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Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4)

Page 21

by Bethany Shaw

  “Just tying up a few loose ends from your brilliant idea. I wasn’t sure how the plan was going to work out, but it went off better than I imagined,” Gene said, pulling back. He tucked a finger under her chin evaluating her. “I’m just glad you came out relatively unscathed.”

  “Me, too.” Speaking of unscathed, “I hope Lark and Devon didn’t give you too much hassle about keeping us a secret from them?” she worried.

  Gene smiled. “Not too bad. It was more Claire than anyone else. She’s taken everything really hard. Vincent’s had it rough, too. She has barely let him out of her sight. She even sat with him some of the time he was keeping a vigil by your bed.”

  “Oh.” Maybe that’s why Vincent hadn’t come by yet. At least she hoped that was the reason.

  “They say losing a child is one of the hardest things a parent could ever face,” Gene shrugged. “I’d be beside myself if something happened to Adrian.”

  “I’m sorry we put you through that—put everyone through that,” Sarah apologized.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” he reminded. “At least not entirely. Besides, I do understand why you did what you did and that’s why I kept it quiet.”

  “Did it work? Our plan?” Sarah asked anxiously. Had all their pain and suffering paid off in the end? She leaned forward waiting for his answer.

  “It did. The team I took to New Mexico had a lot of cleaning up to do. From what I can tell, what wolves survived the fighting for dominance fled. We took out the remnants of Malakai’s pack while you were sleeping, too.”

  “Sounds like I missed everything,” Sarah replied. It would’ve been nice to see everything through.

  “Nah, you needed the rest,” he smiled. Gene turned to the door a second before someone knocked. “Talia came, too,” he explained as the she-wolf entered.

  “Hi. How are you feeling?” Natalia greeted as she entered, carrying Adrian on her hip. The she-wolf took a seat on the bed next to Gene.

  “Good. How are you?” Sarah asked, reaching out to take Adrian’s soft, tiny hand in hers.

  “It has been a trying few days, but things are looking up,” Natalia smiled, resting her head against Gene’s shoulder.

  “They are aren’t they?” Sarah breathed relaxing against the pillows.

  Their enemies were all but obliterated. Even if there were fragments, they wouldn’t have the same hold that the Lunas or Juarezes had. They were safe and could live freely and undisturbed.


  Vincent bounded up the stairs. The farmhouse was finally quiet and mostly everyone was going to bed. Sarah would be alone—he hoped. Visitors had been in and out of her room all day, making it hard for him to visit her uninterrupted.

  He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans as he walked down the hallway. After everything they’d been through, it was silly for him to be nervous, but it was the unknown that worried him. He was treading into new territory—a relationship. Sarah wasn’t just any woman she was the woman and he had to make sure she understood that. It would also help if she felt the same way.

  She does.

  Even if she had said it meant nothing, her actions conveyed something different. He could see it in her eyes and the fear in her voice when they’d reunited at Luna’s. There was nothing to be afraid of.

  Then why am I so nervous? Vincent inhaled deeply and knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Come in,” Sarah’s soft voice called.

  Vincent twisted the knob and entered, closing the door behind him. His breath caught. Sarah sat on the bed in a tank top and tiny shorts. Her knees were drawn into her chest, accentuating her long, silky legs. She was stunning, and man did he love her.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you were coming,” Sarah said quietly.

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “You had a lot of visitors and my mom kept me busy.”

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, not meeting his eyes.

  Is she mad at me? I should have come sooner.

  “I just thought it would be better for us to talk alone,” he stammered, not entirely sure what he should say to her to ease the situation.

  Sarah looked up at him, her brows lifting into her hairline in question.

  Vincent shut his eyes and shook his head. This was not going the way he envisioned. Not that he’d really known what he was going to say, but that was beside the point. Think. Think. Think.

  “I thought it would be nice to talk away from prying ears. It’s been just you and me for the past’s kind of hard to acclimate,” he explained.

