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The Rogue Thread: (Book 2 of FERTS)

Page 5

by Grace Hudson

  He pulled himself up to a seated position, rubbing his eyes. The embers of the fire glowed and flickered, the light around him dull and diffuse. He listened for any sounds of approaching danger and heard nothing. Yet he had woken during the night, something that rarely happened. There must have been a reason, but it was not clear what that reason might have been. A chill rippled through his body, despite the relative mildness of the night air. He looked over to see Officer Tor upright, awake and staring in his direction.

  “Why are you awake?” Reno asked.

  “I’m not sure, I have a strange feeling,” said Officer Tor. “Nothing seems out of place. I hear nothing…”

  A rumbling bark sounded out, followed by a growl. The sounds came from somewhere farther up river. Reno glanced over at the fighting creature’s usual resting spot to find the tattered remains of the leash wound around the rock.

  He sprang to his feet, arming himself with a spatha. Officer Tor followed, carrying a double pointed spear and a bundle of leather. Reno led the way, following the sound of the fighting creature. The growls and hoarse barks sounded pained, agitated.

  The fighting creature was attacking.

  Reno and Officer Tor charged through the overgrown path next to the river, the growls of the fighting creature echoing through the surroundings. Reno heard small creatures scurrying in the undergrowth, rustling through the tree line, heading for safety.

  “Are you ready?” he called over his shoulder.

  Officer Tor called out an affirmative, rushing to catch the pace of Reno’s stride.

  The commotion up ahead sounded frenzied, out of control. Reno hoped that whatever it was they were running towards, they weren’t going to be too late.

  – 14 –

  The fighting creature leapt into the air, jaws stretched wide, aiming for 201’s throat.

  201 felt time slow down. She saw the point of the creature’s sharpened teeth, the paws thick and long, delicate, reminding 201 of fingers, pink nails poking out from beneath the soft fur. But most of all she saw the creature’s eyes, flat, lifeless, the eyes unflinching as they stared back at her own.

  She watched the creature’s soft underbelly rise alongside her as she ducked out of the way, jabbing her stick sideways into the creature’s exposed midsection. She rolled, dimly aware of the splash as the creature sailed past its mark and landed in the river. There was a moment of silence as the creature was submerged.

  When the creature surfaced, the barks grew wild, unbidden, chilling the hairs at the base of her spine. She sprinted, charging towards the tree line, hearing the scrabbling of the creature at the muddied earth at the water’s edge. She leapt for the first tree with low hanging branches, launching herself at the lowest branch and hooking her arms and legs around it. She peered down, watching the creature haul itself from the river, shaking its hindquarters and launching its body towards her. She jabbed the stick down, hitting the creature in the forehead. It yelped, backing off and growling with renewed vigor. Its eyes grew wilder, its gaze boring into her own as it lunged again. 201 shivered, sensing the pure fear and instinct dwelling within the depths of those eyes.

  The creature leapt, hitting its shoulder against the tree. It backed up and leapt again, falling short of its mark by less than a foot of distance. 201 jabbed with the stick, keeping the creature from reaching the required height to topple her from the branch.

  201 watched in fascination as the creature unleashed its rage against the tree, biting at the bark and scrabbling with its claws. Its mouth came away bloody, trickles running from the corners, mixed with drool and sweat.

  “Break!” yelled a voice from the edge of the tree line, the sound carrying from the side nearest to the river. “Break! Stand down!”

  The creature paused, its eyes clearing to reveal awareness of its surroundings. The sound of the voice, or perhaps the word, had stopped the creature, leaving it panting on its haunches, awaiting instruction. Perhaps it had merely recognized the futility inherent in its attack.

  It looked up, its brow furrowing as Officer Reno crashed through the undergrowth, another Officer leashing the creature, pointing the double pointed spear at its face when the creature resisted with a growl. The growling tapered off, leaving only the rapid panting of the fighting creature. Exhausted, it collapsed on its forelegs, resting its chin and huffing, a thin stream of drool escaping from its mouth.

  “You up there. Come down.”

