Stronger With Him

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Stronger With Him Page 11

by JA Hensley

  "First of all, I'm not telling you shit about him. He's my neighbor and therefore he's mine to decide if I introduce you or not. You better not touch him, either. I don't care if you are my best friend, I'll cut a bitch." I try to be serious, but I know I'm failing miserably when Stephanie snorts from laughing even harder.

  "Damn, girl, dial it back. I'm not going to touch your man. He's fucking hot, though."

  "Yeah, Becca. He's hot and I can't believe you've been holding out on us," Stephanie squeaks out.

  "Well, I know how you whores are." I'm smiling now. They're the best and I know they're only teasing. I give them the very short version of how Colin was the one who saved me when Ron tried to kidnap me, but I stop when he comes back to the table with a beer and my water.

  "So, what are you ladies doing tonight?" Colin asks. They are back to staring at him with a star-struck look.

  "We're probably going to go to Stars after we leave here, right, girls?" I look at them and they both nod at me. "They really can talk, Colin. They're just acting like a couple of fucking morons."

  Colin laughs and shakes his head. I give the girls a death stare, but it doesn't seem to help.

  "What are you doing here, Colin? I don't think I've ever seen you here before," I ask as casually as I can. I'm still trying to figure out if he's still thinking about what he saw this morning.

  "Oh, Kevin wanted to come and shoot some pool. I don't really like the game, but I didn't feel like staying home, so I came with him. He's in the other room with a couple other friends. I saw you on the dance floor and I thought I'd say hi."

  "I think I like your greetings," I reply thinking about how he felt against my back. I'd like to feel him against my front, too, but I keep that thought to myself.

  Colin finishes his beer and stands up. "Well, it was nice to meet you ladies. Christin, glad things turned out for you," he says to my stupid friends. "It was great to see you, Becca. Maybe we'll catch up with you at Stars." He bends down and kisses my cheek before he walks away.

  "Holy crap on a cracker, Becca, he's fucking unbelievable," Stephanie says.

  "I'm glad you finally found your voice. You two are ridiculous, you know that? I can't believe you just sat there and stared at him." I shake my head at them.

  "Sorry about that, but he's fucking beautiful. I couldn't get my mind around the fact that he was sitting here talking to us. And what did he mean by that last comment?" Christin still looks awestruck.

  "Well, get your heads out of each other's asses. Don't do that to me again, it's fucking embarrassing. He's just a guy. Granted, he's gorgeous, but he's still human," I say looking at Stephanie.

  "You're right, we're sorry," Stephanie says apologetically. Christin nods her agreement.

  "As for you," I say pointing at Christin, "he saw me making your purchase this morning and wondered what was going on. I told him your good news."

  "Okay, you're forgiven. Are we ready to go or did you want to dance here some more?"

  "Let's get out of here. I'm ready to hit Stars," Steph says as she slides out of the booth.

  The drive across town to Stars is relatively quiet. I'm not sure what's going on with the girls, but I don't think they've ever been this quiet. Of course, they're sitting in the back seat together, making me feel even more like a chauffeur.

  "What's wrong with you two? You've never been this quiet," I ask impatiently, glancing in the rearview mirror to see their faces. Stephanie answers me first.

  "We're just in shock that you never told us about Colin. How long have you known him? What does he do? He obviously works out. Is he single?" Christin starts laughing at all of Steph's questions. At least we're getting back on track.

  "Well, he's lived in the building for a couple weeks. I just started talking to him the other day. He was there when Ron was an ass and helped keep me from being hurt worse. He's a student and he's taken me to class once. We've hung out some and I think he's single but don't either of you think for one second that you can date him. He's mine." I hear my voice get a little lower with that last statement and it surprises me a little. I didn't know I was so protective of Colin.

  "For fuck's sakes, Becca. We're not going to touch your precious Colin," Christin says. "It’s nice to see you like this though. Hopefully it’ll help you move past that douche of an ex."

  "I don't think you have to worry about me and Ron. I don't want to ever see that fucker again."

