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Garda - Welcome to the Realm

Page 27

by Stacy Eaton

  Mitch finally opened his eyes and blinked slowly into Corey’s face. The barest of smiles touched his dry cracked lips.

  “Welcome back, Mitch.”

  I checked on Beth, she was sitting very still. Beth, I called out softly to her and her eyes sprang open.

  She saw Mitch’s eyes open. Corey moved back as Beth took position next to his bed.

  “Oh my God, thank you! Thank you! Mitch, honey, can you hear me?” She touched his face gently, and I glanced at Corey to see tears running down her cheeks. Beth was wiping the tears from her own face as quickly as she could, but more kept appearing.

  Mitch moved his head slightly to acknowledge her.

  “Oh, Mitch, I thought I’d lost you. Don’t you ever do that again. Promise me you won’t ever do that again! I need you too much.”

  Mitch turned his head slightly to Corey, she winked at him. He turned his face to me, and we watched each other for a moment. A tear rolled down towards his ear. My vision immediately blurred with moisture.

  His head tipped ever so slightly, and I reached out to touch his leg, gently squeezing above his knee. He closed his eyes as another salty drop slipped out.

  Beth had turned away and was calling for the nurse, missing the silent exchange.

  As the door burst open and multiple people entered the room to check on Mitch, Corey turned to me, “Let’s go home, I’m exhausted.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and used my other hand to wipe the tears off her face. “Yeah, let’s go home.”

  With one last look at Mitch, we phased back to the Realm.

  ~ Corey ~

  This had to have been one of the most emotional and exhausting days I had ever had, alive or dead. When Brock and I returned, we both fell into each other’s arms and were sound asleep in moments.

  When we woke, we were summoned to the Maker. He was happy with our abilities to bring Mitch back and for healing him. He told us that while we had the ability, we weren’t to use it lightly.

  The only reason he had allowed us to use the power was because, first, he wanted us to test our strengths, but also because the accident that put Mitch where he was had ultimately been our fault and not part of his destiny.

  Had Brock been paying more attention to his charge and not consumed in thoughts of me, he would have been able to stop the crash.

  Just as if I hadn’t been so consumed by my desire to be with Mitch, I could have assisted Mitch in averting the danger that came around the corner.

  We both understood that we had erred, and we stood closely together, my back and shoulder against his chest while his hand rested on my hip and we accepted responsibility.

  The Maker had also told us that my decision to help Mitch return had secured my position in the Realm and that of a Gardaí. My faith, belief, and loyalty would never be tested that way again.

  Once we left there, we spent all of our time side by side. My feelings grew for Brock each day, and I knew that I loved him. He was a strong man, a man made of principle. Even though he’d once made mistakes, I knew what kind of man he really was deep inside.

  Brock took me with him to see his charges. We had learned that since it was painful to be apart, we would share the responsibility between us of the people we were to protect.

  Some were to be protected to come join us, while others were watched over and guided so that they would eventually enter heaven.

  Mitch was still my responsibility, well, our responsibility, actually. We stopped in to watch his progress and laughed when he smiled at the doctors that kept repeating what a miracle his survival was and how well he was recovering.

  Beth seldom left his side and usually only because he forced her to go spend time with Chase and get some rest. He was released from the hospital a week after he woke up with a medical report stating he should fully recover.

  Many times when Mitch was alone, he would talk to me, and once in a while say something meant for Brock. We didn’t answer him, but he still knew we were there.

  Brock had moved into my quarters permanently right after we returned. Being together was just easier. I would now see the door knocker on the outside of our front door and smile. My yin and yang were finally back in tune with each other.

  A month after Mitch was released from the hospital, Brock and I were watching a movie, snuggled on the couch in our home. I felt the stirrings from below and listened carefully.

  “Do you feel it, too?” Brock said quietly in my ear as my head rested back on his shoulder. I nodded.

  “Should we go? It’s been a little while since he called out to us.”

  I tipped my head up so I could see his face, “I’d like that.”

  “Yeah, me, too.” He tweaked my nose, and I sat up. We listened for the call and followed it. Brock and I were a little surprised when we landed at my gravesite.

  Mitch stood balancing himself on crutches while Beth stood to his side, extremely nervous. Her hands gripped a bouquet of my favorite lilies.

  “Corey, are you there?” he spoke towards the sky, and Brock and I smiled at each other. “Corey? Brock? Can you guys hear me? I need to talk to you, please.”

  Hello, Mitch. His shoulders relaxed slightly as he heard my internal response.

  “You’re there. Can you come forward, I’d like to talk to you in person, please?” he twisted his neck left and right, searching for me.

  Beth’s face seemed to pale more, and her hands strangled the flower bundle.

  I peered over my shoulder at Brock. He shrugged.

  I let go of Brock’s hand and took a step forward, allowing myself to only be seen by Mitch. The smile that lit his face warmed my heart.

  “How are you?” We stood about six feet apart as I spoke.

  “I’m good, no, I’m great now.” He glanced at Beth and I followed. Her forehead was wrinkled as her eyeballs darted around.

  “Mitch, can you see her?” she whispered.

  “You can’t see her, Beth?” She shook her head quickly and took a step closer to him.

