to work out their differences.
Lia felt more confused and hurt than ever. Not just because of Randle’s affairs, but Jeffery as well. She just knew Randle had Jeffery killed because of his own jealousy. He had tried to deny it but Lia just didn’t believe him anymore. How could he be such a cruel and cold person. She laid on the bed and held both sides of her head with her hands feeling as if she were going to pass out. He’s gonna drive me insane she thought then she sat up again and wiped the tears from her face with her hands.
I think it’s time for me to leave this place she finally decided. But where will I go and how will I make it out of here? Randle surely would never agree to it. She walked to the dresser and removed her laptop from the drawer then sat on her bed and turned it on.
Hmmm she thought as she searched different cities. That’s it right there she decided. Vegas. I’ve always thought that place was so beautiful in all the photos I’ve seen and so much excitement. So many things to see and do. She quickly pulled up the airports website and started scanning for flights available. She found one leaving at 2 am. That would be perfect if she could just pull it off.
She packed a bag with all her cosmetics and as many clothes as she could stuff in it then carefully slid the gun Randle had given her directly in the middle with the hopes of sneaking it through security. Any more than one bag she knew would make it harder for her to sneak out the front gate unnoticed. She had her own credit cards and knew she could buy whatever else she needed when she arrived.
Then she called the cab company and lined up for a car to meet her just down the street from the house about 1 am. That should give her plenty of time to sneak out the front gate. All she had to do then was safely make her way to it.
Lia paced nervously back and forth in front of her mirror constantly looking at herself seeing her own nervousness as she watched the clock. If Randle were to catch her it would be devastating she knew but somehow she just didn’t care. The time had come. Joseph always said he wanted her to be able to go out in the world and take care of herself, to be responsible and make it on her own. Well, she thought, now is the time.
That’s it she then thought. I’ll actually find a job when I get there and show Randle I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. She knew she didn’t need the money but maybe it would give her some feeling of self worth. Maybe she could even make new friends and not be so lonely anymore. Surely I can pull this off. I just have too.
She knew Randle would be in bed by ten tonight because he had an early appointment downtown tomorrow. She had seen it in his appointment book. He wouldn’t realize she was even gone until late morning when it would be Betsy that gets suspicious after she doesn’t show up for breakfast and comes up to check on her.
She looked down at her watch again. It was nearing 12:30 am. Quietly she reached down and picked up her bag and slung the strap over her shoulder on top of her purse. She made her way to the bedroom door and slowly opened it so she could peek out then opened it wider for a better view. The coast was clear. No one was in the house but she and Randle and he was surely asleep by now.
She tip toed down the stairs and carefully pulled the front door open then turned to pull it back closed once she was outside. She snuck down the front steps looking in both directions. No one was in sight.
Through the darkness she walked fast toward the foot gate. Suddenly she saw the shadowy figure of a man walking passed the front gate. She fell back behind a tree only feet from him. He kept going and she watched earnestly until she saw him disappear around the corner. She recognized him as one of Randle’s security
guards patrolling the fence line from outside.
Then she realized if he heard her shoes hit the pavement she would be found out. She reached down and slipped the high heels from her feet then again she continued toward the foot gate barefoot and almost unable to take a breath for fear of being heard. Now she only prayed the gate wouldn’t squeak when she pulled it open and was trying to decide if she should even attempt to close it behind her or just leave it open and run.
Finally she tugged it slowly hearing only a slight scraping of medal but it went undetected by anyone but her as far as she could tell. She decided to pull it closed but didn’t latch it. Finally she was outside the fence and making her way as fast as she could down the sidewalk constantly glancing back over her shoulder to make sure she wasn’t being followed. She could now see the cab parked just ahead. One last glance behind her. No one was there.
I made it she thought as she opened the back door of the cab and jumped in. “To the airport please and fast,” she ordered to the driver.
“Is everything okay lady?” the elderly driver asked looking oddly at her. She was still holding her shoes in her hand and was clearly nervous beyond belief.
Oh just great she thought now. I have to get a nosy old cab driver risking the chance at ruining it all for me. This is all I need now.
“I’m fine just go!” she demanded as she looked out the window inspecting the street.
He looked again over the seat. “You’re not a runaway are ya? I don’t help runaways. No way! I’m not getting in trouble.”
Lia was pissed now at this ignorant man. “I am twenty-four years old dammit! That’s not considered a runaway…now drive!” she nearly yelled out.
“Yes ma’am.”
Lia sat with her head rested against the back of the seat almost not believing it herself that she was doing this. Not believing she was pulling it off and had made it this far without being caught. Now if I can just make it on board that plane I’ll be free.
Finally the cab pulled up to the curve at the airport. Lia paid him and made her way through the doors of the airport just in time as she heard, “Flight 23 departing for Las Vegas will be boarding in fifteen minutes at gate 4,” coming from the overhead speaker.
She hurried her pace as she found her way there. Her heart was racing with excitement and fear at the same time. She kept looking around making sure she wasn’t being followed and hoped airport security wouldn’t get suspicious and think she was up to no good for acting that way.
Now much to her surprise she couldn’t believe her bag made it through the security gate without the gun being detected, but it did and she didn’t care how now. She had pulled it off and just kept moving ahead.
She made it to the terminal and was now boarding the plane. The stewardess showed her to her seat and made her buckle up and prepare for their departure.
I’m gonna make it she thought for sure now but until they close and lock that door anything could go wrong she knew. She wouldn’t put it passed Randle to come running on board the plane causing a big scene as he grabbed her up and dragged her off again. The visualization of it in her head made her body cringe. She could hardly take her sight away from the aircraft door with the fear of being captured running through her mind.