  "Good," Stephanie adds. "He's obviously dangerous and not at all good for you. Colin, on the other hand, seems like the right kind of guy to help you move on. At least looking at him can make you feel better."

  "All right, enough about Colin. Let's focus on having a good time tonight and celebrating Christin's non-pregnancy." The girls agree with me and go back to mindless chatter as we pull up to Stars.

  The music is blasting when we finally get in the door. The atmosphere in this place is just perfect. Lots of room to move, the air circulates well so it's cool inside, and it's quickly becoming my favorite club. We bypass the bar and go straight to the dance floor when Shake It Off starts blasting from the speakers. There's no way you can't dance to this song. Once it ends, Stephanie indicates she wants a drink so we head to the bar. We get our refreshments, find a booth, and take in the scene.

  "I wonder if we'll see Adam here tonight. Wouldn't that be interesting, Becca?" Christin asks.

  "Not sure what you mean." I know exactly what she's getting at, but I'm not going to go there.

  "Oh, I don't know. I wonder how well Colin would get along with Adam. Maybe you can introduce them."

  Fucking hell. I hadn't thought about that possibility. "I doubt that’ll be an issue, Christin. Why are you being such a cunt tonight?" I smile at her, but she has to know she's pissing me off.

  "I'm simply thinking about what you may have to deal with tonight. Why are you so sensitive?"

  "I don't know. This has been a shit week and the last thing I want to deal with is more fucking drama. I just want to have a good time tonight and watch the two of you get drunk and make fools of yourselves. So, drink up and let's get on the dance floor to make my dreams come true," I say laughing like a mad woman. The girls smile at me and down their drinks at the same time.

  Chapter 15-Colin

  Kevin and I walk into Stars a little after midnight. The place is packed, music blaring, and people in various states of inebriation. It's obvious this is the place to be. The recon has been going pretty well and since this place was on our list, it was easy to come over. It had nothing to do with the fact that Becca said she was going to be here. Not a fucking thing.

  After checking out the bar closest to the door, Kevin and I split up to have a look around. It's a pretty typical club. There are emergency exits along the side walls and I'm sure I'll find one on the back wall as well. There's a big dance floor and some private rooms on the perimeter. I can't really see anything out of the ordinary, but I walk around just to be sure. Once I make it back to the front door, I work my way toward the center of the room where the dance floor is. It doesn't take me long to spot Rebecca and her friends. It's like my cock has a homing beacon on her. As it gets hard, I put my hands on the railing to keep myself in place. I watch the three of them enjoy the music while I keep an eye on the men that are near them. It makes me a little crazy how unaware of their surroundings they are, but I stay put and watch.

  Becca puts her hands up and leans her head back with her eyes closed. She’s obviously lost to the music and looks so fucking sexy. Her breasts are bouncing and my cock gets even harder, until I see a pair of hands go around her waist. My eyes snap up to a guy putting hands on my woman and all I can feel is anger course through me. Before I have another rational thought, I’m rushing onto the dance floor and peeling the guy off Becca. I may not have growled, but he knew I meant business. Becca spins around and looks at me with shock on her face.

  "What the fuck was that all about, Colin?" She sounds really pissed off.

hat? I didn't like where his hands were and he had no right to touch you." Get it together, Colin. Apologize or something to smooth this over.

  "So, maybe I liked having his hands on me. Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't need to be controlled by you, too!" She finishes the sentence by spinning away from me and stomping off toward the bar. Her friends stop dancing and look at me with a mix of irritation and gratitude.

  Christin pulls me down and says softly in my ear, "Thanks for looking out for her. She needs it."

  I smile at her and nod as she and Stephanie take off to find Becca. I should feel like a dick, but I don't. Becca is a strong woman, but she's going through a lot right now and she doesn't need some horny bastard confusing her. It occurs to me that I might be one of those horny bastards. I push that thought out of my head quickly. I'm just looking out for her. I hope I can convince myself of that soon.

  Pushing my way off the dance floor, I see Kevin staring at me with an amused look.

  "What?" I ask as I bump his shoulder walking past him.

  "Nothing. Just never seen you like that before." He’s smiling like he's just heard the best joke.

