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Ryan's Treasure (The Sanctuary)

Page 9

by Becca Dale

  Mia shook her head and grinned. “Oh, sweetie, no wonder you’re lost. Let me tell you a few things, okay?”

  She laughed self-consciously. “Do I want to know?”

  “Maybe not, but you need to. Let’s begin with the idea of you forcing Ryan to sleep with you. No man’s that perfect, not even my darling brother-in-law. If he agreed to come to you, he wanted to be there. End of story.”

  Is Mia right? The way he had held her and touched her said she was. Nadi drew a shaky breath. “Okay, so any ideas how to undo what I did?”

  “I’m not sure if we can. Maybe if you wanted my brother-in-law as much as he wants you.”

  “How would that help?”

  “Subjugation is primarily used to protect a weak animal with little place in the pack. While it removes the wolf’s personal status, it also makes him an owned object so he cannot be hurt or killed. However, as Ryan obviously does not need you to shield him, perhaps you can switch the relationship to a mutual thing. But only if you both want it. Do you desire him for more than a possession, Nadi?”

  “I do…of course I do.” Ruining his life was not an option no matter her personal concerns. And the idea of never again hearing his possessive growl or feeling the delicious stroke of his strong hands made her stomach clench tighter. “He’s the perfect male. Who wouldn’t want him?”


  The declaration startled her. “Excuse me?”

  Mia shook her head. “Don’t get defensive. When he and Drake lost their parents to a hunter, everyone expected Ryan to take the Alpha’s place. Drake was older. He’d trained beside his father for years. His little brother was only sixteen, way too young for the responsibility of leading a pack, but even with the five-year age difference, he was bigger and faster. If it had come down to a fight, Drake would have lost.”

  She’d already surmised Ryan would have won any fight between him and his brother. “Where did you come in?”

  “At the time, I was the only female in the pack of breeding age, the only one who could have filled the role of Alpha female. The problem was I loved Drake.”

  “Would you have told them the truth if things had gone differently?”

  Moisture shimmered on the elegant woman’s lashes, and she shook her head. “The pack expected me to do my duty.” She blinked away unshed tears. “Even then, Ryan looked out for us. He believed his brother would be a great leader, and he somehow sensed my feelings. The day he left, he told everyone he had no desire to be Alpha, and just like that, my life became as I had always imagined it could be—no fight, no fuss.”

  He had given up so much for the people he cared about. “Does he regret leaving?”

  Mia shrugged. “I think he misses the pack. He stayed away for many years to protect his brother’s place. We saw him only outside the territory. He returned for the first time a few weeks ago.”

  “After he found me?”

  “Yes.” Rising to her feet, the Alpha held out her hand. “Now, we should return.”

  Nadi stood and took the offered support. “Why tell me all this?”

  “So you can get past your fear and see Ryan for the man he is. Regrets and all, he would never harm someone he cared about. Come, the men are waiting.”

  She stopped, refusing to move until the other woman faced her again. “And you’re certain he cares about me?”

  “While you were still ill, he came to tell Drake he’d found his life. Remember that and you shouldn’t have a problem making things right.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Three days later, Nadi followed Jake down the long, cool corridor at the Folcom County Courthouse. “Are you sure he’s here?”

  Jake nodded. “I talked to him on the phone last night. He’s in court. You can wait for him in his office.”

  “Can I watch him in action instead?”

  “Maybe. Depends on if it’s a closed situation. Most of his cases are. Give me a second.”

  Her brother strolled to a large round desk in the center of the impressive lobby. The marble flooring branched off from it in numerous spokes leading down hallways similar to the one they had used. The circular structure created a literal wheel of justice. Jake flirted with the middle-aged woman behind the counter, and her girlish giggle seemed misplaced but welcome in the solemn setting.

  Nadi checked the wall clock, impatient to see Ryan. Maybe she should have waited at his cabin. What if he refused to talk to her? Could he do so? No one seemed to think he had an option when it came to her, that she had stolen his right to choose. But she could not imagine the perfect ebony god bowing to anyone, especially her.