  When he turned his attention back to me, he asked, “Corey, can you show yourself to her?”

  “Why?” I was not opposed to it, but I wanted to know why this was important to him.

  “She has something she would like to say to you, please.” I contemplated the two of them for a moment. I sent Brock a reassuring smile over my shoulder when I felt him tense and took another step forward that would bring me to the living arena.

  Beth gasped, and Mitch reached out to grab her arm when she stumbled back. She took a deep swallow and stepped forward to be even with Mitch.

  “Hello, Beth.” The breeze tickled my skin. I forgot how different things were once I stepped into this level.

  “Hello, Corey,” her voice shook as she spoke.

  “There is nothing to fear, I’m not going to hurt you.” I smiled to show her I was sincere.

  “I know that. If you were, you would have done it when Mitch was in the hospital.” She raised her chin up as if she expected me to challenge her words.

  “If it had been his time, then yes, I could have, but he has many more years here, with you and your family.” I saw moisture begin to pool.

  “Thank you. Thank you for not taking him from me.” A tear ran down her pale cheek. I stepped closer to her and saw her shoulders stiffen.

  “Relax, Beth, I promise I’m not going to hurt you.” I stood in front of her, searching into her frightened face. She was a strong woman, and some residual guilt reared its head in me for what I had done to their relationship. “I’m very sorry for the pain that I caused you.”

  She glanced away from my face and swallowed shakily, “Thank you, but you don’t need to apologize. If it wasn’t for what Mitch shared and lost with you, I might not have ever gotten him back.”

  I slid a quick peek at Mitch. He hung his head for a moment and then looked back up at me solemnly.

  “You have an incredible husband, Beth, and I know that you two will get through everythin
g and have a wonderful, happy life together.” I reached out and touched her arm. What I felt coming from her startled me so much that I jerked my hand back and glanced at Mitch.

  Mitch was confused at my reaction, “What’s wrong?”

  I moved to stand in front of him, “Mitch, I know you might not want to see Brock, but I need him to come forward for a minute.”

  Beth sucked in a breath and put her hand to her mouth.

  Mitch turned to her, “Beth, it’s alright.” He turned back to me, “That’s fine. I’d like to speak with him myself.”

  Beth was shaking her head back and forth slowly, and Mitch turned back to her, “Beth, I’ve already told you that I forgive you, and now I have to tell him I forgive him.”

  Tear after tear rolled down her pale cheeks, but she nodded slowly.

  “Do you really forgive me, Mitch?” While we had watched Beth, Brock had stepped over. Beth hitched in a tight breath and pushed her hand tighter to her mouth.

  Brock stepped beside me, instinctively resting his hand on my back. Mitch noticed the gesture, straightened his shoulders, and refrained from making a comment.

  “Yes, I do. When I got back home, I had Beth go up in the attic and pull down that box of stuff that I got from your house. If I had taken the time before instead of getting angry at the letters I saw, I would have seen the medical records you had stored in there.” He eyed Brock carefully. “I assume you left them there so I would know the truth.”

  “Yes, that is exactly why I left them there.” I felt the tension in Brock’s body rise just before he spoke again, “I owe both of you an apology, especially you, Beth. I should have never allowed that to happen that night.”

  Beth’s hand slowly lowered from her mouth as she bounced between the two men’s faces.

  Mitch glanced at Beth, the side of his mouth tipping up, “Let’s just call it even and move forward.”

  Beth nodded and faced me, “I think you told Mitch that Chase was a gift from God, well I believe he really is. Because of the accident, Mitch may never be able to have kids of his own.”

  Sorrow pierced my heart to know that I might have caused that, but at the same time I knew I could do something.

  Brock spoke up from beside me, “Chase is your child, Mitch. He might have been fathered by me, but we share the same blood, and there is no one else in this world that I would want to raise him.”

  Mitch blinked his rapidly. “Thank you, Brock,” Mitch whispered.

  “Beth, I need to take your hand for a moment, and I need Brock to take your other one, okay?”

  Beth was immediately alarmed and stepped back from us.

  “Please, don’t worry. We aren’t going to hurt you.” Her alarmed face turned straight to Mitch. He seemed concerned but told her to it would be alright.

  I reached for her hand and grasped it tightly. Brock stepped up beside me. What’s going on, Coralenna?

  Just wait, you’ll see. I said silently to him and reached for his hand, clasping it. Brock put his hand out to Beth and she reached out to take his. I closed my eyes, focusing on what I had felt earlier.

  No way— Brock shivered as he felt what I had earlier.

  “We’re gonna fix that.” I poured my energy into Beth, focusing on the dark mass that grew in her body. Brock sent energy into her, too, and we dissolved the mass completely.

  When I opened my eyes again, Brock was smiling down at Beth. She moved her gaze between the two of us. “What did you do?”

  Beth, shh, it’s just me, Corey, I whispered into her mind. When you go back to the doctors, the lump will be gone. You don’t have to worry about that now. Focus on your family because you’re going to have a lot to take care of soon.

  Beth broke down in sobs, and I pulled her into my arms. I saw Mitch share a small smile with Brock as he laid his hand on Mitch’s shoulder. “It’s going be alright now, brother, it’s gonna be alright.”


