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Dragon's Treasure (Dragons Awaken Book 1)

Page 10

by Maya Starling

  “Oh... funny too, especially when you speak before you think. It is amusing to see you surprise yourself and then your face when you silently chide yourself as well,” he chuckled.

  The silence stretched as Kaden waited for Olivia to respond, to blurt something. He stopped and turned around so he could look at her. It was unusual for her to be so quiet. He saw her holding a hand over her mouth in disbelief as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  No one had ever described her like that before. She sounded beautiful.

  Kaden kept his eyes locked on hers. “You know, you make me wish you were a dragon, or better yet, pray I were a human. Our love would have been—”

  “— I know.” Olivia nodded in agreement and rewarded him with one of those dazzling smiles that he came to love.

  They reached the cave as the last rays of the setting sun said goodbye to the day. Olivia ate the fish and Kaden promised he would find the clay for her tomorrow, so she could prepare it like she wanted to. By then, he would have done anything she asked of him.

  Afterward, Kaden pulled the mattress closer to his spot so Olivia could sleep on it, instead of the floor, and still be cuddled up against him.

  “Good night, Kaden.” Olivia nuzzled her face against his silky smooth scales before she settled down for sleep.

  “Good night, Liv.” The dragon brought his wing down and around her, protecting her from the chill of the night and from the rest of the world.

  Excitement still ran through Olivia’s veins. Memories of flying flashed behind her closed eyelids and her heart fluttered each time she remembered Kaden’s confession.

  “I like you too,” she said, “very much. It doesn’t matter to me whether you are dragon or a human. I still want you in my life.”

  “Thank you. I do too.” Kaden sighed. “Now sleep, because tomorrow is a brand new day.”

  Chapter 13



  “Olivia…” Kaden coaxed in a soft and low voice. He had been trying to wake Olivia but was afraid to speak louder in case he scared her.

  “Come on, Olivia. It’s time to wake up.” He nudged her gently before nuzzling at her side with his snout.

  “But I do not want to,” Olivia whined, still tired.

  Kaden’s chuckle rumbled through the cave and the now familiar shiver trailed its warm fingers down Olivia’s spine. Waking up though, she didn’t want to. Being curled up next to her dragon was just too comfortable and cozy, lying on the soft mattress while being snuggled up to and surrounded by everything Kaden.

  His scent. His warmth.

  Protection, safety and love.

  She didn’t want to move anywhere, except maybe closer to her dragon, which she promptly did.

  “Come on, love. It is a beautiful day and I will take you flying again.” The endearment slipped past Kaden’s lips as he cajoled Olivia to get up. Her lips, curling into a smile, brushed against his draconic scales. She obviously approved.

  “Yes, you will. Just like you will give me a bit more time here... with you.” Olivia yawned. She placed her palm against his side and caressed him, cherishing the feel of his scales under her questing hand.

  Kaden closed his eyes, relishing her touch. If he could have purred he would have at that moment. Instead, a rumbling sound came forth from his throat, a sound of enjoyment which had Olivia smiling even wider.

  “My dragon,” she murmured, voice filled with tender affection, before placing a gentle kiss on one of his scales where her face had been pressed.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Olivia asked mischievously, still not opening her eyes as she relished the feel of Kaden’s heartbeat quickening under her ministrations, the blood pulsing and running through his veins.

  “No,” Kaden answered through a rumbling moan. He was utterly mesmerized and completely under her spell.

  Eyes fluttering open, Olivia looked up at her dragon and an impish smile curled her lips.

  “Well, it seems we have a problem then, my dear dragon. You want me to get up and at the same time you do not want me to stop. Which will it be?” She raised her eyebrow.

  Kaden gazed down at her and almost got lost in the sky of her eyes as she continued with her gentle ministrations. The wicked yet innocent smile playing on her lips kept him floating, rather than flying, high.

