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Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance

Page 8

by Ciara Cole

  Like she smiled at Cara now, with those red lips stretched thinly over perfect white dentition. “How about your family? Would you consider inviting them to the party as well? Maybe a few friends?” asked Meg, pen in hand, hovering over her pad.

  “I didn’t know I was allowed to invite anyone,” Cara said in surprise.

  “Well, of course, they wouldn’t have to know about the surrogacy. But you are basically on contract with Mr. Shane, which makes you something of a valued employee. He wouldn’t begrudge you wanting someone you’re close to present at such a big event.”

  Someone she was close to … Cara didn’t really have anyone like that. She’d only ever really had Jude. He was the one who gave her a semblance of a family or a connection, since Cara never really got along with either of her parents or siblings. No one ever seemed to understand her, and only with Jude had she felt any kind of acceptance. If only for a brief time.

  “There’s … no one,” Cara finally said, eyes downcast as she ran her fingers over her knee nervously. Thinking about Jude always made her feel guilty and lost.

  “You’re sure? Because it would be nothing to arrange a flight for them and the necessary lodgings for their stay. You’ve been here over a month now and there has to be someone you miss, or who’s worried about your welfare. With how beautiful you look, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a man in your life, wondering what became of you.”

  Cara’s eyes narrowed in a frown as she shot a look at Meg, wondering how much the assistant knew or if Logan had told her anything. Well, being his most trusted aide he might have mentioned Cara’s ex, but still, it felt uncomfortable that Logan would share something so personal and sensitive with Meg.

  “Like I said, there’s no one,” Cara added, meeting Meg’s smirking expression squarely.

  “Well, I’ll just finish sending out invitations, and of course, the sonogram picture. Imagine how pleased Mr. Shane will be knowing the baby is growing so healthy. You should take extra care, too. Wouldn’t want Mr. Shane biting my ear off if you got into any trouble.”

  Cara wondered what trouble she could possibly get into, sitting at home all day or working on her paintings. She grumpily glanced down at the smartwatch she had on her wrist, the one similar to Logan’s, which had all sorts of features to monitor her activities. It had been Logan who’d gotten her to wear it and there were times she wanted to toss it into the nearest pool.

  As Meg made her departure with a smug smile, Cara fumed even more. The assistant had seemed extra catty today, and Cara as always, found it impossible to really read the woman. Just what was going on in her head?

  Maybe it was Cara feeling hormonal, or something to do with the conversation she had with Meg, but in the following days Cara felt like calling home. The last time she’d called, was when she’d been on her way here, to meet her mystery benefactor for the first time. She’d spoken to her mother who had sounded glad to know Cara was safe.

  Cara then wondered if she’d somehow let something slip back then, about the location she was headed. But surely it was too far-fetched to think Jude could’ve been that lucky to narrow things down so well as to almost run into her in town when she’d gone shopping?

  Still, this possibility made Cara extra careful when she spoke to her mother again, later that morning. Cara didn’t mention being pregnant or the surrogacy, and only told her mother she’d found a job that would keep her busy for almost a year.

  “That sounds nice. Just what kind of job is it?” her mother asked full of curiosity.

  Cara smiled to herself and said, “You could call it a nine-month babysitting gig.”

  To which her mother sounded even more curious and dumbfounded, but before any more questions could arise, Cara quickly said goodbye and hung up. She sighed deeply and wondered if she hadn’t slipped up with the babysitting comment. Would her mother somehow make the connection? No way, came the instant refutation as Cara shook her head. No way, her mother would guess that Cara’s job was carrying a baby for someone—and neither would her mother believe it, even if she did find out.

  Cara knew this was something she’d chosen to do and she would have to face on her own. Just thinking of Logan and being able to give him this gift, always lifted her heart, and slowly, Cara was getting worried if any of this would be easy to give up when the time came.

  What if, seven to eight months from now, she wouldn’t want to let either Logan or the baby go?

