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Our Time: Paranormal Fantasy Clean Romance (The Chronicles of Kerrigan Sequel Series Book 5)

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by W. J. May

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Sequel

  Our Time

  Book 5

  By W.J. May

  Copyright 2017 by W.J. May

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2017 by W.J. May

  Cover design by: Book Cover by Design

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Have You Read the C.o.K Prequel Series?

  A Sub-Series of the Chronicles of Kerrigan.

  A prequel on how Simon Kerrigan met Beth!!

  Download for FREE:


  Christmas Before the Magic


  Question the Darkness


  Into the Darkness


  Fight the Darkness


  Alone the Darkness


  Lost the Darkness


  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  Book I - Rae of Hope is FREE!


  Book Trailer:

  Book II - Dark Nebula


  Book Trailer:

  Book III - House of Cards


  Book IV - Royal Tea


  Book V - Under Fire


  Book VI - End in Sight


  Book VII – Hidden Darkness


  Book VIII – Twisted Together


  Book IX – Mark of Fate


  Book X – Strength & Power


  Book XI – Last One Standing


  Book XII – Rae of Light


  The Chronicles of Kerrigan SEQUEL

  Matter of Time


  Time Piece


  Second Chance


  Glitch in Time


  Our Time


  Precious Time


  Find W.J. May




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  OUR TIME - Blurb:

  If Rae Kerrigan thought that planning one wedding was hard, imagine trying to plan two. Especially when one of them happens to be for the future King and Queen of England.

  After being completely erased from the minds of everyone she ever knew, Rae Kerrigan gets her life back only to find it’s suddenly on the fast-track. A track towards marriage, leadership, and a whole lot of other responsibilities she never knew she had.

  With trouble brewing between the Knights and Council, an invitation to the royal wedding, and her father’s probation tenuous at best—Rae finds herself pulled in so many directions it’s hard to keep sight of the fact that a revenge-thirsty murderer is still after her head.

  Can Rae heal the division in the tatù world? When will Samantha strike again? More importantly...will Rae ever finally get that normal life she's been fighting for?


  Have You Read the C.o.K Prequel Series?

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan SEQUEL

  Find W.J. May

  OUR TIME - Blurb:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  More books by W.J. May


  ‘Our legacy is how we spend our time, and who we spend it with.’

  Jim Stengel

  Chapter 1

  ‘Our legacy is how we spend our time, and who we spend it with.’

  Jim Stengel

  Devon and Rae weren’t going to waste another second.

  They came together as passionately as they could. Considering that one of them was sporting a broken leg. Considering that the other had stains of blood smeared guiltily across his knuckles.

  “Rae,” Devon panted between kisses, literally lifting her off the ground in a desperate effort to be close, “did you hear what I said? Now. I want to marry you now.”

  Rae’s lips curved up in a grin as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be kissed, and cuddled, and fussed over to her heart’s content. Everything she’d been missing in the last few days. Few days? It felt like forever. “Yeah—I heard you.”

  His eyes swept over her fair skin, cataloguing every bruise. Every scrape. Every miniscule hurt that had co
me from his own hand. He kissed each one of them in turn.

  She watched his every move. It was so good to be back.

  “Everything,” he breathed, “I want the whole thing. The cake, the dancing, the flowers, the white dress—I want it all. A proper wedding. And I don’t want to wait another second. I can’t,” he pulled back suddenly, gazing deeply into her eyes, “I can’t wait another second to be married to you.”

  Rae grabbed his face and pulled the two of them back together. There were so many emotions rushing through her body that she was completely overcome. Whether it was a flood of excitement at his words, a fierce hatred of Samantha for driving them to this point, or simply the utter relief that he wasn’t trying to kill her any more—they overpowered her completely. Manifesting themselves into a stream of silent, smiling, exhausted tears. “So that’s a no to Kraigan getting ordained as a minister, then?”

