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Garda - Welcome to the Realm

Page 2

by Stacy Eaton

  What had been in his expression? Wonder? Amazement? Lust? I was used to the lustful looks I got from men. God had blessed me with beauty and I knew it, although I did not take it for granted or use it to get ahead.

  I sat back in my chair, swiveling myself left and right with my toes, my head resting on the back of the seat. I waited till I heard his voice over the airwaves again. Lowering my eyelids, I pictured his face. The wide strong forehead and cheekbones, the light color of his irises, blue, or were they green? I had been too far back to know for sure.

  The phone ringing in the station snapped me back to reality. I reached out to pick it up, letting go of the image in my mind’s eye.

  I answered the caller’s questions quickly and disconnected, moving over to the computer to complete my reports. The radio got quiet as the night progressed to early morning, most people sound asleep in their beds, which was a good thing.

  With my report finished, I carried the copy to my car, typing a message to Joe on my in-car computer. I waited, but no response came. The guys hung out on station a lot at this time of night, he was probably there. I put my car in gear and turned right to head back to the city police station.

  The township I worked for was large and densely populated. Out here, Middle America neighborhoods were popping up around the horse farms, taking over the countryside with postage-stamp, fenced-in yards and wooden swingsets. It would not be long until our population doubled.

  I wound down my country roads until I came to abandoned industrial buildings. It was amazing that such dilapidation could be less than a mile away from the beauty of my township. I drove past them, my attention straight ahead, not wishing to depress myself tonight with the poverty.

  I pulled up to the station moments later. All the patrol cars were backed in. The visitor spot was open. I turned my car off and tucked my key into my belt.

  The girl at reception buzzed me back to the squad room with a smile. I stepped around the corner to say hello, asking about her family. Our conversation finished, I turned to step out of the room. A foot came into view just as I was setting my foot forward. I halted, rolling up on my toes to keep from stepping forward again.

  The incredible light blue color glimmering behind soft brown lashes was the first thing I noticed as he turned in my direction, stopping six inches in front of me as if he had hit a glass wall. Had I not stopped, we would have collided. Surprise crossed his features, a smile lifting over his full lips, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

  Oh, those eyes! They were like the summer sky: bright, warm, and welcoming. I wanted to crawl into them and revel in the beauty. My gaze stole to his lips, full and soft. Did I just lick my lips? Heat rushed into my cheeks. My heart slammed against my chest while I rolled back off my toes to stand flat, separating us by a few more inches.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you coming,” I mumbled.

  “No, it’s my fault,” he peeked at my mouth as he spoke. My heart beat erratically.

  Movement to my right caused me to glance away from his handsome face. I stepped back and smiled up at Joe who stood about eight inches taller than I.

  “Hey, Corey, did you get the report done already?” He glanced at Mitch, a smirk on his face, and I wondered about his expression. Mitch’s attention was on Joe, but I saw him glance in my direction for a brief moment.

  “Actually, I do have it done.” I stepped towards him, which put me within five inches of Mitch. His musky cologne filled my nasal passages and made my knees weak. I moved away from him before my body could override my mind and move closer.

  At the same time we focused on each other, inches apart, my gaze went from his eyes to his lips and back again—oh, damn.

  Joe took the papers from me, “Thanks. Did you meet Mitch?”

  “Not officially. Hello, Mitch, I’m Corey Hamilton.” I put my hand out to shake his, not even thinking about what might happen.

  “Hello, Corey, Mitch O’Reilly.” His right hand found mine, his fingers sliding gently over my palm. Tingles rippled up my arm. The shake was a brief pump, but neither of us released our grip right away. The heat from his hand seared into mine, while his blue irises sucked me in further. The urge to lean into him was stronger than I had ever felt, like two magnets being drawn together.

  A throat cleared, breaking the moment, and I pulled my hand back quickly, smiling at Joe. The smirk on his face told me he had noticed the length of the handshake.