  201 scanned her surroundings, checking for an alternative route. She could climb to the top of the tree, but that would only prolong the inevitable. She could try to run, but the sight of the creature at the Officer’s feet was enough to stop that particular line of thought. She scrabbled at the branch, losing her footing as she tried to descend, landing in a heap at Officer Reno’s feet.

  Officer Reno scowled down at her. 201 took in his familiar black uniform, complete with leather armour detail. He stood rigid, as always, his broad shoulders straight, head neatly shaved.

  “Hello, 201.”

  – 15 –

  “Reno, it is… good to see you,” said 201, her heart thumping in her chest. She looked over at the fighting creature, catching its half-lidded gaze. It let forth an apathetic growl, huffing and resting back on its paws.

  “I want that fighting creature secured at all times, Officer Tor!” Reno called out, his eyes never leaving 201.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Officer Tor started off towards the river, dragging the uncooperative creature behind him. The fighting creature had decided it was time to sleep, and Officer Tor found the lead becoming heavier with each step. He persisted, yanking the lead every few steps, pointing the double pointed spear at the creature to keep its jaws away from his legs. Reno gestured with his spatha, pointing it at 201’s back, leading her towards the river.

  “201, I would like to know what you are doing out here, without the supervision of a Vassal cart and so far from any of the townships,” he said, giving her a prod with the spatha to keep her moving. She winced, feeling the coolness of the unsheathed blade against her jumpsuit.

  201 remained silent.

  Reno stepped in front of 201 to face her, taking in her appearance with a scowl. He reached out to her shoulder, pulling at the fabric of her jumpsuit. “You’re hurt.”

  “A little,” muttered 201. She edged past him, walking ahead, glancing at the surroundings from the corner of her eye, looking for a way to escape. Between the river and the wooded areas, the choices did not look promising. The fighting creature growled, followed by a shout from Officer Tor. They were too close. Too close to run. It would have to wait, for now.

  “Stop, 201.” Reno stepped before her once again, gesturing to the front of her jumpsuit. “This is more than a little.”

  “Not my blood.” 201 resumed walking, only to be stopped again by an elbow to her windpipe. Her vision blurred for a moment before she found herself on her knees, the coolness of Reno’s spatha resting underneath her chin.

  “Give me one good reason why I do not expire you right now,” said Reno.

  So, this is it. All of this just to be expired by your former Training Officer. Is this how it ends, now? Do not expire me, Reno. Not now. Not when I was so close.

  201 coughed, choking on a breath. She sucked in another breath to calm herself, attempting to sound unaffected.

  “You will not expire me, Reno. You wish to ask me questions.” 201 stared up at him, jaw clenched firm as she stifled another cough.

  “Or perhaps the fighting creature will help you find your voice?”

  201’s eyes widened. “No! I do not wish… I ask you not to bring that creature near me again.”

  “Then talk!” Reno shouted.

  His brow was sweaty, 201 noticed. Drops of perspiration ran from his temples, sliding down past his ears. Reno’s squinted down at her, his face contorted in a grimace. He leaned closer to her. “You place me in a difficult position, 201. Do not think that I will not expire you if that is what
is required of me.” He shifted closer again, pointing the tip of the spatha’s blade against her throat.

  “Explain yourself, 201. I will not ask again.”

  201 took a deep breath. Her mind raced, the thoughts running faster and faster until it was difficult to keep track. She kept her breathing steady, attempting to slow the beating of her heart. She turned her eyes to meet his.

  “They took me.”

  Think faster, 201, she said to herself, her mind jumping ahead to find the words she required. She felt the itch of the cold metal pressed against her throat. 201 sucked in a breath, trying to direct her gaze between Reno’s eyebrows to avoid his stare.

  “The mercenaries took me. From the halls.” She breathed out a shaky breath, looking down at the ground.

  “Why you? Why not the other Vassals?” He nudged the spatha, tilting her face upwards. “Why only Zeta Circuit?” He gritted his teeth. “Why did they do what they did?” he shouted, spittle flying in her face.

