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Caveman Alien’s Claim

Page 8

by Calista Skye


  - Tamara -

  I open my eyes and stretch luxuriously. I remember where I am immediately, and still the fear doesn’t return. Car’rakz isn’t inside the hut anymore, but I can feel that he’s near. The soft crackle of a newly lit campfire is a giveaway, of course.

  I crawl out, feeling some soreness down below from the day before. I think I might be the first of the girls to lose her virginity to a caveman, and that kind of makes me proud.

  I stand up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. This was the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had on Xren.

  Car’rakz is sitting by the fire, frying up some turkeypig he must have hunted down while I was asleep.

  “Good morning,” I say in a voice rusty with sleep, looking for a convenient bush to go behind.

  “Indeed, it is a good morning when the first thing I see is you,” the caveman says with sincerity so total that I can’t help melting.

  I find a bush I like, and when I return Car’rakz is holding out the water pouch.

  I take some gulps. “Good water,” I state. “Cooler than yesterday.”

  He points to a curious tree trunk with no branches or leaves, sticking up from the ground at an angle. “I drilled down to find it. The streams and creeks don’t run clean when it’s been raining a lot.”

  I bite into the turkeypig he has already prepared. “Ah. Car’rakz very smart.”

  He shrugs. “Sometimes.”

  I use my one free hand and try to get my hair in some kind of order. “You say thing last night? About Lifegivers? I asleep almost, not hear all.”

  “Oh? If I did, it wasn’t important. I was in a strange state of mind after the Mating.”

  Just the memory of being fucked so well the night before has heat surging in my crotch. “I also in strange state of mind after that. Also, highly sleepy.”

  We finish breakfast in silence, and that’s fine with me. Car’rakz stays always alert, looking up and around all the time like I know the cavemen do in the jungle. The cone of safety he projects is even stronger now than before, and already I don’t know if I could handle being without it. When I don’t have to always be on my guard, I have time to concentrate on other things that I have been forced to neglect these past months on this Jurassic planet.

  Like just enjoying the day. Right now, the sun is heating up the cool air and there’s a pleasant breeze blowing. The scents of the jungle are changing, becoming lighter and more floral as the moisture dries up around us. There are rustling sounds of small animals in the bushes here and there, as well as the distant noise of huge dinosaurs trampling through the forest.

  We’ve built the hut in the middle of the clearing, and with Car’rakz and his sword here, I’m not even worried about the raptors.

  “Is nice place,” I state and happily chew the last of the turkeypig. “Far from Car’rakz village?”

  He packs up the rest of the food, wrapping it in green leaves. “It’s still far. Two days at the rate we’re walking.”

  I spot a small bush of the kind that the lab coat girls call Cathay Blue and which is good to chew after a meal because it leaves your mouth feeling fresh. I grab two leaves and pop one into my mouth, holding the other one out to Car’rakz. “Here, chew this.”

  He takes the leaf and puts it into his mouth without hesitation. For some reason, it warms my heart. Looks like he trusts me.

  I spit my own leaf out when I can’t take the kerosene flavor anymore, and gradually my mouth starts to feel minty.

  Car’rakz does the same. “The taste is unpleasant, but it’s not poisonous,” he observes.

  “Even so, better to not eat much,” I agree. The night’s sleep has been good for me. I trust my language skills more, and I remember more words and expressions.

  “How does your head feel?” The caveman points to the bandage.

  I had almost forgotten it. “Is better. Little sore only.”

  He moves in close, loosens the bandage, and gently unwinds it. “The wound is healing well. I don’t think you need more fabric around there.” He winds the bandage up and puts it in his bag.

  The closeness to the large, primitive male strengthens the heat in my girly parts. The sore heat, I remind myself. Maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea to put that part of me through too much just yet. And still, I really want go get fucked again.

  I glance over at Car’rakz pants that he had to repair after they burst. The bulge is definitely twitching.

  He catches me blatantly checking out that part of him, and I swear the bulge doubles in size in a split second.

  “You know Worship?” I ask, feeling my cheeks flush.