  “Well, I better get back, shift is almost over.” I moved to slide past Mitch. He stepped out of my way. “You guys be safe,” I called out over my shoulder, afraid to turn to him again.

  I pushed open the glass door, thankful for the cooler night air. My body felt hot, my face on fire from the blush that had colored my skin.

  What the hell was that? Never had a man blown me away like that. With just the touch of his hand, he had caused my knees to shake and my body to respond. Not even Matt had had that effect on me when we’d been married.

  I stopped by the side of my car, inspecting the moon, attempting to compose myself before I got in. The three-quarter moon was bright in the cloudless sky.

  “Your eyes are the color of the night sky,” the husky voice from the radio had me turning. My heart sped up.

  Mitch stood two feet away. So lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t heard him approach—dangerous, very dangerous. “Funny, I was just thinking how yours are like the summer sky.”

  He took a small step forward, changing his weight from one foot to the other in a nervous manner. I almost laughed. If he was one bit as nervous as I was standing next to him, I knew how he was feeling. I fought the urge to do the same and forced myself to be still.

  “I didn’t thank you for earlier,” I said quietly.

  The smile on his face lit up all his features, my heart skipped a beat. “I should be the one thanking you. Your body slam was pretty amazing.”

  We both laughed.

  “Yeah, well, if you hadn’t been there, the body slam might have been just mine.” We locked gazes again, a small flame burning between us that I knew we both felt. “I better go.” I moved towards my door, and he sidestepped me and reached with his left hand to pull it open. Around his left ring finger, I noticed a platinum band. The fire instantly went out and my heart sank.

  Not meeting his intent observation of me, I thanked him and climbed inside. He pushed the door shut. I turned the car on and put it in reverse while he stepped back, watching me.

  I could tell he was attracted to me, but he was married. Anger progressed through me slowly. He was just another man who only wanted to get me in bed for some fun. I pulled out of the parking lot, stepping on the gas harder than I needed to, pushing the image of him from my mind like I did the pedal under my foot.

  ~ Mitchell ~

  The skin of her hand was softer than I had imagined as I held it in mine. Instead of releasing it after shaking, I pulled her closer, staring at her lips as they moved towards me. My hand moved to her waist, above where her duty belt should be, but wasn’t. Her chest came in contact with mine; a small gasp left her lips as I targeted them.

  We stood at the same height, and I was lost in the depths of her midnight blue. I moved forward, daring anyone to stop me from tasting her. My heart beat in double time as I leaned in that last inch.

  Beep…beep…beep…I jerked out of my dream with the annoying blare of my alarm. Slamming my hand over my clock, I dropped back to the sheets. What a freaking time to wake up! Why couldn’t I have had just a few more seconds, one more measly minute to complete that kiss?

  Groaning, I threw back the covers and stepped from the bed to stretch. The door opened behind me, I kept stretching.

  “I thought I heard your alarm. Did you sleep good, honey?” Beth spoke from the doorway. I scratched my chest with one hand, adjusting my partial erection with the other.

  “Yeah, fine.” I kept my back to her, walking to my dresser to pull out clothes for work. I needed a shower and some relief.
  “I put coffee on for you,” her soft voice sounded hurt, but I wasn’t sure how to make that better. I pulled out boxers, socks, and my Under Armour T-shirt, clutching them over my groin as I turned and moved to the bathroom.

  “Thanks, I’ll get some when I get out of the shower,” I replied before closing the door. After putting my clothes on the counter, I braced my arms on the sides of the beige sink, hanging my head down.

  A freaking dream! If it was only a dream, then how come I could feel her breath over my lips? Pushing myself off the counter, I jerked my toothbrush from the cup, applied paste, and brushed my teeth with a vengeance.

  My eyes locked on their reflection, they were so opposite of hers. I closed my lids to break the visual comparison.

  I spit the paste out and rinsed the sink before I turned the shower on. The hot water ran over my back, while I leaned my arms into the cold, white tile wall. The water cascading over my skin heated my core, making me rock hard with memories of her voice echoing in my mind.