Watching closely as the other passengers boarded and found their seats she kept glancing at her watch then steadily back to the door of the plane.
Finally the stewardess reached over and slammed the door closed and securely latched it. She let out a great sigh of relief. It’s a done deal. I’m going to Vegas. She closed her eyes and tried to relax as she now felt the plane taxiing its way out onto the runway.
Chapter 4
Lia had never felt more relieved in all her life than when the plane finally began it’s descent in Las Vegas, Nevada. She again was awed by the beauty of the city from above as she stared out her window. It was the wee hours of the morning as they prepared to land and the city was still lit up showing off all its glory. Lia could see beautiful waterfalls scattered throughout, rows and rows of buildings all differently designed to stand out with a personality of their own. She could hardly wait to scavenge the streets and see all there was to see of this magnificent oasis in the desert.
Finally the plane smoothly landed and made its way to the terminal. She knew she would need more cash then she had on her. As she made her way now through the crowded airport she stopped at a couple of ATM’s and withdrew as much cash as each machine would allow her. Now all she had to do was find a place to stay and start planning to find a job she thought as she made her way outside and hailed a cab.
They now made their way down Las Vegas Boulevard, known as the strip the cab driver now explained to her as he tried to give her a brief tour of the city. Lia watched and listened intently as she tried to decide which one to pick as her final destination.
“Any place in particular?” the driver finally asked as they continued to drive.
“I’m not sure yet,” she responded still looking out at all the spectacular landmarks never before realizing how beautiful the world outside of Randle’s grasp could be. She was astonished at its glamour. “But I’ll know it when I see it,” she then stated.
Finally she scooted to the other side of the seat to check out the opposite side of the road. She watched intently for a few minutes more then suddenly she pointed and announced, “That’s it! That’s where I’m gonna stay.”
“Nice choice,” the cabby responded. “That place is practically new and one of the best in town. Just built like two years ago.”
He turned into the circular drive outside the front door. Slowly he waited their turn in line until the car was under the covered canopy and men dressed in golden valet uniforms were waiting to open the car doors for all the arriving guests.
Finally the door opened for her. She handed the driver a fifty dollar bill. “Thank you so much. You were of great help,” she told him then grabbed her bag and exited the vehicle.
“Welcome to the Malia,” she then heard from her greeter.
“Thank you very much,” she stuttered out as she walked down the sidewalk out from under the cover and bent her neck back with her face upward so she could admire the beauty of this magnificently landscaped building. The sun was just starting to peep out over the horizon giving her a better glimpse of its magnificent architecture.
With its massive concrete columns and arched doorways it was surely a roman duplicate that captured the true beauty of the culture. Waterfalls shot up in the air almost all the way around the building and she admired how there were even lights beneath the water making it sparkle that much more.
Finally she made her way back over to the front doors that automatically opened and welcomed her inside. She stopped and looked around and could now hear the clanging of bells and thunderous chatter from what seemed like hundreds of people inside. The casino was nearby she knew.
Then she saw the front desk of the hotel over to the left side of the foyer, a pair of elevators just next to it with matching gold shiny doors. And the foyer was so large with its tall gold rounded ceiling sparkling of chandeliers and painted with ancient Roman art. The floor glimmered under her feet as if it were still wet as she started to make her way over.
“May we help you ma’am?” the young lady behind the counter asked.
“Yes please. I need a room,” she shyly replied.
“For how long and how many?”
“Just me. And indefinitely. I’m not sure how long I will be staying.”
The young lady looked at her oddly and then she saw an elderly gentleman peer out from his office door just behind the desk.
“How will you be paying?” she then asked but was being nice about the situation.
“Credit card,” she answered securely. “I’m new in town and will be trying to find employment. That’s why I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying,” she went on trying to explain.
The elderly gentlemen then appeared again but this time he ca
me to the desk. “I’ll get this Nancy, thank you.”
Lia wasn’t sure why he had taken over like this but he looked very pleasant, an elderly gentleman probably in his sixties and she actually felt more comfortable with him for some reason.
He stretched his hand as if amazed by her sudden appearance. “I’m Arthur Whitman. It’s very nice to make your acquaintance,” he then greeted.
Lia took his hand and they shook. “I’m Lia Harton and it’s very nice to meet you too Mr. Whitman.”
“Well let me see what we have available.” He began to scan the computer looking for room availability to accommodate her. Then he went on. “Here we go. I have a nice room on the second floor that should be perfect for you.”
“Thank you that will be fine. I don’t need anything fancy. I am hoping to only be here till I find a job then if all is going well I might look for an apartment.” She was thinking now if Randle hasn’t killed her by then maybe she would be staying on a bit longer.
Mr. Whitman finished up her paperwork then offered to personally show her to her room. They took the neighboring elevators to the second floor. Lia slowly walked as she looked around her new quarters. It was a quaint one room suite with just a bathroom, a bed with dresser and mirror and table and chairs to sit just in front of the window. She was also glad to see a small refrigerator in the corner with a microwave sitting on top. Not quite the fancy quarters she was used too but just fine with her all the same.
“What type of work are you looking for?” he then asked just before leaving her alone in her room.
“Anything really. I’ve never had a job before so I really can’t be particular.”
“Well you’re in luck. I happen to be the hotel manager here and I will be more than happy to fix you up. How would you like to be my newest blackjack dealer?”
Lia smiled brightly now. “That would be awesome but I know very little about blackjack.”
“Not too worry little one. I have one of the best teacher’s in the world running my tables. She’ll be happy to show you the ropes.”