  Car’rakz draws his breath in sharply, and I can hear the fabric in his pants creak. “The Worship of The Woman. Yes, the shaman taught us.”

  I reach over to put my hand on his bulge. “A woman can also Worship a man.”

  He just stares, not understanding.

  Fine, I’ll help his comprehension. Using both hands, I undo his pants and the rope that holds them together. His cock shoots out from its captivity and almost hits me in the face as it reaches skyward while it swells even larger.

  I grab it with one hand, but I need both of them to completely encircle it. It jumps it my hand as I take in its weird features that feel so wonderful inside me.

  I glance up at Car’rakz’s face. He’s just watching with his jaw hanging open so the fangs glitter in the sunlight.

  “Let’s see if I can do this,” I mutter to myself. I’m a little more confident about this than about regular sex. I have given a few blowjobs in my time, and I have some idea about what might feel good. But of course, those were all Earthling cocks.

  I kiss the tip of the alien manhood, then gape as much as I can and slide my lips slowly down the shaft, wetting it. I still hold on to it with my hands, further down.

  Car’rakz gives a sharp hiss that I hope is from pleasure and not pain. When it gives way to a deep moan, I feel pretty sure that it is.

  I can’t take this thing too deep yet. It fills my mouth, and I’m worried I’ll accidentally scrape it against my teeth. But I give the head a good mouth fucking while I slide my hands lightly up and down.

  “This,” Car’rakz wheezes tightly, “is beyond… anything else.”

  I’m glad he likes it. I feel more confident now, so I increase the speed and the depth slightly.

  And then, ten seconds later, Car’rakz’s hips start bucking, he grunts helplessly, and I get the first spray right into my mouth before I can get my head away and just use my hands to prolong his climax.

  I discreetly spit the hot seed into a leaf, then wipe water from my cheeks. I took him pretty deep.

  I straighten and give him a little smirk. “Is good?”

  He stares at me in disbelief. “It is… insane. How is it possible?”

  I gently let go of his still twitching cock and shrug. “It is possible.”

  He just breathes deeply for a while, a happy smile playing on his lips.

  I clean myself up a little, still feeling waves of heat in my own groin. I know the cavemen get a pretty good instruction in how to return the favor. Will he want to?

  He gives me a smirk of his own. “A man can also Worship a woman.”

  I raise my eyebrows in mock surprise. “Really? He can?”

  Car’rakz checks the sky and the edge of the jungle for threats, then grabs my shoulder and lays me down on the soft grass. “So I hear.”

  I smile at the blue sky above as I lift my hips so he can pull my dress up.

  It’s the first time he gets a chance to really study a female sex, so I allow him some time, hoping he understands I haven’t seen a razor since I came to this planet.

  Thankfully, he cuts his study of my female charms short. “You truly are a wonder.”

  “You, too,” I counter, then buck uncontrollably as he blows softly on my wet pussy. It’s more effective than touching for setting off delirious arrows of anticipation down there.

; I’m vaguely aware that he lies down between my legs and spreads them more.

  The jungle breeze strokes against me, and I pull the dress all the way up so I can grab my own breast and squeeze it just a little bit.

  Car’rakz places little kisses up the inside of my thighs, moving around the main event in an inward spiral that’s full of promise. It’s sweet torture, and I raise my hips in an involuntary attempt to bring his full, sensual, and astoundingly soft lips to my wet and ready ones.

  The world stands still for just one second. And then he’s there, his tongue lapping up my slit from the lower end to my clit, slowly and carefully, as if luxuriating in feminine arousal.

  “Oh my Gooood!” I moan as my pussy becomes a bright center of heat and light.

  I keep mewling and whimpering as I lose track of what he’s doing down there, except that he seems to be doing everything right. More right than I could get it if I were directing him. He’s discovering my sex, and damn it if he’s not making me discover it right along with him.

  I give him encouraging noises when he hits an especially sweet spot, and I go quiet when he tries something I don’t like, such as taking a break and licking all around my slit instead of on it.

  But I’m not sure how effective my attempts at guidance really are. And whenever he breaks from what I want, he returns with giving me even better sensations. Yeah, I should just let the man do his thing.

