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Randle's Princess

Page 16

by Melissa Gaye Perez

  “Oh Princess how I feel your pain,” he then stated as he stared now into her sullen eyes.

  She only stared back now wondering how life was going to be without her precious Thomas. She loved him so much and never had she felt so loved in return. And she knew the freedom she had these past few months had just ended. Randle would surely take her back into to his clutches as he had before and she wasn’t too sure she could stand for it any longer.

  As their car now turned and made its way up the driveway of the massive tudor style mansion Lia’s eyes seemed to brighten a bit now. Suddenly she felt a bit more at ease just seeing this place again. The place she grew up and spent nearly all of her childhood but also the place she thought she would never come back to.

  Randle got out of the car first then reached out a helping hand. She took it and tried to stand but her knees were still weak and Randle grabbed her just before she fell against the car.

  “C’mon little one,” he stated softly. “I’m gonna get you to bed before you hurt yourself.” He carried her into the house and back up the stairway just inside.

  When the door swung open Lia glanced around and actually produced a small grin at the mere sight of her old cozy bedroom. Randle walked over and carefully laid her on the bed then reached down and pulled her shoes from her feet.

  “Now you get some rest,” he then ordered as he came to rest next to her.

  She fluffed her pillow and let out a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can survive this,” she then stated and tears began to swell again. Her body was trembling. Randle pulled back the blanket and made her get beneath it then held her tightly.

  James and Marc came in carrying her things and placed them just outside the closet. Randle turned his head in their direction.

  “James, call Dr. Marcell and see if he can come over here and give her something to calm her,” he then ordered.

  “Yes sir,” he responded immediately and left the room.

  “No!” Lia then exclaimed in protest. “I’m not taking that stuff!”

  “Shhhh,” Randle tried to sooth her nerves now. “It won’t hurt a thing. Just help you get some sleep.”

  She stared back knowing her protest would do no good. Randle Malcolm refused to take no for an answer.

  Then Betsy appeared before them. “Oh Miss Lia I am so sorry for your loss,” she started. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  Lia was in no mood for sympathies but adored Betsy and chose not to be rude. “Thank you but I’m fine. I couldn’t hold down any food now.”

  Then Randle faced her. “Go ahead Betsy. I’m sure she hasn’t eaten in a while and it may help calm her down.”

  “Yes sir,” she replied and made her way from the room.

  “Do you always have to do that?” she then asked angrily as she stared Randle down.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “I just said I can’t eat! Now what are you gonna do, force it down me?”

  Randle tried not to laugh. “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to be helpful.”

  Then she finally sat up to face him more seriously. “Well you’re not! All you do is boss people around and tell them what to do! I’m sick of it!”

  He grabbed the sides of her arms. “Calm down Princess. I know you’ve had a rough night and you’re upset,” he stated calmly.

  “Upset! You think?” she nearly yelled at him. “My husband is dead!”

  He now was rubbing her arms gently. “I know that. Now calm down, you’re not helping matters at all.”

  Then she looked at him even more cruelly. “Randle…tell me now!” she demanded. “Did you have my husband killed?”

  Randle’s eyes widened with pure shock and his face was serious. He pulled her closer to him. “Princess I swear I had absolutely nothing to do with Thomas’s death. And how could you even think such a thing?”

  He said it so confidently and his face was so shocked she wanted to believe him but right now she wasn’t sure who or what to believe. All she knew is her husband was dead and she had no answers to any of it.

  Dr. Marcell knocked lightly on the door and walked in. He came to the side of the bed and Randle shook his hand. “Thank you for coming so quickly,” he then told him.

  “My pleasure,” he answered then made his way around to Lia’s side of the bed and placed his small black bag at her feet.

  “Well Miss Lia I hear you’ve been through a traumatic ordeal,” he then stated.

  “I’m not taking any pills,” she then blurted in anger.

  “Well by the way you look you need something to calm you down,” he then insisted seeing her still red swollen eyes and stringy hair, wet and matted from the tears.

  Then the doctor looked to Randle. “I can give her an injection instead,” he then offered.

  “That would be great,” Randle then replied.

  “No you’re not!” she still protested angrily.

  The doctor seemed to ignore her pleas and she watched as he inserted the needle into the vial and drew the liquid into the syringe.

  “He’s not giving me that stuff Randle,” she pleaded to him getting even more terrified of it now.

  But as the doctor turned her direction Randle held her firmly on the bed so she couldn’t fight them any further and the doctor injected her with it regardless.

  “Trust me child, you will be glad once this takes affect,” he then went on as he rubbed the cold alcohol swab on her arm then covered it with a bandage.

  “I hate you,” she then slammed at Randle.

  “I know better,” he smugly replied. “You’ll be thanking me later.”

  The doctor closed his bag. “Call me later if you need anything else,” he then offered and left them alone again.

  By the time he was out of her sight Lia could feel the injection already beginning to take affect on her. She flung her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” she heard Randle’s voice asking again.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she stuttered.