  Thankfully, that was enough time for Cara to come to her senses and remember that none of this was meant to be real, or to last. And she had to be ready to accept that wholeheartedly or risk a whole world of pain and regret.

  Chapter Seven

  Cara made her way down the circular stairway and headed through the passage to the living room in search of Logan. She felt nervous for tonight and the whole party affair. She hoped she looked nice enough, and that the midriff baring outfit, which had been approved by Logan, looked nice on her figure.

  Her bump was no way close to being evident yet, but Cara felt pregnant thanks to the weight she could tell she’d gained, judging by her extra curves both top and bottom. Also judging, of course, by the look in Logan’s eyes when she’d first tried on the ensemble to show him. A look which proved to her, that he was liking her few—okay, maybe more than a few—added pounds.

  So where was he? He’d left her to finish dressing and now she was eager for the evening to start. The party was to take place on the beautiful expanse of grass, the arena decorated with colorful gazebo-like canopies and lit up with strings of tiny white lights and other effect lighting overhead and in the trees.

  Every different section, such as the stage, bar, and game area where some garden competitions were to take place, was carefully arranged. There was a summery night feel to the air, but also provided were tall braziers to keep any later chills away if needed.

  Everything looked perfect, especially the dining settings and the DJ spinning beats from his turntable. Despite having all these nerves, Cara realized she couldn’t wait for tonight to start.

  First she had to find Logan and the living room seemed a good place to start as she heard loud noises from there. She walked in direction of the source and got a surprise.

  The living room was full of men. Logan and four other males were either seated or standing, nursing drinks, chatting, and laughing. The foreign sound of distinct Irish accents hit Cara like a wave but that wasn’t the only bombshell.

  These men were hella hot. Next to Logan, Cara had never seen such handsome men in her life. They were all tall and muscular in resemblance to Logan who still seemed to stand out with his special brand of attractiveness.

  What gives? Cara’s eyes were wide as she stood there and they all became aware of her presence.

  “Well, hello there, beauty. You must be Cara,” boomed the voice of the male closest to where Cara was frozen as a pillar. He had a full red beard, neck tattoos, glassy blue eyes and a warm smile. “I’m Egan.”

  Oh, goodness.

  The next moments were a blur of introductions. Cara was finally meeting Logan’s three cousins and one close pal—and it was a tad bit overwhelming! Logan could have warned her they were super fit! They looked to be around Logan’s age or a little older. They all had similar qualities: mysterious, brooding, and certainly intimidating. But they were immediately friendly and took the effort to make Cara feel comfortable.

  Cara was grateful when Logan came to her side, his nearness offering support from the feeling of being out of her element. She gave gracious smiles and answers to the men’s questions, mostly about where she was from and her interests. Nothing more personal and certainly, nothing about the baby or surrogacy.

  They seemed simply happy to be around each other, and also, to have Cara there. They had to be able to tell that Logan and Cara had something together, as it was there in the way Logan looked at her or touched her. It still got Cara curious though, what the men thought about all this.

re they went out to the party, as guests were beginning to arrive, the men shared light banter and even gave Cara some anecdotes about their younger days. The way they acted, one would think they’d accepted Cara as Logan’s woman. But she wasn’t, was she? She was simply his surrogate, whom he also happened to be sleeping with. Did that even make her his mistress, or what?

  The four men all herded out of the living room to make it to the outdoor party. Logan stalled Cara by placing a gentle hand on her wrist and pulling her back to him, his eyes looking down into her face. “They like you,” he said.

  That made Cara sigh in relief, realizing she’d needed the confirmation. “Does it matter?” Cara asked, clearly holding Logan’s gaze. The whole lavish party, introducing her to his family of sorts—what meaning did it all hold for them?

  “Of course it does. You aren’t a total stranger anymore, Cara.”

  Cara just stopped herself from making some ill-advised So what are we? speech. The baby was barely in its first trimester and she couldn’t risk Logan starting to question her motives, or get put off by Cara putting more into this than he wanted.

  “I’m glad to hear that. And I like them, too. I loved hearing about you all growing up together. Do the two brothers really run an online site catering to fresh produce provided directly from farmers?”