  I arch my back, trusting him and for all intents and purposes leaving the real world for this world of physical and sexual sensation. He makes my pussy come alive, almost the same way his cock does.

  Actually, that tongue he’s working with — that can’t be an ordinary human one. It’s got all kinds of texture and dexterity, and it feels like he’s licking around my opening while at the same time giving my clit just enough attention to keep increasing the pent-up hotness that’s steadily accumulating.

  “Oooh fuuuuuckkkk…!”

  He focuses his attention on my over-eager clit, and it takes him about a half a second to push me over the edge. I scream and thrash and moan and squeal as the climax rolls through me and turns all of me to hot, helpless mush.

  Car’rakz lets me enjoy it until I start to whimper in protest because my pussy has become too sensitive. He kisses my clit and stands up, pulling his pants on while looking around for danger.

  “Warrior,” I pant, exhausted and still half in bliss. “You are also beyond anything else.”

  But he’s not looking at me. He’s gazing off into the woods, and his hand clenches around the hilt of the sword in his belt.

  I suddenly feel cold and sit up, scrambling to pull my dress up again. “What is?”

  For three heartbeats, he keeps staring at the edge of the jungle. Then he grabs his bag, takes my hand, and drags me away. “Irox.”

  I stumble after him, trying to keep my balance while scanning the sky. It looks clear to me. “Not can see.”

  But at the same moment the words leave my mouth, I do see the dactyl. It’s coming on low over the trees, quietly and calmly beating its wings and catching up with us fast, like a jet fighter setting up for an attack run.

  I speed up as much as I can, but the ground isn’t smooth and the sudden fear makes my moves uncoordinated. The edge of the jungle still seems far away. Too far.

  Car’rakz sees it, too. He grabs my waist and flicks me over his shoulder, then runs as fast as he can. It’s much faster than I could ever go, and the wind howls past my ears.

  But even that isn’t enough. I can twist just enough to see the dactyl from the corner of my eye. It’s sweeping in low, talons extended, its long beak with its myriad of irregular teeth looking most of all like some monstrous machine.

  Car’rakz’s feet thunder on the ground like drumsticks, my hair flows behind me, and I can feel the desperation.

  The dactyl is changing its angle, stretching its talons out in a way I have seen once before.

  “Car’rakz!” I scream to warn him.

  He throws himself down and to the side at the last second, somehow making me land softly on my butt.

  There’s a terrible, ripping swoosh as the dactyl’s claws pass an inch over my head.

  Immediately, Car’rakz is on his feet again, throws me over his shoulder, and keeps running.

  The dactyl is turning in the air, beating its leathery wings to stop its forward momentum, and then it swoops down again.

  Car’rakz shrugs me into his hands and then throws me to the side. I land much less softly this time, and I get the breath knocked out of me as I roll on the grass. When I raise my head, Car’rakz is still on the ground and the dactyl is circling around, setting up for the third and probably final attack.

  “Your sword!” I yell, because the caveman seems frozen.

  Still he doesn’t move, just looks up at the dactyl as it reaches its highest point and comes diving down.

  “Come on!” I pounce on Car’rakz, drag the sword out of its scabbard, and then stagger to the side, because that thing is far too heavy for me to lift. “Take it!”

  Only then does Car’rakz move. He scrambles to his feet and takes the sword. But the shadow of the dactyl is falling on us, and there’s a knock on my back that sends me hurling forwards.

  I turn around, expecting a chaos of talons and teeth and blood.

  Car’rakz is still standing, drawing his huge sword back to strike with it, far too late.

  But the dactyl is acting weird. It has broken off its dive at the last moment, and now it’s furiously beating its wings and trying to gain altitude.

  I can see why. It’s under attack.


  - Tamara -

  Four dark shadows are clinging to the dactyl’s body, biting into it. They look like spiders with many arms each, and they’re each the size of a dog. Or a monkey.

  The dactyl lets out a terrible screech. But this is not a scream of attack or triumph — this is pain and anger. And fear.

  Car’rakz lowers his sword and stares, just like me.