  “Okay, Stinky. Come on. He’s with Judge Lillian Novak.”

  Her palms grew damp, and her stomach threatened to dump her breakfast. She rubbed her hands over her finely-woven linen skirt and tugged her jacket down to ensure it lay smoothly. Jake had taken her shopping, claiming a need to make up for years of missed birthdays. The closet in her bedroom now held an array of stylish outfits, but all the fancy clothing in the world could not hide the fact she’d behaved like a lowborn bitch—a female too wrapped up in herself to stop before she betrayed a good man.

  Ryan’s sister, brother, and surrogate family looked at her with distain. Not that she blamed them. They respected him enough not to kill her, but Drake and a couple of others, Rip and Donny, maybe, had left no doubt if she did not find a remedy, they’d eliminate her to save their brother’s reputation.

  Jake paused outside a six-panel door and pressed his ear against the polished wood. He nodded and put his finger to his lips before opening it and allowing her to slip inside. The small courtroom was nearly empty except for the main players. Ryan and a frail looking woman sat to one side, another man at a nearby table. The judge spoke softly with an officer before she looked up. “Mr. Kilmer, will your client be joining us today or not?”

  “He’s on his way, Your Honor.”

  “I suggest you hurry him along. I’ll give him another five minutes before I declare Mrs. Templeton’s petition uncontested.”

  Ryan smiled and patted his client’s hand. Did the woman even notice how careful he was not to startle her or touch more than her fingertips? Did she understand how he bent his head toward her to appear less threatening so he wouldn’t frighten her? All things Nadi had overlooked or misread while the big man had watched over her and kept her safe.

  Caught up in her thoughts, she almost missed the door opening, but the stench of evil dragged her attention to the man striding down the narrow aisle. His suit looked expensive, far more so than the discount outlet dress on the cowering woman seated at the front of the courtroom. Nadi stared in disbelief as the man casually reached beneath the back of his jacket.

  Jake jumped from his chair to rush toward the danger. “Gun!”

  The word bounced off the wooden walls. Ryan shoved his client beneath the table before he dove for the threat. A pistol shot cracked. The heroes bore the assailant to the ground. The officer joined them, weapon drawn, shouting commands in the midst of the craziness.

  Ryan and Jake both staggered to their feet and hauled the stranger up so the authorities could cuff him and take him away. It all happened too fast to comprehend.

  The judge signed off on the woman’s divorce and commended the quick reactions of all involved. The abusive ex disappeared through a door behind the bench. How the gun had slipped past security remained a question, but no one had been hurt—the bullet burrowed safely into the polished wood of the witness box.

  Nadi’s pulse continued to race as she joined the small group. A quick scan confirmed the judge had been right. No blood stained the men’s crisp white shirts and although shaken, Ryan’s client seemed stronger for having survived.

  The woman touched his arm in a tentative bid for attention. “Thank you, Mr. Jones. You saved my life.”

  He placed his hand over her fingers and smiled his sweet but cocky, everything-is-fine smile. “You chose to leave. I just did the paperwork.”
r />   Her shoulders straightened, and she offered him a watery grin. “Whether you want to take credit for it or not, I still appreciate it.” She rose to her tiptoes, and he bent to accept a kiss on his cheek.

  Even in the role of hero, the man worked to lift others up. How could fear have blinded her to such a blatant fact? She leaned against the railing and waited for him to finish. Jake volunteered to walk the client to her car, and suddenly, Nadi was alone with her handsome male.

  “Any chance you have a moment for me, Ryan?”

  Ryan had known the instant Nadi entered the courthouse. Her presence tested his focus. When she and Jake had slipped into the courtroom, he’d debated begging to reschedule, but his client would have suffered for his failings. Being close to Nadi for the first time since she’d claimed him weakened him more than expected. Her new outfit suited her slender form, and his soul reacted to her nearness. He gathered his files and stuffed them in his briefcase to keep from sinking to his knees and promising all he owned to be worthy of her once more.