  “I don’t know. They did not say.” 201 trained her eyes at the ground once more.

  “And this?” He gestured to her jumpsuit and the dull brown stain covering her torso.

  201 felt Reno’s eyes on her, calculating. She cleared her throat. “I expired one of them. He will not be trying that again.” She felt the beginnings of a smile and forced herself to suppress it, steeling her face into a blank mask.

  Reno glanced around at the deserted surroundings, turning back to her. “And where is this mercenary now?” His voice rose in intensity. “This expired mercenary you speak of?” He stood back, arms outstretched. “I see nobody here! Where are they all now, 201?”

  “They took him away with them. On horseback.”

  “So, what you are telling me is that you were taken from FERTS, by mercenaries.”

  “Yes.” 201 nodded, head bowed.

  “And these mercenaries, you managed to expire one of them, even though you are not a trained Epsilon Fighter, then you somehow avoided the retributions of the others. By stealth, perhaps?”

  201 nodded again.

  “So you were able to see them take this mercenary on horseback, yet they did not find you.”

  “That is correct,” said 201. “I hid to stay out of sight. They were not aware of my presence.”

  “And now you are…” Reno looked around the wooded area, glancing back to the river. He turned back to her, exasperated.

  “Lost. I am lost. At least I was, until now.” She attempted a smile, hoping it looked more convincing than it felt.

  Reno narrowed his eyes. 201 could feel his mind considering his choice between two options. His brow furrowed, the two opposing ideas warring for dominance.

  201 moved her hands up to smooth her hair, brushing down her jumpsuit and checking her nails. She tried to check her mannerisms, attempting a presentation smile.

  Reno looked down at her, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. “Well then, 201. I underestimated you. Perhaps not for the first time. FERTS will be proud of you and your service to the defense and protection of the Vassals.”

  201 hissed out a breath. She trained her gaze at the ground, processing his words.

  “Thank you,” she muttered, pushing herself to her feet. She attempted to move ahead, but Reno’s hand gripped her arm.

  “Do not think this is the end of my questioning, 201. There is something you are not telling me, and I will find out what it is, no matter how long it takes. I am patient, as you know.”

  “Yes. I know.” 201 kept her eyes to the ground, walking ahead with Reno’s spatha poking at her back.

  And so am I.

  They walked in silence for a few moments before Reno spoke again.

  “Did any from Zeta Circuit escape, as you did?”

  “No, not that I saw.”

  “So you saw them?”

  “I did not say that.” 201 turned to face him. “I have never seen one from Zeta Circuit.” She held his gaze, the truth reverberating between them.

  “I believe you, 201. But there is something you are not telling me.”

  “What makes you so sure?” she asked him.

  Reno studied her face. “There is something about you that is different. Something about your eyes. Something has changed since the time I last trained you in Epsilon Circuit.”

  201 stared into his eyes. “The last time you saw me, Reno, I had not expired another. It changes you. Surely you know that.”

  “How? How does it change you exactly?”

  “I don’t know. But there is something within me, something that will never be the same. My hands have taken another. No matter who they were and what they did, they are not the one left. They are not the one who must face what they have done.”

  “This perplexes me, 201,” he said, adjusting his grip on the spatha.

  “I do not see why it would surprise you. You see it every month in the Epsilon Games.”

  “The rest of the Epsilon Fighters do not speak as you do,” said Reno.

  201 smiled at him. “Well, I am not an Epsilon Fighter, as you said.”

  “No, you are a Vassal.” He looked her over, taking in her matted brown hair, dry olive skin and hazel eyes framed by puffy skin tinged a dark blue. “Apparently.”

  201 remained silent as they came upon the makeshift camp. The cart, filled with Epsilon Fighters, was devoid of activity. She spotted a mass of red hair in the corner of the cart.

  201 tensed. “Reno. Do not put me with them.”

  “You are an Internee, 201, whether you are Omega or Epsilon, and you will stay with the other Internees in the cart. Unless you prefer to sleep with the fighting creature?”

  201 shook her head.