  Reaching between my legs, I grasped myself just as the bathroom door pulled open.

  “Hey, Dad! Can we play ball before you go to work?” I groaned mentally at the interruption, but chuckled at my son’s excited voice bouncing off the walls of the small room.

  “Yeah, Chase, let me get my shower and we can play for a few minutes.” I grabbed the plastic bottle of shampoo, squeezing some into my hand while he ran out of the room yelling for his mother.

  While rinsing the lather from my hair, I felt the presence of someone in the room. Wiping the water off my face, I tried to focus through the cloudy glass at my wife.

  “You need something?” I picked up the soap, waiting for her answer.

  “Chase has been waiting all afternoon for you to get up. I bought him that new glove he’s been talking about.” I heard the medicine cabinet open and close after she put something in it. “I picked you up some lunch meat. Do you want me to make you a few sandwiches for work?”

  “No, don’t bother, it’s cheesesteak night. I’ll just order with the guys.” I rinsed off my body, my erection gone now with the mundane chatter from my wife.

  I heard the sigh over the sound of the water. I gritted my teeth.

  “It’s not a bother you know. I’d be happy to do it.”

  I turned the water off and slid back the door, grabbing the towel from the rack. “Beth, I said no, but thanks anyway.” I rubbed the towel over my short hair, quickly drying it.

  “Fine.” She raked her gaze over me, then turned and left.

  I glanced at my watch, forty-five minutes until I needed to leave for work, not soon enough. I got dressed and made my way to find my son.

  Chase and I threw the baseball around the backyard. He tried hard to catch it, but most times it bounced out of the glove he wore, the leather too stiff for his small hand to control.

  Beth sat on the porch watching us, her steady glare making me more frustrated by the second. I twisted my wrist, checking the time again, fifteen minutes. I was leaving early; I couldn’t take the eagle eye anymore.

  “Okay, Chase, Dad has to get to work. Come give me a hug then go put your gear away.” He scurried over to give me a half hug.

  Over his head I watched Beth walk off the porch. “You’re leaving early.” She crossed her arms in front of her.

  “I have an errand to run before I get to work.” I hoped she didn’t ask what, because I didn’t really have one.

  “Are you ever going to talk to me again, Mitch?”

  I shook my head, not believing she was going to bring this up again. “Beth, we’re talking right now.” I walked past her towards the house to get my things.

  “That’s not what I meant. Don’t walk away from me.” She followed; I turned when I reached the porch.

  “Beth, I’m not getting into it with you right now. I have to go, and this conversation is not something we need to have minutes before I walk out the door.”

  “When, then?” she put her hands on her hips. Why did women do that?

  “I don’t know, Beth, but not right now.” I walked away from her to get my keys and gun.

  I managed to get out of the house without another verbal battle. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about what had happened between us. I just wanted it to go away.

  Heading into work, I stopped at the Wawa to grab a cup of coffee. In my rush to get out the door, I had forgotten about the pot Beth had brewed. I parked next to a brand new black Camaro, the windows so heavily tinted that you could not see inside. Nice, I thought as I climbed out of my truck. What I wouldn’t do for a ride like that.

  “You like it?” a female voice broke into my thoughts and my neck whipped to the front of my vehicle where Corey stood.

  “Is this yours?” I pointed at the Camaro to stress the point.

  She smiled, “Yep, sure is.” She stepped closer, a twenty-four-ounce coffee in her hands. The smell of it mingled with citrus, and I wondered if that was her scent.

  “Nice. How long have you had it?” I examined the car as I heard the doors unlock.

  “Couple of months, I guess. You ever seen the inside of one?” She reached for the door handle, pulling it open. I shook my head and leaned down to peer in.

  “Wow, that’s awesome.” A smile spread over my face as I turned to her. Her dark Oakley shades blocked the color of her eyes from me. I wanted to take her sunglasses off.