  The dactyl isn’t gaining much altitude, despite its efforts. The four dark shapes are very busy, and cold blood is dripping from the huge dinosaur as it screeches again.

  Then chunks of meat start to fall, and the flying horror crashes into the ground with a wet thud. It goes into convulsions trying to rid itself of its attackers, scraping itself against the ground, rolling around and screeching so loudly I have to clamp my hands over my ears.

  Car’rakz takes two steps over to me to shield me from any danger. I peer out from behind his broad back.

  The dactyl keeps fighting, but it’s losing badly. It thrashes and rolls and tries to jump away from its tormentors, but they hang on with many thin hands each, as well as their mouths.

  Finally, the dactyl lets out one thin scream and collapses, while the four black shapes keep biting pieces out of it.

  And now that they’re standing still, I’m sure of what they are. “Gray ghosts!”

  Car’rakz looks down at me and frowns. “Yes. You know these things?”

  “One woman in tribe. Become friends with gray ghost. Name Alice. Very nice ghost.”

  “They’re not nice,” he says darkly. “Murderous things. Let’s go before they see us.”

  He takes my hand, but I stay still. “They’re not murderous. They won’t harm us. Look at them.”

  The gray ghosts have many arms each, just like Alice, the gray ghost that Emilia befriended and who’s visited our tribe sometimes. She has dangerous fangs, but she seems pretty smart and has never tried to attack any of us. We think the cavemen fear them and set traps for them because they look pretty scary, especially at night. But as far as we know, they only attack dactyls. I think they may be the only wildlife here on Xren that can actually be a threat to the flying dinosaurs.

  Now the four beings have stopped gnawing on the dactyl, and they’re accurately biting pieces off it, like partitioning dead prey. I know Alice can bite the throat out of low-flying dactyls if they’re
not too large, but this is the first time I or any of the girls have seen gray ghosts actually hunting.

  “They’re dangerous,” Car’rakz repeats. “No need to stay here.”

  I reluctantly let him drag me away towards the jungle. I guess he has a point, although I’d love to stay and observe. That would be some nice ethology. But I suppose I’ve already seen what I need to.

  I walk after the caveman into the jungle, and as I pass in among the trees I cast a glance back at the dactyl. It’s not even recognizable as one anymore — the ghosts have taken it apart with great precision, piling the talons and the wings up in neat heaps.

  I touch my shoulder where something hit me right before the gray ghosts were all over the dactyl. One of them must have used me as a ramp for jumping up into the air. Right at the dactyl while it was busy attacking something else…

  We walk fast through the jungle, and Car’rakz dispatches a couple of attacking giant centipedes without breaking a sweat. A little later, he quietly takes my hand and has us back quietly away from a curious dino with two legs and a huge green mohawk, before we walk a pretty large arc around it to continue on the same way.

  He has no problem dealing with the usual dinos. Only dactyls make him freeze up.

  I don’t blame him at all. They are scary. But I wonder if he doesn’t have just as much PTSD with dactyls as I do with dragons.

  The terrain slowly gets more mountainous than before, and the vegetation grows sparser. The air is a little fresher, too. We must have been walking up a gentle incline for a good while.

  But Car’rakz is showing no sign of stopping. I speed up to walk beside him now that there’s room for it. “We get lunch soon?”

  “Soon.” He keeps walking.

  Okay. Well, it’s probably better to not talk too much while walking. And I am actually enjoying the walk.

  Car’rakz is a pleasant person to look at from behind. All his muscles are on display, and his moves are so certain, measured and confident, it’s hard to imagine that if it hadn’t been for those gray ghosts, he would have been killed by that dactyl. And so would I, probably.

  I was only supposed to have sex with him once. Just to get it out of my system. Now we’ve done it twice, plus the oral stuff. The thought of going without that is not attractive, but the rational reasons for not mating with a caveman are still valid. The pregnancy risk, the real possibility that it will be hard or impossible to return to Earth without major issues with the government, the danger of actually not even wanting to go home if it meant separation from the man I love... yeah, all good reasons to not be too amorous.


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