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So Much Trouble When She Walked In

Page 10

by Judy Angelo

  Not good. Not when she was so used to being in control.

  And then his hand slid over to cup her shoulder and a warm, softly-tingling sensation radiated from his palm, flowing through her body, making her tremble. This time she moaned. She couldn’t help it.

  How she wished he would stop this teasing, this sliding of his hand over her skin, showing so much restraint. How did he do it? Right at that moment all she wanted was for him to strip her bare and make sweet, hot love to her…right there in the den, right now.

  But he was holding back…and she knew why. As sure as he was of himself, he still wasn’t sure what she wanted, and he wasn’t going to push. She would have to be the one to make the move. That had to be it.

  And if taking that first step was what it would take for her to get what she wanted, then she would do it.

  Eyes closed, Silken shifted her head on Max’s lap, rubbing her lips along the smooth fabric covering his legs, moving closer into him until his hand, the one smoothing her shoulder stilled. Satisfied that she’d got his attention, she raised her head then slowly, almost seductively, she slid off him and got up, forcing him to release her and let his hand fall to his side.

  He was watching her now, intently, his dark eyes blazing. But he said nothing. His eyes told the story. He would let her have her way.

  Silken gave him a tiny smile, knowing what she had in store for him. Maybe she would shock him, maybe she would shock even herself, but tonight was the night that she felt like being daring.

  Silken sank back down onto Max’s lap – she loved his lap, strong and firm and muscled – but this time, instead of her cheek it was her bottom that settled there. And it felt so good.

  And now she was in the perfect position to do what she wanted. Sliding her hand up, Silken ran her palm across Max’s cotton-covered chest then moved her hand higher still to caress the deliciously rough skin just below his chin. Then slowly, deliberately, she slid her hand around to tickle the hair at his nape, just like he’d done to her. His groan of pleasure was all the reward she needed. But she didn’t plan to take it slow, not like he’d been doing. Tonight was the night to indulge her inner diva – she would take what she wanted when she wanted. And that ‘when’ was now.

  Sliding her fingers up and into the smooth thickness of his hair, Silken gained hold on the back of Max’s head and, applying pressure, forced his head down toward hers.

  She didn’t let up until his lips, those wonderfully firm lips, were touching hers. Then she took command.

  She claimed possession of his lips, kissing him like he’d probably never been kissed by any woman before. Tilting his head to the perfect angle, she molded her mouth to his then, before he could even respond, she tickled his lower lip with her tongue then sucked it into her mouth.

  Max drew in his breath but he did not resist. He let her have her way, nipping and teasing until a groan escaped his lips.

  Emboldened by his response Silken’s exploration grew more intimate. Releasing his lips, she slipped her tongue in to taste him, to feel as one with the man whose touch made her body sing.

  She knew she was doing something right when he moaned again and his arms went round her, pressing her against his chest. She deepened the kiss, taking from him all that she desired, feeding her hunger with the kiss.

  His hand slid up as if he wanted to cup her head, probably take control, but Silken was having none of that. Just as he drew her closer she broke the kiss.

  Max looked surprised then disappointment filled his eyes.

  Silken smiled. She loved that. She’d made him want her and by the time she was done with him there would be no turning back.

  Pulling back, she reached down and began to undo the buttons on his shirt and even when he fixed her with a questioning look she did not stop. When the shirt fell wide open she slid her hands up and shoved it off his shoulders, leaving his body bare to her gaze.

  Still smiling, feeling as wicked as a witch, she lowered her head to capture a taut nipple between her teeth and then she began the torture she knew he loved. She worried the nipple, sucking then nipping the stiff bud till Max threw back his head and groaned. The other nipple suffered the same fate until she took pity and released him…for the moment.

  Max must have thought her momentary pause was her signal for him to take over because his hands, which had clutched the comfy cushions, now reached for her. She slapped them away. “Don’t move,” she growled, “not until I say you can.”