  “I was wrong, you’re not an imp. You’re a little minx. You’re doing this on purpose.” He tried to give her a disapproving look but his eyes gave him away. They were happy.

  “But we really shou—” He was interrupted by one of his own deep moans when Olivia scratched him gently.

  “Olivia...” was all he could say while she marveled at the new power she had over him. He was big enough to crush her with a single swipe, but here he was, tamed and helpless as she petted him. If he were a man… She shut that thought down swiftly, filled with embarrassment and surprised at the thrill of longing that washed over her. He was not a man. He was a dragon.

  “Hush, Kaden, just enjoy it for a bit,” Olivia said as she pressed her face against the silken scales and continued to scratch him softly. After a few more peaceful moments, Olivia pushed herself away from him.

  “But I don’t want to.” Kaden threw back one of her own excuses, making Olivia laugh.

  “Who is whining now?” She sat up and leaned her back against Kaden while, at the same time, he unwrapped his wing from around her and tucked it back. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, so Kaden just twisted his neck and lowered his big head, settling his snout over her lap.

  Olivia brought her hand down on his head and traced his features. The feel of the scales on his head was so very different to those on the rest of his body. They were much harder, sturdier and a bit rougher.

  She feathered her fingers from the top of his head, between his eyes and over the ridge of his nose to his jaws. She traced his mouth, his protruding fangs to the side of his head and his cheek. There, she spread her fingers wide, gliding them upward gently over his closed eyelid, making a mental map of his draconic features.

  Her fingers stopped their wandering at a scar that cut through his eyebrow and continued above. It was vertical and as long as her hand from the bottom of her palm to the tips of her fingers. She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to it, her lips lingering a moment longer.

  Kaden huffed out a sigh of contentment.

  “Where did you get that scar?” Olivia’s fingers traced the edges of it.

  “It’s still there? That is an old one, probably the only one showing. There is a good story that goes with it.” He opened his eyes and looked into the distance, reminiscing.

  “Those might have been the only people who didn’t fear me or who wanted to kill me, at that time, after everything that happened. I haven’t thought about them in a long while. Almost forgot.”

  His amber, slitted eyes turned to her, but his head was so large that only one had a view of Olivia. “I was travelling at night, flying over a fairly deserted region of land with a few homesteads scattered around when I spotted a fire. One of the homes was ablaze, so I went to see if everyone was alright. A family was out. They were all crying and calling out a name as they held the mother back. It seemed that someone was stuck inside the burning house. Without giving it a thought I just charged in. The house was already falling apart but I managed to hear, above the noise of the crackling fire, a crying and coughing child. When I spotted her, I took her into my hands. Fire doesn’t harm me because it’s a part of me.” He puffed out a cloud of smoke as proof, making Olivia roll her eyes at him.

  “Anyways, as we were on our way out, there was a loud crack and a main beam broke in half. All I managed to do was hide the child beneath me, enveloping her with my wings as I waited for the roof to collapse on top of us. It landed on my head, where the scar is now and we were buried under the debris. I lost consciousness then. I usually heal very fast, but the wound was seared before it had the time to heal, thus the scar.”

hat happened to the little girl?” Olivia said, eyes wide and voice tinged with worry.

  “She survived. They found us among the ashes in the morning. My body protected her from the impact and fire, and I presume the cocoon of my wings saved her from choking. To say they were shocked by what I did would be a great understatement. But once they saw their little girl alive and clinging to me, the fear and shock wore off quickly.”

  “I... I... I really do not know what to say...” Olivia stuttered. “...except that you are greatly underappreciated.”

  Kaden just shrugged it off and Olivia smacked him on the forehead.

  “What was that for?” Kaden frowned at her, confused.

  “Do not do that!” It was Olivia’s turn to frown back at him.

  “Do what?”

  “Do not bring yourself down... do not shrug it off like that. What you did... there are not even many people who would do that.” Her voice rose but settled back down. “That was very heroic of you,” she said with a defiant tilt of her chin, and her stern gaze dared him to say otherwise.