  Logan chuckled at her awed expression. “Correct. It’s really big in the UK and they plan on branching out to the US. And yes, my third cousin Connor really did become one of the best prosecutors in the country after giving up his life in the gangs.”

  Cara shook her head in amazement. “I just think it’s really cool. And inspiring. How many people can say they took the bold move and gave themselves a second chance?”

  “Well, you did,” Logan said, cupping her face. “You walked out on your abusive boyfriend, and stepped into the unknown with just the belief that you deserved better. That’s more than commendable because not a lot of women would have that courage.”

  “Thank you,” Cara whispered. “I feel like that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  Logan simply smiled. His handsome face, and the way his tux seemed like second skin on his muscular, broad-shouldered frame, did things to her.

  He lifted her hand, his touch warm on her fingers. “I have something for you,” he said.

  He was bringing out something from his pocket and the first thought Cara had, was Logan was giving her a ring! What? Her heart stopped and then jumped into her mouth in both fear, and anticipation. Could something magical have happened and somehow this would turn into a whirlwind romance after all? Would Logan tell her he’d fallen madly for her and wanted her in his life for real and not just as a baby maker?

  She watched, breathless, only to find it was her wrist Logan reached for, not her engagement finger. Moments later, she wore a beautiful gold bracelet made of several enlaced knots, the metal gleaming sensually on her cocoa skin.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Cara gasped. She forgot her disappointment that it was no fairy-tale sequence with a ring and proposal. She instantly loved the urban and yet ultra-feminine style of the bracelet, and was glad it seemed understated and not gaudy or overly lavish. It was just right.

  “You like it?” Logan teased.

  “I love it. Just, don’t get too used to getting me presents or trying to spoil me, as I won’t be having it,” she said, wagging a warning finger playfully.

  Logan’s eyes glinted. “Look closely, lass. You’ll see it’s no ordinary present, or trinket. This certainly has a special meaning and even though I’d considered giving a choker instead, I know how worried you are about any undue attention. You wearing my choker, would have made it obvious to a few discerning eyes, that it was, in fact, a collar, and they’d know my claim on you.”

  “Oh.” Cara’s eyes widened as she let his words sink in. Special meaning … collar … claim … she looked down at the bracelet and realized there was something about it. If it was some sort of way of Logan making his claim, then it could only mean this was a form of a bondage bracelet. Logan was right—between a Dom and sub it could easily have been a collar he’d want her to wear, but this time he’d chosen the more subtle option.

  It was really arrogant of him yet so hot at the same time.

  It made Cara feel less like a bimbo, for sure, and instead, she took it in the light of their intimate power exchange, where she let him take control in their sex life.

  “What a thrilling intro to an exciting evening,” she said, beaming up at him as she fingered her gorgeous bracelet.

  Again came that glint in his eyes. “We could make it an even more thrilling interlude, involving finding the nearest private room, with you bent over and grabbing your ankles, and me ramming deep inside you from behind. In those heels, it will be all I’ll be thinking about tonight. But we’re running late.”

  Shit. How dare he fire her up like that with his sexy words murmured in her ear, only to end it with that? His cocky smile told Cara he knew he had her where he wanted her—with her little panties all in a twist. She’d have to do something to pay him back for getting her so hot and bothered right before making it out to the party!

  For now, she played it cool and smiled graciously. She seriously wanted to make a good impression and if that had to do with taking some wicked teasing by Logan from time to time, she was more than up to the task.

  There was something in the air that night, with the upbeat music and, gorgeously dressed and lively guests, who plied with good food, wine, and cheer. The moment Logan walked into the arena the buzz was palpable, and he put his undeniable charm to work as he played host to perfection.

  After their first time in bed together, Cara had made up her mind that it would all be based on the physical, just having fun and living. She couldn’t let their momentous passion sway her into thinking this made them soul mates, or that they could settle down together and have some perfect happy ending. And so far, Logan had kept it simple. He wanted her, and as such, took what he wanted, while making sure to give her the best pleasure she ever felt.