  Then Betsy re-entered with a tray and placed it on the night stand next to her. “Miss Lia please at least try to eat something. It will make you stronger,” she begged.

  Lia looked up at her now with a much calmer demeanor. She brought herself to a sitting position and Betsy placed the tray over her. She lifted the glass of water first and took a drink and it actually felt so good to feel the cold liquid running down her throat.

  “Thank you Betsy,” she replied at last with a much calmer voice.

  Randle smiled knowing she was going to be okay now. Knowing she was much calmer and would be able to gather her thoughts and cope with the situation much more rationally.

  Finally she picked up the fork and took a bite of the lasagna. She knew Betsy had fixed it for her on purpose knowing it was her favorite food. After a few more bites she finally pushed the tray away and Betsy took it from her and carried it from the room. Again she reclined back on her pillow and turned to look at Randle who was still lying beside her quietly.

  “Happy?” she asked actually producing a grin.

  “Yes, and I know you feel better too. You’re just bullheaded just like me and refuse to admit it,” he replied smiling back at her.

  “Okay, I do feel better. Actually I think a hot shower would make me feel even better,” she then announced as she pulled back the blanket realizing now she was still wearing the same clothes she had on since the day before.

  “I think that’s an excellent idea,” Randle agreed. “I’ll wait here for you. And don’t lock the door,” he then ordered as she neared it.

  “Okay…okay,” she humored as she disappeared from the room.

  It took a couple of months for Lia to finally face the reality that Thomas was never coming back to her and she was never going back to New York. She was still hurting inside but was finally coming around and talking with Randle more and more as if things had never changed. It was February now as she strolled her way into Randle’
s office.

  “Oh good there you are. I was just fixing to come up and get you,” he stated upon her entering the room.

  “What’s up?” she asked curiously.

  “I need you to come down to the office with me today. I have some paperwork you need to sign,” he then informed her.

  “Has the apartment sold that quickly?” she asked knowing Randle had her and Thomas’s apartment put up for sale shortly after his death.

  “Yes. That and a couple of other things,” he mumbled as he took her hand and headed for the car out front.

  Now she was bewildered again. What other things? But then she knew with Randle to always expect anything. She followed him out without argument.

  Finally sitting on his desk looking down at Randle again as he sat and fumbled through paperwork on his desk at his downtown office Lia was growing bored. Finally he slid some documents next to her.

  “I need you to sign this one here…and this one here,” he then instructed.

  Lia looked down and saw they were real estate papers listing the Fifth Avenue apartment. She stood so she could sign them then dropped the pen back down on the desk. Randle scooped them up and placed them inside a manila folder then went on to explain to her that all the proceeds from the sale were deposited into her trust fund that she would be receiving when she turned twenty-five. Then he reached for a long white document with blue binding on the back.

  “And I need you to sign this one right here,” he instructed again as he flipped to last page of the document and pointed.

  Lia grew uncomfortable thinking he too was acting nervously about this particular paperwork. She scanned it quickly.

  “Annulment papers?” she asked nearly appalled.

  “Yes,” he quickly stated.

  “I’m not signing that!” she again protested angrily. “And for what? The man died Randle.”

  “I know that Princess, but I want your maiden name restored and this is the quickest and easiest way to get that done.”

  Lia sighed and rolled her head. “Okay,” she finally whispered out. It just didn’t feel right to her but she picked up the pen and signed them anyway. Arguing with Randle would be to no avail she knew.

  Randle quickly pushed a button on his desk phone and she heard Misty’s voice. “Yes sir?”

  “Can you come in here please?” Randle then asked.

  Lia began to remember again how she couldn’t stand this woman thinking her to be much the slut that would actually sleep with her own boss just to secure her job.

  “Hello Lia,” she greeted cheerfully as she stood in front of Randle’s desk now.

  Lia produced only half a smile but dropped it just as quickly.

  Randle handed her the annulment papers. “I need these papers entered into the court ASAP,” he then ordered her.

  She took them. “Yes sir,” is all she said and quickly turned and walked out the door.

  Lia watched her grab her purse from behind the receptionist desk and make her way onto the elevator.

  “Quite the obedient little bitch isn’t she?” she then stated.

  “Princess!” he scolded in return.

  Finally she smiled. Randle stood and took her arm knowing it was only jealousy eating away at her.

  “C’mon,” he started with a laugh. “Let’s grab some lunch. And seeing how it’s still five months before you become one of the wealthiest women in the world I guess I’ll pick up the tab,” he then teased.

  “Just exactly how rich am I gonna be?” she asked realizing now she had never bothered to question how much her trust fund was.

  Randle drew in a breath. “Ohhh…lets just say I have done very well with it all these years.”

  Lia’s eyes widened a bit but decided not to pursue the subject. She knew as far her money went that was one thing she could trust Randle with.

  They finally made their way to the elevator and the doors closed. Lia turned to face Randle then reached up and snatched off his sunglasses.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked grinning.

