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Stronger With Him

Page 18

by JA Hensley

  It only takes a minute and paramedics and cops swarm the area. I refuse to put Becca down, even when the medical personnel are telling me to. "Focus on my brother for now. I'll take her to the ambulance."

  Becca puts her arms around my neck and holds on as I carry her through the building. Once we're outside, she starts sobbing. I hold her close to me and whisper that everything is fine and I'm never going to let anything happen to her again. We’re met by another team of paramedics, and this time I agree to lower her onto the gurney meets us. They check her out and start to load her in the ambulance. I hop in with them, not letting her out of my sight.

  As the ambulance pulls away, I see Jude being wheeled out of the building. It looks like he's arguing with someone, which is a good sign. I know I should probably worry about him, but I can't focus on anyone but Becca.

  "Thank you for finding me," she says quietly. I look at her beautiful face and wince when I see just how much damage that prick did to her.

  "You don't have to thank me. I wouldn't rest until you were safe. Did he, you know," I can't say the actual word.

  "No, he didn't. One of his men tried, but he stopped it before anything happened." She looks down at her hands.

  "Good, I'm glad. You're going to be okay, Becca. I promise. I’ll make sure that he never touches you again." I hold her hand in mine and squeeze it gently.

  "I believe you. Are you going to tell me what's going on? I mean, obviously you're not a body builder or a grad student." She smiles slightly and I smile back.

  "I’ll tell you everything after we get you checked out. Looks like we're pulling up to the hospital now."

  The doors of the ambulance fly open and Becca is pulled out. I follow them into the emergency room, but I'm not allowed to be in the room with her. I pace back and forth outside the room until I see Jude being wheeled in.

  "Hey, man, are you okay?" I ask as he’s being pushed into the room next to Becca's. His shoulder is bleeding, but it doesn't look very serious.

  "Yeah, just a flesh wound. How's your girl?"

  "They're checking her out now. I think she's going to be fine."

  A nurse comes in and walks to the opposite side of Jude's bed. I look over at her when I hear her curse. It looks like Becca's friend, but I can't read her name badge.

  "Fucking hell, there are two of you?" She looks back and forth from Jude to me. "Well, you need to get out of here so we can take care of this one," she orders, pointing out the door and looking me in the eye. "Now." I guess I didn't move fast enough for her.

  Once I'm out of the room, the curtain is pulled and I can only hear part of what’s being said. I go back and stand in front of Becca's curtain, waiting to be allowed back in there. Ten excruciating minutes later the nurse comes out.

  "You can go in now until the doctor comes to see her." I don't hear most of what she says as I hurry into the room. Becca looks so tiny in the bed. The lighting in here is almost too good, as it makes her bruises and cuts stand out even more. She's still beautiful to me, but it's going to take some time for her to heal.

  "Hey, you hanging in there?" I ask as I take a seat next to her and hold her hand.

  She smiles weakly and winces when she turns her head to look at me. "Yeah, I think so," she replies but her voice is gravelly and quiet.

  "You don't have to talk. Let's just sit quietly and wait for the doctor to come in. You can close your eyes if you want. I'll make sure you're safe." She nods and closes her eye. I stare at her until the doctor pushes the curtain back.

  "I'm Dr. Andersen," he introduces himself to me, holding out his hand. I stand and shake it, introducing myself as well. "I'm Special Agent Colin Schaefer. Nice to meet you, Doctor. This is Rebecca Maio. Please take good care of her."

  "You can stay while I do my exam. It shouldn't take very long and I'm sure she'd like the support." He smiles at Becca and she nods. Dr. Andersen pushes on Becca's cheekbones and around her eyes. He also looks at her arms and legs, assessing each and every bruise. He asks about rape and sexual assault and she again responds that she was not violated in that way. I’m relieved about that for her sake.

  "Well, it looks like you might have a fractured zygomatic bone. We'll need an x-ray to be sure. Otherwise, it looks like bruises and contusions that will heal on their own. I'll send an order to radiology and get you some pain medications. Do you have any questions?"