  ~ Mitchell ~

  I sat in the hospital room, smiling. How much our life had changed over this last year, so much anger, so much love, and so much life.

  Beth told me a week later when she came in crying from visiting her doctor that she had had a large lump in her left breast, but now the cancer was gone. She stood in my arms, and we both cried and thanked God for what He had given us.

  Two months before today, I gave a final deposition in court concerning the incidents in which Joe had tried to implicate me. Shortly before my day in court, Joe had disappeared, and no one knew where he was.

  I knew that I needed to watch my back, he wasn’t like Corey, and I had my suspicions that he played for the southern team, but since the day at the cemetery, I had not seen Corey or Brock to ask.

  “Here, can you take her?” Beth asked from the hospital bed, and I reached over and carefully picked up my daughter, Rebecca Corey. I tickled her soft skin with the tip of my finger while a wail came from Beth’s arms.

  “Guess Mathew Brock is hungry again, huh?” I chuckled as she tried to adjust him to her breast.

  “I’m sure he is, he already eats more than Chase, and he’s only a day old.”

  I watched her feed our son and thought about how lucky I had been. That night that I had come home angry and upset, and Beth and I had made love on the kitchen floor had been the night these two had been conceived.

  “Do you think they know?” Beth interrupted my thoughts.

  I studied my little newborn daughter and then glanced at my son, wondering the same thing.

  They’re beautiful, Mitch.

  Tears pooled in my eyes as I looked up to see Corey and Brock standing in the corner of the room, both radiant and smiling.

  “Yeah,” I forced myself to hold it together, “yeah, they know.”

  Beth scanned the room and then turned her attention back to me, “Good.”

  If Corey had not stopped me that night in the parking lot, and I had not gone home to Beth and made love to her, these two incredible gifts would not be here. Only a short time later when my accident occurred, my ability to have children disappeared.

  What I had done earlier that night was wrong, but Corey stopping me, well that was just destiny—just pure and simple destiny—and that is what I would always believe.

  ~ Corey ~

  “You do know that you changed the course of their lives, right.” Brock nuzzled my ear as we stood in the room and watched Beth and Mitch cuddle and feed their children.

  “I didn’t change their destiny. I saw her future when I touched her. She would have beaten the cancer, but it would have been a long and dangerous road while she carried those two.”

  “I think it’s pretty cool that they named them after us.”

  I twisted my neck so I could look up at his face. He stood directly behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Let’s go home, Brock. It’s time to leave these two to their lives for a while. They won’t need us until those two get bigger.”

  “Alright,” he gave me a quick kiss and smiled down at me.

  “How about we play hide and seek?” I grinned mischievously.

  His eyebrow rose quizzically over his left eye, “Okay, if that’s what you want. You go first.”

  I phased from his arms and waited for him to follow. When he arrived in our bedroom, I was leaning back on the pillows of our bed. “It sure is a shame that we don’t land in the same place.”

  Brock burst out laughing, remembering the time something similar had been said. With two steps, he dove onto the bed and into my arms, right where I wanted him to be.


  About the Author

  Stacy Eaton is a police officer by profession. Currently, she is working as the department investigator and enjoys digging into cases and putting the pieces of the puzzles together.

  Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania and is the wife to a police officer and the mother of two. She is very proud of her son who is currently serving in the United States
Navy and equally proud of her nine year old daughter who works hard in her Tae Kwon Do studies.

  When Stacy is not working her demanding job, or spending time with her family, she works on her business and volunteers with the World Literary Café. When there is time, she writes.

  Stacy is currently working on book 3 of the International Best Selling "My Blood Runs Blue" Series (release anticipated late Summer 2013). She also has plans to add a second book to her newest series, Garda, along with publishing a contemporary romance later this year.

  Be sure to visit for updates and more information on her books.

  Other books by Stacy Eaton

  My Blood Runs Blue

  Book 1 in the My Blood Runs Blue Series

  “I’m still a cop, and my blood runs blue.”

  Officer Kristin Greene has always felt that something was missing from her life. Even though her job with the Fawn Hollow Township Police Department keeps her busy, she continues to feel as if there is something else out there she is meant to be doing.

  Kristin finds herself investigating a homicide where a young woman has had her throat ripped brutally out. As she begins to dig for the answers, she finds herself thrown into a world she never knew existed.

  When Julian and Alexander crash into her life, she finds herself being pulled into a love triangle that has been going on longer than she has been alive. Kristin in determine to figure out who they are and why they keep calling her Calista.

  Join Kristin as she fights to learn the truth about the recent murder, the two seductive men who have entered into her life and the real truth about herself in a suspenseful tale that weaves paranormal into to the realistic world of law enforcement.

  Blue Blood for Life

  Book 2 in the My Blood Runs Blue Series

  “You belong to me… for life…”

  One month after My Blood Runs Blue ends, Kristin returns to the Fawn Hollow Township Police Department with a vengeance. Her new status in life has her solving crimes faster than she ever could before. When Alex goes missing, she must reveal her secrets to her friends and hope that they will accept her.


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