  Reno pushed her forward with the spatha, unlocking the cage. 201 watched the key click inside the lock, eyes tracking the movement as Reno returned it to his pocket.

  “Get in.”

  201 entered the cart. A mass of red hair stirred in the far corner. Beth 259299 leaned up on one elbow, studying 201. She smiled, baring white teeth and narrowing her eyes. 201 clenched her fists, attempting to move past her.

  “201. I know you.” She looked at 201, eyes dragging over her form. “Hm. You don’t look like a Vassal to me. I thought Vassals were supposed to be… pretty? You look like you’ve just rolled in mud. You look awful, in fact. You are in need of a regulation bathing as well. You stink.”

  201 kept her mouth shut, wedging herself in a bare section of the wooden cart. She stared through the bars, trying to tune out the sound of 299’s voice. 299 leaned forward, studying 201’s face.

  “Yes. I know you, Vassal.” 299 grinned at her. “Oh, yes… and I remember your companion, 232.” 299 yawned, resting back and tucking her hair behind an ear. “I enjoyed expiring her.”

  201 turned her head, locking eyes with 299. 299 smiled, raising an eyebrow.

  201 squeezed her eyes shut, the smiling face of 232 rising in her vision. She thought of 232’s freckles, the hope in her blue eyes. She remembered 299’s scimitar, flicking and swirling, the smile on 299’s face. She cried out, launching herself at 299. She landed blows on 299’s face, her cheeks and her eye before 299 kicked her off, hitting her knuckle against 201’s temple.

  201 stared up at her, head throbbing, her mind focusing on the nail file tucked within her boot.

  No, she told herself. They will know it was you.

  299 laughed, her voice reverberating throughout the cage. “I like you, 201. You have no chance against me, yet you tried. But it seems your bravery does not match your abilities.”

  201 glared at her.

  “What’s the matter, whelp? Lost your will to fight? Now I am awake, I would be pleased to fight you.” 299 prodded at her shoulder, making 201 wince.

  “Save it for the Epsilon Games, 299,” Reno called from his position by the fire.

  “No, I do not wish to fight you.” 201 leaned her back against the bars of the cart, rubbing idly at her temple.

  “Hm,” said 299. “A pi
ty. Still, we have time, whelp. Or should I call you Vassal? Are you Vassal or Fighter? You do not behave like a Vassal, that is clear. Perhaps you are confused.” 299 tugged at the Vassal chain around 201’s neck, running the metal over her fingers.

  “Quiet,” muttered a voice from further down the cart. “We are trying to sleep.”

  299 lowered her voice, eyes trained on 201’s arm. “Ah, but now you have this.” She ran her finger along the gash in 201’s jumpsuit. “Yes, this will leave a scar, what a pity. I suppose you will no longer be a Vassal after all. It seems your choices are narrowing. Perhaps you will indeed come back to us at Epsilon.” She narrowed her eyes at 201. “If so, I very much look forward to fighting you. I am sure my fellow Fighters will feel the same. We just love fresh meat.”

  201 stared back at 299 from her corner of the cart. Something in her eyes made 299 flinch. 299 composed herself once more, smiling at 201.

  201 did not break the stare.

  “Enjoy your sleep,” said 201, a smile playing at her lips.

  299 blinked, chuckling to herself and flipping on to her back. 201 watched as her breaths evened out, rumbling into a snore.

  She watched the embers of the fire glowing, listening to the sounds of running water, the strange sounds emanating from the grove of trees to her right. She glanced over at the fighting creature, its eyes closed for now, the muscles on its back smoothed out. She alternated between watching the fighting creature and the sleeping figure of 299 until her eyes refused to stay open. A night bird screeched, crying out far in the distance as sleep closed in around her. As she drifted towards sleep, she was certain she could hear the sound of Pinnacle Officer Wilcox's laughter.

  – 16 –

  201 dreamed of a forest, bright green foliage trailing on her face as the sun shone through the leaves. She wandered, breathing the faint hint of wood smoke, listening to the sounds of laughter rising up to meet her. A bird cried, its blue and purple wings fluttering as it soared towards the sky.


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