  “Because I hate it when you wear them indoors, and besides, I love those blue eyes of yours,” she found herself nearly flirting with him now.

  The elevator doors opened and Randle turned to look out and Lia saw him quickly slap his left hand to hold the door open at the same time a horrified look took over his face. Finally she turned to look out. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she took off running.

  “Princess wait!” Randle yelled from behind as he stepped off the elevator into the parking garage but he was too late.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and yelled out, “Thomas!”

  Thomas tightened his arms around her back, lifted her in the air and swirled her in a circle before putting her down again. Randle stood in silence with a look on his face that could kill.

  “But how is this possible?” she began asking as she touched his face and patted his chest making sure he was real.

  “I’m alive Lia. It’s really me,” Thomas finally spoke.

  “Princess,” Randle began sternly. “Get away from him,” he then demanded roughly.

  Thomas and Lia both turned to face him. She was confused beyond belief.

  “Why?” she asked now looking angry herself. “Randle you promised me you had nothing to do with his death.”

  “I didn’t,” he insisted again but she wasn’t sure now who or what to believe.

  “Thomas what happened?” she then asked facing him again.

  “Randle put a hit out on me,” he stated as his eyes glared to Randle’s.

  Lia spun around again. “Randle is this true?”

  “Princess, get away from him now! It’s not that simple,” he then stated.

  She shook her head in total confusion but only wanted so much to believe Thomas still loved her as he always had.

  “Thomas?” she asked hopefully.

  “Princess, he was blackmailing me the entire time you were married to him,” Randle then declared.

  Her eyes widened at the mere accusation. Thomas loved her. She knew he did. She looked lovingly into his eyes.

  “Thomas, is this true?” she asked.

  “No, he’s lying to cover his own ass,” he then stated but somehow Lia wasn’t sure.

  “Princess, it all started when your car exploded. It was Thomas that set off that bomb,” Randle then claimed.

  “What? That’s impossible!” she insisted but just as suddenly she felt Thomas’s arm wrap around her throat and pull her against him tightly and he and Randle both drew their weapons at the same time.

  Oh God she thought. Randle’s gun was aimed straight at Thomas’s head and Thomas’s was aimed at her right temple. Her beloved Thomas was now threatening to kill her.

  “You can never prove that,” Thomas then stated surely.

  “I have it on video from the surveillance cameras in the garage,” Randle then stated confidently.

  Thomas grew more nervous. Lia listened trying now to decide what was going on here. Who was telling the truth she was trying to figure out.

  “You just couldn’t give her up could you Randle?” Thomas then asked as his body began to shake.

  “Princess, that day in the park, when your bag was stolen, it was James that got it back for you. I had you followed almost the entire time you were there. James saw Thomas hiding behind his own car two hours before that explosion happened but he had no idea why.”

  Lia listened earnestly. She knew now Randle had to be telling the truth and Thomas was the liar. He had no way of knowing her bag was stolen that day otherwise.

  “James took the surveillance video before the cops could get to it. You can see him watching you approach your car through the windows of his own car. Then he pushed the button on the remote and set it off.”

  “But why? Why would you do that Thomas?” she asked with tears now knowing Randle was telling the truth. He only pushed the gun harder into her temple.

  “Because he wanted
to scare me,” Randle went on. “He was threatening to kill you if I didn’t sign over your trust fund to him instead of you. And I refused.”

  “It was the perfect plan too,” Thomas finally declared. “But Randle just wouldn’t budge. But now, he’s gonna lose you anyway,” Thomas then stated but Lia could feel him shake and knew he was far too jittery.

  “And your death?” she finally got the nerve to ask.

  “I faked that too,” he seemed to brag now. “Randle had a hit put out on me so I faked it so I could hide out until I could figure out how to get you back just so I could hurt him when he lost you again.”

  And now she knew her beloved Thomas was a man not to be trusted but a man who probably never loved her at all instead. And now she remembered telling him all about her trust fund that night in Vegas when they were having dinner together and she realized it was Randle who was telling the truth. It was always Randle that protected her and did nothing from day one but try his best to have her love him back and keep her from harm.

  Now she thought hard as she looked down the barrel of Randle’s gun but knew it was aimed at Thomas and if only she could get out of the way Randle would surely take him out. But how she wondered as she turned her eyes to stare at the ceiling and then it came to her.

  Slowly she let her eyes keep rolling back in her head and her body fell completely limp. Thomas lost his hold and she fell to the concrete floor and heard the loud bang immediately and then the thump as Thomas’s body fell to the ground just behind her.

  She screeched out and felt Randle’s powerful hand grab her arm and drag her to her feet.

  “Don’t look,” he ordered gently as he held her head to his chest.

  But she couldn’t stop herself. She turned for a brief moment and saw blood gushing from his head and her eyes swelled again.

  “I said don’t look,” Randle repeated louder as he held her firmly. “I know how much you loved him Princess. I know it hurts.”


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