  “Ryan?” Her voice hitched with uncertainty.

  “Of course I have time for you. You own my time and attention.” Fuck. He sounded like a Class-A asshole.

  She blinked and stepped back. “Would you rather I left?”

  “No!” He cleared his throat and tried again. Shouting at her would solve nothing. He would still be worthless, and she, his everything. “I mean, it’s fine.” Careful not to brush against her, he started from the room. “Let’s talk in my office.”

  She followed him like a lost pup. Although Nadi held all the power, she still feared him. He could no longer scent it, but it lingered in her every move. Anger at the unjust situation roared to life. The damned woman had done this to him, had forced him to a subservient position, yet she acted like he was to blame. Maybe he was. He knew the rules; she didn’t. It wasn’t her fault he’d allowed her to socially castrate him. Scrubbing a hand over his head, he sought some sort of answer.

  None came.

  He pulled his key from his pocket to open his office then hesitated. If he welcomed her inside, she’d be there forever. He’d see her at every meeting, reminding him he had no more power over his personal life than the women he defended did. Self-doubt would destroy his ability to do his job. Slowly, he turned to face her. “Could we do this somewhere else? I don’t want you in my head here.”

  The confession slipped out. He hadn’t meant to share so much.

  Her lovely smile wavered. “I’ll catch up to Jake and see you at the Sanctuary then.”

  She left before he could stop her. Determination put a sexy sway in her stride, and his cock ached for her attention. Why had she gone instead of calling him down for his request as he’d expected. Would she shun him later for not welcoming her home like he should have? The idea of bowing to her wishes confused him. For years he’d lived apart from the pack, convincing himself he was a lobo of sorts, despite his foster family. He made his own choices to guide and protect those who depended on him. A self-made man did not follow the rules. Realizing wolf law was ingrained, whether he acknowledged it or not, put a mystifying spin on things.

  Unable to let her leave without a solid time to see her again, he sprinted down the hall after his female. He no longer had a right to mate her, but he belonged in her bed or at her side to protect her in whatever capacity she allowed. Jake’s Jeep backed out of the parking spot at the same time Ryan reached the steps to the courthouse. In two leaps, he landed on the street and slapped the steel frame beside his brother’s head.

  Jake slammed on the brakes and skidded to a halt. “Damn it, Ryan. What the hell?”

  Ignoring him, he ran around the vehicle to Nadi’s side. Words eluded him, leaving him a staring fool.

  Her big eyes searched his face. “Did you need something?”

  His upbringing demanded he grovel for her affection. His ego insisted he show her he was more than the role she’d thrust upon him. “Where and when?”

  “What?” She seemed confused. The time away from the mill had dusted a healthy glow across her cheekbones, adding to her breathtaking beauty.

  “Where will you meet me? When will I see you again?”

  Her shrug hurt. Did she really not care?

  “LG misses you.”

  A car honked behind them, and Jake motioned it around. Nadi watched it disappear before lifting her gaze to his. “LG?”

  Her inability to form a full sentence relieved some of his concern. She was flustered, too. A breeze tossed her short hair about, and he reached out but caught himself before he brushed a strand from her face. “Little Guy, your rescue pup, he’s staying with me. If you’d like to see him this evening—say six? I’ll cook.”

  With her nod, Jake waved and drove off, taking her away…again.


  “Here. Quit brooding.”

  Nadi glanced up. Her brother sat beside her on the couch and handed her a glass of wine. A new favorite beverage Mia had introduced her to. “I wasn’t brooding. Just thinking.”

  “Right.” Feet propped on the coffee table, he lay back with a sigh. “Okay, Stinky, I’m listening.”

  “He seemed different today. Like he’s holding back.”

  Jake turned his head to look at her. “He is. No male could be unchanged in his position.”