  Immediately, he dropped his hands. Good boy.

  She reached up and cupped his chin in her hand then kissed him forcefully, almost savagely on the lips then before he could recover she pulled away, leaving him wanting more. She could see the desire in those eyes that bored into her but she said nothing. Let him stew in the broth of his passion for just a while longer. Then he’d really be ready for her.

  She’d almost chuckled at that thought. If the hardness pressed against her hip was anything to go by, he was way past ready.

  The perfect time to move in for the kill.

  She slipped off his lap. “Lie down,” she ordered, jerking her head to indicate that he should stretch out on the sofa. As tall as he was, his feet would hang over the edge but there was nothing she could do about that. To move to stage two she needed him flat on his back.

  Max obeyed, his look full of anticipation. The confusion gone, all she could see in him was want. Plain and simple.

  This time when she attacked his belt she did not stop until it hung loose at his waist and in one smooth move the zipper was down. For a quick second she felt a flash of apprehension. Was she ready for this? What must he think of her? But as fast as the thought flew into her head she quashed it. Silken McCullen was no wimp and there was no way she would chicken out now.

  Straddling Max’s legs, Silken leaned forward and kissed the skin just above his navel. He jumped then settled back with a sigh. Sliding her lips lower, she tickled the soft hairs, trailing a path from his navel to the top of his shorts. The sound of Max’s breathing grew louder, his nostrils flaring, his breath quickening as she moved lower and lower still.

  She was teasing the hell out of this man, going so close but not quite there, and she was having the time of her life. Oh, Max, you have no idea what a crazy woman you hooked up with.

  She slipped her thumbs under the waistband of his shorts and slid them down, ever so slightly, just enough to expose the smooth skin of his hips. There, she lowered her lips to feather soft kisses across that sensitive spot, drawing guttural groans from deep within his throat.

  And then he moved. “Enough.” One word, hoarse but firm, and then he was getting up off the sofa with Silken in his arms.

  “Hey,” she squealed as he lifted her even higher and began to stride toward the door. “I didn’t tell you to move.”

  “You can boss me around all you want,” he grunted, “but we’ll do it somewhere comfortable. The den is not it.” Silken shut up then. He was taking her to his bedroom. Things were moving exactly in the direction she’d hoped. But now that it was time, her already agitated heart began to pound.

  She’d been acting like the big bad wolf and now it was time to deliver on her bold promise.

  And even though she was scared witless she was determined to do just that.


  When Max got to the landing, Silken in his arms, he walked down the hallway, straight to his master bedroom where he pushed the door open with his foot. He didn’t know what had come over Silken, changing from calm to almost aloof to a hot-blooded vixen all in one night, but it was a change that suited him fine…because, God knew he’d been wanting her all night.

  Gently, he laid her in the middle of the king-sized bed and as he did so he looked up into her eyes. For one brief moment he thought he saw a look of uncertainty there but then, in a flash, it was gone.

  Before he could ask if she was all right – he wanted to be sure she was ready for this – the audacious fire returned to
her eyes and she reached up and snaked her arm around his neck, pulling him down so she could kiss him on the lips. Then just as quickly, she released him.

  “Lie down,” she ordered, her mouth curving into a mischievous smile. When he didn’t move right away she hopped off the bed and gave him a shove, sending him tumbling back into the pillows.

  Amused, Max lay there staring up at her. What the heck was Silken up to? Shy girl turned dominatrix? He liked that.

  As sexy as that idea was, he had no time to dwell on that further because Silken dropped to her knees, slid his shoes and socks off his feet and began to tug at the cuffs of his pants. The girl meant business.

  He raised his hips to help her out and soon she’d pulled his trousers off and dropped them to the floor, leaving him in nothing but boxer shorts. And the sad thing was, they didn’t do a damn thing to hide his arousal. He was as stiff as a pole and the tent in the front of shorts was a very visible testament to that.