  Sarah gave him a small smile. “I got use to the quiet. Well, it wasn’t always quiet...” she trailed off.

  “I know what you mean,” he said.

  Sarah swallowed, looking down to her quilt then back to him. “I’ve been thinking,” she paused and sighed.

  Vincent balled his hands and held his breath. Whatever she said next would either make his day or break his heart. He probably deserved the heartache; goodness knows he’s caused enough of it himself. But didn’t he deserve happiness, too?

  “I was thinking about going back to school after Christmas. And...” she looked up at him, her chest heaving. “I was hoping you would come with know like we talked about.”

  She wanted him to come with her. Did that mean what he thought it did?

  “There’s off campus housing and we could get an apartment,” she continued, looking away from him. Sarah nervously plucked at the blanket again.

  Vincent couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful woman before him who was offering him a future with her. It couldn’t be real. Sarah was choosing him and he would do everything in his power to keep her safe and happy.

  Sarah cleared her throat, drawing him from his thoughts. “I mean you don’t have to. It was just an idea,” she mumbled, her cheeks flushing.

  Wait. Why is she backtracking? Probably because you haven’t said anything!

  “I would love to,” he replied, sitting down on the bed. He curled his finger under her chin and tilted her face up. “Sarah...I want to be wherever you are. I love you,” he said, and then held his breath.

  Sarah leaned in and pressed her soft lips against his. “I love you, too,” she whispered against his mouth.

  Vincent relaxed, running his fingers into her long flaxen strands. She loved him! His heart swelled with joy at the revelation. Sarah was his everything and he would do anything for her.

  “So does that mean you’ll come with me?” Sarah asked smiling.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere else,” he admitted. Home was where she was.

  “Good.” She pecked him again. “In that case, will you stay with me tonight. Just hold me?”

  Sarah scooted over to the center of the bed. Vincent slipped off his shoes and they climbed under the covers. She sighed deeply as he wrapped an arm around her.

  This is right, he thought as he closed his eyes. He could spend the rest of his life like this.


  Sarah bolted up at the thumping knock on her door. Vincent stirred next to her and sat up on high alert, until he realized where they were. She couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take them to get used to the idea of being safe.

  “Hey, Sarah,” Lark started as she entered a tray in her hand. “Oh,” she flustered, her eyes drifting to Vincent.

  “Morning,” Vincent greeted with a grin.

  Lark stared for a minute, then blinked and continued toward the bed. “I brought you breakfast. I didn’t realize you would have company.”

  “I was just leaving,” Vincent said, climbing out of bed.

  Sarah frowned, immediately missing his warmth. She wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed with him all day.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit,” he promised as he strolled to the door and left.

  Sarah scooted back against the pillows as Lark plopped down next to her. “Hi,” she said smiling, shyly at her sister.

  Lark’s wide eyes met hers and she shook her head. �
�Do I want to know?”

  Sarah shrugged. “We are together. I love him,” she answered her sister.

  “Together? Wow. This happened while you were gone?” Lark asked surprised.

  “A lot happened while we were gone,” Sarah defended. “It was just the two of us. And all we had was each other. We learned a lot about each other.”

  “I understand that, but it doesn’t seem fast to you?” Lark asked quietly. “I mean Preston hasn’t been gone that long. I’m happy for you, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want you to jump into anything too soon either.”

  “He makes me happy, Lark. I feel alive,” she said sincerely, needing her sister to understand.

  Lark grinned. “You do seem to be happy. If he’s the reason for your chipper mood, then I’m happy for you,” she paused and looked away, biting her lip. “I know he spent the past few days worrying over you, but are you sure he feels the same way? I mean, he’s not exactly known for being a relationship person.”

  Sarah nudged Lark and laughed, hoping to ease her sister’s nerves. “He does.”

  “I just wanted to make sure,” Lark laughed relieved. “His reputation isn’t the greatest,” she reiterated.