  “So, can I fix it?”

  “I’m not sure.” Jake sat up and took a swig from his soda. “What were you planning?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t give him up, but I want him as an equal…not like this. He always takes the lead, but today he seemed to be waiting for cues from me.”

  “You want the take-charge guy back? I thought he scared you.”

  “He does—did, but….” She set her wine aside and walked to the window, staring down the mountain toward Ryan’s cabin even though she couldn’t see it. “Mia told me some things, and I recognized a few more on my own.”


  “There’s comfort in his size and even more in his arrogance. He knows he can do anything, so even when the odds are insane, he won’t back down. He’d never walk away from me if I needed him.”

  “Not like Grant and I.”

  She gasped and hurried back to his side. “I thought we settled this yesterday when we talked. I don’t blame you. You both tried.”

  “Not hard enough.” Jake stood and pulled her into a firm embrace. “I should have looked again. Gotten help and gone back. Something. Gray and Sable are dead because of me.”

  “No. Ignorance and cruelty killed them. You can’t blame yourself.”

  He choked out a laugh. “I can, but I’m glad you don’t.”

  Nadi eased from his arms and urged him to sit then settled beside him with her head on his shoulder. “I felt abandoned when I discovered our father was alive, but Mom’s need to stay with what she knew trapped us there. Not anything he did. Fear can be a crippling thing.”

  “It can. Which brings us back to your situation.”

  “I’m not afraid anymore.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not the only player in this game, Stinky.”

  “Nothing frightens Ryan.”

  “That might be in the past.” Jake handed her wine glass to her again. “If he believes he’s subservient to you, he may not feel worthy of being mated. He might not be able to rise above this.”

  Her stomach lurched. “Do you agree?”

  “No, but I wasn’t raised with the same rules he heard every day. Just be prepared, okay?”

  “Hellloo….” Kya and Mia, arms loaded, swept into Jake’s house.

  Ryan’s feline sister dropped her bags on the table and turned to her with a grin. “We heard you’re meeting with my big brother tonight.”

  Jake laughed and hugged Kya, adding a respectful nod to the Alpha female. “Welcome to having an interfering family, Stinky.”

  Mia shook her head at him. “Quit calling her that. We need her to remember she’s beautiful.”

  Nadi looked from the pil
e on the table to the two women. “Should I be worried?”

  Kya grinned and pushed her toward her room. “If you’re going to go to battle for our big brother, you need to be well armed. Jake, grab our stuff and bring it back here then get out. It’s girl time.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jake pulled his Jeep to a stop in front of the cabin at six forty-five. Ryan gritted his teeth and walked toward the vehicle though he wanted to run. He opened the passenger door to help Nadi out and glared at his little brother. “You’re late.”

  He hopped from the car and grinned. “Don’t blame me. Kya and Mia stopped by.”

  “Did we ruin your supper?” Nadi’s beautiful eyes drew him in as always. Makeup enhanced her long lashes and tinted her enticing mouth a pale pink. A simple black dress hugged her body, emphasizing her innocent sexuality, and delicate, strappy heels elongated her already killer legs.

  He’d forgive her anything. “I waited to put the steaks on.”

  She represented everything he had given up and still desired, but she could never be his mate. The injustice of the situation nagged at him.

  Jake slung an arm around his shoulders. “I like mine rare.”

  “Too bad you’re not staying.”

  “What if Stinky wants me here?”

  Does she?

  Before Ryan could protest, Nadi took her brother’s arm and steered him toward his vehicle. “I’ll call you if I need a ride.” She watched until his Jeep disappeared around the bend before she turned back with a shy smile.

  Feeling like an untrained pup, he stared at her. The fading sun lit her hair and bare shoulders with white fire. Color highlighted her cheekbones. She’d put on some weight in a good way since she’d stumbled onto his property. The sexy outfit emphasized her rounder hips and fuller breasts. “Nice dress.”


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