  Devon pulled back again, his face tightening with a sudden frown. “Why aren’t you taking this seriously? Do you not believe me?” His every word was edged with that same kind of frantic energy as before. The kind of panicked desperation that had started the second he broke free of Samantha’s spell. “I want do to this now, Rae. A proper—”

  “A proper wedding. Yeah, you said that.” She pulled herself up with a wince. “Except that we’re not going to have a proper wedding if we do it right now.”

  He opened his mouth to argue but she shook her head with an indulgent smile, stroking the side of his face with fond affection.

  “Dev, we don’t have flowers. We don’t have a cake. And I don’t have a white dress.” Her eyes twinkled as his lips turned up in a petulant scowl. “Besides, if you had your heart set on dancing, please let me remind you that your fiancée has a broken leg.”

  His face softened immediately as he glanced at the giant tear running up the side of her jeans. A horrific discoloration was staining her ivory skin, snaking up the side of her thigh.

  “Your parents don’t know,” she continued softly. “My mother doesn’t know. Julian wouldn’t be there. And you want to try explaining to Molly why she didn’t get to come?”

  An automatic shiver ran through his shoulders, and he bowed his head in defeat. She caught it quickly, stroking her thumb across his bottom lip as she lifted his chin.

  “Hey.” Her eyes warmed with a beaming smile. “I want to marry you. More than anything. Right now. Yesterday. You name it, I’m yours.”

  He nodded swiftly and tried again to look away.

  She didn’t let him. “Devon…” She waited until he finally met her eyes of his own accord. “…I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”

  A shaking breath tore its way out of him. Taking all the fear, and stress, and unspeakable guilt and anger with it. All those same calamitous feelings that had shaken them both to the core vanished the instant the two of them locked eyes. “Do you promise?”

  Rae’s heart swelled and melted all at the same time. He sounded almost like a child. Both uncertain and trusting all at the same time. “I do.”

  Then all at once, the tables turned. He was her protector once more. Her lover, her friend, her partner in crime. That unflinching pillar of strength she fell in love with all those years ago.

  His eyes cleared and he returned her smile. A second later, he wiped the blood off his hands. “Are you able to walk at all?”

  Now that was an interesting question. One asked not to force the condition upon her, but merely to gauge the level of damage in a charmingly unobtrusive way. Leaning heavily upon his offered hands, she tentatively got to her feet and tried to place any weight at all on the battered bone.

  “Noooo.” She pulled back at once, her face paling with pain. “No. I’m not.”

  His face tightened with concern, then cleared again with a steady calm. “I’ll just have to carry you then. If you don’t mind.”

  As if I would mind.

  They shared a secret smile before she leaned lightly into his arms. “If you think you can manage…”

  He leaned down with a sudden kiss. The kind of kiss that literally took her breath away. That made her head spin as her entire body froze up. Waiting for more. Desperately wanting more.

  “I can manage.”

  * * *

  The happily reunited couple might have settled the issue of their impending nuptials for the time being, but that didn’t make the drive back through the city any easier.

  Devon swerved subconsciously towards the parking lot of every church and cathedral that caught his eye. On two separate occasions, Rae had to yell to get his attention before they accidentally sideswiped a passing car. When they drove by London City Hall, he almost made a U-turn right there in the middle of the road.

  “Tell me again why we’re waiting?” He struggled to keep the wheel steady, and locked his eyes straight on the center of the road. “I’m having trouble remembering…”

  “We’re waiting because, right now, your fiancée is thinking of ways to cut off her own leg so it stops hurting so badly,” Rae replied through gritted teeth.

  The adrenaline first from the fight and then from her reunion with Devon had worn off, and she was having trouble keeping it together. Both her arms were anchored bracingly against the windows, and she flinched with every tiny pothole they crossed.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Devon murmured. He seemed uncertain whether to step on the gas to get there faster, or slow the car down for a smoother ride. “I already texted Alicia. She’s heading back to the house as we speak.”