  “His reputation is going to change,” Sarah promised. “He is a one woman man from here on out. And he’s coming to school with me this winter.”

  “You’re going back to school?” Lark asked.

  “Yes. It’s time I move forward with my life,” she answered honestly.

  Lark pulled her into a tight hug. Sarah hugged her sister happily, glad that Lark had easily overcome her unease. Things were indeed looking up. The rest of her life was starting.


  Vincent toweled off, tossing on some boxers and jeans. He ran a hand through his damp hair and opened the bathroom door. A familiar, delicious scent met his nose and he inhaled as a grin slipped over his face. Sarah. She was in his room, trailing her scent all over his possessions and he couldn’t be more thrilled.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you take really long showers,” she said, patting the bed.

  “The way I see it, I have a few days to make up for,” he teased.

  “I think you exhausted those tonight,” she joked, sliding over as he sat down.

  The bed dipped beneath him and he brushed up against Sarah’s silky skin.

  “Are you worried I won’t leave you any hot water when we move away? Because there is an easy fix to that,” he commented.

  “What’s that?” she inquired, quirking her brow.

  “We shower together.”

  Sarah trembled and he chuckled, relishing in the way he could turn her on with a simple comment.

  “I think I can live with that,” she said, burrowing into his chest.

  Vincent wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. Having her pressed against him was perfect—he couldn’t imagine a more wonderful sensation. The realization drew his mind back to this morning and how Lark found them. What did Lark say after I left?

  “How was your talk with Lark this morning?” he asked nervously. Lark was important to Sarah and he knew Lark’s opinion would matter to Sarah—and to Devon. He would never give up Sarah, but he didn’t want any rifts either.

  “Good. She was surprised. But in the end, she just wants to see me happy.” Sarah twisted so she could look up at him. “Were you worried about her approval?”

  “Well, yeah, actually. I know how much you two care about each other,” he admitted.

  “I understand. But there is nothing to worry about. Like I said, we look out for each other, but ultimately we just want to see each other happy,” she grinned, kissing him gently on the lips. “I was thinking we should go apartment hunting in a few weeks,” she said changing the subject.

  Apartment hunting. To think that would have scared him only a few months ago, yet today it excited him. “Any chance we can find one by some trees where I can run.”

  “We’ll find something we both love,” she promised kissing him again.

  Vincent pushed his fingers through her hair, deepening the kiss so he could taste her luscious lips. As long as he had Sarah, he would be happy anywhere.


  Five Years Later

  Sarah watched Lark in the mirror as she curled one of Sarah’s long blonde locks. Her sister’s swollen belly brushed against her shoulder as she reached for a bobby-pin. She smiled at her reflection, as she was getting married to the man she loved.

  “Are you ready?” Lark asked, meeting her gaze in the mirror.

  “Yes,” she answered, confidently.

  “I was a nervous wreck the day of my ceremony,” Lark admitted.

  “Really?” Sarah asked surprised. Lark and Devon were soulmates; she couldn’t imagine why her sister would’ve been nervous.

  “Not because of committing to Devon, more afraid I’d trip and fall going down the aisle—thank God Gene was there to walk me down—and also it was hard not having you, mom, or dad there. I just wondered what everyone would have thought,” she said, quietly grabbing another pin.

  “I do wish Mom and Dad were here,” she admitted out loud. “But at the same time, I know they’re here in spirit. I know they would be happy for both of us,” Sarah sighed sadly.

  She and Vincent had been together the past five years—he was the love of her life. Sarah laughed as an image of her father scolding Vincent popped into her head. “I can imagine Dad giving Vincent a hard time for not proposing sooner.”

  Lark laughed out loud. “You’re right. But I think it’s nice that he waited until you graduated and got a job,” Lark added. “How is your job by the way? I feel like I’ve hardly seen you since you came back home. If you’re not at work, you’re locked in a bedroom with Vincent,” Lark scolded, before pointing to her belly. “You better be careful, you’ll end up like me,” she teased.