  "Like what? I don't know what your fucking problem is." Is he seriously laughing at me right now?

  "Let's see. We come here to do some recon, according to you, but while I'm actually scoping out the place, you're roughing up some guy who's dancing with a cute girl. On top of that, you looked like someone took your toys when she walked away. So, what's up?" Kevin leans back against the wall and crosses his arms over his chest, looking very satisfied with himself.

  "Nothing's up. She didn't need some guy dry humping her out there. I just let him know that." I shrug my shoulder and I feel pretty convinced by my argument.

  "Sure, let's stick with that story, because you have never, and I repeat, never, done that before in the years that I've known you. You've been protective but never territorial. You're acting like that woman is yours or something."

  I shake my head and look at the floor. Kevin's not completely wrong in his assessment of the situation. I’m acting like Becca is mine to protect, when I have absolutely no claim to her at all. She's my neighbor and I've given her an orgasm, but that's it.

  "Wait a fucking minute," Kevin says, "I thought I recognized her. That’s Ronaldo's girlfriend, isn't it? What the fuck are you doing, man? You know better than to get involved with a suspect. If the SAC finds out, you're toast. I know you reported the altercation with the asshole, but you failed to mention you have a thing for his girlfriend. You better get your head on straight and not fuck this mission up for the rest of us, Colin."

  I nod the affirmative. He's right. I don't need to screw up the mission over a woman I barely know but can't get out of my head. No point in getting involved when I'll be moving on after the case is over. Now if my body would only get with the program.

  Chapter 16-Rebecca

  Sunday morning hangovers absolutely suck ass. Thankfully, I don't have one from alcohol. My emotions, however, are all over the place. Between Ron and Colin, I'm not sure what to do. Well, that's not entirely true. I know that Ron is a dick and that I want him out of my life for good. Hopefully being carted off by the police will help him realize that. It's Colin that has me flustered. I've never had anyone treat me like that before. It was maddening and hot as hell.

  Seriously, what the fuck is he doing? I barely know him and he’s scaring off men who are dancing with me? He's given me one orgasm and made me dinner. I'm not sure, because I've never been in this situation before, but it seems a little over the top to me. I guess we'll need to have a talk about this at some point.

  I roll over to get my cell phone and catch a glimpse of my alarm clock. It's already eleven and I'm still in bed. I've got to get some work done today or I'll be really behind in my classes. Groaning, I finally get.

  As I'm flossing, I hear a knock at my door. I decide to ignore it because whoever it is will only distract me from my work today. The knock comes again, a little louder, but I continue to ignore it, walking into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

  "Becca, I know you're in there. Please open the door." Colin's voice comes through the wood. My heart starts beating faster and I have to hang onto the counter to keep myself from going to answer him. I'm not ready for the conversation we need to have.

  "Come on, Becca. Please talk to me. I'm sorry about the caveman routine last night. Let me in so we can talk." He keeps banging and I can't take it anymore. I stomp to the door, undo the locks and throw it open so hard it bounces off the wall.

  "What, Colin? What the fuck are you doing?" I'm yelling like a lunatic, but I can't rein it in.

  Colin takes a step toward me and I step back. If he touches me, I'm done for. I’ll melt and allow him in my life. It's so tempting to feel safe and protected by someone who is clearly capable of the job.

  "Are you afraid of me now? Please, talk to me." Colin's eyes are full of regret. I feel my resolve slipping as I look away from him. I shake my head and sit down on the couch. Colin follows me and kneels on the floor in front of me.

  "Becca, please. Let me explain. I'm not trying to control you, I promise. I had no right to act like that last night, but I am not going to apologize for keeping you safe. That guy was up to no good and I didn't want you to get hurt."

  "That may be but don't you think it's up to me to decide if I let some guy touch me? I'm a grown woman, for fuck's sake and I've been doing just fine on my own." I know I sound like a child, but this really pisses me off.

  "I do think you can decide, but I couldn't help myself. For some reason, I feel this overwhelming need to protect you. I can't explain it, and I most certainly don't understand, but it's there."