  She shakes her head and the doctor leaves. I breathe a sigh of relief and smile at her.

  "So, are you going to tell me what's going on, Special Agent Colin Schaefer?" she asks with amusement.

  "I will, but it’s kind of a long story. It might be best to give you all the details once we get you home."

  "That's fine, but I want to know one thing right now."

  "Anything, I promise."

  "When were you going to tell me that you were a cop?" She looks so hurt it almost breaks me.

  "As soon as I could. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, keeping the truth from you." I lean down and kiss her unbroken cheek.

  "We're ready to take you down to Radiology," a nurse states, interrupting us. I nod and allow them to wheel Becca out of the Emergency Room.

  I poke my head in Jude's room and see him engrossed in Christin. He seems to be hanging on every word as she’s bandaging his shoulder. I let them have their privacy and wait for Becca to return.

  Chapter 28-Rebecca

  The trip to radiology gives me some time to think about what's happened. I’m still reeling from the kidnapping and all that Ron did. I think I might be more freaked out by the fact that Colin is actually a cop. I certainly didn't see that coming.

  The x-ray tech finishes quickly and is taking me back to the ER in less than twenty minutes. Thankfully, I’m in a wheelchair now instead of on a gurney, it makes it so much easier to see what's going on. When we get through the doors, Stephanie makes her way over to me and puts her hand on mine.

  "I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried sick about you. How are you? Do you need anything?" She always talks fast when she's scared.

  "I'm fine and I'm happy you're here." I turn my hand over and grip hers. She smiles at me and stands.

  Christin comes over and dismisses the tech. "Let's get you back in your room and settled in. Your pain meds are here and I'm sure you're ready for them." She helps me into the bed, holding the gown closed in the back so my ass doesn't show. She pulls the blanket up to my waist and looks me in the eye.

  "What the fuck happened? I find out that you had been kidnapped and then I discover that Colin is with the DEA and Ron is some drug lord. It's like a fucking crime drama. So, what gives?"

  "I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I had no idea about any of it. Ron had three guys grab me at school and then they held me in a horrible place. He tied me to a bed and was planning to take me to a beach to live with him forever. Thankfully, the cops showed up when they did. Where's Susanna? Is she here?"

  "Who's that? The only people I've seen come through here are you and Jude. If anyone else was hurt, they didn't bring them to this hospital."

  "She's the woman who tried to help me escape. I need to make sure she made it out."

  "I'll ask for you. Just relax. I'll get your meds and then you need to rest. We'll get the x-ray results soon and then you should be able to go home."

  "Thank you, Christin. I don't know what I'd do without you."

  "You'll never have to find out," she says as she pats my knee and heads out of the room.

  Colin and Steph come in as Christin leaves.

  "Sweetie, what can I get for you?" Stephanie asks.

  "I'd love a drink of water. My throat is killing me."

  "Sure thing, I'll go get you something." As she turns to leave she smiles at Colin and he winks back at her.

  "So, I know you said that we would talk later, but I need to know when you were going to be honest with me," I say. He takes a deep breath and sits on the edge of the bed. Taking my hand in his he looks me in the e
ye and smiles.

  "I have a lot of things I want to tell you. I'll give you the full story, but the most important thing I need to say is I'm falling in love with you, Becca. I've never felt this way about anyone before. You've made me lose focus on my work, which has always been my priority. I can't sleep at night and you're all I think about during the day. When I found out that you were missing, I was like a caged animal. I never want to feel like that again. I want you to be part of my life until I take my last breath."

  The tears start flowing, which is painful in my swollen eye. "I’ve never met anyone like you and I can't imagine my life without you, either." I smile at him and he leans forward to kiss me.

  Christin chooses that moment to come back with my medications and water. "Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but I have a job to do." She swats Colin on the arm and shoos him out of her way. "Take these and just have sips of water. They should start working in about fifteen minutes. Colin, I'd like to talk to you outside, please."

