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Kahnu (The Guardians of Tomorrow Book 1)

Page 25

by Yves LF Giraud

  Inside the giant cave, the towers also beckoned to be explored, but so far, none had been accessible. The tall arched doors at their base were still impenetrable by the colonists’ lights. They had even tried using a couple of colored filters to attempt to recreate the purple light from the ship, but that had not helped either. No matter what they did, all they could see past the doorway was absolute darkness. François had dared step a few meters inside before discovering the arch had disappeared behind him as soon as he had turned around. The intense drop in temperature that had followed had been the lowest his suit had ever registered since their arrival on Mars. Staying any longer could have spelled certain death quickly. Luckily, Dedrick had had the good idea of suggesting they attach a cable to his suit, to pull him back out in case of an emergency. Without it, it was doubtful he would have ever found his way back.

  A thorough investigation of the “machine” had suggested that the alien contraption had probably been a generator of sorts, maybe a power source for the towers, or as Ladli had theorized, an atmospheric generator, a machine that could have turned the cave into a pressurized and breathable environment. Quite a wild hypothesis, Dedrick had thought, even if an interesting one. Whatever the case, most of it had been severely damaged by a substantial cave-in. There were also several more spheres lying about. Some were almost completely buried under high piles of rubble. Others looked as if they had just been left there that morning. But the largest damage the area had sustained was at the mouth of the cave’s entrance. Large boulders, some the size of houses, were permanently obstructing the main passage. If, as François had suggested, the white structure was in fact a ship, the cavern’s collapse would explain why the vessel was trapped. And as for the ship itself, it was by far the most interesting structure in the whole place. Soon after their mapping of the cavern, they had eventually turned their attention back on the “big cloud” and begun a new probing. The fog just below the corridor’s ceiling had dissipated after a few days and revealed a see-through roof. Even though no one could have known from the outside, especially due to all the dust and dirt on the structure, the explorers could now clearly see the roof of the cave from inside the ship, as if the ship was wide open above them. Even the dirt and small rubbles on the surface weren’t there. They had also tried multiple times to figure out a way to take different corridors, wishing to explore other parts of the structure, but nothing they did had any effect on changing their predetermined path. They always ended up back in the same room, with its twenty-six pods.

  Dedrick and François had surveyed the large space and its containers from top to bottom. François had even run around the circumference several times, hoping for another corridor to open, without any success. Both Dedrick and he had stood countless times on the circular platform, searching in vain for a recess or definable feature, around the large sphere.

  “We’re never gonna find out what’s in these pods, are we?” asked Ladli with obvious disappointment, looking at Dedrick.

  “In all honesty, I still don’t know if we should risk it. If there are beings in there, I have a feeling they have been in here for quite some time, maybe for a very good reason.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “This place. You’ve seen the far back of the cave. It looks like the whole cavern has been sealed by a large collapse above the original entrance. This ship, or whatever you want to call it, had to have come through that passage, there’s no other way in large enough. That collapse didn’t happen yesterday, but I keep thinking it was deliberate. Someone wanted this place sealed.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “In all honesty, I don’t know what to believe anymore,” he paused. “I had another dream, last night.”

  François looked at him.


  “It started out the same way, with the fireplace, Rita, and the toolshed in the backyard, but…”

  “Still can’t get past that second gate? I think that’s the strangest part, considering we’ve been inside the ship several times now, and we know what’s behind that door…”

  “Actually, it was different, this time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This time, the alien brought me and Rita inside the room, and we ended up right here, in front of this very pod,” he replied pointing at one of the white containers. “Then, he disappeared, and when I leaned over the pod, I… I could see through it. I could see him, lying inside it, sleeping…”

  “Oh, good. So, you finally got further. And then what?”

  “Then Rita turned into Chasma, somehow. She was smiling at me… I watched her approach the pod and put her hand on the glass. I tried to stop her, but I couldn’t move… and then… the sphere rose to the ceiling, spinning. I don’t remember how the pod got there, but it was floating underneath the sphere and…then…there were all these bright colors, and…” he paused, trying to remember. “I think the container just disappeared after that, and the alien was standing in its place, looking at me...blinking.”

  “Blinking?!” repeated Ladli, perplex.

  “OK. So, don’t you see? Ever since the discovery of that gate, I’ve been thinking your dreams have something to do with this whole thing. I’m not sure why or how, but there seems to be a strong connection between you, Chasma, and this place,” said François. “I think the same voice that guided her to the cave is asking you to bring her back.”

  Dedrick looked at François.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Listen, there're only two options. Either we leave them where we found them and forget about the whole thing, or we get Chasma to open those darn things and hope for the best. Personally, I have to know.”

  François gave a deep probing look at the container in front of him and added, “I wish there was another way... But I think we both know we need to bring Chasma back. Something tells me that’s how it’s supposed to happen. I don’t know why, but she seems to have been…chosen. She says she can hear the alien, right? I know you didn’t want to take that seriously, but at this point, I think we should accept the fact that she is more receptive to this place than us. I’m not sure why…Maybe because she was born on Mars…Or maybe because she is young…who knows? Either way, I have a strong feeling she’s the key.”