  Kaden loved the fiery side of her, standing firm for what she believed. He didn’t want to contest her, so he simply lowered his head in submission even though he considered himself far from heroic.

  Olivia nodded in approval. Kaden reluctantly lifted his head from her lap so she could get up. They went about their morning routine.

  “So, I’ll go and try to get the clay you wanted, and then I’ll fly you over to a valley where you can pick some thyme. You can make yourself a real feast tonight.” One part of his plan he left out. He needed to find himself a decent meal, without having Olivia witness that side of him - hunting and eating raw meat, because the few fish they caught could never sate his hunger.

  Olivia followed him out of the cave. “Just be careful and return hastily, before I get bored.”

  “Oh yes, who knows what mischief you might be up to this time. Roam the back cave all you want, just don’t go too far away from the cave all together. Promise?” Kaden faced her as he said that.

  Olivia tilted her head back almost all the way, so she could look up at him. “I promise,” she responded sweetly. “I will behave,” she added with a wink.

  Kaden shook his head. “Just... just be safe and I’ll see you in a bit.” He turned and walked away.

  Olivia lingered outside, breathing in the fresh morning air and enjoying the scents of blooming spring. A light breeze courted the branches, and the leaves celebrated the union in a murmuring dance. Olivia’s curls brushed her cheek. She tucked them behind her ears, and with a smile on her face, she returned to the cave. She spent most of her time exploring the back cave and decorating the front one, making it resemble a real room. It made her feel useful and gave the cave a bit more of a homey feel. She managed to keep herself busy that way.

  After Kaden returned with a full belly and the promised clay, he and Olivia went flying for a while and searched for the thyme.

  The experience of flying with Kaden again was just as exhilarating for Olivia as it had been day before. The sense of freedom elated her and extreme happiness filled her being.

  Kaden kept glancing back at Olivia. He just couldn’t help himself; seeing her happy like that made their situation feel less... ominous. Also, he couldn’t shake the feeling of foreboding which had stuck with him from the day when he had gotten food for Olivia the first time, when he had intruded on the wedding. It hung around him like a haunting ghost, never visible but always there. He had been ignoring the feeling and enjoying the emotions his little human had awoken in him, but now, the ill-omened vibe was stronger. He was hoping it would go away and that nothing bad would happen to Olivia. As long as she was safe and happy, safe above all else, he could deal with anything.

  They spent a good part of the day at the valley where Olivia picked some thyme. They talked more, never seeming to run out of topics to discuss. They also had a few playful moments, where Olivia chased Kaden around, trying to reach his ticklish spot. She found it hilarious to listen to a dragon’s squealing laughter. The day was innocent and full of memorable moments: laugher, joy, cuddling and caressing. Kaden was getting addicted to her displays of affection, she was obviously a very tactile person. Olivia even managed to take a nap and this time Kaden didn’t have any problems waking her up.

  As they flew back, soaring playfully above the treetops, the same feeling of danger tingled down Kaden’s spine like a crawling swarm of spiders. He glanced over his shoulder at Olivia with every second beat of his wings, making sure she was safe.

  The tension and unease spread from Kaden to Olivia. She sobered, the smile slipping off her face as she leaned forward.

  “Is everything alright?” she said above the sound of whooshing air.

  “It’s just—” Kaden looked back over his shoulder but something that he saw from the corner of his eyes, down below among the trees, drew his attention. A flash of red mingled with the green. He shook his head. “Just another bird,” he said as faced forward again. I think. But he didn’t voice his worries out loud. His tail twitched. Olivia bounced and then squealed in alarm, which soon turned into laughter as she held on tighter.

  The dragon exhaled in relief.

  “Please Kaden, I really need some privacy. What could happen? You will be nearby and if I need you I will call out. I really need to wash, completely. I stink!” Olivia argued, wanting Kaden to leave her alone by the stream so she could bathe herself, all of her.