  I take my pills while she watches and once that's done she tucks the blanket around me. "Get some rest, sweetie. I'll be back to check on you soon and I'll let your man back in shortly." I smile at my friend who has never been so sweet in all her life.

  "Don't be mean to him, Christin. He saved my life, you know."

  "I know and that's what I want to talk to him about. Close your eyes and rest for a bit," she says as she leaves the room. I follow her instructions, settling back and feeling completely exhausted.

  I wake up disoriented and scared. I had a nightmare about what happened with Ron. I start to sit up but the pain in my body keeps me against the mattress. One eye still won't open. I look around and see Colin sitting next to me, one hand on mine and the other arm thrown over his face. The lights have been dimmed and I figure out that I'm still in the hospital. I can't see the clock or anything so I have no idea what time it is. I move my hand from under his and Colin sits up.

  "Are you okay? What do you need?" he asks searching my face and body for any signs of what may be wrong.

  I have to clear my throat a couple times before my voice returns. "I'm fine. I just wasn't sure where I was at first."

  "Oh, good. Hopefully, we'll be getting out of here soon. I can go check if you want."

  "No, please stay with me. I feel safer with you here."

  He smiles and leans in to give me a soft kiss on the lips. I moan a little at the contact. It feels like he hasn't kissed me in forever.

  "Don't start that business. I don't think your nurse would be happy about me taking advantage of you in your current state," he says with a smile.

  "You're right, I wouldn’t like that," Christin says as she pushes the curtain back. "But you're being discharged, so what you do on your own time is up to you." She’s brought a wheelchair and several papers in with her. "Nothing's broken and you've got a ton of bruises, but you already knew that. We've documented them and that information will be forwarded to the police and prosecutor. I hope that son of a bitch fries for what he did to you."

  "Well, at least you can maintain your professionalism." I chuckle. I love how protective my friends are.

  "Fuck that. If it were up to me, I'd get to have my own revenge on that mother fucker. I don't want to go to jail, so I'll let the powers that be handle it." She winks at Colin and helps me sit up to sign the paperwork. Once everything is in order, they both help me into the wheelchair.

  "What about my clothes? Do I really have to leave here in this horrible gown? My ass is hanging out, for the love of Pete."

  "I looked for some scrubs, but I couldn't find any. Your clothes were taken for evidence. Don't worry, we'll wrap the blanket around you and I'm sure Colin here, can lift you into the car."

  "I've got you. Let me take care of you," he says while adjusting the blanket over my legs.

  "Like I've got a choice." I smile at him as he places a light kiss on my forehead.

  "Glad you agree. Let me go check on my brother and I'll be right back," he says as he steps out of the room.

  "I'll be checking on him a lot tonight," Christin says under her breath.

  "What did you say?" I ask, making her blush, another thing that Christin rarely does.

  "Nothing, absolutely nothing. Now, you have two prescriptions here. One is for pain and one is an anti-inflammatory to help with the swelling. Do you want me to get them filled for you and bring them by after my shift? I should be out of here in an hour or so." She's looking at anything but me, seemingly to avoid eye contact.

  "That would be great. I just want to go home and get in my bed. Thanks for being such a great friend and taking such good care of me and Jude."

  "I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, to take care of you. I mean . . . Well . . ." She stumbles over her words.

  "Seems that you and I are going to have a lot to talk about later. I've never seen you so flustered before." I’m laughing a little. Of course that hurts so I stop as soon as I can.

  "Yeah, laugh it up, sister. We'll talk later." She rolls her eyes and pushes the wheelchair. We hadn't made it past the curtain when Colin and Stephanie come back.

  "I'll take it from here, Christin. Your other patient is being a whiney baby and needs some help. I told him I would find his nurse." Colin winks at me as Christin hurries out of the room.

  "Are you ready to go, Becca? I'm going to take you both back to the apartment and make sure you've got what you need. Colin is staying with you," Stephanie says.

  "Yes, let's get out of here. I want to be in my own bed."