  I stare at Colin and all I see looking back at me is concern. It's not hard to decide to stop being pissed. I should be grateful that someone cares enough to scare off some random guy at a club. Leaning forward, I put my hands on his cheeks and pull him to my lips for a kiss. It starts off slow and soft, but he quickly moves into me and pushes me back against the couch. I move my hands to his hair, scratching his scalp a little, causing him to moan. Colin brings his hands up my legs to my hips, massaging a little, making me want more contact. I try to pull him up on the sofa with me, but he’s too big for me to move.

  Colin leans back slightly, breaking the kiss. I'm having trouble catching my breath and he's breathing hard, too. My eyes dip down and watch his pecs move with his breath.

  "Becca, I want you. I'll take you any way I can get you. Just let me in, please."

  I’m fighting tears and can't speak, so I just nod. Colin has a big smile on his face. He picks me up and carries me to my bedroom. All I can do is hang on and allow myself to be swept away.

  I feel the bed meet my back as Colin puts me down. He brushes a few hairs from my face and I get lost looking into his beautiful green eyes.

  "You are gorgeous. I can't get you out of my head." He ends the sentence with a light kiss on my lips. His thumb runs over my cheek and then I feel his hand move down my face to my neck to my breast. Colin is being so gentle that it's almost like a dream, but I need more. I reach down to take off my shirt, but he stops me.

  "Let me take care of you like you've never been taken care of before. Will you do that?"

  Like I could turn that down? I smile and let go of my top, dropping my hands to rest at my sides. It's going to be wonderful because nobody has ever done this for me before.

  He gets off the bed and stands there staring at me for what seems like forever. I begin to get uncomfortable with the scrutiny until he pulls his shirt over his head. Now I have something to stare at and get lost in. He’s absolutely perfect. There's not an ounce of fat to be seen, just hard, sculpted muscle that I want to trace with my tongue. I start my eye fucking at his massive shoulders and move my way down to his chest and abs, ending at the trail of hair that disappears into his tented pants. I can't wait to get a better look at what's in there, as well.

  Before I can
think too much about that, Colin is climbing on the bed, moving toward me slowly, like a lion stalking prey. I know I'll enjoy being taken by this predator. He parts my legs with his knees and crawls up my body, not really touching me, but I can feel him everywhere. He stops when he’s right above my chest, lowering himself onto me. I can't help but lock my legs around his waist and pull him even closer. His erection hits me in just the right spot and I can tell he's bigger than anyone I've had before, not that two guys is really a lot of comparison. I grind my hips against his slightly just to get some friction, but he pulls back before I can really get going.

  "I'm taking care of you, remember," he says with a smile. "Just relax and trust me." He brings his lips to my mouth in a passionate kiss and I forget about what I was doing.

  Well, fuck. Nobody has ever treated me like this before. I'm afraid that I'm going to like it a whole lot more than I should.

  Colin shifts his weight so that he can run his hands under my shirt. I feel the warmth and roughness of his fingers along my stomach then up to my breasts. Thank God I hadn't gotten dressed yet so there's no bra to deal with. He teases my flesh until my nipple is a hard point. Then he moves to the other one, giving it the same attention. I start to feel the tension between my legs build up and I think I could orgasm just from this. I close my eyes and get lost in the sensation, but suddenly it's gone. I look at Colin and he’s, once again, just staring at me.

  "Is something wrong?" I have to ask since this seems to be happening a lot.

  "No, I just wanted to look at you. I've never seen anyone so sexy in my life. The look of pure bliss on your face is enough to make me feel like a king knowing I put it there."

  "Well, let's see what other looks you can put on my face, shall we?" I grin a little, hoping that my words will spur action on his part. I need to come and I need it soon.

  Colin takes me at my word, pulling my shirt off and diving down to suck on a nipple. My back arches on its own; the feeling is amazing and I know I'm going to come. He kneads my other breast, and when he pinches my nipple I let go. The orgasm rips through me, temporarily blinding me with pleasure. I hear myself groan through it and when my back lands on the bed again, I open my eyes. Colin is looking at me like he could devour me. He moves over me, leaning back so he can pull my pants off.


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