  Yet, what was it about tonight that made Cara start to wish for more? It didn’t have anything to do with the glamor and excitement of being a part of Logan’s exclusive circle. It wasn’t the beautiful people, laughing, chatting, and dancing, and enjoying the night’s entertainment, the glitter, and the glow, untouched by the worries of ordinary people and only focused on having fun, fun, fun. It would be so easy to be swept away by all that, but for Cara it wasn’t about what Logan was, but who he was. Being beside him, having his hand on the small of her back to keep her from ducking away like she could have done—that was a kick. From the speculative looks the guests sent her way, she knew they wondered about this mystery date Logan had with him tonight. But of course they kept their inquisitive thoughts to themselves. At least to Cara’s face.

  And if for some reason, Logan had to be called away or they got separated, Cara would notice that she’d find one or other of his cousins showing up at her side. It was almost like they were all on bodyguard duty, making sure Cara was okay during the party. Again, that gave Cara such a high. Logan must have guessed she’d feel a little out of place and even overwhelmed by the crowd filled with people she didn’t know. So, he’d wanted to make sure that Cara had company or at least, someone looking out for her, if for a moment his attention was drawn elsewhere.

  Was it Logan really being caring for her, or was it just for the baby?

  That thought came out of nowhere, dampening Cara’s mood. What if, Logan’s keeping close watch was to make sure she didn’t slip up, or do anything to harm the baby? Cara had been careful not to touch alcohol and stayed away from any kind of fumes from cigarette smoke or whatever else the guests around might be inhaling. Well, it wasn’t that kind of freaky party with drugs or whatever, but Cara couldn’t be sure, could she? But that gave Logan no reason to keep an eagle eye on her as if she’d be stupid enough to imbibe anything or do anything to endanger herself, and
subsequently, the baby.

  Had to be her silly hormones again, putting her out of sorts, Cara thought and sighed. Egan, the friendliest of the lads, as Logan called them, had been at her side and had even asked Cara to dance, to which she’d graciously declined. She was much too preoccupied by her insecurities and the moment he got distracted by another guest, she slipped away into the crowd.


  Cara couldn’t know that Logan hardly kept her out of his sight all night. Even those times that no one even thought he was looking, or paying attention, he always made sure she stayed in his line of vision.

  She was beautiful, graceful, and had an air of innocence that couldn’t be matched by any other women there tonight. Some tried to steal his attention, and maybe catch his interest, but Cara was all that was on his mind.

  It pleased him, when he saw her laughing. Even though he wished he was the one to make her do so and not someone else. It had been great, having her meet the lads and even try to get to know them personally. They’d been properly shocked when Logan told them that Cara was black, but they’d made no other comment and had waited to meet her. He’d like to think they’d been easily won over by her simple elegance, sweet disposition, and yes, even her shyness.

  Logan didn’t want to start questioning why it mattered that she got on so well with his cousins, who were also like his best friends. He simply knew that Cara was going to be in his life for a while, at least eight more months and since he saw the guys from time to time when they were in the country, he’d want everyone to be comfortable around each other.

  Now it was Egan, the real charmer of the lot who stood next to Cara. He seemed to ask her to dance and looked disappointed when she declined with a quiet smile. Logan smirked and was glad he had no need to be jealous of Egan who was happily married to his childhood sweetheart, with twin toddlers. It was seeing Egan with his babies that had probably started off Logan's dream to be a father, even though Logan had felt no need for the conventional environment of marriage that was more suited for having a child. Logan just couldn't envision being married but he did want an heir. And he wanted one while he was still young and could be there for his offspring, as long as time allowed. Logan would be just over forty by the time his child was ten years old. By the time the kid left for college, Logan would be in his fifties. He just wanted to ensure he could be capable and available to raise his child or children if he chose to have more. That was why he could no longer afford to lose time. Neither could he hold out waiting to find the one woman who could complete him before he started raising a family.


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