  “You do not stink! You smell wonderful! And… I don’t know but I have a bad feeling following me around today, Liv,” the dragon said, reluctant to leave Olivia all alone and away from his protection, even though she did speak the truth; if anything happened to her, or even threatened her, he would be there in a heartbeat, trees or no trees in his way.

  Olivia took a step closer, and Kaden lowered his head toward her. She put a hand on his snout, between his nostrils, stroking him gently. “Please? I promise I will not venture anywhere. I will stay right here, go into the stream, wash the dress, let it dry as I wash myself and when I am done I will call for you. Honestly, what is the worst that could happen?” she said, her slightly downturned eyes working to her advantage; she batted her lashes pleadingly.

  Kaden couldn’t resist that look on her face. She wanted this and it would make her really happy, but still the sinister feeling had him doubting. He hoped he wouldn’t regret leaving her alone, even for such a short time. Nevertheless, he knew and understood her needs and reasoning, so he exhaled a sigh of defeat and stepped away from Olivia.

  “Alright, but if anything... I mean anything threatens you or makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it’s a frog giving you weird looks, you call me right away.”

  Olivia jumped and squealed in delight.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be quick, and I promise to behave this time. Even if a mosquito lands on me I will scream for my heroic dragon to come and save me from the blood-sucking monster.”

  Kaden couldn’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. “You can be such a child.”

  “I know! I am still a big child at heart.” Olivia shrugged her shoulders. “But you like me the way I am.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “Yes, I do. I better go now. I’ll be at our clearing, waiting impatiently.”

  “Do not worry. I will miss you, too.” Olivia winked.

  Kaden’s eyes smiled at that. He leaned his head forward again and nuzzled her side gently as Olivia gave him a quick hug. With great reluctance, he forced himself to step away and checked the surroundings for any signs of threat. With a last nod towards Olivia, he turned around and walked away.

  When Olivia thought Kaden was far enough away, she looked around again and strained her hearing for unfamiliar sounds. Hearing none and seeing nothing out of place, she timidly started taking off her clothes. She had never been naked outdoors before. Now, she would not only be naked in the forest, she would also be swimming with no clothes on. Even though nobo
dy was around she felt shy, so she quickly made her way to the stream with her dress in one hand and some leaves and roots, which she was going to use instead of soap, in the other.

  As the water reached her knees, she sucked in a deep breath and held it. Cold, cold, cold, so cold, she chanted as she took slow steps further, deeper. Oh dear God and heavens above this is cold. Her breath sped up, hitching, while goose bumps spread over her body, prickling her skin like a myriad tiny needles as the water reached her waist. Taking another deep breath, she plunged in, letting the water glide over her head. When she came back up for air, she panted rapidly, teeth chattering, swimming around in a way that was more like crawling over the rocks, so she could acclimate to the freezing water faster.

  She washed the dress swiftly and spread it on a rock to dry under the sun. Before going back, she “soaped” herself as best possible, scrubbing the dirt off and washing her hair thoroughly. She plodded back into the deeper end to rinse off and repeated the process twice more; only then did she feel like a proper human again.

  Once out of the chill water, she turned the dress over, letting the other side dry as well. Shyness thrown away, she stood on the bank of the stream, the warm rays of the sun caressing her body dry. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the sunshine, the breeze, the scent of the spring and the now familiar sounds of the forest. An elk called for its mate, and she smiled. She could never get enough of it. This was where her heart belonged.

  Her mind drifting away, she didn’t notice when silence descended upon the forest. Opening her eyes, she picked up the dress and as she pulled it over her head, she heard a deep male voice behind her, “Do not cover that fair body, my Princess. It is a shame to hide it, and keeping it from my view should be outlawed.”

  Chapter 14

  At the birth of dawn, even before the roosters croaked out their morning song, Magnus and his men, including Charlie, were up and preparing for departure.


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