  “I know. To be honest, I’ve been thinking the same thing for days now. I just don’t like the idea.”

  “I don’t know, guys. She’s only five, after all. I seriously doubt Vera is gonna be OK with this. To be honest, I can’t blame her. We really don’t know how dangerous any of this might be. What if what’s in those pods is toxic to us?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.”


  The three had discussed the idea the entire way back to the station, and the prospect of awakening the aliens had been argued back and forth by the entire group the following day. Vera had again been totally opposed to the idea. Even after Dedrick had told her of his dream, and that he believed only Chasma could awaken the alien. Vera simply refused to let her go. And when her little girl had assured her she knew she would be safe, because the alien named Jorh had told her so, Vera had felt even more opposed to the idea. The voice Chasma was claiming to hear was beginning to frighten her again. Again, Dedrick, and especially François, had worked diligently at convincing the worried mother to let the child come. Her daughter’s presence had played a major role in the new discovery. She was the one who had led them to the cave, and it was her who had opened the ship. If Dedrick’s dream was more than just a dream, Chasma’s presence was essential. How could they ignore the plea for help from another being? They had to open that pod. Their relentless pleading had finally paid off. Vera had eventually capitulated a few days later. Not that the argument alone could have made her change her mind of course, but something in her daughter’s voice had. She couldn’t quite explain it, but the calm and confidence in Chasma’s begging had given her the feeling the young girl would be perfectly safe. There
was also the fact that deep down, she was still curious as well.

  “Alright, fine. But at the first sign of trouble, we’re out of there, right? Promise me, Dedrick!”

  “Absolutely, I promise! I have no intention of putting any of us in harm’s way. I assure you, love. We’ll be ultra-cautious.”

  They briefly talked about who would stay at the base, and Liu and Tendai had immediately volunteered. If Chasma truly managed to open one of the alien pods, neither one was in a hurry to meet whoever was inside. And so, it was agreed. The rest of the colonist would leave early the next morning.


  That night, the stars above the small Martian station were particularly bright. François, lying in bed, was staring out the porthole window of his bedroom, when Sabrina appeared.

  “What do you think?” she said with a devilish smile.

  She was standing in the makeshift doorway of their small bathroom area, wearing a black-lace, two-piece lingerie that left François speechless. He could only smile as his gaze took its time going up and down her sensual curves. She slowly approached their bed in an erotic fashion, licking her parted lips with her tongue and, untying her ponytail, let her long dark hair fall back, partially covering one side of her face. François felt his member get harder under the sheet. She crawled over the bed’s edge, pulled the sheets back, and slowly ran her hand up his leg. He felt the sensual energy rush to his erected penis as her hand moved closer. Pulling his briefs down, she grabbed the hard, warm erection. Slowly running her tongue along her lips, she looked at him, her big dark eyes smiling mischievously. Then, as he watched her lean down, aching in anticipation, she finally took his shaft in her mouth, and slowly began the pleasuring motion. He moaned while running his hand through her hair and watched her beautifully arched body move slowly and sensually between his legs. Her large breasts rubbing against his thighs, she kept swallowing his hard member, occasionally running her tongue on its entire length, while pleasuring herself with one of her hands. When she was ready, she slowly kissed her way up his torso, until she reached his mouth. Climbing on top of him, she finally mounted his hard-erected shaft, and brought his hand to one of her breasts. Moaning and breathing heavily, she began moving back and forth on him. Their burning bodies entwined, the two abandoned themselves to the pleasures of their love making, until they both reached climax a few minutes later, almost in unison. She fell back on him, both of them drenched in sweat.

  Exhausted, she let her gaze float freely across the tiny room. Through the small round window, she could see the night sky. Thousands of stars shining, glistening through the thin Martian atmosphere, were gazing back at her from the infinite silence of space. In the bottom right corner of her view, Sabrina could just see the top of the nearest cliff, barely visible in the night, if not for the slight contrast its dark shape created against the starry background. She thought again of the alien cave, and the unknowns awaiting them. There was no way to tell what tomorrow would bring, but for the moment, she felt totally content.


  It was another beautiful morning on Mars. Tendai had tried to convince Ladli to stay behind with him and Liu, but in the end, human curiosity had prevailed, and she had joined the rest of the team. They had just left the outpost and were heading for the alien site. Kicking sand and rocks behind them, the two rovers raced across the deserted landscape with their six passengers, and soon arrived at sector 42-23. After parking by the south wall near the cliff’s edge, the colonists left the vehicles and began making their slow descent down to the alien cave.

  Twenty minutes later, the team emerged into the giant cavern. The “big cloud” was still there waiting, lying on its grand platform, just as imposing as the first time they had seen it.

  It looked even wider than Sabrina remembered.

  “Does this thing look bigger to you, or is it just me?”

  “I don’t know…maybe,” vaguely answered Vera without looking, paying attention to her daughter’s progress down the slope.