  “Have a seat; I’ll start it up for you.” I didn’t hesitate while she walked to the driver’s side and climbed in. I watched her close her door and put the key in the ignition after she set her coffee cup into the holder. The passenger seat was soft, plush leather. I leaned back, finding it reclined further than expected.

  The vibration of the motor tore through me with almost as much force as the smile on her face when she turned. Her face was less than a foot from mine, our arms inches away on the center console. The memory of the dream came back to mind, reminding me of how much I had wanted to taste her lips.

  A sweet citrus sent wafted gently over me. Yeah, that was her scent, how perfect for her.

  “Like it?” She slid her glasses onto the top of her head.

  Liked it? Hell, no, I loved it; right along with the intricate color of her irises and her sexy face.

  “Yeah, I like it.” My voice was husky. I knew she noticed, when she peeked at my mouth, and the tip of her tongue flicked out to wet the soft skin that surrounded hers.

  I needed to get out of this car—and fast.

  “I guess you’re on your way into work?” I shifted in the seat to get out.

  “Yep, too busy to make coffee at home, so I stopped to grab one here. What about you?”

  “Yeah, me, too.” We locked stares again, her citrus scent attempting to lure me back into the car. A horn from another vehicle in the lot broke the moment. I climbed out.

  “Sometime, you will have to take me for a ride.” I leaned into the car, resting my left arm on the roof.

  “Sure!” her smile was so bright I needed my own sunglasses to truly enjoy it.

  “I’ll talk to you later, Corey. Be safe tonight.”


  I watched her put her hand on the gearshift and stood up, closing the door. She pulled her sunglasses back into place and waved briefly before she peered over her shoulder to back out.

  I stood at the curb, waiting for her to get out of sight, not able to turn my back on her for one second.

  Why did I feel so drawn to that woman? I walked into the store to grab my coffee, excited to be going to work. The possibility of talking or seeing her again tonight was foremost in my mind.

  ~ Corey ~

  Was it possible to be giddy at the age of thirty-two? The question rattled around in my mind. Giddy? No. That was something teenagers were when they had a crush on someone, not a professional adult, and not about a married man.

  “Damn! Why does he have to be married?” I asked myself as I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Mit
ch still standing on the curb.

  “Married—he’s married, as in a wife and possibly kids. Let it go, Corey.” I reached for the volume knob and cranked up the music, singing out loud to some good classic Eagles.

  My shift started out busy, but by eleven the radio was dead quiet everywhere in this part of the county. Not really surprising for a Tuesday night, but it made for a much longer shift.

  My laptop beeped next to me, and I absently lifted the heavy silver lid of the Motorola computer to see what message had arrived.

  “Busy?” was written on my screen from a city unit. I pulled up the roster, seeing that the call number was assigned to Mitch tonight.

  “Bored,” I typed back.

  “Coffee?” My laughter echoed in my car, a man of few words.

  “Sure. You buying?”

  “Yep,” came a few seconds later.

  “16 oz French vanilla creamer,” I typed back.

  “K, where do you want to meet?”

  I thought for a second, trying to come up with a good place. “Behind warehouse on Market—that electronics place,” I sent to him and he acknowledged. Butterflies wiggled in my belly as I started heading in that direction. It would take him a few minutes to get the coffee, so I did some neighborhood patrol on the way.

  I drove to the location, turned the headlights off, and climbed out. It was a beautiful night, a calm soft breeze blowing with warm temperatures, perfect for standing outside to have coffee.

  I heard the growl of his engine and the reflection of his headlights on a trash dumpster before I saw his car. The butterflies I had felt earlier took flight. Coffee, this is just coffee, I told myself.

  Mitch smiled as he pulled up, turning off his lights and opening his door before he grabbed our cups. I walked over to take mine from him. Our fingers touched, and the butterflies went wild. I walked back to my car, resting my backside on the front driver’s side above the wheel.

  He did the same on his car, pulling back the lid on his cup to let the heat out; a swirl of steam rose up to his face. I watched it pass his features.


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