  Sarah laughed out loud. “And how is my nephew doing today?”

  “Ready to make an appearance,” Lark mumbled.

  “He’s ready or you are ready?” Sarah asked giggling. This was Lark’s first pregnancy and the closer she got to her due date, the antsier she became.

  “I know I am, just waiting on him now. Two weeks at most. The midwife won’t let me go over forty-one weeks,” Lark sighed, wistfully.

  “And you’re sure about the home birth?” Sarah asked, worriedly. If the time ever came for her to give birth, she would want the comforts of a hospital and drugs.

  Lark nodded. “We have to be careful. There is a good chance this baby is a werewolf and if there are any genetic differences we don’t want a hospital to pick up on those when they do their testing. Besides, Devon has taken so many courses now, he’s practically an MD. Not to mention, my pregnancy has been flawless, which is a good indicator my labor should go smoothly, too.”

  Both women turned at a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Sarah called.

  The knob twisted and Claire, Natalia, Emily, and Nora walked in.

  “Oh my,” Claire gushed, clasping her hand to her chest, “You look astonishing,” she told Sarah. “And, Lark, you look beautiful, too.”

  “Thank you,” Sarah smiled.

  “Thanks,” Lark blushed, her hand instinctively going to her stomach.

  “Where are the kids?” Sarah asked as Nora shut the door.

  “Gene has Adrian and Preston,” Natalia answered. “He’s getting them ready.”

  Sarah smiled. It hadn’t been much of a surprise when Natalia and Gene named their first son after Preston. In a way, she found it fitting. It would have made Preston proud to have his nephew named after him.

  “And Richard is with Marcus,” Emily piped up, drawing Sarah from her thoughts.

  Sarah nodded in acknowledgement. Emily and Marcus had named their toddler after Rick, the man who allowed them sanctuary and the right to be together.

  “Are you sure the guys know what they’re doing?” Lark teased.

  “I gave detailed directions,” Emi
ly answered.

  “And there are five of them. Together, they should be able to figure it out,” Nora added with a laugh.

  “Let’s hope so,” Claire smiled. “We wanted to see if you two needed any help?”

  “Of course,” Sarah and Lark said in unison.

  Sarah settled back into the chair as the women all helped Lark to finish pinning up her hair.

  Today was perfect. Maybe her parents weren’t here, but she did have family with her. And she was going to marry—mate, whatever you wanted to call it—her best friend.


  Vincent adjusted his suit as he waited for the ceremony to start. His brothers, Gene and Marcus, surrounded him, as well as the three boys in the family. They were all having their own conversations while he awaited his future.

  He couldn’t wait for it to begin—he’d been waiting for years to finally claim Sarah as his completely—and today was the day it would happen. The mating ceremony would cement their commitment to each other and mark her as his. His wolf inwardly jumped for joy at the thought. Neither he nor his wolf could wait to spend the rest of his life with Sarah.

  Gene’s voice drew him from his thoughts. “We’re almost ready.”

  “Good,” Vincent grinned.

  “Who would’ve thought you’d ever settle down,” Marcus joked, clapping him on the back.

  “I’ve been a one lady man for the past five years,” he interjected. He’d gone from a womanizer to a man in love virtually overnight. Looking back, he didn’t miss the days of hopping from one woman to another. Sarah was everything he could ever want and more.

  “Speaking of lasting relationships,” Vincent said changing the subject. “Has anyone noticed how much time Mom and Shawn have been spending together?” The wolf had moved to Abilene after Claire had taken a trip to New York to visit some of the packs up there.

  “He does seem to make her happy,” Devon admitted.

  Vincent nodded. It was nice to see his mother smile again with someone other than family. And Shawn did seem to be a fine wolf. Maybe another ceremony was on the horizon. As long as his mom was happy, that was all that mattered.

  Adrian tapped his knee. “Does this mean you and Aunt Sarah are going to have a baby, too?” Adrian asked.


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