  Trooper that Silken was, she didn’t seem the least bit perturbed. When he’d seen that flash of uncertainty in her eyes he’d wondered if things were moving too fast for her but now, her eyes focused on him, her bottom lip caught by her perfect white teeth, all he could see was curiosity, determination and burning desire.

  Max lay there, staring up at Silken in eager anticipation, waiting for her to make her next move. He didn’t want to steal her thunder. As much as he wanted to reach up and pull her down on top of him, he didn’t want to scare her. The last thing he wanted was for her to have second thoughts.

  He waited a moment longer but when she still didn’t move he frowned. Was she having second thoughts after all, even without his help? “Silken,” he began but then his words died away as he watched her eyes scan the room. What the devil was she looking for?

  Then her face lit up. “Perfect,” she said and set off toward the bathroom.

  Curious, Max turned his head to follow her with his eyes. When she walked over to the chair by the bathroom and snatched up his tie that hung from the back of it, he frowned.

  He’d begun to rise up on his elbows when she whipped around. “Stay there,” she ordered as she strode back toward the bed, tie in hand. “Don’t move until I tell you to.”

  That made him lift his eyebrows. It looked like Silken had decided to be the boss tonight and she was taking her role very seriously. Her face looking flushed and eager, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, she looked ready for battle.

  And the way things were looking, Max didn’t know if he should be excited…or worried.


  Now that she’d decided to be daring Silken was ready to go all the way. If she was going to make love to this man – which, of course, was her plan – why go for vanilla sex? She’d never believed in taking the regular, boring route for anything and she wasn’t going to start now.

  She grasped both ends of the tie, held it high and snapped it, making Max jump. When his eyebrows rose and he gave her a questioning look, she smiled. “Just lie back,” she said softly, “and close your eyes.”

  He frowned. “What are you going to do with that?”

  “Worried?” she asked in a silky-smooth whisper. “You should be.”

  When the furrow between his brows grew even deeper she laughed softly. It was so much fun to put some scare in a man. Slowly, seductively, she sashayed over to the bed then climbed on. “Hands above your head.”

  Max eyed her suspiciously but her no-nonsense tone must have convinced him that she was serious because he moved his arms from his sides and slid them up, as ordered.

  Quickly and skillfully she bound his wrists together with a figure eight knot then secured his trapped hands to the railing at the head of the bed. Even when he tugged at it there was no give.

  A look of uncertainty slid into Max’s eyes. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

  “Shh.” Silken laid a finger against his lips, silencing him. “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you,” she said, giving him a reassuring smile. “You’ll love this. I promise.”

  Max gave her a look of suspicion, obviously feeling no more reassured now than when she’d just bound him to the bed.

  But Silken didn’t mind. A touch of fear – just a hint, mind you – would make his ultimate release that much more explosive.

  Then he cocked his head. “Aren’t you going to get out of your clothes?”

  “Not yet. Let’s take care of you first.”

  Silken slid down the bed until her body lay alongside his then she leaned over and kissed him full on the mouth. When she moved away he raised his chin, still wanting more, but she wasn’t about to grant him his wish, not when denying him his full satisfaction was what would drive him crazy with desire. And that was her goal, wasn’t it? Softening her lips, she slid them to the sensitive spot behind his ear and brushed kisses there and down his neck to his strong shoulders. As her lips settled there a thought crossed her mind. Wouldn’t the sensation be even more intense if she could deprive him of the sense of sight?

  Silken lifted her head to look around the dimly-lit room, trying to find something, anything she could use to make a blindfold. In her room she would have found tons of stuff – sashes, head wraps, scarves – but here in a man’s more spartan bedroom she couldn't find a single thing.

  And then she saw it – a light cotton A-shirt hanging from a hook at the back of the door. Not as perfect as a scarf but good enough. It was soft and light enough where she could easily wrap it around his eyes and knot it at the side of his head. She hopped off the bed and ran to get her prize.