  Rae stared out the window and tried to take her mind off things. “Yeah, my bet is she won’t be the only one.”

  One of the first things Devon had said when he came out of his trance was that he remembered. He remembered every single thing that had happened. That Samantha had forced to happen. Every word he’d said. Every hurt he’d caused. All those secret things they’d done together…

  That particular confession had made the both of them blush furiously. In a strange dysfunctional way, Devon felt as though he had virtually cheated on her. With her. In an even stranger way, Rae saw it as a shining victory for girls of the working class. It made her love him all the more. At least, until the pain in her leg distracted her ten minutes into the car ride and she had to focus on not passing out, or throwing up.

  However, Devon’s confession meant a bit more than a victory for her. It meant that every single person waiting back in Kent remembered everything as well.

  It meant Gabriel remembered how he’d used his power on her, staring down with cold, unfeeling eyes as he threatened to end her life. Beth would remember how she hadn’t recognized the tear-stained face of her own daughter. A kind of selective amnesia that had to bring her back to her days of living brainwashed in France. The rest of them would remember how they’d called her crazy and turned her out into the cold.

  It was going to be an interesting reunion, to say the least.

  “Yeah, things kind of…they kind of fell apart without you.” As if on cue, Devon’s phone buzzed furiously in his jacket pocket. It had been doing so non-stop since they got into the car. He pressed it silent, and kept his eyes on the road. “I can’t believe Gabriel and I actually got into a fistfight on the living room floor…”

  That, at least, was a funny enough visual to momentarily distract Rae from her pain. She swiveled her upper body around in her seat with a wide grin, trying to imagine it. “A fistfight?” She couldn’t help but chuckle, imagining the mayhem that must have ensued. A brawl on the living room floor couldn’t have exactly gone over well with Beth. Or Molly, for that matter.

  “All because Gabriel told Angel to break up with Jules.” Devon scowled.

  “What?!” Yet another MASSIVE piece of fallout we’ll have to deal with. She pressed her lips tight, holding back her inner thoughts.

  Devon ran his hand through his hair with a soft sigh. There was still a faint bruise on his face in case he’d forgotten Gabriel packed a mean punch. “That and the way he treated
you. I keep forgetting you overheard that conversation…” He trailed off suddenly, putting two and two together for the first time. “A conversation you overheard when you snuck into a stranger’s house to take a bubble bath!”

  Rae bit her lip. She had been wondering if that would come back to haunt her. “In my defense, you weren’t exactly a stranger—”

  “Two strangers, actually! Since Jules was there as well.” He shot her a chiding look. “Two strangers who you happen to know for a fact spook easily and come armed with superpowers. That’s whose house you decided to break into. And one of them is psychic.”

  “Oh! And you’re one to talk!” Rae exclaimed. There was no way in heck Devon was just innocent in all this. If she went down, he was going down, too. “You came home to find a verified stalker sitting in your bathtub, and what did you do? You not only lied to your best friend, but you invited her to stay the night! In your own bed!”

  He blushed with a grin. “A decision for which you made sure to reprimand me fiercely. Even when you were the one currently benefiting from it. Not exactly a strategic move…”

  She turned up her nose with a sniff. “You know I find it difficult to think strategically when bubble baths are involved.”

  “And on that note…” Devon twisted sideways in his seat, eyes twinkling as they stared expectantly into hers. “You would have sex with a man you didn’t know?”

  She hesitated. “…I did know you.”

  He shot her an accusatory grin. “Fine. You slept with a man who didn’t know you?”

  There was a guilty pause.

  “Ow…my leg hurts…”

  A ridiculous diversion, but it worked. The comedic tension shattered immediately as he broke off laughing, giving her shoulder a sympathetic squeeze despite the transparency of the ploy.

  “Just hang on a little longer, sweetie.” He pressed down on the gas, and the car shot off into the setting sun. “We’re almost home.”


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