  "Okay, we're out," Colin says as he pushes me out of the emergency room and into the parking lot.

  Chapter 29-Colin

  Taking Becca home from the hospital feels like the most important task I’ve ever done. I want to protect her and comfort her. I never want her to feel this kind of pain again. We get to Stephanie's car and I lift Becca out of the wheelchair and gently place her in the backseat. Stephanie returns the chair to the ER while I get Becca wrapped up and as comfortable she can be.

  The ride to the apartment is quiet. Becca seems to fall asleep and I don't really have anything to say. We've all been through hell today.

  Once we get to our destination, Becca is fully asleep. I carefully lift her out of the car and carry her to the apartment and into her bedroom. She glances up at me, smiles, and drifts back into sleep. The pain meds are working their magic. Thankfully, she had given Stephanie and Christin copies of her new keys. I get her tucked into bed and go back to the living room.

  "I don't know what to say other than thank you," Stephanie says. She has tears in her eyes and her arms wrapped around her waist. "I can only imagine what would’ve happened if you hadn't been here."

  "You don't have to think about that. I'm glad I was here and I'm not going to let anything happen to her ever again. I'll make sure that fucker gets what he has coming to him." I make a mental note to call Kevin and find out what happened to Ronaldo after we left.

  "Well, thanks. She's my best friend and I'm happy she has you. I'm going to go home and take a shower. Call me when she wakes up and I'll bring her something to eat if she's up for it."

  I walk her to the door and bring her in for a hug. "You're a great friend, Stephanie, and you were a huge part of finding her. Never forget that, okay?" She nods and leaves without looking at me.

  I shut and lock the door before checking on Becca. She's still sound asleep so I take the opportunity to call Kevin.

  "Hey, man, how's Becca?" is how he answers the phone.

  "She's okay. Bruised and sore but she's going to be fine. What's going on with Ronaldo?"

  "Well, you certainly are a good shot. Apparently, you blew his nuts right off." He’s laughing. "One in the shoulder, one in the gut, and one in the nuts. I don't know if there’s any better way to incapacitate a man. He'll be singing soprano in prison. They took him to Memorial since you guys went to Methodist and last I heard he was out of surgery and expected to recover fully. Well, as much as you can wi
thout testicles."

  I laugh with my partner. "You know, that just makes this even more perfect. Maybe they'll call him 'No Nuts' in prison."

  "I'm sure they'll call him something. I'm still working on the reports for the District Attorney. You want me to bring you something when I'm done?"

  "No, I'm good. Becca's sleeping and I'm going to go curl up with her. I'll call you with an update when she's awake. If anything changes on your end, be sure to let me know."

  "You got it, man. Later."

  We end the call and I turn my phone to vibrate. I don't want anything to disturb Becca. I check the door again and make my way to her room. She looks so beautiful. I'm suddenly overcome with emotion and a feeling of possessiveness. I know I’ll never let this woman walk away from me and if she does, I'll be ruined. She’s completely turned everything in my life upside down and I’ve loved every minute of it.

  She stirs and looks over at me. Crap, I didn't want to wake her up.

  "Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or are you coming to bed? I could use some strong arms to hold me right now."

  I rip my shirt over my head and drop my pants just as quickly. "I'm happy to be of service." I gently crawl into bed, pulling her into my embrace. I feel her relax against my chest as she exhales

  "Much better," she whispers as she falls asleep again.

  "Yes, much better," I agree as I succumb to sleep as well.

  * * * * *

  I wake to the sound of someone knocking on the door. It takes me a second to get my bearings and remember that I'm at Becca's apartment. I slip out of bed as quickly and quietly as I can.

  Christin is standing there with my brother, a bag from a pharmacy, and a cup of coffee. Not exactly what I was expecting, especially given Jude's overall attitude toward women.

  "Hey, butt munch, are you going to let us in or just stand there in your boxers staring at me?" Christin is tapping her foot impatiently.

  "Butt munch? That's what you're going with? If you can't come up with something more original than that maybe I won't let you in," I reply.


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