  But when she got back and began to cover Max’s eyes he shifted his head and glared up at her. “Oh, no, you don’t,” he said. “I want to see exactly what you’re doing to me.”

  “Oh, come on,” Silken chided, “don’t be such a baby. It will be more fun this way.” Then she gave a sorrowful pout. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “No.” The answer was quick and unapologetic, making it obvious that her attempt at the cute ‘puppy-dog’ look hadn’t worked on Max. “I don’t trust you, not when you have that wicked look in your eyes.”

  She heaved a dramatic sigh. “All right, no blindfold. Spoilsport.”

  The blindfold idea shelved, she threw the shirt onto the nearby chair then turned her attention back to Max. This time she didn’t climb back onto the bed. Instead, she simply leaned over and continued her trail of kisses down the middle of his chest.

  His body jerked but, arms immobilized, all Max could do was watch. Then as her kiss moved lower he sucked in air and held it and even when she paused just above the waistband of his shorts – as she’d done just minutes before – he did not release his breath.

  Now it was Silken’s turn to have her breath catch in her throat. She was the one who had started this and now it was time to deliver. Max was waiting.

  She glanced up at him and he was watching her, dark eyes gleaming. She could not turn back now.

  Silken bit her lip. Then she closed her eyes. Then, before she could change her mind, she hooked her thumbs into his boxer shorts and pushed them off his hips. Down she went with the shorts, sliding them over his thighs and down his legs, her eyes still squeezed shut.

  And then they were off...totally off and in her hand, and Max lay bare before her.

  Not that she was seeing anything. Her eyes were still shut.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  At the sound of Max’s voice, Silken’s eyes flew open. Big mistake. If she’d wanted to play shy girl and postpone her view of his private part, that plan was dashed when she got her first eyeful of Max in all of his glory.

  It was the biggest…Silken swallowed. Not that she’d seen many. She’d fallen in love her freshman year in college – or so she thought until she’d ended up having to dump the guy for being so domineering. Her second relationship lasted all of six months before the guy ended up dumping her…for being too bossy. So, yeah, she had some experience under her belt. But experience with a penis this size? E
r, not really.

  Quickly, Silken turned away and fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. She needed a moment to think. Had she made a big mistake? Was this ‘dominating Max’ plan such a good idea? Because how could you dominate a man you weren’t sure you could even handle?

  “What’s taking you so long?” The amusement was obvious in Max’s voice. “You got to see me naked. Now it’s my turn to see you.”

  “I’m coming,” she said, annoyed that no matter that he was helpless to move, he still seemed to have the upper hand. “Don’t rush me.”

  When she got a chuckle in response she gritted her teeth. So he wanted naked? Then he’d get it and she would torture him with it until he begged her for release.

  Grumbling under her breath, she loosened the rest of the buttons and shrugged out of the shirt then she pushed her shoes off her feet and unbuckled her belt. Within seconds she was in nothing but bra and panties. Then she turned to face him.

  Slowly, his mouth curled into a sly smile and he shook his head. “Not good enough,” he said. “I want to see everything.”

  “All right, all right,” she muttered then reached behind to loosen the clasp on her bra. She let the undergarment slide off her shoulders and down her arms to flutter down to the carpeted floor. Then she straightened and she saw that he was staring at her like he wanted to devour her…and that was exactly as things should be.

  Seeing Max’s hungry gaze made Silken feel a whole lot more confident. She hooked her thumbs into her bikini panties and slid them down her legs and when she straightened he was still staring at her but this time he licked his lips in a move she could swear was involuntary.

  She smiled, moved back to the bed and climbed on then slowly, on her knees, she crept up and over his body, never once taking her eyes off his.

  As her face moved closer he raised his chin, obviously expecting her kiss, but she ignored him and continued moving up and over his body until her right breast hung like succulent fruit just above his lips.


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