  “I agree, I think it looks bigger, and they do say size matters,” volunteered François with a mischievous look.

  She shook her head at him.

  Dedrick was about to say something when Ladli interrupted.

  “Come on, you two… Let’s go see who’s inside that thing…shall we?” she waved at them to follow her, as she made her way to the white vessel. The six explorers were soon gathered in front of the entrance. The purple haze was glowing inside.

  “OK, Chasma. You’re sure you’re up for this? It’s OK if you wanna change your mind. You don’t have to go inside if you don’t want to.”

  “I know, Daddy. I want to.”

  Dedrick had the strange feeling she was going to be perfectly comfortable and unafraid, no matter what they would find if they managed to open those containers, and he couldn’t explain why. Something was telling him it was all going to be alright.

  “Well, shall we?” said François as he proceeded into the opening. As the purple fumes dissipated in front of him, his body began to rise and floated away into the Big Cloud, quickly followed by Sabrina and Ladli. Vera looked one last time at Chasma, who nodded positively in her helmet, before the two stepped in, Dedrick in tow. Looking at Vera and his daughter hovering hand in hand in front of him, Dedrick was once again lost in thoughts. What surprised him the most was the ease with which his little girl seemed to move about the alien structure. Holding her mother’s hand as the two floated slowly through the purple lit corridors, it almost seemed she was the one pulling Vera along with her.

  Ever since that faithful day, when the group had decided to bring the young girl along on their visit to the Gate, Chasma had been surprisingly unafraid, and appeared completely comfortable around the alien environment. Her ability to “hear” the guiding voice that had brought them to the ultimate discovery was still puzzling to him but was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. It seemed obvious something, or someone, was guiding the girl. She was the one who had awakened the alien structure and opened the invisible door, and she had shown no hesitation entering the unfamiliar structure. She seemed to completely trust the voice she was hearing.

  “Let’s hope she is right,” he thought.

  A few minutes later, they were all standing in the large room. Vera was keeping her distance from the pods, while Chasma was pulling on her hand, trying to get closer.

  “Come on, Mommy. I want to say hi to the sleepy people.”

  “Wait, Chasma. I don’t want you to get too close yet. Daddy is going to check a few things first.”

  Dedrick wasn’t checking much. He was standing still near one of the pods, suddenly questioning everything again.

  “Well?” asked François. “What are we waiting for?”

  Dedrick turned to look at Vera and his daughter. He took a step back, turning to François.

  “I’m not so sure this is such a good idea. What if we open those pods, and the creatures inside attack us? Then what? Or what if by doing so, we kill them?”

  “Come on. Didn’t we just go through all this already? You’re not gonna change your mind now, are you? Plus, I doubt seriously whoever is inside wants to hurt us. And if it’s not safe for them, why would they try to talk Chasma into it? They’re inside their own ship, with a breathable atmosphere which I’m guessing is meant for them, not for us. We’re just lucky to breathe the same air they do. I’m quite confident this whole place is safe for them as well. Either way, we’ve been looking at these pods for over two weeks now, and we’ve tried everything else we could think of. I don’t think we have much of a choice. It’s either that, or we will never know who these people are, and what they are doing here,” replied François.

  “I have to say, I’m a bit concerned too, François. We really don’t know anything about this place. I mean, I’m just as curious as you are, but then again, maybe these beings are in these pods for a reason. Maybe they are not supposed to be freed. What if they are criminals from another world, or someth
ing worse?” offered Sabrina.

  “Criminals? Seriously? What is up with you two? I thought we had all agreed about this already.” He paused and looked at Ladli for support. She shrugged her shoulders. He went on.

  “Look, I agree, there is an element of risk. But I don’t think it’s any different from all the other ones we took to come here from Earth, or the risks we take every day by living on this harsh planet. I don’t want anything to happen to Chasma anymore than you do. I love you very much, baby, I hope you know that,” he added looking at Vera’s daughter, “But here we are, in this Martian cave, inside an alien spaceship, and deep down, I feel we’re supposed to do this. I’m not sure I can explain it, but I truly believe there are beings trapped in these containers, who managed to guide us here to help them, and I think we should.”

  “We have to help the sleepy people, Mommy.”

  They all turned their attention back on Chasma. Vera kneeled next to her daughter. “You’re sure this is what you want, Chasma?”

  “Yes, Mommy,” she replied with a big smile.

  “So, tell me, do you know how to wake up the sleeping people?”

  “Yes, Mommy, Jorh told me.”

  “OK then, love. Show Mommy.”

  The young girl removed her right glove and walked past several containers before stopping in front of one. They all watched her raise her arm and put her bare hand on the glossy surface. Like ripples through water, several multicolored circles started forming where her hand had made contact. She took a quick step back. Within seconds, the outer shell of the pod had become translucent, revealing the giant being inside. He or she was at least twice the size of an average man. Blue skinned and baring disproportionately massive legs, the alien was bathing in a hazy purple gas, churning slowly inside the pod.


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